View Full Version : Whine and Cheese List: Surge

2003-10-23, 12:35 PM
Check all the statements about Surge that fit your attitude.

I personally think it's exploitative of the Client-Side Hit-Detection model, abusive to players with laggy links and generally unnecessary to the greater glory of PlanetSide.

Check all that apply.

2003-10-23, 01:34 PM
the other day i saw a guy in standard armor running around with a JH, when i killed him i /telled him asking if he knew he was in standard armor. he replyed "Yes i know, its a fav, i can move faster, and i dont have rexo" He was Br6.

Thats just sad cause before i killed him he had managed to wipe out half my squad by moving so fast. more power to him for being creative (most actually use agile, but jeez.

2003-10-23, 01:59 PM
Problem is, it's so LOGICAL that if it's removed it'll be brought up later by noobs who mean well.

2003-10-23, 02:03 PM
The quickest and easiest way to fix the whole surge+agile+HA debate is to make it a requirement to have Rexo in order to equip heavy assault weapons.

At the same time, drop the price of HA to 3 certs. This way you would only need an additional 2 certs to get Rexo.

Total cert cost would then be 8 certs, this way you would have to attain battle rank 4 to acquire HA.

2003-10-23, 02:40 PM
The quickest and easiest way to fix the whole surge+agile+HA debate is to make it a requirement to have Rexo in order to equip heavy assault weapons.

I agree with this. but it still doens't answer the fact of client trust. On my cable modem if someone with dialup comes up with surge. The server doesn't see where he is and alls I see is Warp warp warp. If he's in standard on a crappy connection I will he him blip and fall through floors and walls and I fall over dead.

That's the problem that needs to be fixed but I fear it can not be. The clientside hit detection is what makes this game playable for modem users. If they change it is a matter of who has the better ping. Better connection = better player.

2003-10-23, 03:12 PM
The quickest and easiest way to fix the whole surge+agile+HA debate is to make it a requirement to have Rexo in order to equip heavy assault weapons.

At the same time, drop the price of HA to 3 certs. This way you would only need an additional 2 certs to get Rexo.

Total cert cost would then be 8 certs, this way you would have to attain battle rank 4 to acquire HA.
I think they should go one step further and require you to actually be IN rexo or nerf the speed outside of rexo straight to hell. Make some excuse about the recoil/weight being to much or the weapon being to unwieldy. As is not only are they the most mobile foot troops, but they can deploy from any vehicle in the game, that just screams cheap.

2003-10-23, 03:13 PM
I have never seen anyone warping before. I play on emerald with an average ping of 150-200. In addition, no one has ever complained I have been warping or even laggy. I personally don't come across many people using surge in combat anymore. I have personally stopped using it, and I know others have as well.

A lot of people don't use rexo. You can fit a primary weapon, two decimators, and three boxes of your primary weapons ammo into agile armor. Then you can bind "F" to inventory and place the mouse cursor over the decimator in your inventory prior to combat. While fighting when you realize you're about to need it, you can press F, right click, press F, and press the holster key once to bring it up. This takes about a half a second, if even that. The only downside to agile is now less ammo. But the benefits, surge+agile+weapon of choice, and three extra cert points make it worth it.

2003-10-23, 06:36 PM
I was running around for the first time with Agile instead of Rexo. I almost always used Rexo and went along carefully so as not to get in a situation the heavy armor wouldn't allow me to move out of.

So after running around with a gauss and surging around people, 2 people send me tells saying I will be banned for speedhacking.

I'm not bragging about my skills because a few days before other people were surging around me with MCG and sweepers, doing exactly as I was doing. I was thinking something was messed up, but with the client side and the lag, they all just jump and show up teleporting from all around you.

So yeah, put HA to 3 points, and make it that you have to wear Rexo.

2003-10-23, 07:12 PM
The problem is the HA. I can handle people warp surging around with MA weapons. Yeah it is a pain but oh well I can usually put 2 outa 3 of them away with the MCG.

HA though....The Lasher/MCG/JH are all designed to mow down infantry very well. Add this to warpy standard surging and you have yourself pwnage before you see what hit you. So having to only use HA with Reinf. Exo is a good idea....however I would almost like to see only being able to surge without your weapon drawn.

2003-10-23, 07:16 PM
Its perfect.

Leave it.

2003-10-23, 07:42 PM
If you have dial up you deserve to have your modem explode and take your entire comp with it.

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-23, 08:25 PM
^ yep :D. I think it is okay the way it is, I hardly EVER encounter sergers AT ALL. But if it was made so that you could only serge while gun was but away, it would be better in my opinion.

2003-10-23, 08:31 PM
Preventing the weapon from being drawn while surge is on does not solve the fundamental problem with agile/surge. The issue is that the surge monkey can bring his weapon into effective range before an MA user can kill him, assuming equal skill on both sides. The problem would persist as people would use surge to move to point blank range then draw their spamcannon and blast away. The warping would still be an issue as the surge monkey approached its target, and by the time they slow down (when their weapon is drawn) you have at most a half second to react before you are dead.

People will jump to defend it because its such an obnoxiously effective and simple recipe for high kills. Seriously what powergamer wouldn't want firepower greater than a max with the fastest footspeed in the game?

Cauldron Borne
2003-10-23, 09:10 PM
I have found the answer to the serge monkeys! turn your mouse sensitivity all the way up. it will take a while to adjust to the quick movement, but when you get used to it, not only will your accuracy improve, but you can track ANYONE, no matter their speed. Oh yeah, my comp is faster than yours, so warping doesn't happen and I laugh at those who think they can be saved from my thumpers wraith.

2003-10-23, 10:27 PM
I have no problems with surge in its current state. I hate surging Jackhammer monkeys as much as the next, but I love using surge to keep my distance so I can engage from med/long range when outside. A sweeper or thumper do just fine by me when indoors. I also love surging at MAX units so I can place boomers at their feet and then blow them up as I run away. When defending, I use surge to get me around the base so I can replace deployables, set ambushes or get into better firing positions very quickly. I actually gave up my reinforced cert because I found I prefered speed over armor.

2003-10-23, 10:34 PM
No Comment. :bang:

2003-10-24, 02:56 AM
I just find it odd that one implant makes a Heavy Assault guy in Standard Armor much deadlier and more versitile than an AI MAX.

2003-10-24, 08:52 AM
Unfortunately with the client side/ server side whatever prob, I even got called a speedhacker while surging with standard armor to infiltrate a base (with adv. hack, quicker that way to avoid outdoor fighting). I don't think it's too bad unless the guy suddenly warps into the air screwing with your aim. I get tempted to cert in HA just to keep up with everyone. HA+surge users definitely have the advantage in combat.