View Full Version : What Are You Doing Here?
2003-10-30, 09:29 PM
This thread is to ask just that.
This forum is obviously a game fan site, but why are you here?
As for me, I started to come here after I saw a preview of Planetside on gamespot. Quick google of planetside revealed this site and I haven't left since. I have since canceled my subscription to PS (though it hasn't run out, but I will not be paying anymore) but I think I will be around for quite awhile more due to the cool people.
Sooo, that being said, What Are You Here?
2003-10-30, 09:32 PM
Because i used to enjoy PlanetSide. Now i've moved onto different games not getting back into PlanetSide because of the lack of an outfit. I still love it though. But this is my favorite community and favorite forum i have ever whored so i will never leave. Ever.
Edit: Oh ya, been lurking since November 2002. Whoring since Januray 2003.
2003-10-30, 09:34 PM
Lemme think. Oh yeah. Ok back in March I was looking for all the info i could find about PS, since I was trying to get into beta. I did a search for it saw PSU and took a looky. I think my first post was some question or something and some guy was really cool so i started doing some light trolling with my ibook (b4 they bloxxored it) and got into the forums. Really started whoring once school let out and thats wherei am now.
2003-10-30, 09:41 PM
i used to play ps, but i got bored of it, but i stayed here because there are people with the same interests as me (videogames,chiks,and more videogames)
2003-10-30, 09:42 PM
That's something you generally don't see. Soemone sticking around a game community for a game they don't play, just because the community pwns so much :)
I dont know how I got here, but here I am.
And I play PS like a motherfucker.
2003-10-30, 09:47 PM
much :love: for PSU.
2003-10-30, 09:53 PM
That's something you generally don't see. Soemone sticking around a game community for a game they don't play, just because the community pwns so much :)
Indeed. Our community pwns other communitys.
2003-10-30, 09:57 PM
I quit now I'm here to bug you all...
2003-10-30, 10:09 PM
For the community.
2003-10-30, 10:15 PM
Im here to spend money on the community.
2003-10-30, 10:20 PM
Im here to spend money on the community.
Do you live near the prostitute district? :p
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-30, 10:29 PM
I said I play this game an need a place to talk about it but really I play this game and needed a place to amuse me while at work and have become addicted.
2003-10-30, 10:30 PM
I'm here to not do my homework
2003-10-30, 10:30 PM
I play, i need a place to talk about it, and the community owns.
2003-10-30, 11:57 PM
im here cuz im stalking hamma
2003-10-30, 11:58 PM
No you aren't. 1024 is.
2003-10-31, 12:07 AM
im here cuz im stalking hamma
2003-10-31, 07:25 AM
Because this was the only forum I could get into from work, which was where I first started coming here from.
2003-10-31, 08:07 AM
No you aren't. 1024 is.
maybe i am 1024, ever think of that?
2003-10-31, 08:09 AM
2003-10-31, 11:47 AM
hes not 1024, trying to get people to like him without posting too much...
well, i play the game still, and i dont really talk about it here, i just whore the fourms alil
2003-10-31, 01:13 PM
2003-10-31, 05:38 PM
2003-10-31, 05:51 PM
I came here because I was researching PS at work the day I bought it and this site worked. I quit planetside recently, mostly due to hatred of my outfit and constantly getting pwned the second I step out of a base/tower. I hang around cuz the community rocks.
I played beta, then stuck around for the community
2003-10-31, 06:06 PM
I played, then got bored and quit.
...except i never really quit. I'm still paying that subscription even tho i havent been on in 2+ months. :-/
Community does indeed Pwn. Love BOHICA too, i met the bohicans because of PSU
2003-10-31, 06:07 PM
On the topic of BOHICA, do they have a rainbow six 3 division? Cuz I saw a server called BOHICA, and I was wondering if it was the same clan...
2003-10-31, 06:55 PM
im hanging around becouse of all the cool ppl, as its extreemly hard to leave it, as several ppl have shown by coming back after leaving.
I found this site by a swedish game site, and read all about the game and it looked damn cool. I tried it but dont play it anymore. It was 2 hard 2 aim
2003-10-31, 06:56 PM
I been coming since December, i still play PS and plan to do so for the next few months, i got this name though cause the other one doesn't work on my computer.
Now i've moved onto different games not getting back into PlanetSide because of the lack of an outfit. Want the opertunity to join the second best outfit on Markov (since i last checked)? We teh second in every damn catagory (sincei last checked), and really even thoug hwe are so big, we are very organized(cause most of us use teamspeak). The only down thing is no swearing.....
2003-11-01, 05:36 PM
CAn you feel the :love:
I started posting on here like 2 months ago
because i wanted to know how planetside was doing
because i couldnt play, my PC is all screwy
so first i went to the FAn Fiction Forums
then i followed vashthestamped and 1024
to the Lounge and ive stayed here ever since
i Found the site back in the days of beta, i think.
Thats the last time i played.
i was waiting for word of "We fixed the lag"
as they did in anarchy online
and now with the expansion i was about to come back
but Got REAL pissed
they make you have to buy planetside
And Core combat
so i might not come back for a while as money is tight
But this community Is by far the best ive seen
especially with this many people
the only one that comes close is another game
i used to play that has a 100 member Forum
2003-11-01, 05:41 PM
especially with this many people
this many people=1000+, this is why all the oldskool peeps are leaving/left. :rolleyes:
2003-11-01, 08:11 PM
And good riddens.
2003-11-01, 09:21 PM
Just to chill and make a few posts.
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