View Full Version : Log In Troubles

2003-10-27, 05:38 PM
I'm running on Windows XP and ever since i patched today it hasnt let me log into planetside. I am able to pass the updating portion of log in but the game is unable to load, i just recieve one of those handy "send this problem to Microsoft" messages. I tried reinstalling, didnt work, and am stuck. If you have any ideas please tell me.

P.S. sorry if this should have gone on a tech help forum, just thought more peolpe would see it here, plus SOE customer service isnt open for the moment.

2003-10-27, 05:56 PM
Same problem here. I haven't had any trouble with the game before today.

2003-10-27, 06:28 PM
The best thing you can do is install Win98...its the best OS out their :)

2003-10-27, 06:47 PM
the same thing happened to me as well. just so you know though, windows is a POS OS, cause thats what the problem is. plz, if any game designers are reading this, write your games for linux. plz. IT DOESNT CRASH. IT DOESNT COMPLETELY TAKE OVER MY COMPUTER AND STOP ME FROM OVERCLOCKING WITHOUT A TOOL TO BYPASS CRAPDOWS. so what if complete idiots will have to learn about computers in order to support a REAL OS. hell i would settle for a mac right about now. FU BILL GATES, if we ever meet, im going to end your reign of terror once and for all >:|. i dont care anymore!! ill do 50 to life to save humanity from crapsoft and its minion XBOX.

2003-10-27, 11:18 PM
There is a fix to this. All you have to do is go to the planetside folder and delete a folder called "expansion1" I dunno why this works but it worked for me. I found a thread in the official forums that described this fix.