View Full Version : Probably Been Answered already but i'm lazy

2003-01-17, 10:09 AM
So, can the different sides in planetside talk to eachother?

I must say it is one of the best features of DAOC. You can't hear what the other Realms are saying. So you get killed there is no real way for you to taunt them or them you or for rude comments to be sent back and forth. Worst they can do is jump on your corpse or laugh at you.

Personally I don't believe you can trust people to be civil or act properly. So I'm hoping the same rules will hold true in planetside.

Like I said, I'm sure this has been discussed, but I'm say to lazy to look it up.


2003-01-17, 10:22 AM
Well I'm too lazy to answer. ;)

:cheers: Drink That Pedialyte! :D

2003-01-17, 10:41 AM
That's ok, I know Dane will tell me once he gets to work.

2003-01-17, 10:45 AM
Link to thread (http://planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1562)

Part of the SmokeJumperPS answer to a similar question:
Our theory is that rivalries between enemy Outfits should be encouraged, but that any correspondance between them should be done on world-specific forums or fan sites.

2003-01-17, 10:49 AM
Sweet, thanks for the linky