View Full Version : Dicepoint Sigs

2003-10-24, 12:32 AM
Just so everyone knows, Dicepoint sigs do not work on PSU. They will continue to be removed just as they always have been. You can thank good 'ol NoDice for this as he refuses to change his sig specs. And puts all the blame on me for not allowing his sigs to be seen. Hell he even publicly insults me on his own forums because he is too lazy to change the sig. I see no reason why I should change my specification which have been on these forums for over 7 months, they are in place to keep load times low, as well as keep things in check for those running lower resolutions.


2003-10-24, 01:05 AM
:tear: I dont see wy he wont, he said hw would. :tear:

I really liked those sigs :(

Its not your fualt Hamma he is just being stuborn. :love:

2003-10-24, 01:08 AM
I like them too, and I can't see how he would not lower them either.

2003-10-24, 01:26 AM
This is the most ammusing part about all of this:

2003-10-24, 01:48 AM
alright ill just use the PS gaming one , thx for clearing that up

2003-10-24, 02:06 AM
Look i'm tired. I've been coding all day for new stuff on dicepoint.

Option (1) Hamma spends 2 minutes changes 1 setting and rule from 400 pixels to 500 pixels.

Option (2) Dice Spends Hours redesigning his sigs to work here when they work just fine on 500 other websites and 40,000 pages.

Tell me which is the logical and most intelligent choice?

Why don't we put it to a vote, we'll let everyone decide what to do because i don't think either of us will budge here.

Vote on which Option.

If you guys vote Option 2 I'll redesign the sigs. If you guys Vote 1 then its in your hands hamma.

I'll try and Send my users over here.


2003-10-24, 02:08 AM
What is logical is that you conform to rules that have been in effect for a long time.

2003-10-24, 02:09 AM
There is no vote, you already made the decision you dont want your sigs on these forums. It's as simple as that ;) I am the admin, I put these rules in place for a reason. I am not going to change it for one sig, sorry :lol:

2003-10-24, 02:10 AM
I liked the thread you made on your site, the one where you called Hamma an asshole, but it's funny, I can't find it anymore, like it just disappeared or something.

2003-10-24, 02:16 AM
You Sure have a lot of Trolls here.

I'll see what my users have to say.

2003-10-24, 02:16 AM
It doesen't matter what your users have to say bro, this is not your forum. Our policies wont be changed because your users think they should be.

2003-10-24, 02:18 AM
You Sure have a lot of Trolls here.
Troll > Coward in the grand scheme of things

2003-10-24, 02:25 AM
Some of my Users are your Readers, we are talking about the same people here.

Seems you can't respect democracy perhaps you should attach Nazi to more than just your signature bot.

2003-10-24, 02:26 AM
There is no democracy on privately owned boards. Just cause 51% of the people want to piss on your the floor of your living room doesn't mean that you have to allow it.

2003-10-24, 02:29 AM
Its similar to your boards, no democracy. No Freedom of speech (deletion of my posts) either way there is no vote, you decide the fate of your sigs on these forums, not me or the users. The admin of the sigs, the choice is yours not mine.

2003-10-24, 02:36 AM
Ok.. ignorant question, but how can the pixel size of 500x72 (36,000) eat up more bandwidth than 383X165 (63,195) (Hamma's sig)? I don't see the bandwidth being much of an argument. In fact the whole thread on the lounge with the pics of women must eat up a few gb!

I guess I run the risk of being kicked/banned or otherwise censored. Actually I honestly don't care who came first or what. I have seen numerous businesses go under due to the fact that management is not responsive to customer demands.

This goes for both sides.

2003-10-24, 02:36 AM
You know, after browsing your forums for 10mins I counted about 5 threads where people have asked you to lower the size, not just for PSU but for other forums they browse. It seems the problem here is you are not willing to change the code.

Edit: It's not bandwidth Biff, the issue is load time. As well as templates, it keeps everything in check for lower resolutions and it keeps the load time on the threads smaller.


2003-10-24, 02:38 AM
There is always democracy on my boards. I let my users decide on things I develop ratings or changes.

Since i'm here for the PS community at large and my users i'll let them decide.

2003-10-24, 02:39 AM
Censoring my posts is democracy eh?

Anyway, suit yourself. I think I know what they will decide, just understand there is no vote to change my requirements, they will remain the same.

2003-10-24, 02:43 AM
5? I think not. There are a few but with the exception of one guy they are all dealing with your board, hince why i reached out to you in email on the behalf of those people.

I checked your site as well as others and they all work fine at 800x600.

So in your world 65k loads faster than 16k?

2003-10-24, 02:45 AM
Yeah and they are all asking for smaller sigs.

2003-10-24, 02:45 AM
I was my post i deleted not yours. I have a right to retract my statement on you being an ass. But....

2003-10-24, 02:49 AM
I checked your site as well as others and they all work fine at 800x600.

So in your world 65k loads faster than 16k?
About your above posts. I notice a big difference in loading times on my school computers(crappy) when going through boards with larger sigs.
And, about 65K...
I thought the PSU max was 40K.
Personally, the only resizing I'd do, if I could, would be to reduce the max sig size horizontally

2003-10-24, 02:56 AM
It meets every req except its too wide, thats the only thing that would have to be changed. Shave off 100px he's done it before I saw the modified sigs so I know its possible :p

2003-10-24, 09:58 AM
I kinda see both sides of this arguement

To Dice: How hard would it really be to shave off Weekly stats and put it in some seperate image.

To Hamma: Most of the major planetside players in the community all go to psu anyway and i dont think many 56k ers come to PSU.

Those are just two solutions even though i do agree with hamma.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-24, 11:59 AM
NoDice, your opinion does matter here because you do good work. However, Hamma appears to be taking a stand on this and it's one that's well within his rights to take. It appears if you refuse to change your sig sizes they will not be used here. It's as simple as that. Talking to your users will not matter. Voting will not matter. This is Hamma's house, if you don't like the rules feel free to play elsewhere.

What happened to you making smaller sigs? I seem to remember you saying you had no problem with making smaller sigs for people to use if they wanted to use them here. Did you simply change your mind? Did you recieve massive amounts of feedback begging you not to change them? Was there diolauge between you and Hamma prior to resorting to open insults?

I guess what I'm driving at is you used to seem like you were perfectly willing to work with Hamma on this and now appear to be saying "Screw you, change it because I said so". Obviously that sentiment isn't going to get you very far, especially when in the end you hold absolutely no power to change the rules.

2003-10-24, 12:06 PM
I was using the small sigs prior to the dicepoint move...then they got broken I guess. :shrug:

2003-10-24, 12:24 PM
I have an idea for no dice. Now i know you don't wanna spend supposed hours resizing the sig. So instead of resizing the current one why not cater to your customers by making a smaller version as well. A 2nd option to use if the larger is too big for a "certain forum"

If thats too hard then maybe Hamma.. you can change sigbots settings for 1-2 weeks and have readers post their feedback on loadtimes with the dicepoint sigs just to see if the load times are a huge issue. Couldn't hurt to try it out right?

Seems a lot of people here love the dice point sigs so one side needs to give in a little or meet half way for the "customers" We love those sigs and want to use them :groovy:

Hope it gets resolved sometime soon. Thats just my 2cents.

2003-10-24, 03:18 PM
W000T! Is the shoot out over? :chill:

2003-10-24, 04:37 PM
i was usigin a small dicepoint sig before the server moved why can't we use that one still?

2003-10-24, 05:06 PM
I have to take Hamma's side on this one. You don't got to someone else's forums and ask them to change their rules to meet your needs. It's like joining a CS server with FF on and demanding it be turned off because you don't like FF.

It's completely absurd.

2003-10-24, 05:08 PM
i htink my post my be misunder stood, i mean that the small sig is no longer availible from DP not that the sigbot eats it, i Also agree with hamma

2003-10-24, 05:39 PM
It's becoming more and more apparent there will be no dicepoint sigs on PSU, perhaps we are both stubborn who knows. All I know is these are the PSU forums and I am the admin, I set policy on these forums not Dice. He doesent want to accept that so his sigs will not be seen.


It's kind of like walking into Wal-Mart with no shoes and no shirt, then standing in front of the no shoes no shirt no service sign and demanding they change the rules.

2003-10-24, 06:21 PM
I like Dice Points sig's if I can't use them here then I can't. The stuff worth reading is above the sig. :father: (best smiliey I seen in a while)

2003-10-24, 06:21 PM
I cite the following post: http://planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1724 dated 1-21-03
This is how long this policy has been in effect.

Dice knows a large number of his users are PSU users.
Dice designs a sig which exceeds the standard.
Dice is made aware that his sigs exceed the standard.
Dice continues to develop a sig which he knows will break a standard which predates his sigs very existence.
Dice then complains because it's so much work to change, since Hamma won't grant his demand to change a nearly year old standard?
Dice - what's wrong with this picture? :doh:

I personally like dicepoint sigs - but I don't understand the mentality.
I would have thought one would have designed to the existing standard first, then offer larger ones for those forums which allow them. Why purposely exclude one of the larger fan bases - seems counter-productive to me?

2003-10-24, 07:24 PM
I just posted the same thing on the dicepoint forums:

The problem here is that this is not just a PSU problem. There are several other "smaller" forums that do not allow it as well. PSU is just a major fan site and gets all the attn.....If I were to say my small 40 user forum doesn't allow these sig...could you change them to x 400. That would be obserd!! But with PSU it becomes more relevent because of the user population.

Now the suggestion that I have is to have 2 different types of certs....x400 and x500(as to not change the exsisting ones cause they rock on sites they work at). Take the face out of the x500 and replace it with the empire ensignia and cut off the end. You could even just make it basice like the 1st dicepoint sigs.

Also people...try to keep in mind that Dice is doing this for nothing...this is a FREE service. So if he doesn't do its.....oh well...don't down him for it. But also do not down hamma for not changing his rules on the other end of the due to 1 sig.

2003-10-24, 09:55 PM
I understand both sides but I hardly think there are any trolls here. When trolls come they dont last long, most of these people just have strong opinions. Both of you have requests and both of you arn't budging or making progress. All I have to say is thats that and if you could ever get around to it Dice, making the sigs standard would be great.

2003-10-24, 11:04 PM
Uh, I have a small DP sig..

2003-10-24, 11:55 PM
No, you don't. It's 500 pixels, and will be eaten by sigbot. Trust me, I thought i was in the clear and...look what happened to my sig.

2003-10-25, 12:01 AM
I was my post i deleted not yours. I have a right to retract my statement on you being an ass. But....

you can delete posts w/o deleting threads

just fyi ;)

(don't kill me hamma)