View Full Version : Ghosts, Urban legends, complete sh*t, or reality?

2003-10-23, 05:55 PM
Warning: This flash movie shows and gives proof for stories relating to strange things that include sex and death.

Urban legends, fact or fiction? (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/urbanlegends.html). I asked around about the boy in the curtain thing and it turns out that it was pretty true, it was in the newspapers and stuff when the movie came out.

This stuff is creepy and its all apparently true, but the boy ghost might not be. Will all the stuff that happend to me lately, im actually believing in ghosts. I recently got a digital camera, me and 5 other guys were taking pictures of stupid stuff at night, then we went into the "scuzzlebut" woods, where a few years ago we were chased out of by some white thing that (i swear to god) looked like bigfoot. The pictures we took shows things that looked like ghosts, swirly clouds and stuff, i might post the pictures later, when i learn to get them off the camera. I may be paranoid now, but theres other ghost stuff that happens lately. Since my 200 pound english mastiff (dog) died, every time i walk around my town, i feel like somethings following me, constantly, like somethings following me soo close it might step on my heals, just like the dog did when it died. A friend of mine said that her uncle died, and didnt want the candle insence thing used in his funeral, the priest used the thing anyway, and while the guy was swinging it around, the metal pot shattered in mid air for no reason. There are also alot of wierd times where doors in this house have shut right behind me or my friends, shut all the way, no wind or people behind it..

This movie pretty much changed my view of alot of things and the people i showed this to. It could be paranoia, but im noticing alot of things now, too much to type on a keyboard without a 'd' key which i have to poke with a pen to press.

2003-10-23, 05:59 PM
Oh yea, everyone ive shown this too in real live deleted "love rollercoaster" off their Kazza.

2003-10-23, 06:02 PM
You feel the impact of your dog's footfalls because of neural somethingorother. Means you're used to him being there, so your brain has started simulating it.

The rest... erh... I dunno.

2003-10-23, 08:30 PM
Is this one of those "jump out" videos where it gets you really into it, then a ghost screams on your screen and blows your eardrums out?


2003-10-23, 08:42 PM
I just watched it and it is safe.

2003-10-23, 08:43 PM
I hate those ones squick so this time I had my headphones off, lol. I went through the whole thing and nothing happened, its safe to view.

2003-10-23, 08:56 PM
interesting, I'd like to see that movie with the ghost in it, just to be sure. lol...that disney stuff is hilarious.

2003-10-23, 09:01 PM
Theres more to the disney stuff, they put alot of nude pictures between frames in movies.

2003-10-23, 09:06 PM
It's shit. Utter and total shit.

Sleep on that one.

2003-10-23, 09:19 PM
My parents told me that in Alladin when hes asking her to get on carpet and the song is on,something about having sex tonight pops up,i dunno,lol tomorrow ima go and watch all these damn disney movies just to see lol

2003-10-23, 10:35 PM
It's shit. Utter and total shit.

Sleep on that one.

whats is that supposed to mean?

By the way i downloaded 3 versions of the song "love rollercoaser" and they have the same scream, turn your speaker up and you can hear more of the scream, thats pretty sick.

2003-10-23, 10:35 PM
Weird at least, not sure if it's real, probably isn't, as he would've been arrested

2003-10-23, 10:43 PM
My parents told me that in Alladin when hes asking her to get on carpet and the song is on,something about having sex tonight pops up,i dunno,lol tomorrow ima go and watch all these damn disney movies just to see lol

it sounded like "all good boys, take off your clothes" but disney said it was "Alright, Swift, take off and go!" or something to the effect of that