View Full Version : imac's suck so much

2003-10-22, 08:43 AM
im at school and im using a imac, i think im going to be sick

3 research papers due in 1 week, im so screwed

2003-10-22, 09:10 AM
yes you are, and yes imacs do suck :groovy:

2003-10-22, 09:37 AM
yes you are, and yes imacs do suck :groovy:


2003-10-22, 11:56 AM
wow thanks

2003-10-22, 12:02 PM
Ya imacs do suck well macs suck period

2003-10-22, 12:44 PM
no floppy drive... no floppy drive... No Floppy Drive... No Floppy Drive... No Floppy Drive!... No Floppy Drive!... NO FLOPPY DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-10-22, 12:45 PM
I like floppy drives.

2003-10-22, 12:47 PM
liek the older computers, u wann see my 5 inch floppy?

2003-10-22, 12:52 PM
imac's suck so much

:ofn: :ofn2:

2003-10-22, 02:16 PM
Macs are the devil.

2003-10-22, 03:36 PM
ack i just gotta outta school, man im so fucked

3 research projects due on monday, their gonna be so half assed my grades are gonna be wrecked for next semester

2003-10-22, 03:38 PM
satan runs macintosh.

2003-10-22, 04:15 PM
Yes your screwed, satan runs microsoft too, and macs are the devil.

BTW: Eines keepin tabs on what i say......O_O :p

2003-10-22, 05:18 PM
ack i just gotta outta school, man im so fucked

3 research projects due on monday, their gonna be so half assed my grades are gonna be wrecked for next semester
*searches for OWNED pic*
Found one :D

2003-10-22, 06:22 PM
Satan uses Lindows on his Mac. ;)

2003-10-22, 06:24 PM
My school gives us all ib00ks er icraps. Why they couldnt have made the deal with IBM or a quality company i dont know, but we have macs. Now i love the idea of having a laptop cuz i hate writing and it makes taking notes a breeze, but giving us something that breaks ever 5 seconds is not worth the effort. We are forced to depend on these things for projects and such, and when they break all the time we end up getting screwed. Mine broke yesterday (first time this year 3rd time ever) and i lost about 10 pages of notes for a test on friday. Now i dont study that much but its a pain in the arse. n3rf teh im@cz! plzkthxdevzbai

2003-10-22, 06:41 PM
your owned pic sucks find a new one

2003-10-22, 06:42 PM
Many people who actually make money with a computer would call you all crazy for saying macs suck. For games yes but I hear they are much more stable.

2003-10-22, 07:08 PM
heres a couple cool pics :
Thanks to Bill Amend to writing those-found in his comic book: Assorted Foxtrot



2003-10-22, 07:11 PM

2003-10-22, 07:40 PM
man thats funny!

2003-10-22, 07:53 PM
floppy drives own, if you have a a floppy disk

2003-10-22, 08:50 PM
Wait! i don't have a floppy drive on this comp

2003-10-22, 08:54 PM
i liked those cartoon strips too :)

2003-10-22, 09:00 PM
hehe most emails can send files that carry about as much as a floppy disc can hehe

just spend the weekend working, I mean don't consider your weekend a weekend consisder it a long ass study hall. I'm just about out of a similar situation except I had 3 research papers and a couple of tests! I haven't gotten a real nights sleep in at least a week now though but I think I've gotten an A on everything so far except for this spanish test got like a C on that. But in other words less sleep time/fun time = more report time.

2003-10-22, 09:03 PM
ive got tests but i dont care about those, i just wing em ive got decent memory so its all good

2003-10-22, 09:06 PM
your owned pic sucks find a new one
STFU thats the only one i can find..........

2003-10-22, 09:14 PM

do a search

2003-10-22, 09:17 PM
How can you possibly believe that macs crash more than windows. If you truly believe it than it is not worth arguing with you, you are a lost cause. And really, who needs a floppy drive anyway? When was the last time you used one of those ancient things? Get a cd burner, or learn how to send attachments on email. I can't argue that macs are better for games, because they just aren't. That is a fact. However, saying that windows crashes less than any mac running os 10 or higher (os 9 was a flaming piece of shit) is a beautiful, almost perfectly designed machine. I beg anyone who uses os 9 and thinks macs suck because of their experiences with os 9 to change their opinion. The difference between os 9 and os 10 is almost equivalent to the difference between windows 3.1 and windows 2000.

2003-10-22, 09:19 PM
the macs at my school suck cause people just beat on em. windows does crash a shitload, but i would rather use linux

but there both shitty for games

2003-10-22, 09:20 PM
Ofn ;)

2003-10-22, 10:44 PM

im done with my work for now

still have to write 4 pages, 4 paragraphs and write and practice a 3-5 minute speech (all of these are different topics)

damn this weekend is gonna suck, so is monday

2003-10-22, 10:46 PM
Mines not, I got a dance friday, then going over a friends house for the night, then going out on saturday with a chick named caitlin. all this and Im STILL a PSU spammer. :groovy:

2003-10-22, 10:47 PM
after i finish this i just have the usualy speeches and projects i have to do, routine shit. i think im gonna do what i did last year though, it was really fun

2003-10-22, 11:10 PM
Ok guys, floppies do suck. Many a PowerPoint presenation has been lost/damaged due to the fucking idiot who saves all the images to his PC. Or it just plain doesn't work. However, you really should have a drive.

But anyway, here's my iMac experience.

My aunt has a pink one. It does not have enough RAM to display Internet pictures. :rofl:

But anyway, we're trying to get AOL running on this thing. Neither me, my brother, nor my dad have experience installing things on an iMac, let alone AOL.

So I click on whatever iMac uses for internet surfing.

This stupid presentation with stupid music comes up. After a few motion-shifting pictures of iMacs that make it look like they are dancing, it asks me a question.

"Are you ready for the Internet?"

A: I have an existing connection.
B: I would like to subscribe to AOL.
C: I'm not ready for the Internet.
D: Tell me more about the Internet.


iMacs are for people who can't use computers. Sadly, Windows, with XP, is going for that demographic also.

2003-10-23, 12:45 AM
Actually, Bill Gates stole Macintosh's operating system and made it his own. Or so I remember. As for Macs, yeah, they do suck balls. I went to school, and we used to have Apple 2 e's If you don't know what that is, think of the power in a Scientific calculator. No imagine that calculator as the size of a 19" monitor. Now imagine that calculator with half the processing power, running DOS 1.0, with a black and green screen. Incidently, I could program games on those computers. Not that they were able to be great games.

2003-10-23, 04:41 PM
mac's have the educational market, and always have. They are also loved by graphic artists (beats me why) In my tech experience I always had more trouble with the mac's I supported. The school was 90% PC's however I spent the SAME amount of time on like 40 macs. They crash, their memory managment sucks ass, and they are just a pain to deal with.

2003-10-23, 04:55 PM
Some friends of mine and I were student techs for the high school I went to. We were in charge of keeping the macs and mac networks up and running because our sysop was a lazy bastard (we called him Smeagol)
Anyway, we got so sick of it that we develeoped the Mac Shaman. We went to the graveyard (room full of junked out broken down macs in the comdemned building) and constructed a necklace out ram cards. We also hung bits of broken ram, magnets and led lights from a stick we found outside. We found that waving the stick over macs, taping pictures of Bill Gates to them and chanting works almost as well as our usual repair techniques involving typing in commands, getting frustrated and hugging the server while sobbing bitterly.

2003-10-23, 05:00 PM
mac's have the educational market, and always have.

my school has all Windows XP, Pentium 4 PC's :brow:

2003-10-23, 05:01 PM
The HS I worked at had 90% brand new PC's running win2k. Only the graphics dept (40 PCs) had shitmacs.