View Full Version : Cell phones

2003-10-29, 06:01 PM
Im gonna be getting a cell phone and im look at the Sony Ericsson T610
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000AGRYX/qid=1067467394/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-1788043-3025542?v=glance&s=wireless&n=507846 . Can anyone reccomend one to me?

2003-10-29, 06:05 PM
Just get a small usefull one, do you really need 32 crappy games and 75 different rings?

I say go for the looks and size... not for the amount of crappy features!

2003-10-29, 06:21 PM
get one with ringtones that are music,i like those,but yea get one thats good looking and has good ratings

2003-10-29, 07:46 PM
If you are buying that phone for the camera, be aware that it is something like 320x240 resolution... So the images will look extremely terrible.

I really like my Nokia 3650, it has a 640x480 camera, which is enough for what I use it for. (pics of cute girls and my own "owned" pics)

If you do not like the circular keypad you can wait for the Nokia 6600, which is the same phone (same camera, same size screen) just in a flip phone, with a normal keypad layout.


2003-10-29, 08:55 PM
i was looking at the 3650 but the Nokia 6600 is ugly but thnx for the help. Its either the sony or the nokia (btw i want one w/ a camera so i can send cousin pics of my friends.)

2003-10-29, 11:21 PM
6600 isn't out yet bud... You may be thinking of I think it is the 6650, the one that folds out into a keyboard, I do not like that one either, it feels very cheap.

Here is the 6600:

Or if you are certain you were looking at the 6600, could you tell me which retailer had it please? I can not find it at any service.

2003-10-29, 11:29 PM
All I need from a phone is dialing, Nextel's Direct Connect, and news.

That's all. No cameras, funky ringtones, internet access, tampon dispenser, etc.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-29, 11:58 PM
Ringtones do in fact serve a purpose. I was always of the opinion that having your phone play a snippet from For whom the Bell Tolls in a shitty high pitched tone was not only useless but the butchering of a great song as well.

Then it was pointed out to me that before ringtones when one persons phone rang inevitably 20 people grabbed their phones to see if it was theirs. Different ringtones prevent that from happening and considering how many people have phones nowadays not having them would probably be even more annoying than listening to The William Tell Oveture everytime your friends phone rings.

I do find it amusing that people are willing to spend a couple hundred extra dollars just to be able to play a shitty version of tetris or take low quality pictures though :p

2003-10-30, 08:21 AM
I'm a Sprint PCS guy myself, dunno why, but I've been with them for 7 going on 8 years now. They have the best data options available even though you do get the "talk" every once and awhile for "abusing" the system...whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting on the Sony/Ericsson T608. Sprint is the only carrier that has yet to produce a bluetooth enable device. The T608 will be the first for them. I can't wait to surf pr0n on my UX50 while sitting on teh bus.

2003-10-30, 03:54 PM
Nextel > *

2003-10-30, 04:25 PM
I have a,....buubble gum phone. Carrot flavored.

2003-10-30, 05:01 PM
I've been happy with my Samsung SCH-N150. It's almost 2 years old, but it still rocks. Samsung makes gooood cellies.

2003-10-30, 05:03 PM
Chelle's cell owns.