View Full Version : HART Timer will remain low.
2003-10-31, 02:40 PM
Here is what Spork said in the below thread:
The HART timer adjustment was unintentional, however, now that its in the game, we'll be watching it to see its affect on the game. We'll be adjusting it from one minute, but it will probably be shorter than it had been previously.
:mad: I personaly do NOT agree with this change, I think its a mistake.. comments?
Meh, if people prefer it that way, who are we to say they should try and force players into using Galaxies more often?
2003-10-31, 02:44 PM
If it aint broke dont fix it.. it wasnt broken before when it was 10m or whatever, why change it?
Oh I prefer 10 minutes too, but it seems that most players prefer it at 1 minute. There were quite a few other people posting things in that other thread about increasing the timer to 30 minutes, or doing away with the HART to force transport certs and I totally disagree with that.
2003-10-31, 02:49 PM
The short HART timer is also making it difficult for people to find squads. Since no one stays in the sanc anymore, no one stays there and broadcasts LFS.
2003-10-31, 02:50 PM
I don't agree with keeping it at one minute. I'm seeing in battle favouring to recall then drop somewhere on a continent, rather than walk there. Why? Because it's faster.
However, I have always thought 10 minutes to be a little excessive. I'd like to see a balance, maybe around 5 minutes. This is long enough to take away the incentive to recall to get somewhere quickly, but short enough so that I don't end up wasting half of my evening waiting for HARTS to land.
2003-10-31, 02:51 PM
I think the hart should be axed along with Heavy assault. this 1 minute thing is bullshit
2003-10-31, 02:55 PM
I don't like the attitude that, oh it was unintentional but since it happened lets leave it that way. It's almost like driving down the turnpike and the automated sign saying 100mph, well you know it should be 65mph and maybe you can get out of a ticket in court, but the cops will deffinetly fix that problem fast. This, though it isn't a problem, is unintentional and I agree with Hamma, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-31, 03:03 PM
Horrible move for the game imo.
Wave goodbye to people having the Galaxy cert. There's almost no reason to spend 3 certs to get that's useful only for hotdropping on bases or towers. Watch Thott, I promise you the Gal cert is going to become even more scarce.
2003-10-31, 03:09 PM
Worst. Idea. Ever.
They need to put it back at 10min at least. The devs are making this goddamn game more and more ghey everyday...
2003-10-31, 03:15 PM
Make it 10 minutes again. It's just way too easy to use otherwise.
2003-10-31, 03:18 PM
Just heard that the Hart timer is going up to 3mins a little better than 1 min.
10 mins is to long to. I always log in just as the hart leaves and got wait for 10 mins. But 1 min is to short.
2003-10-31, 03:24 PM
It needs to be set up so you can use it once per hour. That way when people first log in they can jump right on the HART and get where they need to be.
If you wanna change locations after that, use instant action or drive there.
But WHY Gerbil, WHY!? That may fit your style of play because you have an air vehicle in your cert collection, but lots of people don't because they suck at flying or are too low level. What is up with trying to restrict gameplay?
2003-10-31, 03:30 PM
Maybe not once per hour, but a credit system would actually be very interesting. For example, you can use the HART six times per hour (that equates to the equivalent of using it every 10 minutes), and that's it. After that you must use whatever other modes of transport there is.
To make it work properly though, the HART would have to be done away with, maybe replaced with a teleporter to the orbital station. There you can use the drop pods and such. It'd be unrealistic for the HART to continue setting off every minute - not to mention that damned annoying siren!
2003-10-31, 03:31 PM
Not only is it too easy, it ruins the game. Look at it this way, if your running with an LLU or a module what is to stop 30 drop pods from falling RIGHT in front of you and stopping you? What is the fun in that? I personally do not see the fun in that, because I have been on the recieving and giving end of it with the timer at one minute.
2003-10-31, 03:50 PM
1 minute HART is a virtual teleporter to any non-locked continent. I've seen the effects already. It rains pods 24/7 now. Something goes bad or need to reposition, you dont need nothing but a recall. 45 seconds later you are across the map. I thought it may have been a bug when I saw it, I hope they fix it. HART should be atleast 10 min. At 15 minutes you'd see those big flying things again.. remember them?
2003-10-31, 03:51 PM
Yeah it really ruins the tactics of the game and any natural choke points .. aka bridges...
Who here HASNT had a kick ass bridge fight? With a friggin insta HART all you do is recall then drop on the other side of enemy lines--- LAME as hell!
2003-10-31, 03:57 PM
I can see a 5 min timer, but 1 min is excessive. It totally negates alot of logistics, vehicle certs, and generally disrupts the flow of the game too much.
I hate waiting on the HART as much as the next guy, but this is a pooch screw.
2003-10-31, 04:17 PM
The current timer (1-minute) is seriously a joke. I can cap a base, recall, and HART to the next base quicker then the time it would take me to get a vehicle off the pad. Hell, even the 10-minute timer is quicker on some occasions. The newly proposed 3-minute timer is the same way. The only drawback from recalling and re-HARTing is the fact that the cont might be population locked. Since the release of CC this doesn�t appear to be a problem though.
Yes I do have flying vehicles, yes I do have troop transports, and yes I do have AMS certs. With the shorter timers, less people are going to be inclined to get a vehicle cert when they can spend there points on additional weaponry or skill sets. These same people are going to raise holey hell when they do encounter a tank because they won�t be able to destroy it with their handheld weapons. You are going to see an overall decline in the number of AMSs and ANTs in the field. We�ve already seen the Galaxy, Sunderer, and the Deliverer become a rare sight during battles. Expect this to become even more apparent.
Squading is already an unpopular thing to do because so many people are convinced you get less precious XP when you are in a group. The quick HART timers mean you have to rely on your comrades less. You can move by yourself much quicker now, further decreasing the desire to form a squad.
The Zerg of heavy-assault-welding-surge-monkeys that drive us crazy...expect that to get much, much worse. Instead of coming at you from one general direction, it will now come from all sides. Base utilities (gens, tubes, terms, etc.) will forever be down. An engy can drop, destroy the gen, recall, and drop again...within a matter of minutes all of your gens are toast.
Things like Matrixing are never going to happen. It�s quicker to respawn at sanc and HART back to the base you originally had to matrix to. They are taking all of the planning and forethought out of the game. You used to have to think ahead about binding to the dropship center so you could get another galaxy...not anymore.
I love PS to death, but these last couple of weeks have been real tough. With the release of Craptacular Combat and now these changes to the HART timer and such, I have been playing less and less. The devs are �dumbifying� the game. Strategy has become a thing of the past. Squad based combat has been thrown out the window. Team play is non-existent. CR5�s use the command chat as a form of squad chat and move around as a group. I still run a squad, and always will. My boys and I work as a team, but it seems as if we are alone. All people seem to care about is maximizing their XP and kill counts. With each passing day this game becomes more and more like a traditional run-n-gun fps.
2003-10-31, 04:23 PM
Well I agree with the timer being to low at the moment for most of the reasons. You can intercept an LLU, teleport across the continent, jump across enemy held bridges etc. Harder to find people for a squad when no one sits at sanc longer than 1 ninute.
I like the credit system or you can use it once every hour. My major concern is still having to travel 30 minutes by car to get to my outfit who is already out in the field.
One could argue if the outfit guys have been on an hour and you just used your sanc ticket you would still be stuck. However I feel once you get to your squad and hook up with them, if they decide to not galaxy to the next location, but HART and they leave you behind for an hour, you need to re-evaluate your outfit.
My outfit is fairly organized and we do things together once we are together.
1 minute is to low. 10 is alright. getting a free trip right away or after 5 minutes of being in the sanc and then being locked out of it for like 20 or 30 minutes would be cool.
2003-10-31, 04:38 PM
I am most definatly of the opinion that the HART is screwing up gameplay. They should take it out entirely
2003-10-31, 04:50 PM
It's also damn near impossible to get a pickup squad up at Sanc now.
Why in the hell would anyone need a deliverer or galaxy now? just get your peeps to recall and jump on the Hart.
So much for cutting off troups comming accross a bridge...they can just recall to sanc and drop in behind you.
2003-10-31, 04:59 PM
i want 10 minutes back. Anything shorter than 5 is pretty much rediculous. the idea that the hart should be taken away is stupid tho and totally crushes solo players. 10 minutes was a good balance.
2003-10-31, 05:03 PM
It won't crush solo players though.
Solo's will still have Instant Action. We just want to limit the HART from being used as a convenient spawn point and a quick mode of transport. Solo�s are just looking for a quick fight anyways, so Instant action works fine for that.
I am really starting to like the credits idea. Once an hour would be perfect I think.
2003-10-31, 05:06 PM
twice an hour and you would convince me to hop on the wagon.
And when you say all soloers want a quick fight you are wrong. I was a soloer for about 3 weeks while i was LFO in between my two outfits. I wanted a nice fight, but not a zerg. Instant action takes u to where the zerg (or biggest fight) is. I'm not a fan of the zerg, so that wouldnt help me. Meh maybe i was a unique case, but i don't think they should take the hart away compeltely.
2003-10-31, 05:12 PM
5 mins is good. 10 too long.. all good points made here..
but.. when in a cavern and you die.. and there is no where to spawn at..
waiting 10 mins to get into the action does suck..
Stop dying, then. Dur. :p
As a soloist you need to have a vehicle though, not sure how you could survive without.
2003-10-31, 05:35 PM
In my honest opinion, and I�ve been around here for a long time. This is the worst idea to hit PS since broadcast warp gates (which were removed) this will seriously effect game play negatively. IMO it should be no less than 10 minutes. The other ideas around here are great - but what was wrong with 10? As someone said its like I went driving down the highway at 100MPH in my lightning then the state said "hey, since he did it and didn�t die we should raise the speed limit"
It's just an all around bad idea and I disagree with it wholeheartedly. I'm usually not this upset about changes. But this one is just HUGE and anyone who says it isn�t is a lazy PS player.
Im with Hamma and Gerbil on this. Everyone that solos should just go play a traditional FPS since thats all it boils down to anyways. If you don't wanna play with a team, or use tactics, and want to try to save the world by yourself, go play T2.
2003-10-31, 05:57 PM
But methinks they should remove the hart completly, or up it back to 15 maybe even 20-25 minutes.
Beta Gal's = ownage.
2003-10-31, 06:08 PM
One minute hart is a bad idea.....currently if you lose a spawn point you can heart right next to it and gain it back in seconds. also you can drop a squad on any moving module and take it back in a matter of moments......Gotta walk across continent....why theres a minute hart....just simply recall and take the hart.
This leaves this game open to some SERIOUS cheese
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-31, 06:11 PM
Make the HART timer one hour with the exception that you can use it immediately after logging in. This allows for people to get to their squad or to the base they want to go to right after logging in. If they want to look for a squad they are free to since as soon as they decide to move on the HART would be availble to them.
Place a timer of some sort to restrict people from logging in and out to reset their immediate HART. Perhaps a minimum of 30 minutes from the last HART reguardless of log status.
Lock warpgates on locked continents to any enemy empires rather than the ability to HART in. Change it so you can HART to any cotinent reguardless of continent lock.
Personally I'd also love to see some sort of weakly armored vehicle that's relatvely fast and unarmed that people can get their hands on with no cert cost. Helljust make a non cloaking version of the wraith that anyone can use reguardless of their certs.
2003-10-31, 06:21 PM
I'm with gerbil on this, come up with a system, like teleporting up to an orbital station as someone mentioned earlier, that lets you HART in maybe once an hour or two, or axe the HART completely. I can understand them leaving it low for a few days to watch how the game flows, but the short HART will destroy tactics and make transports totally obsolete instead of nearly.
2003-10-31, 06:22 PM
Personally i believe it must be put back at least to 10 mins. It struck a nice balance. I think eliminating the hart is not the answer as even though I have a vehicle I really dont feel like driving through multiple fights to reach my objective, nor should I be forced to rely on the completely arbitrary IA system.
2003-10-31, 06:56 PM
1 minute hart sucks! Its like a slighty longer instant action that can be aimed!!! Not only does it screw the game up, it also doesn't make sense that a person can be picked up and dropped where ever they want in less than a minute.
I thought the hart being 10 minutes was a little too short in the first place.
I Hate Pants
2003-10-31, 07:44 PM
Yep. 1 min hart sure does blow. Sancs are practically deserted now. Which means its harder to find a squad to group up with. 3 mins is still too short. I would prefer 15-30 mins. I drive a sunderer so I know how boring it is when your the only one driving in it.
2003-10-31, 07:56 PM
That post from spork has been rated ..............
2003-10-31, 07:59 PM
Im with Hamma and Gerbil on this. Everyone that solos should just go play a traditional FPS since thats all it boils down to anyways. If you don't wanna play with a team, or use tactics, and want to try to save the world by yourself, go play T2.
Way to enforce that your world view is the only one available, suppose I have only a limited time to play before going off to work. Suppose none of my outfit mates are on and I dont feel like doing the pickup squad thing. Some roles just dont translate well, sniper is meant mainly for soloing types, some other types work just fine for soloers. Have a nice day.
So...How bout that Instant Action button?
2003-10-31, 08:09 PM
WHat about it? I'm missing your point (i might know what your inferring but it's been covered in the thread already)
How about I drop on a nearby base so I can bring up an AMS and not get stuck running across a freaking continent cause I "instant actioned" into a gibfest and died with no spawns nearby?
Heres my point:
When I started out, and was doing NOTHING but Soloing, I used IA exclusively. And I got to BR12 in just a few days. When IA became broken, I had to find something to entertain myself and get some combat. Thus, I started squadding.
Solo-ers are just that - Solo. They are lone wolves that want to make a difference. As such, thats the purpose IA serves - To put a soldier on a battlefield to hopefully make a difference.
Squaddies generally look for a tactical alternative to this. I've done tower drops, capped it, and proceeded with my squad to disable a gen in a base that was completely deserted. Would a Sniper or just some random HA surgemonkey enjoy destroying a gen? Hell no, they wanna tear shit up. Thus, the existence of IA.
Just saying that Most solo-ers, unless they're painfully good, exist for the sole purpose of killing stuff. Squaddies generally persue more tactical routes, along with thier own fair share of carnage.
Jagd - Do we not COME FROM spawn room when we IA? Yes, I've IA'd into my fair share of hopeless situations. Thats why you IA again to a place where the zerg is just starting to arrive.
The quick HART was designed so that BETA players didnt get shafted. Now that its on live, we have a fresh crop of n00bies weaned on this, which is just wrong.
2003-10-31, 08:25 PM
Im totally with hamma, Aen, Gerbil, and Icompetent on this. The HART at 1-3 minutes is too short. I feel that even 10 minutes is too short.I was a gal pilot in beta(thats when people didnt care bout HART) and god was it so great id drop my people on a tower leave gal and go fight. now all people have to do is just go ok guys wait one min. SO I say F*CK the HART.
2003-10-31, 09:37 PM
The only thing I see the Galaxy cert is good for is for getting around a defended base with a Shield Module. And tower drops. That's about it.
2003-10-31, 09:41 PM
I remember the first exclusive beta, when the Galaxy had 75mm cannons, now that owned.
2003-10-31, 11:19 PM
I say make it so it randomly drops you ANYWHERE on the continent , instead of choosing the spot, that would kill the zergs,
2003-10-31, 11:51 PM
I hate the new 1 minute timer. It ruins transport certs, and vehicles are worthless. It makes defense almost impossible. You kill one wave, the next are there a minute later. 1 minute to stop a wave of enemies? If they ain't dead in a minute, another wave comes. It was fine at 10 minutes...
2003-10-31, 11:54 PM
Gotta go with the others on this, 1 or 3 min HART blows chunks. 10 minutes was alright but, 15 would be better. I know in the past when I got on and ran to the HART and had a 5+ min wait on the HART I would just grab a drink, maybe something to munch on and come back and wait. I am mostly a grunt in certs, only veh cert I own is AMS. I understood I might have to walk or take longer to get somehwere but, it was the price payed for having a lot of grunt options. I only picked up AMS because I could drive somewhere and provide something useful when I got there, it is also good if I want to CE something out in BFE and have a equipment term that I take with me. :D
2003-10-31, 11:59 PM
They ruined vehicles with the new HART. What's the point of having vehicles if you can do this (according to my computer's times):
Recall and get to HART: 30-45 seconds
HART+takeoff: 1:15
Landing: 1:30-2:00
A total of 3:15 to 4:00 average, 5:00 at the absolute most, when it could take 10 minutes to get to a different continent. One of the only reasons to have vehicles now is for getting to locked continents...
2003-11-01, 12:25 AM
Why not just make HART a cert. The HART would never lift off automatically; someone with the cert would have to pilot it up, then use a drop pod as normal.
People that have cert'd Galaxy, Deliverer or Sunderer consistently are the type of people I'd call PlanetSide's true heroes. Instead of turning their character into something out of Doom, they thought of their squad, platoon and empire first. Now they get a slap in the face? Bah.
2003-11-01, 12:53 AM
I think the HART should be removed, that the bases be redesigned, with Cavern style buildings, with them crystals, places to change certs, and implants, and right in the middle of the base, where the HART was, is the Warp gate.
2003-11-01, 08:04 AM
the 1 minute doesn't bother me so much when the fighting is going on.
the 1 minute hart timer bothers me when backhackers use it constantly. some people find joy from dying over & over again only to spawn at Sanc & be right back where they started.
I think 10 minutes was far too long. more then 10 minutes is just stupid. giving people less options then they previously had isn't a way to go.
5-7 minutes is good. it isn't so fast that newbs will zerg in pods but it's slow enough where you have to make a semi-wise choice of where you're going to drop.
we need people in the action not fumbling around the Sanc saying "squad LF gal pilot!"
2003-11-01, 09:41 AM
:thumbsup: :clap: This Is Good News
2003-11-03, 03:07 PM
This is so typical of Dave Georgesons MO.
Take a game with nuance and a learning curve and flatten it out so strategy, tactics and skill are less formidable to newbies.
This is SO what he did to Tribes 2.
That said, how about have 1-3 minute HARTs, but have a ticket system that limits you to so many tickets so often or based on points or rank or something.
You show up in Sanc, they HARTs come and go, but you gotta go get your ticket before you can board and the time it takes to get a ticket doubles every time until it takes 15 minutes - but this resets every 3-5 hours
So when you first get there, you can grab a ticket, jump a 1 min HART and go - you want to regroup, it takes 2 mins to get a ticket, then 4, then 8, until from then on, its 15 minutes to get a ticket - or maybe just 8 minutes.
With the 10 minute timer, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you just miss it - but if you ALWAYS had to wait a fixed number of minutes, that would help curtail the abuse.
2003-11-03, 03:18 PM
Georgeson doesent even call the shots anymore.. anyway I talked to Spork a little and the time isnt stone.. but it looks like it will remain less than 10 minutes.
I Hate Pants
2003-11-03, 05:27 PM
Georgeson doesent even call the shots anymore.. anyway I talked to Spork a little and the time isnt stone.. but it looks like it will remain less than 10 minutes.
:boohoo: Well that suxs
2003-11-03, 05:52 PM
Make the HART timer one hour with the exception that you can use it immediately after logging in. This allows for people to get to their squad or to the base they want to go to right after logging in. If they want to look for a squad they are free to since as soon as they decide to move on the HART would be availble to them.
Place a timer of some sort to restrict people from logging in and out to reset their immediate HART. Perhaps a minimum of 30 minutes from the last HART reguardless of log status.
Lock warpgates on locked continents to any enemy empires rather than the ability to HART in. Change it so you can HART to any cotinent reguardless of continent lock.
Personally I'd also love to see some sort of weakly armored vehicle that's relatvely fast and unarmed that people can get their hands on with no cert cost. Helljust make a non cloaking version of the wraith that anyone can use reguardless of their certs.
nerf teh HART, seriously. i completely agree with everything HLE said. i miss gals/sunds. even the f'ing short bus took a hit from this. give everyone a little ATV, and "drop points" (ie. limited number of drops). sancs are empty/boring. i actually visited the central air tower on the VS sanc the other day. dont know why, but i was actually THAT bored (sometimes i screw around in sanc just before i log off).
how does a 30/60min timer sound? maybe make a single "super-router" that takes you to a orbital station. you can drop to any cont, once upon spawning, then every 30/60mins after that. that way, soloists get a free vech cert, people who like random squads get their gals/sunds back. and outfits can stay connected with their "spawn drop".
maybe even (this is from another post) reduce the number of home conts to just 1 or 2, that way most of the empires (if they want a fight) end up in the same place (or at least a good number of them). fewer home conts means more seharus like battles and less cr5's stealing the zerg.
but a <10min hart? heres how i feel about that crap.
2003-11-03, 06:46 PM
im sooo pissed atm about the hart :mad: :mad: i wish we could have a effect on the game :(
2003-11-03, 07:55 PM
You should be able to buy hart passes in exchange for XP.
Something that would make BR20 good because you dont need any more.
2003-11-04, 08:21 AM
"The HART timer adjustment was unintentional, however, now that its in the game, we'll be watching it to see its affect on the game. We'll be adjusting it from one minute, but it will probably be shorter than it had been previously."
Notice how he says that it might not stay. Seriously, there are players who like to 'hop' into the game and just play half an hour, or an hour. And the time wasted waiting for a HART, walking around, and respawning is more than you might think. This is potentially puts off new people to the game. For example, me and my friend, when we first tried out the game on the 7 day trial, it was a hazard. The HART timer was so annoying, it was tedious to wait around for such a long time. The walking from base to base, AMS to base (or tower), is tedious work. It might not seem that way, but when I first started, I spent 3 to 4 hours walking around, and I barely encountered an opposition because zergs tend to be not so resistance provoking. That was before I realized the fruitfullness of outfits and squads. But unfortuantely, my friend was not so patient. He immediatly decided that the game was not worth the purchase. He complained that quitting, and recalling, also wasted lots of time. He was not patient enough to figure out all the concepts of the game. I, however, had faith, and amazingly, a balance patch was announced to be released the day my trial expired. My friend was turned off regardless of the new changes that were being made because he did not have time to run around like a headless chicken. It takes time to get used to the concept, and hooking up quickly with friends. The problem is that the game is not so user-friendly, which is the reason the population is so low. Many people want to jump in, kill things, and resume their daily chores, but the game requires dedication to get into the heat of the battle, and make friends.
This, I think, is the reason the HART is being kept lower.
2003-11-04, 08:41 AM
I've advocated a server for people with A.D.D. in which damage is higher, respawn times are reduced and the general 'game balance' tedium is negated, but it's not a popular concept.
Still, I think it would be great for people who don't have the time to negotiate the temporal burden that PlanetSide inflicts on us.
2003-11-04, 11:55 AM
2003-11-04, 03:38 PM
Lets see how it affects gameplay first.
2003-11-04, 03:43 PM
Were already seeing how it affects gameplay, in a nutshell its creating a huge vacum, i.e. sucking.
Oh and I'm sorry if this offenses anyone but I dont mind if the waiting for combat pushes the twitch killers away from planetside. They have instant action, I whould much rather we attract the people who are in for the long haul willing to guard bases or run escort duty or the like.
Yeah Doppler, but it takes all kinds to keep the servers filled. I am all for almost anything that makes it easier on newbs because the more new players that get hooked on the game, the longer a run it will have before they start merging servers and cutting their losses. Personally, I'd like to have 3 BR20 CR5 characters before they pull the plug, even if it means a bunch of people are going to be lazy and stop driving vehicles, because that's their damn problem not mine. I haven't gotten rid of a single vehicle since the patch, and I still use them as much as before. If anything the HART makes it even easier cause if I'm going to a non-home continent I can HART to the base nearest the warpgate and grab the ride there, which is a major blessing when I'm trying to bring up an AMS or something slow.
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-04, 06:26 PM
They should consolidate servers anyways. There's no reason to have as many as we do with current population figures.
2003-11-04, 09:08 PM
I remember the first exclusive beta, when the Galaxy had 75mm cannons, now that owned.
I still remember back in the day.
2003-11-05, 12:37 PM
It's affecting gameplay but that does not mean they aren't going to do anything about it. Sit tight.
2003-11-05, 12:47 PM
Hart to a backline tower. Take tower (or not if you want to provide no warning). Enter base. Blow Gen. Recall. Repeat as necessary.
Get killed? No problem, you can be right at the same base/tower or at a new one ready to go again in 2 minutes. No AMS, tower, base or transport restrictions at all.
Stuck at a choke point? HART a whole platoon to the opposite side of the base from the chokepoint. Get killed? See above.
The short Hart is nice for casual players but is totally unbalancing to gameplay. It needs to be at least 5 minutes to prevent these types of exploits. 10 would be better.
A couple alternatives would be to let a player choose the option of logging into the Hart drop screen when first logging in or, a timer on the use. The timer could work similar to vehicle/max timers in that the hart arrives every minute but, after you use it, you have to wait 15-20 minutes before it will let you board again.
The casual players have to understand that we are not interested in making your game play any less enjoyable. We are trying to prevent the Hart from seriously disrupting the flow of the game.
2003-11-06, 04:22 AM
I think that it's down right stupid as it is. It was fine at 10 minutes. Now, you can kick every NME out of the continent, and within a minute they could all be right back causing shit, stealing towers, or trying to unhack the base your hacking.
2003-11-06, 04:45 PM
i love the new timer...245 is long enough to wait
2003-11-06, 11:26 PM
I think the new HART time is 3 minutes. Although, I can't confirm. I'm not one to sit and wait for the HART to come in, only to let it leave again, and have to wait longer. But maybe it is 2:45. Seems strange to go by :15's instead of 1:00's
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