View Full Version : The most BS Post Ever!

2003-10-30, 08:34 AM
Lets face it TR is way underpowered compared to the other two empires. Only way TR is actuallt holding continents is due to their high skills and good players. Unlike the zerg strat that NC and VC is using, the TR is using strat to win. Even tho TR have good players they are serius underpowered.
I written a couple of small things that will make the TR be balanced in the game

* Give all the TR MAX jump packs and shields (its unfair that NC and VS should have them but not TR)

* The TR AA MAX is broken, it only works against enemy planes. Fix it so it works just as good against antything just like the TR AV MAX.

* Enable a second mode on the minigun. Make it a auto aiming mode that makes the bullets fly towards the nearest enemy (I mean actually need to aim to hit is just silly).

* The Striker is way underpowered. One rockets should be able to kill anything (make the game atleast a little realistic) also up the reload and fire rate (5 rockets in 3 sec is just way to slow we are talking about a rocket launcher here)

* The Prowler is weak. Make it twice as much armor and let the driver use all the weapons while he drives (Its unfair that NC should have the best tank in the game come on lets share)

I know some more but I want to keep TR a bit underpowered I like a challenge.

I myself play VS(Yeah Im one of those noobs that just zerg unlike the talented TR MAX players). I think we all can agree that its time to boost the TR if not we should nerf the NC and VS to hell and back. I mean TR cant hold back the zerg waves of NC and VC to long.

Signed Pinky of Markov

Post Script : lol spookfire I would like to see how you handle this one, If you agree with me Im gonna kill myself.

(noobs I will not explain irony plz look it up in a book)

:rofl: Continueing with the theme of dumbass , id like for people to make their own Underpowered posts heres a few of my suggestions (dont take them seriously)


B) Make the phoenix actually kill something

C) Give my vanguard a bumper sticker that reads "If you can see this you are screwed"

D)NC ScatterMax needs to have a machine gun on its other hand.

E) Bring back the sucky jackhammer of open beta days

F) The Maelstrom needs to have plasma nades

D)Make the Bolt Driver one shot one kill (ok i wasnt kidding about that one it would be nice but it wont happen :P)

Ok Those are mine dont take them seriously.

2003-10-30, 08:46 AM
:lol: who posted that crap?

2003-10-30, 09:32 AM
I did

2003-10-30, 09:42 AM
:rofl: Even if he doesn't play TR, he is a moron.

2003-10-30, 09:43 AM

2003-10-30, 09:46 AM
I don't think the Striker fires 5 rockets in 3 seconds. I'd say it probably fires one rocket about every second.


2003-10-30, 10:55 AM
You realize that he is totally just busting on the TR players right?? The original quote is just a joke. Wow.

2003-10-30, 10:56 AM
You guys realize he was being sarcastic, right?

2003-10-30, 11:41 AM
Yeah... he was being sarcastic. It's some weird syndrome that people online cannot detect sarcasm.

2003-10-30, 11:51 AM
Trolls are funnay :rofl:

Diddy Mao
2003-10-30, 12:48 PM
ROTFLMGDAO that is teh sux0rz

2003-10-30, 01:23 PM
"(noobs I will not explain irony plz look it up in a book)"

My spider sense is telling me something......... perhaps...... there is a small chance that this post is actually a sarcastic one?



2003-10-30, 04:52 PM
lol when I first started reading that quote I thought what kind of idiot would post this nonsense? But then I read on and saw the sarcasm, very good :thumbsup:

2003-10-30, 07:19 PM
I suspect this post may have been made in jest.

2003-10-30, 08:42 PM
yeah but the initial replys weren't

2003-10-31, 02:13 PM
Hmm. But a Flamethrower would be nice.

Or maybe a trout with a lazer beam on its head.. evil trout .. yes EVIL TROUT!

2003-10-31, 05:48 PM
It's a shark.

Sharks with laser beams attached to their heads! buhahha!

2003-10-31, 06:27 PM
No its mutated sea bass with lasers. They couldn't get sharks due to them being endangered species or something.

2003-10-31, 06:40 PM
I motion we nerf the stealth suit. I would like to see it's cloaking ability removed.

2003-10-31, 06:51 PM
no, it's "Ill Tempered Sea Bass".

although I prefer Fetid sea bass..

2003-11-01, 04:34 AM
yeah, stealth suit is t3h overpowered!!!!!!11

yesterday i was busy standing still in the middle of a fight, and suddenly something starts to shoot me, and it KILLED ME!!!!!!!

I WASS KILLLLED BY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i even forgot to turn on DL!!!111

i mean wtf???!!111 how is you supposed to remember to use it???!1111

lok @ claockers. they already carrry a pistol slot (waaaaaaaaaaay overpowered, devs nerf that 2), and their space is jsut too beg! i mean, their is stelthers ffs!!11 they should onoly be able to carry a knife.

and make so they cnat use implants!1111 that is so overpowered. i means they is invisible!!!11 wtf????!!!1111

oh and no need to remove stelth abilityes, only make DL free for every1 (not an implant, i men everyone knows that second wind is like X100000 times better!!!11), and they can see with it jsut like normal visiion without the stupid (too nooby-friendly) stamina cost.

oh and it also auto-aims on the clocker.

I men thinck about it! SOE wants you to aim!!!!!!!!111111

ok devs you do what i say because i know just what planet, err, whatshisname, needs.

2003-11-01, 06:33 AM
NO, this is the best BS http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/025482.html

2003-11-01, 03:19 PM
HAHAHA!! thats fucking funny! sayin the AMS needs to be nerfed! :rofl: good luck tryin to cap bases! :thumbsup:

2003-11-01, 03:21 PM
He was jokeing....

2003-11-01, 09:23 PM
Hehe, all I have to say is I agree that we TR are more skilled... but not because our weapons suck, we are just more goodlooking and stuff...

2003-11-01, 09:39 PM
Everyone looks good in Black and Red.

Or, Navy Blue and Noir