View Full Version : Bolt Driver Question

2003-10-23, 09:42 AM
Call me crazy, but I could have sworn that the Standard Vest was a one shot kill just like Inflitrators? I seem to have remembered making it into a spawn room with my sniper and instantly killing those who spawned (pre balance pass). Last night was the first time I pushed in with him again, and it was taking two shots to kill a standard now.

Well, am I nuts, or did it used to only take one shot?

2003-10-23, 10:07 AM
I think the only thing that was 1 shot was infils, but dont ask me, i was only a sniper once and it didnt last long...

2003-10-23, 10:08 AM
I remember before the patch I'd go into VR and laugh when I'd shoot a Standard Vest target in the head without killing him. Maybe it was different for real enemies though. :shrug:


2003-10-23, 10:39 AM
I was just having a think about it then, and I can't figure out how the damage from a BD is figured. It must operate on a system independant of the normal AP/normal system. It instakills infils, as they have no armour, but it leaves a rexo with 35 health. If it did 100 damage it should leave a rexo with 8, yet when you have no armour left, it instakills. :confused: Don't know how it works.

2003-10-23, 10:42 AM
ill tell you this though, if you fired the bolt driver once or twice already, and your crouched in the same place, and you let the cross hairs center all the way, the shot will always land on the top left dot of the cross hair

2003-10-23, 10:43 AM
get advanced targeting and find out ive been a sniper for about a month and im shure it takes 2 kills to kill everything except for cloakers

2003-10-23, 02:24 PM
It takes two hits, but there won't be much left after shot one. 15 health I think.

2003-10-23, 04:11 PM
Reinforced is left with 35 and i guess agile has 15 left

2003-10-23, 04:14 PM
I was just having a think about it then, and I can't figure out how the damage from a BD is figured. It must operate on a system independant of the normal AP/normal system. It instakills infils, as they have no armour, but it leaves a rexo with 35 health. If it did 100 damage it should leave a rexo with 8, yet when you have no armour left, it instakills. :confused: Don't know how it works.
Armour absorbs damage

2003-10-23, 04:18 PM
Indeed, next time you get pegged check your armor, guess how much will be gone, 35. Principle is demonstrated really well by AV weapons like the Nix, it'll do almost 50 damage, but your armor absorbs the majority of that, so it's not to dangerous alone. But if your taking long range Gauss or possibly Rocklet fire, which will strip your armor quickly, it's deadly. But lets not hijack this thread for a balance arguement.

and i think you have 5 hit points left in standard

2003-10-23, 05:17 PM
The principle is simple, though differing depending on what weapon is used:
The heavier the armor, the more damage the armor absorbs.

A good example is the Rocklet, it does 50 damage total. An infiltrator will take all of that to their health, they have no armor. Standard will take 35 damage to health, and 15 damage to armor. Agile takes 25 to health and 25 to armor. And reinforced takes 15 to health and 35 to armor. This is assuming you have any armor left. Otherwise you will take it all to health, or the remaining damage after draining armor will transfer directly to health (so if you're in agile and have 10 armor left then get hit by a rocklet, you will take 10 to armor, draining it to empty, and the remaining 40 will go to health).

For the bolt driver, infiltrator is 100 health. Standard is 85/15. Agile is 75/25. Reinforced is 65/35.

2003-10-23, 09:11 PM
standard is 2, always has been, bolt driver works like this, 75 dmg to hp 25 to armour, if ur armour is empty no matter what your wearing ur 1 shot(even in rexo and max) since standard gots 50 armour, u take 2 shots, since infil = 0 armour u r 1 shot kill

2003-10-24, 01:23 AM
standard is 2, always has been, bolt driver works like this, 75 dmg to hp 25 to armour, if ur armour is empty no matter what your wearing ur 1 shot(even in rexo and max) since standard gots 50 armour, u take 2 shots, since infil = 0 armour u r 1 shot kill

No, the Bolt Driver use to be 1 shot for standard and infiltrators. It was not always like this.