View Full Version : Well,

2003-11-02, 02:58 PM
http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/025590.html :eek:

2003-11-02, 03:01 PM
Holy shit, my txt file is like 2mb :eek:

2003-11-02, 03:13 PM
I couldnt have possibly looked at mine it was so big. It was 98% could not find effective trigger energy dohickie.

2003-11-02, 04:03 PM
lol hamma, i say we have a contest to see who has the biggest folder. mine is 1.16 MB. guess i dont win, but this would be a funny sticky poll.

PS- what if i delete all the text? not the actual file mind you, but the text? :devilwink: would that help?

2003-11-02, 04:21 PM
Whats the bets that 2Mb is the file size limit ;)

2003-11-02, 04:35 PM
Uhhhh.....I right clicked the 3dengine.txt and it was 3.3 GB <----- YES GIGS!

2003-11-02, 04:42 PM
Heh, looks like that 2meg limit would have been a good idea then :-p

2003-11-02, 04:53 PM

2003-11-02, 05:19 PM
Pics or it didnt happen.

2003-11-02, 06:07 PM
well if this counts i saw it(Aen's), but i didnt think pics would be an issue so we didnt screenshot it. sorry :confused:

2003-11-02, 06:38 PM
PS- what if i delete all the text? not the actual file mind you, but the text? :devilwink: would that help?

I would like to know what it would do becuse i cant read all that.

2003-11-02, 06:54 PM
in my reckless abandon i deleted it anyway. and you know what? best damn thing ive ever done. i seriously was about to quit PS due to lag (actually FPS issues) but now? never. i am sold.

/edit/ by deleting it, there isnt so much for PS to access, therefore HDD reads (though still exsist) take less time. I also set the file to read only, so now PS cant write to the file.

2003-11-02, 07:16 PM
I also set the file to read only, so now PS cant write to the file.

eeep, thats asking for trouble. If I were you I'd just make a *.bat file that moves the log elsewhere, recreates a blank copy in it's place, then launches Pside.
That way PS wont go psycho when it cant write to the file and you will still have an error log of the last game you played in case you ever need it.

2003-11-02, 08:10 PM
2.20mb for me

2003-11-02, 11:11 PM
I cleared teh file and made it read only, overall it ran a bit better tonight.

2003-11-02, 11:17 PM
111kb for me. I guess I'm too cool for a big engine3d.txt.

2003-11-02, 11:19 PM
163 KB....i have the second smallest

2003-11-03, 01:25 AM
nice new sig hamma, do you do those yourself ;) . I need to find someone to do one for me, my kung-foo is weak. (I realize that its not kung-foo, that just sounded cool atm)

2003-11-03, 03:48 AM
haha I might as well join with 4,249 lines
Engine3d::MyMem(150 MB)
VertexShader Failed: Failed to load .Cg program file animated_decal.cg. Examine listing file for more information.

............WARNING*** Texture(vehiclegentread_1a_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(vanguardgen_1_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(logo_vs_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(logo_tr_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(logo_nc_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(amsgen_1_des_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./patch1/dds_patch1_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(ef_rooster_head_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_effects_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture(terminal_animation00_!.dds) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_effects_dxt5.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_objects_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_objects_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_objects_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_samples_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_samples_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_samples_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_samples_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_samples_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_soldiers_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_soldiers_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_weapons_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_fx_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_fx_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_fx_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_fx_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_misc_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_terminals_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_terminals_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_terminals_dxt1.fat
WARNING*** Texture([email protected]) is duplicated in FlatFile: ./pack/dds_tex_tunnels_dxt1.fat.........

What is Flatfile? Texture folder for CC? Isnt the problem here the one folder from cc not working with the old one. ER teh Expansion still looking for textures in the old files and once again in teh new one. Instead of just the new one. Assuming they put the old texture in the new folder told it to look for everything in it and didnt remove the thing telling it to look for it in hte old one too or something?
Calling on them at the same time and having errors when it tries to use both at hte same time?(The errors being the messeges from the subsiquent protocol going back and looking at the file and checking hte second and stating the duplicate after having to deal with them both)Er, ok maybe not a CC file, his cards program file doing it duplicating in new file and doing what i said above(new Card compatability issue)just with CC/ps file with how the vertex program does something.

Anyone know?

And its a log file, if it not there its automaticlly created as part of the beggining of the log process. You can delete it till doomsday!