View Full Version : Would love to see naval combat

2003-10-30, 12:00 AM
Naval Combat would be sweet.

Carriers- mobile spawn points for Libs, Reavers and Mosquitos

Submarines- Torpedos and perhaps slow fireing cruise missles

Destroyers or Frigates- ASW and small shore bombardment batteries

Battleships- Naval/moblie versions of the Flail

Gunboats- Small and fast and mounting 20mm recoiless cannons and perhaps a mortor laucher

Tenders- Naval nano supply for the rest of the "fleet" which allows repawning of aircraft or replenishment of ammunition used.

Thoughts or commnets?


2003-10-30, 12:02 AM
Yea, have some of the warpgates 'collapse' (for story line), so we had to resort to naval equipment to get from cont to cont, I like it.

2003-10-30, 12:10 AM
*Me imagines a D-Day type of event*

2003-10-30, 01:13 AM
Yea, did not think about that, troop transports that can spawn or perhaps hold deliverers in thier cargo hold to transport troops and get them on shore. Tender would also be a repair vehicle or have a separate repair ship. Flails could be used as shore batteries or perhaps have stationary shore batteries.

Happy lil Elf
2003-10-30, 01:35 AM
Meh, honestly I've never seen why people would want Naval combat that much. The reality is on most continents you'd have little to no effect on battles. Spawn points for people and vehicles and places to rearm? Bases/towers are are closer to the fight. Bombardment of bases? Random bombardment has never been a very effective tactic in Planetside. Transport? Maybe on Cyssor, but that's about it.

Personally I'd much rather see new innovations to air combat.

2003-10-30, 09:43 AM
how would naval combat help the game? Everyone will be going to the caves, and wats left is on the surface, if theres naval combat everyone will go there, plus the vehicles are too big for one person to man, and think of the credits to equip those. With everyone under ground and at sea, who would be left to get the benifits of the both? There would be like 10 ppl on the surface of each island.

2003-10-30, 09:48 AM
*Me imagines a D-Day type of event*


2003-10-30, 09:51 AM
how would naval combat help the game? Everyone will be going to the caves, and wats left is on the surface, if theres naval combat everyone will go there, plus the vehicles are too big for one person to man, and think of the credits to equip those. With everyone under ground and at sea, who would be left to get the benifits of the both? There would be like 10 ppl on the surface of each island.

We need more players

2003-10-30, 12:23 PM
I would love to see a WW2 game like that with Sony backing. Historic weapons, vehicles and maps, too bad WW2online comes up short, the concept is realistic and do-able....

2003-10-30, 12:29 PM
D-day event wouldnt be that hard to make a good place to do it would be at cyssor near chuku ill think about what we can do to make that event possible....

2003-10-30, 03:47 PM
Naval combat may come up in a future expansion, it hasnt been ruled out or in.

2003-10-30, 04:57 PM
I mainly play battlefield 1942, and to be honest, the naval aspect seriosuly detracts from infantry fighting; spreading ground troops too thin on the ground. With everyone out fighting in the ocean with air and sea craft, it gets tediously boring. A single tank can roll in and take every land point.

Out in the sea Carriers are so big they are easy target. Every ship takes no skill to hit, but with teams of engineers reparing them they are effectivley indestructible. The only option tbh is to storm a carrier, furthering you're troop comitment to the ocean. As before the game very quickly becomes an annoying, boring, and limited sea war with little or no-one on land. If you do that, you'd be as well having small maps as thats what Carriers effectivley are.

Bear in mind I dont play Planetside yet since SOE has limited payment options for the UK, so I don't know if sea war would work with the unit systems and scale of PSide.

If you're worried about fewer and fewer players, one of you could do me a favour and moan a bit to SOE on the offical forums allowing Switch or Direct Debit payment options for the united kingdom. I know loads of folk like myself who want to play, but don't want a credit card when they have a perfectly good (and less risky) Switch card, yet SOE don't accept Switch. Game cards are also no on sale in the uK. (I would do it myself, but you have to be a SOE subscriber to post on the offical forums.

2003-10-30, 06:11 PM
More People...


2003-10-30, 09:30 PM
Yea SOE needs to get some publicity for PS, comercials maybe. I would like to see a high altitude/space exp pack. Maybeing takeing place in the atmosphere and giving people a free aircraft cert that is only use full for getting to one place to another it runs out of fuel and is very easy to shoot down and couldnt run over anyone.

2003-10-30, 09:57 PM
In the scope of MMOs Planetside is pretty close to being failure. I read on gamespy they estimate PS subscribers to be below 50,000 (and I think we can all agree that that's a pretty generous guess) vs Star Wars Galaxies which is over 300k, Everquest peaked at something ridiculous like 700k and has leveled off around 500k. There is some whacky Korean MMO that broke through a million.

Anyways yeah I'm sure we're not getting the best experience here cause they were hoping for a few hundred thousand players, and have had to reel in their plans to accomodate a much smaller player base. Not that they're not making money off the game or anything, but I'm sure they didn't buy a new Jaguar for whoever pitched them the idea of a MMOFPS.

Edit: Boo ships. Yay spacecraft. The game is called Planetside, not Sailorcide.

2003-10-30, 09:59 PM
Thats not a failure , that many subscribers can pay for the game its just not mainstream and selling like hotcakes. An example of an failure would be Earth and Beyond Online or The Sims Online

2003-10-30, 10:02 PM
Yeah but this is Sony. They are mainstream entertainment.

2003-10-31, 05:47 AM
Things that have stopped me/ slowed me from playing planetside. ( I knew about the game wen it first appeared as a side note on SOE - I used to play the free InfantryZone betas years ago ) :

Need a fast connection. I took ages to get ADSL in my area. Cable is disallowed under my tennancy agreement for some reason.
My PC needed a hefty upgrade
There was no demo
When the demo came out it was Fileplanet/gayspy subscribers only.
The demo file size is massive and seems to corrupt. It need to be split into smaller downloads.
now that 've gotten the demo, it's fking up. MAssive updates as well. I know of two others in my gaming comunity that have deleted the game due to being pissed off at the huge update.
The UK payment options are abysmal. YOU NEED TO ALLOW SWITCH. Do some market research. Every 16-26 year old has a switch/solo card. Few have, or want, credit cards. Who buys the most games? Could it be 16-26 year olds? I think so.

[edit] So many typos I cba correcting them :p