View Full Version : Art Challenge! (not a sig dammit)

2003-10-27, 12:32 PM
Ok. So. My school has this club thing where we fix computers to help pay for computer cert exams (i.e. Cisco, A+, Network +, Microsoft systems engie)

So. We have to come up with some way to advertise. Seeing as my school is filled with no-talent mofos that is a problem :lol:

I was wondering if any of the uber artists that we know are out there would be willing to make us some sort of flyer thing, an icon for a shirt....anything....

The name of the club is "Tiger Techs" :rolleyes:

So it has to fit that name/theme

School webpages:
please refer to here : http://middleton.fl.schoolwebpages.com/
and here for the shittahest flash intro evah: http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/~middleton.high/

I told you my school has no talent :p

The orginal idea that "sponsor" of the club had was to have a tiger with a mouse in it's mouth. Feel free to come up with something bettah. lol.

Thanks in advance!