View Full Version : 1001 Ways to Kill a Sniper
2003-01-15, 08:08 PM
And the best one is to run over him with his own vehicle that you hacked while he was taking easy kills.
What's the next best way to kill a sniper?
2003-01-15, 08:14 PM
Hrm... drowning, I'd have to go with drowning. :D
Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 08:15 PM
Set a drop spot for the MART and crush him when you land on him because he's too busy picking off people to notice he's about to get crushed :D (I don't know if it'd work, but it's always nice to dream)
2003-01-15, 08:21 PM
Sneaking up behind him while he is waiting for an easy kill.
Either that or a remote "Boomer". That would be the most entertaining if you can pull it off
2003-01-15, 08:24 PM
Pistol Enema
2003-01-15, 08:27 PM
landing on top of him with a galaxy
Shyfted One
2003-01-15, 08:35 PM
Firing a missile from the Phoenix and directing it into the back of their head :D
Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 08:41 PM
Every play twisted metal black? Any of those end movies would do just fine.
2003-01-15, 09:25 PM
Sneak up and gut him
2003-01-15, 09:39 PM
Lay mines around him and then shoot him once with a pistol.
2003-01-15, 09:41 PM
chuck a frag grenade at his feet.
2003-01-15, 09:41 PM
Deploy a turret behind him.
2003-01-15, 09:43 PM
to show him he sucks, use an assault rifle to snipe him with 3 headshots and show your skills.
2003-01-15, 09:50 PM
i know a couple of guys who are already excited about stealthing up behind snipes and hacking em up with a couple of knife swings. everyone loves to kill snipers, so satisfying
2003-01-15, 09:52 PM
Stand in plain sight where he's aiming and walk over to him in a Max.
2003-01-15, 10:33 PM
Run up to him from the front. keeping moving around though so he can't get the shot on you or anyone else. then nice his freaking ass and cut him up into little pieces baby.
2003-01-15, 10:50 PM
I've always been fond of using a shotgun in the back of snipers. But that's just me.
2003-01-15, 10:55 PM
I like the one with the planting of mines around him, then a single pistol shot to the foot :)
Camping Carl
2003-01-15, 10:55 PM
Kamakazi penguins.
2003-01-15, 10:58 PM
I'm also fond of sniping a sniper. But that's actually what snipers are supposed to do, so I don't guess anyone in game will do that.
2003-01-15, 11:00 PM
Sneak up behind him and toss a grenade at his feet then when he's blown sky high hit him w/ a phoenix so he gets sent higher. After that have a buddy fly over in a reaver so he gets plastered on the front of the windshield. Then the reaver pulls loop and he falls off directly onto the front of a tank gun which immediately fires sending him flying forward directly onto a land mine. From there he's blown back into the air only to fall back to earth where he will eventually be run over by an entire row of vanguards and his body (well his armor since his body is pretty much gone) will become a part of the earth and will be a warning to other snipers.
Okay that was just sadistic :mad: :mad: :mad: ....sorry.
2003-01-15, 11:00 PM
I think it is tough to top Airlift's running them over with their own vehicle scenario.
I do admit there is something decidedly satisfying, and almost comical, about taking your time while you are lining up head shots on an unsuspecting sniper.
2003-01-15, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
I do admit there is something decidedly satisfying, and almost comical, about taking your time while you are lining up head shots on an unsuspecting sniper.
Oh yeah.
Also good in a game with flame nades in urban areas. Since snipers are usually looking out of windows, get in the building and pitch a flame nade in the room. The sniper has three choices.
1. Run out the room where you can greet him with a shotgun blast
2. Jump out the window and pray.
3. Lie there and burn to death while wondering where the guy shooting him is (since you often can't tell the difference between burn and bullet damage in games).
:) Happy Hunting :)
2003-01-15, 11:36 PM
HJacking him with an AXE!!!!!DIE SNIPER DIE!!!...errr..I eman something less violent.....I mena...errmmm..nfgfjksngnsafads....MUST KILL!!!
2003-01-15, 11:39 PM
Stealth up to the nearest AMS and wait for the sniper to die in one of the other ways, then gut him when he's using the terminal.
Kidney Thief
2003-01-15, 11:42 PM
How about driving your APC up behind him while he is zoomed in and unload a half-platoon of soldiers who form a ring around him. Then you just let the men stand there so the sniper realizes how dead his sorry ass is and that he can't do anything about it. Then pump as many rounds as you can into his braincase before he hits the ground.
That would be something...
2003-01-16, 12:45 AM
while he is lying prone, you sneak up, grab his ankles, and use your melee implant to boost your strength, then twirl him around and around in circles, then let him fly and plaster onto a fast moving quadbike.
Or shoot him in the balls.
Organ Thief:
So many choices!
2003-01-16, 12:46 AM
I jump on him and use my teeth to rip out his neck! And then I break open his skull and eat his wonderful, WONDERFUL BRAINS!!!!
2003-01-16, 01:37 AM
Shoot him in the eye through the scope with another sniper rifle!!!
2003-01-16, 01:55 AM
Saint gets the Snipe of they Year Award.
That is HOW YOU DO IT!
2003-01-16, 02:34 AM
Use bees.
2003-01-16, 08:24 AM
It should become the PS official sport.
An outfit walks around looking for snipers, each person carrying his own picnic chair.
When a sniper is found, everyone sets up their chair at about 20m, exept for the person who's turn it is. That one sneeks up to the sniper and performs his "art" while the others vote on the score.
Its quite simple and could give hours of enjoyment. :D
2003-01-16, 11:27 AM
Drop enough mines in front of his near-by vehicle to blow it sky high, then have someone strafe him (and miss).
He goes running for it, hops in, and BOOM.
Car bomb.
It'll be all italian-like. Fergedaboudit, see? If'n ya know whats good fer ya.
Idea 2: Play with your food.
Drive up in a lightening/reaver. Blow up his vehicle, then see how many times you can catch him on the edge of your weapons' AOE before he dies.
That or try hearding him into some deep water, or into a mine field, or near a turret that'll shoot him. Let him kill himself.
SQUEEEEEE! Squeel like a pig! SQUEEEEEEE! :twisted:
2003-01-16, 11:39 AM
You could have all of the categories that they use for sports (diving, gymnastics, etc.) incorporated into this idea Blitz. I'm thinking there's your basics: Artistic Ability, Overall Gore Rating, and Speed (should faster be better or should it be better if you can drag his death out for awhile without getting killed yourself?)
I still think the best death would be sneaking up on them turning on your alternate setting which is loud and waiting for them to hop up and look around to defend themselves. Then when they see you toss a turret down and watch the fun begin.
If ur a on him :D
or put a nade in his :blowup:
2003-01-16, 12:31 PM
Drop a droppod on him
2003-01-16, 03:02 PM
or you could just snipe him...
2003-01-16, 05:18 PM
I am looking forward to snipe in this game but I probably won't be sniping anyone except other snipers.
2003-01-16, 06:20 PM
Assuming you could rotate yourself in the air(I know u cant change couse)....
Get in a vanu max and get behind a sniper.. then face back to back with him...jump jet up and slowly come down right infront of him while hes zoomed in. Mow him down with the quasar..If he makes a run for his vehicle beat him too it with your run mode..
*I hope you will be able to ram things with the max while in run mode or whatever they call it.
I like the idea of charging into the side of a buggy and flipping it even if it would do some damage to myself it would be interesting.... Or if you were the TR max then when you anchored infront of a ground vehicle you could block it or at least slow it from accelerating forward...
2003-01-17, 02:06 AM
Hang him up by his underwear, in a tree, then deploy a mine field under his feet
2003-01-17, 02:35 AM
Place a boomer right behind him, jump out in front of him do a little dance. While hes confused, detonate the boomer
2003-01-17, 07:08 AM
Or tie him to a 50 foot rope, and tie it to the back of your Reaver, and fly over a few forests. Or tie the rope to the back of a tank, and drive him him down a couple gravel roads.
Or, hell, if ya wanna get really fun. While he's sniping away, you lay down a whole bunch of mines. Sneak up to him, all quiet like. Toss a grenade on him. The explosion throws him into the air, and, if ya aimed him right, he falls right onto the carefully placed mines.
God Battlefield is so much fun. Works the same way Exp packs
2003-01-17, 04:30 PM
You the know the real best way to kill a sniper is to snipe him back from a way distance and right when he gets you in his scope snipe him through his scope. . . Saving Private Ryan Style!
2003-01-17, 04:39 PM
Fly really fast really low with mesquito right into him.
How ironic the bug killing the human?:lol: Muahaha we will rule all!
2003-01-17, 05:41 PM
get in a max and jump up and down near wherever he is so the ground shakes and he can't get a shot. When he gets pissed and stands up to see what the hell is going on, you cut him up with a short range shotgun blast.
lay a couple dozen missles in near him from a reaver flushing him into the open.
let those he killed take their revenge.
take screenshots.
2003-01-17, 06:05 PM
Call him on his home phone (Assuming he's using broadband) and and pretend to be his worried mother...whilst in-game ur in-fact your stabbing him to death with a pointy stick.
That'll learn him.
2003-01-17, 11:46 PM
Use that missile launcher with the bombs that stick to stuff from Hudson Hawk. Plant one of those missiles on the snipers forhead with a 10 second timer.
Take screen shots.
2003-01-31, 06:03 PM
Use Stealth Suit with that footstep silencing implant (so he/she can't hear you coming) along with the melee implant and gut him like PIG!!!!!!!!!!
2003-01-31, 06:31 PM
Would you like to swing on a star, carry moonbeams in a jar? You'd be better off by far, or would you rather get in the beta?
2003-01-31, 07:06 PM
my sig is one of many possible exclamations that many a sniper will howl right before being hosed
2003-01-31, 07:26 PM
Die old thread, DIE:domotwak:
2003-01-31, 09:10 PM
Hee Hee
2003-01-31, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Stand in plain sight where he's aiming and walk over to him in a Max.
I love it thats my favorite and im gonna try it first chance i get :D
2003-01-31, 09:32 PM
Ha Ha Ha
Rip his spine out and impale him to a tree with it, to ward off other wannabes!
2003-01-31, 10:14 PM
Airlift i really like yours man!
2003-02-01, 12:48 PM
Thanks :)
I made this thread a few weeks ago when there were a ton of threads sweating how Snipers were going to run rampant and one-shot-kill everything on the field ;)
2003-02-03, 12:18 AM
Uhh. you could cover him in napalm and watch him slowly die.:sniper: =:blowup: :ncrocks:
2003-02-03, 12:27 AM
ghetto bomb him
see the galaxy bombing thread for reference
2003-02-03, 02:44 AM
Put a gun barrel right up to his head and let him hear a click
2003-02-05, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Kriege
Drop a droppod on him
Put a dozen of your own snipers in it. :twisted:
2003-02-05, 05:11 PM
1 word....
oh wait... there are no nukes in game.... eh, just get Big tank, and run him over.... =)
Sneak up behind him, grab his sniper rifle, and knock him out with it then shoot him in the head with his own gun.
2003-02-05, 06:35 PM
Find the cliff edge he is firing from, get all the TNT you can hold, sneak up beside him, place all the explosive right on top of him, step back several paces, hit the detinator and watch him go sailing over the cliff side with arms flailing!
I actually did that in BF:1942 as the engineer, threw down all my TNT, hit the switch and HE got BIG air! went flying way high in the air and finally after a good 30 seconds finally came down at the foot of the cliff, couldn't help but laugh, bet he respawned before his corpse even hit the bottom =P
2003-02-05, 06:54 PM
fly a reaver low and fast and run him over then empty your salvo of weapons on his lifeless body afterwards
2003-02-07, 05:28 PM
Put a laxitive and a ton of Insanity Sauce in his MRE
2003-02-07, 09:48 PM
Im going to have to go with 1. sneak up behind him and knifew him, 2. take his rifle and shoot his buddy that is now running for his life then 3. hack their jeep and leave it waiting by their nearest AMS, just in case they want another go at it.
2003-02-08, 03:40 AM
All Terran and Vanu snipers. Remember my name becouse its all you gonna see in the chatbox after your dead. "Sniped by ArtMan". :D :cool2:
I am the "CounterSniper"!
Buuu! ;) :sniper: :sick:
2003-02-08, 05:32 AM
Run up close to tease him while he is zoomed then start attacking him with the medical applicator and hacking tools, then proceed to knifing him.
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