View Full Version : PSU meetings

2003-10-22, 12:18 PM
Post what we should do when the next PSU meeting comes along (not on test server cause not a lot of ppl know how to get it including me)

What events should we do?
e.g races,mass suicides,daredevil shit etc.
Should we fight or jus talk?

Or whatever tell me your ideas and opinions

From: -CDL- Black

2003-10-22, 12:22 PM
How bout a big long game of leap frog, though with the stamina cost I guess it can only be 10-20 long, we'd all have to be infils.


2003-10-22, 12:25 PM
Maybe leap frog of doom like whenver your done leaping you would go off the volcano cliff in searhus

2003-10-22, 12:34 PM
Or maybe a big game of hid and go seek if everyone turned their radar off or closed it. Then when you are found we shoot you :). No infils here...

2003-10-22, 12:43 PM
Hide and seek within an empty base without radar is pure genious. That would be so fun lol. Count me in for hide and seek! :thumbs up: :groovy: :groovy:

dueling tournaments are always fun ;)

Could also play an "interpretted form" of red rover.. Line people up on opposite sides of trees or some obstacles. They call who they want to come over, when that person tries to run to their side they are allowed to crouch behind trees/rocks whatever because the side that in real life would keep the person from "busting" through the line.. will be firing at him =) but if he makes it to the other side without dieing. he joins them heh.

That just spawned another idea. Why not setup a gauntlet or course to run through... and maybe track peoples times/deaths or what not. hehe

Diddy Mao
2003-10-22, 12:44 PM
How we go to a base with Agile/Standard Armor on with no weapon's, That way there will be no killing ;-). And So no1 OS's They can meet "inside the Base prefferable a AMP Station

2003-10-22, 01:01 PM
How bout meeting in some area and like he suggested, fight with no radar. It would be interesting to have like two ams's deployed at the opposite ends of the chosen fighting zone and then fight in the wilderness.

2003-10-22, 01:18 PM
Ant races are always a fun diversion. Especially now that the Ant hauls ass.

2003-10-22, 01:43 PM
Sunday Sunday Sunday....

PSU presents the Auraxis 500

Come view the excitement as 43 of your favorite drivers gear up for some fender to fender 60kph ANT action as they take their engines and reflexes to the edge racing form Searhus Volcano to their Sanctuaries. Stay late for the fireworks. Plenty of parking, bring the whole family, kids under 12 free.




Vis Armata
2003-10-22, 02:17 PM
Congo lines.

2003-10-22, 02:48 PM
What about Reaver or Mosquito races.

2003-10-22, 02:49 PM
Race would be nice.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-22, 02:56 PM
PSU joint attack on a contient? Maybe do three so that all sides get screwed equally? :evil:

2003-10-22, 03:42 PM
(not on test server cause not a lot of ppl know how to get it including me)


2003-10-22, 04:29 PM
PSU joint attack on a contient? Maybe do three so that all sides get screwed equally?

maybe we can pick a server that one one chars about their character on, and all pick the same empire there? Not test server. Test server sucks. No one is on that.

Either that, or some sort of race/giant knife fight. Tourny maybe?

2003-10-22, 05:41 PM
How about dogfight tournaments?

Terran Sniper
2003-10-22, 05:58 PM
How about you all meet at a base or an AMS and play one giant game of dare or double-dog dare? PS stuff, like driving a empty ant into a enemy base

2003-10-22, 06:14 PM
We could all make new characters on one of the lesser used servers, and duke it out BR 1 style.

We could all be the same empire too. Our names could read: PSUAen or some other PSU tag. That way We could tell each other apart. Then we all join a platoon and drive some AMS's out and suppressor each other..

The PSU squad would kickass! Hell we could even start a PSU outfit!!

2003-10-22, 06:15 PM
How about a game of chicken on that crazy ceryshen bridge? Basilisks would be best cause they can ramp off the sides pretty easily.

2003-10-22, 06:19 PM
I like the race idea. I've done cross country racing, but heres an idea that would soooo appeal to me because im a huge nascar fan. Instead of cross country, more like rally racing, you do this.

Find a circular or square w/e a good "track" of road. Like a not so big loop of road that can be made into a track. You have a few aircraft at the turns to make sure no one cheats and you race around the track. Depending on the size you have a certain amount of laps to do. I would say like 50 laps would be fun. We do this in ants and you can either be ur own pitcrew or get a buddy to be it and have a designated place to pit in. It would be like a massive 43 car race, so u would see some wrecking and stuff it would be so tight ass. I am seriously going to be organizing this, if anyone would like to help me, tell me now, dont know when i could do it, but i will find out probably not gonna happen for 2 or 3 weeks. If you'd be intersted send me a PM i will start a thread on it when the time comes.

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-22, 07:41 PM
That would kick ass. count me in. I'll either be a plane at one of the check-points or a driver.

2003-10-22, 08:51 PM
Nice ideas guys keep it up :D

2003-10-22, 08:56 PM
Cover the entirety of the Ceryshen bridge with Boomers.

We all stand in the middle, and someone throws a jammer. :D

2003-10-22, 08:58 PM

2003-10-22, 10:17 PM
Concerning the NASAR (national association of stock ANT racing) event, it will be hard to pull out, because i've seen many other leagues/races fall thru due to a lack of turnout. However considering this is PSU (where magical things happen) I am confident we can form a race with at least 20 ants involved. I will try and make a freeweb so this can be a series perhaps. Again i'll need people to try to find me a good small track to resemble good ol dirt tracking around a bullring. (yes i know i sound like a redneck). A few other things: we could have a commentator floating in a lib or something if the track is small enough to see all of it. If i knew wut IRC/AGN shoutcast stuff was, we could maybe use that or something, i dunno im making too big plans i need to get a core population and a set date first, before making up kool details. Again either post on this thread or send me a PM.

2003-10-22, 10:30 PM
*me imagines us all with full ants ramming eachother off the road*


2003-10-22, 10:48 PM
I think everyone should just meet up for a huge group picture on a very cool, low traffic (to prevent fighting) landmark. Take a huge group picture and then just kinda hang around and talk :p

I'm sure alot of the big names will get TK'd though :(

2003-10-23, 12:27 AM
I'm sure alot of the big names will get TK'd though

2003-10-23, 01:18 AM
I like the Hide-and-go-seek game idea, the Ant racing over the Ceryshen bridge idea, and the group Photo idea.

Except with the Hide and go seek idea, make it so that everyone has to be in the equipment they spawn in. That way there's no big ass weapons, Just a surpessor, an empire pistol, knife and REK.

Also, make the meeting for sometime that I can be there. Mondays and Tuesdays are the best, as that's my weekend.

2003-10-23, 01:22 AM
Two words:

Mass OS

Lets get 100s of people in one place, and then have one CR5 nuke them all, and watch the kill scroll.


2003-10-23, 01:27 AM
I know that there are some out there that want to fight me One-on-One. I'm up for some Death matches.

2003-10-23, 02:45 AM
This thread really hasnt gotten anywhere yet has it?

2003-10-23, 03:00 AM
:spam: This thread really hasnt gotten anywhere yet has it?
:stoppost: :spam:

I'd just like to see a large scale gun show where people can get empire specific weapons and vehicles wholesale.

2003-10-23, 07:18 AM
I'll bring a Thresher if people bring a Enforcer and a Marauder. I just want to get the exp for the weapon systems and for the drivers seat. I also still need the Prowler drivers seat too.

2003-10-23, 07:27 AM
I think everyone should just meet up for a huge group picture on a very cool, low traffic (to prevent fighting) landmark. Take a huge group picture and then just kinda hang around and talk :p

I'm sure alot of the big names will get TK'd though :(

we sort of did that last time :p

2003-10-23, 07:51 AM
I'd just like to see a large scale gun show where people can get empire specific weapons and vehicles wholesale.

That would be awsome....

2003-10-23, 09:59 AM
How about we get everyone into galaxys and all fly to some remote island. Everyone gets out and the galaxys sink themselves. Then everyone starts fighting and the last man standing wins!

Just an idea

2003-10-23, 11:31 AM
^nice idea

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-23, 07:16 PM
Great idea, one prob. OS. thats your prob. Another prob. not everyone is cert'd in mass killin' wepons. basically MAX's and SA are goin' to win. If you have HA AND SA you will kick the ass. Re-Exo, too.

2003-10-23, 07:39 PM
OS = once every 3 hours.....if you are an ass about OS you shall be spawn camped...by everyone.

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-23, 07:58 PM
Who's being an ass? I'M not being an ass, simply pointing out how someone ELSE can be an ass. I'M not even CR2! yet, so get off my back.

2003-10-23, 09:21 PM
well we make up some rules for the island thing like:
-no osing-
-only agile exo and med assault, no BANK or MedApp- ,or
-standard vest knife fest, pulling guns = ban-, or
-split everyone into seperate teams and last team standing wins-