View Full Version : PS Problems

2003-11-01, 05:11 PM
Am I the only one getting bad FPS?

I always get bad FPS, but this is really bad. Also, the game just freezes up for a few seconds. One time it never unfroze and I had to pull the power switch.

I'm going to have to wait for the devs to fix all these because after I landed on Forseral, I could barely move, let alone play.

And the 1 minute HART is the stupidest/most annoying thing ever. Every tweny seconds: beep beep beep. You have three seconds to board before it flies away, and it's clear the devs put it in because newbs are whiny.

"d00d! waitng for stuf? NOWAAY! devs fix it plz"

2003-11-01, 05:24 PM
I'm getting frequent freezes. Every 5 minutes or so it will seize up for about 5 seconds. It's pretty strange, and is a real pain during battles. My FPS is also around the 60 mark whilst in quiet bases but plummets between 1.1fps - 18fps in battles. It never used to be that bad.

2003-11-01, 05:32 PM
It's known about, and they are working on it. I'd expect to see something mid-week

2003-11-01, 05:53 PM
Yeah I really hate the one minute hart too... I gusse some people are just whiny and impatient. The hart right now is so unrealistic, (not that this game is entirly realistic) now hart travel is better then ground travel. If you want to get from one base to another base, it would take a shorter time if you just recalled and harted rather then hitching a ride or walking. I really like the feel of traveling a while to get somewhere in games, this insti-just-add-water hart is too quick.

2003-11-02, 01:14 AM
getting exactly what you have searo. Although it's steadily gotten better since CC release