View Full Version : If you could change/add/remove one thing in Planetside...

2003-10-31, 09:52 PM
What would it be?

2003-10-31, 10:00 PM
I would add water or space combat!

2003-10-31, 10:05 PM
I would add: The meeting place (again)
I would remove: HART
I would Change: The REavers missle capacity to 42 again

2003-10-31, 10:11 PM
Axe the HART.

2003-10-31, 10:30 PM
y do u guys want to remove the hart its so easy to move around in it?

2003-10-31, 10:30 PM
Add: "Littlebird" style exposed transport aircraft, no weapons, but passengers can be hit and use their weapons independently of the craft.
Remove: Yeah sure, the HART. I can see why.
Change: The way bases are taken over. Instead of all systems locking down as soon as a hack on a base begins, make sequential shutdown sequences.

Non-Critical (15 minute mark): Cert, Implant Terminals
Priority (12 minute mark): Matrix terminals, equipment terminals.
Critical (7 minute mark): Spawn tubes
(0 Mark, base switches)

But here's the BIG CHANGE... Give hackers a set number of points (Higher for certed and Advanced hacking) and let them spend these points to "program" hacking sequences for bases. They could use points to either switch what phase a given terminal type locks down in, or spend points to make each phase occur earlier in the cap time. Or both.

You could regulate this by taking up huge amnounts of points to push a terminal type with high priority (spawn tubes) to a lower priority classification (non-critical). Likewise, if you wanted to make the priority level systems lock down 14 minutes into the hack (faster), it would take most of your points. Hackers could mix and match these two preferences as they saw fit. You would be able to save them a la favorates, and would pick the one you wanted when the hack bar begins to fill.

2003-10-31, 10:35 PM
y do u guys want to remove the hart its so easy to move around in it?
Because it fucks tactics up the ass

2003-10-31, 10:44 PM
what he said ^

2003-10-31, 11:07 PM
i would let non CCer that can;t buy it yet atleast use the damn targeting lazer(and other CC weps/vechs if they can get them somhow)

2003-10-31, 11:08 PM
remove the NC

2003-10-31, 11:12 PM
^ no

2003-10-31, 11:18 PM

2003-10-31, 11:33 PM
better be :p

2003-10-31, 11:47 PM
Back on topic please... :nono:

2003-10-31, 11:48 PM
Destructable terrain/bases/towers.

2003-10-31, 11:56 PM
Add: More interactive environments, for example: Critters that will attack you, meteor showers, etc.

Remove: HART

Change: Pounder MAX

2003-11-01, 12:00 AM
^ the galaxy never had "cannons" on it before

2003-11-01, 12:01 AM
Add: A nimble fighter aircraft with close range lock on missle+very fast 500+ kph(i luv fast planes :)

Change: NC maxes

Remove: the VS and TR........J/K the HART. ;)

2003-11-01, 12:38 AM
allow silent run to bypass FLB radar, that is all.

2003-11-01, 12:54 AM
I think the HART should be removed, that the bases be redesigned, with Cavern style buildings, with them crystals, places to change certs, and implants, and right in the middle of the base, where the HART was, is the Warp gate.

2003-11-01, 01:15 AM
Add: Golden Toilets to Sanc's, as well as upgradeable bases. (Bathroom Module, anyone?)

Change: The digi-posters on the interior of the HART building. Replace with P4 ads.

Remove, for just one day: All weapons except for empire-specific knives.

2003-11-01, 01:22 AM
Add: Empire Specific Aircrafts

Change: Not sure on this topic :groovy:

Remove: The God-forsaken Door Bug! (Jesus Christ, please make it go away!)

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-01, 01:31 AM

Empire specific Bases on home continents.

A true interceptor aircraft.

A flight engine with true freedom of movement.

More Implants.

A grenade sized targeting beacon that creates something everyone your empire can see.

The ability to change chat text size.

A vehicle much like a wraith that can't cloak that everyone gets for no cert investment but can only be purchased at sanc to alleviate troubles caused by HART change (later in post).

A couple of servers for outfit competition.
-Two outfits reserve a contient for 2, 4 or 6 hour matches.
-Matches would be for teams of 20, 60 or 100 people per side.
-Continent would be locked to all except those two outfits schedualed for the given match.
-Possibly another leauge for three on three battles.
-No restriction on challenges by empire (there could be NC vs NC for example).
-Something much like TWL but held by Sony for placing.

Better support for 800x600 (my computer sucks, so sue me)


Nothing off the top of my head.


HART timer to somewhere between an hour and two hours. No free HART on log in since if you're just logging in chances are it's been long enough since your last HART anyways.

When a continent is locked no enemies could come through the warpgate and instead would have to HART in.

2003-11-01, 03:04 AM
WOW ELF u you hit the nail on the head. :p

2003-11-01, 08:01 AM
Add: Galaxy's, remember those? :p
Remove: HART (this would fix the above problem aswell)
Change: The interlink facility benefit so cloakers are not shot at while crouch walking by spitfires, and don't have names above their heads near motion sensors.

2003-11-01, 10:43 AM
Add: Strip Clubs in the sancs :D
Remove: The monthly fee :p
Change: Hart timer to 15 minutes

2003-11-01, 01:48 PM
Change: The interlink facility benefit so cloakers are not shot at while crouch walking by spitfires, and don't have names above their heads near motion sensors.

They don't shoot at you while crouch walking. Try it.

2003-11-01, 02:40 PM
Switch or Direct Debit payment options.

2003-11-01, 03:01 PM
Maybe a airplane that can Cloak when a infil inside of it and has no sound coming out of it as well good for those sabatage missions :p

2003-11-01, 03:02 PM
add: GM priv's for myself

Thats all I need, can take care of everything else on my own.

2003-11-01, 03:08 PM
ADD: A sparring VR to train at with other empiremates :D
CHANGE: The JackHammers secondary option (NERF IT! :mad: )

2003-11-01, 03:15 PM
ADD: A sparring VR to train at with other empiremates :D
CHANGE: The JackHammers secondary option (NERF IT! :mad: )

I like the sparring VR thing,but why nerf jackhammer's secondary fire? It's rarely used except when you know your gonna smack your target in the gut with it.

2003-11-01, 04:13 PM
I would buff all empire specific medium assault weapons and the punisher so they are usually the best choice for any battles outdoors.

I'd reduce the damage degradation over range for them significantly, and give them all a slightly tighter CoF.

This means that in exterior base assaults any HA using asshat running out in the field who tries to surge anyone with a Gauss/Pulsar/Cycler will have a distinct disadvantage. Of course, HA weapons will still paste MA users in CQB(close quarters battle).

I wouldn't change this until the implant/infiltrator pass goes though because if it happened before then infils would get screwed(its really easy to pick them off while they're moving)

2003-11-01, 04:31 PM
When a continent is locked no enemies could come through the warpgate and instead would have to HART in.

Exactly how is was planned in the past. Would make cont breaks a lot harder. Make the game more challenging.

2003-11-01, 05:33 PM
That was pre-lattice so it made it much easier to unlock a cont. Would be a bit more difficult now however.

2003-11-01, 06:10 PM
I agree 189.00582% with HLE

2003-11-01, 07:34 PM
I like the sparring VR thing,but why nerf jackhammer's secondary fire? It's rarely used except when you know your gonna smack your target in the gut with it.

Because now that they semi-nerfed the JH, thats all the NC use now... besides, no other Empire has an HA weapon with a secondary mode... :no:

2003-11-01, 07:36 PM
I would add water or space combat!

2003-11-01, 07:42 PM
Remove: HART
More Sniper Rifles
Empire Specific Aircraft
More Armors
More Implants
Many Ideas Already Posted

Change: Stuff people already posted.

2003-11-01, 08:03 PM
I would add water or space combat!

that be cool
--Space Battle--
>Youd get up there by teleporter
>Have like a space staion sanc, with laser cannons the defend it from ememy capture (the ground sanc is still un-touchable)
>Give everyone jetpacks with unlimited fuel to manuver around
>If the space sanc is captured, they have full use of its Charge Particle Cannon (CPC), sorta like OS but weaker. Cant take out heavy tanks and gals, all other vehcs die! (I would say it could take out the mag... but then that would add more NC n00bhammers users... dont want that. :no: )
>>you can only use the CPC once every 3 hrs and it can only be used by CR5s (just like OS, cept it leaves out the CR4s as well ;))
>>Cant CPC strike nme sanc :nono: :D
>Probably be thier next expansion :)
>Make like new vehicles with super jets
>Make it like real space where even if you cut the jets, you still go because of the no grav :D

--Water Battles--
-On the surface-
>Have like speedboats using the 20th century jet propulsion system :D
>Mount like motar cannons and machine guns on em and let them all duke it out
>Get rid of the Power Link shit so you can go as far as youd like (not to other conts, just be like a never ending ocean... :p)
>Have like minisubs with torpeedo cannons
>>Real fast and real nimble
>Have like big attack subs with a much weaker version of the CPC and torpeedos
>>Theyd be slow and not to manuverable
>>But theyd have massive armor and anti-torpeedo decoys (limited amt)
>Have the AMS like the one now, but instead they have to suit up in the underwater gear then use like a one way teleport system linked to right outside
>>itd have an external equipment term so you wouldnt be screwed if you went to get some weapons
>>itd also have a cloak bubble
>>There would be an internal term too (for all who were wondering)

2003-11-02, 11:25 AM
Add: Space battle, whoever said destructable buildings should think about the number of CR4s and 5s with OS... but we like the idea of more implants

Remove: Not sure

Change: Hart back to 10 minutes, but only allow drop points near warpgates. This allows for strategy but removes all that speeding across a home cont to get to another only to find out that the battle there is over and your forces were wiped out... :bang:

2003-11-02, 11:54 AM
Add:Anti air turrents to bases
Change:Bases to better help out the defenders. Put HART up to 15 mins.
Remove:The ability of one shithead with advanced hacking and combat engineerings to hamstring a whole continent by blowing a few tech links.

2003-11-02, 12:24 PM
Add: more empire specific things (sniper rifle, aircraft)

Remove: HART

Change: Let infiltrators have a "pistol slot" solely for "support" items (ie. REK, med/armor aplicator, commander do-hickey). God I'd never thought I'd hot the "I" key so much in my life.

2003-11-02, 03:43 PM
Interlink facility benifit (its bullshit how it screws cloakers)


HART (this is really detrimental to gameplay IMO)


Make all HA weapons do 0 damage past 25m. There is no reason whatsoever for people to be using HA at medium range the way they do. This would also raise the value of MA to where it needs to be

2003-11-02, 08:15 PM
Remove: CC, but thats cause I dont own it and now server pops are so low above ground. Also remove half the conts, make each sanc connect to only 2 conts, would make for huge battles now that CC is here.
Add: quick switch between holster and inventory with infil.
Combine: Konried with soem other lower population server, its too small, not even close to enough people.

2003-11-02, 08:24 PM
Remove: CC, but thats cause I dont own it and now server pops are so low above ground. Also remove half the conts, make each sanc connect to only 2 conts, would make for huge battles now that CC is here.
Add: quick switch between holster and inventory with infil.
Combine: Konried with soem other lower population server, its too small, not even close to enough people.

Remove CC what are you crazy!?

2003-11-02, 09:19 PM
Change: The lattice. Make some random variations. Everytime a cont is locked, the lattice then rearranges itself.
Add: Greater incentive to capture a continent. Lock one enemy cont and gain the ability to purchase that empire's weapons. Lock two enemy conts and gain ability to purchase enemy vehicles. Lock three...??? I'd say sanc strike, but that isn't very feasible. You must keep your three continents locked the whole time however.

Remove: Not much I want to see removed.

(I don't think removing the HART is too feasible though. You force new players to become far too dependent on others. And with only one base on a continent able to produce gals you severely limit the ability to use these. I would love to see the HART timer increased dramatically though to try to force people to use means of mass transportation - gals, sund, deliv)

2003-11-03, 04:14 AM
(I don't think removing the HART is too feasible though. You force new players to become far too dependent on others. And with only one base on a continent able to produce gals you severely limit the ability to use these. I would love to see the HART timer increased dramatically though to try to force people to use means of mass transportation - gals, sund, deliv)

isnt that the point though? not that i want them to feel forced into grouping, but this would actually help the entire community. Granted "Spam-fits" would gobble up all new players, once they learn that its not a real outfit, theyll move on. By myself, im rarely able to make a large impact (if i hack this AMS, they bring another), but in a squad/platoon/outfit (i hack this AMS, my team spawns at it, we bringeth the pwnage) i DO make an impact.

soloing (while it serves its purpose) is best for ninja's (even snipers now are 99% of the time AMS drivers). And a squad of ninja's is the scha-nizzle :brow:

2003-11-03, 04:21 AM
I htough heavy assault was for longer range heavy damge, and medium was for medium range long range damage?

2003-11-03, 05:23 AM

* Backdoors should only be opened from the inside (REK panel placed on the inside or no panel at all, ie only opens if someone approaches the door from the inside).

* Blowing the generator should not lend You access to any modules, only deprive the enemy the benefits from that base and its modules.

* On that note � generators are way too easy to take out now� It should be trickier, and require more effort than it currently does. 9 to 10 plasma grenades...?

* Need a base hacked successfully to gain access to installed modules.

* Beef up the Combat Engineer cert:
1) Fix the spits (haven�t heard that one before, have Ya). Also increase their range somewhat.
2) Introduce a pure AV mine (for all those heavily armoured vehicles), or at least double the amount of mines that You can currently deploy.
3) Increase the repairing speed of a CE. (Should be able to repair things faster than now, having spent 5 BR points to get the cert�)


* Real QA. A new patch makes every PS player tremble in his boots. New and old bugs are introduced with every upgrade.

* Brakes � actual brakes � for the Magrider and the Thresher.

* A space station� I know it�s out there somewhere. :)

2003-11-03, 05:39 AM
* On that note � generators are way too easy to take out now� It should be trickier, and require more effort than it currently does. 9 to 10 plasma grenades...?

but! but! IM A NINJA!

true that though

2003-11-03, 08:35 AM
Remove Core Combat.

2003-11-03, 10:38 AM
Add: Make Infulrators ( Sue me i cant spell!) able to Have rifle weapons but they cant holster them u have to put them in ur inventory or drop them

2003-11-03, 11:13 AM
Add: Make Infulrators ( Sue me i cant spell!) able to Have rifle weapons but they cant holster them u have to put them in ur inventory or drop them

WHat whould be the point of having it if you cant use it, and infiltrators with rifle weapons whould be bad.

2003-11-03, 04:32 PM
no theres a slot for them but u cant holster but u can still use them and plus im an infultrator so i like it...

2003-11-03, 04:40 PM
More mines per SOI for CE's

2003-11-03, 05:05 PM
Add: Make Infulrators ( Sue me i cant spell!) able to Have rifle weapons but they cant holster them u have to put them in ur inventory or drop them

dear god, "ghost" jackhammers/lashers/MCG are you NUTZ!!!???

/edit/ i could see this JUST MAYBE if it was a supressor only (theyd have to nerf the thing to hell and back) or implement the "speed effect" mentioned before (ie. the lighter the armor + the heavier the weapon = lower speed)

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-03, 05:42 PM
Not even HA. Just imagine a cloaker with a Guass or Cycler.

Horrible idea.

2003-11-03, 05:54 PM
ph34r teh guass

2003-11-03, 06:13 PM
Yeah a cloaker with a sweeper = lord of all creation. Ph33r his l337 wrath.