View Full Version : Whats your favorite cert?
Right now I'm loving the reaver, but I will have to give that up shortly for spec ops stuff.
But my favorite cert., the one I just can't live without would have to be Combat Engineer. Gotta love the boomers........
2003-10-31, 05:44 AM
I guess it would be Engineering. I've had it almost the whole time I've been playing this game. Close second would be either H.A. or Adv Hacking.
2003-10-31, 06:16 AM
My life has changed since the first time I have laid my hands on that sweet, sweet Thumper.....
And to think I have used the Punisher (a great weapon, btw) for so long, without knowing that for a wee cost of 3 certs I can have a weapon with not one, but 6 plasma nades!
I have never been the same again :) .
2003-10-31, 07:35 AM
Advanced Hacking. It smells like money.
2003-10-31, 07:54 AM
Most used: Engineering
Most liked: Flail
Most disliked: Adv med (got rid of that, nobosy waits anyway) and maybe CE
2003-10-31, 08:10 AM
spec assault.
all my loadouts have at least 1 deci ,can't go anywhere without em (esp with the vs maxs...)
2003-10-31, 08:28 AM
Yea i used to have deci those VS MAXs can be tricky bastards (nazi jumpjets) my favorite is Medium Assault i get almost all of my kills with guass look at my weekly stats and those are mostly from guass :)
2003-10-31, 08:32 AM
I would have to say Adv Hacking, You don't have to wait 5 muntes to hack a CC and you get access to control terms in enemy bases.... Ninja!
Also I just love the bolt driver, in the right situations kills galore, just find yourself a good hiding spot.
2003-10-31, 09:11 AM
Favorite certs. Well I have to say I like em all, or I would change them :)
So lets see favorite weapon cert: Bolt Driver. Even before the balance pass. oh yeah. BANG. :)
Favorite vehicle cert: Skyguard. I love my sniper car. It's even better when I have a gunner. we've gone 1 on 1 with lightnings and killed them before.
Favorite support cert: Well I'll go with you guys and say Advanced hacking, I don't know how people live without it.
Most used load out.
Slot 1: AMP
Slot 2: Punisher with plasma 'nades
Slot 3: REK, never leave home without it.
Slot 4: Bolt Driver.
2 medpacks
12 or so plasma nades
15 or so Bolt rounds
and the rest is people shreddin' punisher rounds.
2003-10-31, 09:45 AM
I have to say, I'm in love with the Lightning cert (or rather, the vehicle. With shields/etc it can stand up to a lot of fire, and can dish it out just as well.
As for cert skills, hacking. It's very convenient to be able to make anything usable within enemy bases.
Diddy Mao
2003-10-31, 11:06 AM
I just Recently purchased the Adv. Pimping Certification
Bah! I was the first with the adv pimping!
2003-10-31, 02:03 PM
As TR, anti vehicular. Love the Striker. I get a max in the open with it, example defending a base. 1 clip of 5 will bring him down before he can even get his range set on me. Just waving it in the air is enough to scare off pesky Skeets and Reavers.. most will turn and burn when they see 'Missile Lock!'. Last night on Emerald myself and about 6 other strikers took out a wave of Magriders like fish in a barrel. It was about the most awesome thing I've seen in PS. Seeing a dozen or more Striker rounds slamming into tanks at once. Was slaughter. Later, myself and 2 others with Strikers shot down atleast 5 Skeets inside 2 minutes. We would be able to get lock and squeeze 2 rounds off before they'd react.
I love it.
2003-10-31, 02:57 PM
I love my little lightning you can tear shit up if you use it in a pack of 3 or 4
Medium Assault. I can't enjoy PS without an Agile/Sweeper favourite to fall back on.
2003-10-31, 05:04 PM
It's changed a lot for me. At first (in beta) i loved sniping. Then i loved special assault. Then it was heavy assault. Then for like ever it was reaver, until recently where it seems I enjoy heavy assault again as well as the mosquito.
So currently I would say mosquito. (i have traded all certs, my last original cert engineering was traded a few days ago)
2003-10-31, 06:05 PM
Spec Asssault or Lightning, spec assault is absolutely essential for survival imho and the lightning just plain owns.
2003-10-31, 06:14 PM
I'm in love with adv hacking, just nice to be able to re-arm/heal/get vehicles are enemy bases. And vehicle jacking just rocks 8)
2003-10-31, 07:59 PM
favorite weapon cert: Sniper. ((Bolt Driver, never leave Spawn without it. ))
Favorite Vehicle: ATV ((Nobody can tell me JACK about my little Wraith. I love that little thing.
Favorite Support Cert : Medic ((OMG Medic is SO great for Snipers))
2003-10-31, 10:57 PM
Weapon: Medium assault, very versatile.
Vehicle: My favorate is currently deliverer, will probably be tactical support once I get Core Combat (Router = own). However, ATV is defenitely the best for your value.
Support: Adv Medical or regular engineering. I'd really dig hacking if they'd implement the hacking program system I described in the "Add/Remove/Change" thread.
2003-11-01, 12:06 AM
As TR, anti vehicular. Love the Striker. I get a max in the open with it, example defending a base. 1 clip of 5 will bring him down before he can even get his range set on me. Just waving it in the air is enough to scare off pesky Skeets and Reavers.. most will turn and burn when they see 'Missile Lock!'. Last night on Emerald myself and about 6 other strikers took out a wave of Magriders like fish in a barrel. It was about the most awesome thing I've seen in PS. Seeing a dozen or more Striker rounds slamming into tanks at once. Was slaughter. Later, myself and 2 others with Strikers shot down atleast 5 Skeets inside 2 minutes. We would be able to get lock and squeeze 2 rounds off before they'd react.
I love it.
Perfect example of how AV should be used, in organized groups.
2003-11-01, 12:29 AM
Guess I am in the minority here. Combat Engineering is a hoot for me. Carry a couple ACE's with me in all my preset configs. Gives me a little edge in most combat situations. GREAT for those sneaky little Infil back shooters, just run and start dropping mines, boom, dead infil. I drop mines at random sometimes if things are fairly slow, you would be suprised how many kills i get from mines out in BFE I dropped. Like dropping them in choke points of tower approches, most folks dont look for them there, they look for them immediately around towers. Boomers are great for defending CC's, etc. I could go on but, suffice it to say that finding new ways and places to drop mines, Spits, etc. is a creative outlet for me and one of the reasons I keep playing this game :D
2003-11-01, 12:40 AM
As TR, anti vehicular. Love the Striker. I get a max in the open with it, example defending a base. 1 clip of 5 will bring him down before he can even get his range set on me. Just waving it in the air is enough to scare off pesky Skeets and Reavers.. most will turn and burn when they see 'Missile Lock!'. Last night on Emerald myself and about 6 other strikers took out a wave of Magriders like fish in a barrel. It was about the most awesome thing I've seen in PS. Seeing a dozen or more Striker rounds slamming into tanks at once. Was slaughter. Later, myself and 2 others with Strikers shot down atleast 5 Skeets inside 2 minutes. We would be able to get lock and squeeze 2 rounds off before they'd react.
I love it.
Ever seen 5-10 guys line up in a row with Lancers and wreak havoc?
2003-11-01, 12:51 AM
My fav cert Reinforced armor, I couldn't live without it.
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