View Full Version : Spiddy idea!

2003-10-28, 06:58 PM
Since people are concerned with the radar being to good against infs. How about letting them go through walls and increasing the radar slightly!8p For balance purposes.

2003-10-28, 07:05 PM
Errrrrr....what the hell? Was there a point to your post because i couldnt discern it

2003-10-28, 07:05 PM
:banplz: (ait'al) stupid thread :stoppost:

2003-10-28, 07:10 PM
Ait'Al's post, paraphrased: DURR!!! PHYSICS BAD!

2003-10-28, 07:18 PM
i was bringing up somthing for discussion/good laugh.
> General Forums > Game Discussion !

2003-10-28, 07:23 PM
Black: Your assignment, learn to be a decent human being.

Alt: YOur assignment, proofread your posts, then maybe try and find how to phrase them so people cna understand what your saying.

2003-10-28, 07:30 PM
Ait not alt. Im not going through everyone calling me Alt f4 again!

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-28, 07:48 PM
Suuuuure you're not, Alt-F4.

2003-10-28, 07:55 PM
Suuuuure you're not, Alt-F4.

And what would it hurt to give it to htem. OO nooo they can get in the base again now! and oo noo whats he going to do to me with that beamer!

They stil ahve to take out radar if possible and get over the uncloak time if they dont.

2003-10-28, 08:07 PM
They dont need to do anything.

Lil kids who think they can be ghosts of ultimate death should stop being jackasses, is all.

Yes, billy, attacking a squad of Rexo HA users with 1 clip of AMP ammo is NOT a good idea!

2003-10-28, 08:51 PM
Spee you ahve problems!

They would still be one shot deaths and even though the idea of them gong through walls might be intimidating, it wouldnt actually give them much more advantage because they would still be just as weak out side.
Yes they might be better inside cut with better radar and fast display of enemies to people with cr they would only be a slight hassle individually but still be stopable if you can but them off or just lead them to someplace and kill them. They would gain absolutely no offensie abilities. except if they come in mass and hack a terminal wich would once again be hard because of the hack time and give you time to take htem out before they rearm, unless you ahve absolutely no base defense which is then your fault. It would be the perfect way to fix the nerf and would a perfect aditoin to all the changes to encourage base defense. They wouldnt be able to just run through one though at full speed, they would have to stop then do something at the wall.

And as i said before if there to strong just increase radar against them to make them have to use more stratagy or skill to do something. It would allow the games base defense to continue to be added to while not fucking over the ghost.
and give them a chance to get past sheilds/ give bases with sheilds something more to shoot and take out the sheild base, if skilled enough or not mowed down and not make the sheilded base completely invincible, With a minimal change to there affectiveness(and make a nice thing counter to them!/addition to there game usage.)

Does anyoen think this would be a nice idea!

2003-10-28, 10:41 PM
Spee you ahve problems!

Hell, I coulda told ya that.

Example of stupid kids playing Inf suit: Hey! Theres a friendly with no health next to a harasser! I'm awesome! Im gonna shoot the harasser with m AMP and try not to get caught!

Whoops! Caught a faceful of bullets! Silly me!

2003-10-28, 11:20 PM
the idea is htat they can get through certain walls and avoid combat, not get in it, and restore some of its former base infiltrating abilities. So that even if, lets say, stuff can detect you and fire at you easy, you hve a chance to go through a wal and avoid it or atleast make it have to take hte time to turn to hit you and allow you a little better chance at surviving.

2003-10-29, 12:13 AM


2003-10-29, 12:43 AM
easy solution to get in base

get a plane

or find a gal pilot

hitch a ride and drop on the roof :/

congradulations you have made it into teh base :D

now go kill soemthin

2003-10-29, 12:47 AM
The idea was to let infs in bases a little easier. Even if it gets tougher to, since this seems to be there purpose. If im wrong correct me.