View Full Version : Things to do while you wait for the servers to come up

2003-10-27, 10:23 AM
1: Abuse your refresh button
2: Say "It'll launch this time... it will.. it will" over and over
3: Lament not predownloading/preordering
4: Spend all day at school/work having an anxiety attack
5: Convince your spouse that you're really sick even though you have energy to use the computer
6: Surf the web to kill time, only to check again 20 seconds later
7: Shake your wrist out... it's gonna be a long day
8: Shake something else out... after all, you have a few minutes to kill
9: Alternately curse and praise SOE on the forums
10: Lament not untraining a bunch of certifications for the new stuff

Time to run 1,2,7 and 8 again... back in 20 seconds.

2003-10-27, 10:26 AM
11. Stay on PSU forums all day, waiting untill someone comes in screaming "SERVERS ARE BACK UP!!!!!!" and then start up PlanetSide with the urgency of a burning dog. :D

2003-10-27, 10:35 AM
Yeah, i just bitch on the forums lol.

2003-10-27, 10:59 AM
When they go down, dont be silly. They will never go down.


2003-10-27, 10:59 AM


2003-10-27, 11:00 AM
Hahaha, they dont go down very often. Rarely ever in fact.

2003-10-27, 11:57 AM
Well i am just trying it again and i am DLing something new that is kinda big, 9 mins on cable modem. ill post here ASAP

2003-10-27, 12:00 PM
I went into the chat, HELL YEA SERVERS WILL BE UP! they are updatin for CC right now but they will be up today GO SPORKFIRE!

2003-10-27, 12:04 PM
Go To Class!!!

2003-10-27, 12:04 PM
OK DL finished. it chnaged my planetside screeen after ilog in to the CC one. It said could not connect to markov.( as emerald is still down)

2003-10-27, 12:19 PM
Current Status
We don't like it, but at times emergency maintenance happens. We'll update you about it here.
Servers down for update.
10/27/2003 08:42 AM
All PlanetSide servers are currently down for an update. We hope to have the servers back online by 10:30am PST. Thank you for your patience.

The Game Operations Team.

and see the other thread on this topic