View Full Version : Why are they rotating?

2003-10-29, 04:40 PM
Why is access to the caverns rotating? I remember this was something SOE was testing during Beta, but now it's gone live, along with the 1.5 minute HARTs. I don't mind the quicker HARTs at all, but I do mind the rotating cavern access. Does anyone know...

a) whether this is a bug or not
b) if it's not a bug, what SOE's justification for it is

Also, some (other) bugs I've noticed...

a) stealthed infiltrators still have the white discs appear below their feet while they're traveling on the ziplines, which gives away their existence and location.

b) the cavers DO NOT correspond to their continents. For instance, the cavern below Forseral (which is forested) is an ice cavern. The caverns were supposed to reflect the environment of their continent's surface.

Does anyone have any background info on whether or not these are, in fact, bugs, and if not, why they are as they are?

2003-10-29, 04:45 PM
I think they are rotating because they dont want ppl to go to caverns that are empty and get a shit load of modules and put them all in one base (if thats possible)

2003-10-29, 04:51 PM
Dont know about the cloaking things. Rotating caverns is intended design however, it was always supposed to be like that. As for the forseral cavern being ice.. no it isnt :p

2003-10-29, 05:06 PM
I dont have CC yet :( waiting till i go to local EB (witch is 3 hours away here)

2003-10-29, 06:06 PM
Why can u have only a limited amount of mudules in Auraxis? It should be as many as possoble.

2003-10-29, 06:08 PM
yeah man the forseral cavern is water beacause forseral is a lake continent.

2003-10-29, 07:06 PM
bryan25: if there weren't a limited number of modules, what would be the point of trying to steal them from other bases if you could just get your own. Suppy and Demand: if there are only a limited number, people will want them more.

2003-10-29, 07:29 PM
yah, and if they were unlimited, EVERY BASE would have EVERY MODULE eventually

Diddy Mao
2003-10-29, 07:40 PM
180 Moduels Total are allowed on Auraxis

2003-10-29, 08:03 PM
Wasn't it 10 moduels per empire allowed on Auraxis..?

2003-10-30, 12:58 AM
It's 10 modules of every type of module. Which is 60 modules per empire. Total. But far as I could tell, you could only have 3 of each type moving at the same time. That's moving. So once installed, you could get more.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-30, 01:38 AM
Honestly? Population is the answer I'd go with. If they were all open there'd consistantly be empty caverns. Now if each server had twice or in some cases three times as many people that wouldn't matter so much. But as it is it would either spread the population too thin or make getting a module with little no resistance way too common.