View Full Version : My revisions to transports and the HART

2003-10-29, 08:17 PM
Disclamer: I have not played with the one (1) min hart. I cannot however imagine that this was an intended change, I pray it was not the intended goal, I think i'd chock that up in my "things boiling me closer to quitting the game column"

Disclamer 2: I havnt had a chance to play CC yet.

At the risk of sounding concieted *ok this is me it's too late for that* I think it's best to say that the one min hart is retarted, Aen's idea is good, however I'm not ready to get rid of the hart entirely, for the simple logic that instant action only benefits those ultra zerg fests.

Here is what I propose it's a multi step process:

The hart timer be returned to 10 mins.

You can only hart into continents where your faction cotnrolls a dropship center.
-The practicle reason for this is it encourages empires to fight on fronts they can maintain and make them be aware of their supply lines. The explanation is that the dropship centers computers are needed to calculate telemetry for landings in an increasingly hostile enviroment.

Sunderer and Gal should be combined into one cert

Deliverer should be able to be driven in reinforced armor.

Gal should get all the same properties of a Mosq, I.E. radar immune and the scanner ability. However it only functions in one mode or the other, the logic is a craft so large pumping out aggressive radar waves is very visible on radar, or in run quiet mode it cannot provide radar overwatch.

Sunderer should get some sort of mine sweeper ability. I.E. it detonates mines ahead of it before reaching them.

The harraser should also get the above ability.

To compensate for the above vehicles a minelayer version of the ant should be available to combat engies to quickly and efficently lay out mine clusters without clogging up their inventory space.

Ok i've ran on long enough

2003-10-29, 08:22 PM
oo i like the minelayer ant

2003-10-29, 08:47 PM
Ya I like that idea to but there might be to many bugs with equally putting the mines in places because as the Devs said they dont want mine fields.

2003-10-29, 09:01 PM
Disclamer: I have not played with the one (1) min hart. I cannot however imagine that this was an intended change,

it was 1 min in PS:CC BETA :groovy:

2003-10-29, 09:02 PM
I like most everything but the Sunderer mine sweep, i think if they put that on it should have to be manually activated by the driver and have a respectable recharge time. That way he could blow up the mines protecting the entrance to a courtyard but he couldn't plow across an entire bridge. That would make it useful for breaching perimeters, but would keep it from being used as a primary assault vehicle (the best av in the game is a decent minefield, after all.) The Harrasser should work the same, but have a slightly longer range and should recharge faster, making it useful as an escort vehicle and as a scout instead of just a way to bring a friend from point A to point B. The minelayer ANT sounds like great fun too.

2003-10-29, 09:03 PM
Mine layer......hmm it has a nice ring to it...:)

2003-10-29, 09:09 PM
"Devs said they dont want mine fields."
WTF are they smoking mines = mine fields

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-29, 10:09 PM
Actually I agree on the mine fields. It would allow people to hsape battlefields more effectively and attempt to cut down the number of angles the enemy can come at you from. See other discussions for my opinions on the HART itself.

2003-10-29, 10:24 PM
That entire revision rocks...

Additional Gal ideas... pick one of two

1. Add an inv terminal to the side opposite the trunk, avalible when aircraft is landed. Same restrictions as AMS.

2. When vehicle bay is empty, have six seats that fold out of the wall, three on each side. Then, make it possible so the pilot gets a view from the tail and the ability to open the cargo ramp remotely.

With this, you could extract people from the roofs of towers and such.

2003-10-29, 11:29 PM
Love the mine laying ant, in some cases it would save me from having a Rexo suit full of ACE's and carrying for defense only a Striker and MCG (no reloads on ammo) while doing CE. To add on to the mine ANT they could perhaps up the number of mines per SOI to 25 or 30 as a counter blanace to recently upgraded vehicles i.e. tanks and vehicles having shields. This would give CE some of it's bite back in terms of vehicles but not be too overpowering. Lets face it any CR with an EMP blast can ruin in seconds what it may have taken a CE a lot longer to prepare.

2003-10-30, 11:10 AM
I tend to agree with you on the Cr3 up issue just destroying whole mine fields is kinda wrong, but i think it's a valid tactic for commanders that lead from the front. Thats why i want a minelayer, to return CE's some of their power. I also still like the idea of more potent but more visible AV mines. How about this.

Only bases can deploy minelayers (duh) and they are useless out of that bases soi. THey still must conform to the same deployable limitations as normal CEs and they still count towards a CE's mine layer total. It whould require a fair amount of extra coding on the devs part but I think as far as gameplay no one whould be able to argue it unfair, and with the benefits to harasser and sunderer it whould be a well bounced addition.

2003-10-30, 12:20 PM
Minelayer for ant is a good idea Doppler but i dont like the Sund and Harraser idea well First of all the Sunderer has enough armor to be a mine sweeper (i know from experiences). U are right about the Deliverer being able to be driven by Reinforced as well :D

2003-10-30, 12:22 PM
Ya I like that idea to but there might be to many bugs with equally putting the mines in places because as the Devs said they dont want mine fields.

But they also said there would never, ever, ever be any form of artillery in the game too.

2003-10-30, 12:25 PM
Imagine another vehicle chasing the ant, and it lays a mine. It would piss off a number of people. :doh:

2003-10-30, 12:25 PM
Ya i made a thread about the artillary idea a long time ago but it was a Empire specif artillary peices(i know my spelling sucks) .

2003-10-30, 07:02 PM
what I think they should do, it make it so the mines have no vertical sensor, so low flying aircraft don't get b0rked, AND when im on a low zip line, and some ass layed 3 mines under it, I get killed

2003-10-31, 10:00 AM
what I think they should do, it make it so the mines have no vertical sensor, so low flying aircraft don't get b0rked, AND when im on a low zip line, and some ass layed 3 mines under it, I get killed

To that I say your aircraft, you shouldnt be flying that low, if the mines get you, all the better. WHy should ground vehicles get all the lovin'