View Full Version : Disapointed in the lack of persistance in Planetside.

2003-11-02, 05:35 PM
I enjoy playing Planetside, I really do. But when it comes down to it, the game is largely unsatisfying.
The largest problem I have is that there is nothing world changing. I log on, do the same thing everyday. It's like a shoving match, you push into 1 continent, the other empire pushs back. And that's really it.

The most compelling things about Planetside is it's technical side. No, not those horrible FPS, it's the large maps, the ability to have so many people fighting in 1 area, etc. But that's it, and this is what I find extremely disapointing.

What I am looking for is more persistance in the world. This doesn't mean changes pertaining to graphics and such, it's more empire specific.

I would love to log on one day to find out my empire has achieved the ultimate goal, some sort of ultimate enhancement to vehicles, weapons, etc.

A fortress/base like concept would be awesome. I just want it to be different daily, is this so hard to do in Planetside?

What does everyone think, I've essentially been doing the same thing since I bought the game in may. Hack a base, take over a base. Please post your thoughts here.

PS- This is my repost from the regular boards. I wanted to start the discussion over here as well. Just do me a favor, don't go ape shit on me and tell me to quit if I don't like it. I like the game a lot, just find it to less fullfilling than it should be.

2003-11-02, 05:45 PM
"It's an FPS, you shoot people, you blow shit up, what more do you want?"

2003-11-02, 05:48 PM
I've heard this mentioned before... the thing is, what kind of permanence can you really imagine? If it's harder to break cont locks, then the game will simply stagnate.

I don't quite understand what you mean by a "fortress" concept...

Really, I'm all for more clearly making a difference, but how to do that without completely nixing game-flow is beyond me.

2003-11-02, 05:59 PM
They could periodically introduce some new ability for an empire temporarily, and give opposing empires a certain timeframe to do something regarding it.

I.E. The TR have a new tech being tested on ceryshen, all prowlers produced by pinga have a %30 rof bonus. The NC or VS must take over ceryshen to prevent this tech from going into mass production. If the TR successfully defend ceryshen from enemy lock for a certain time period, say 24 hours, then every TR gets a 30k xp bonus at the days end. If the TR fail to defend ceryshen, then the empire that locks it gets 30k xp for each person.


A new shield module has been discovered in the hossin caverns that transmits its benefits like flb. It has a 48 hour lifespan. The empire that holds it the longest gets 60k xp at the end of the module's life. If it is destroyed, it respawns in a random cavern.

Things like these would shake the game up, and offer real objectives other than territory gain and daily win.

2003-11-02, 06:03 PM
That's "shake-ups", though, BDMJ. Val's talking about a sense of "permanence," the feeling as though you're actually accomplishing something.

Again, I'm open to ideas on how such a thing would be accomplished, but I can't see any that wouldn't end up wrecking gameplay.

2003-11-02, 06:20 PM
I can resume this thread in two words...

Planetside sucks!

2003-11-02, 06:27 PM
Yes, my ideas are not as long term as what Valcron seems to want, but I don't think truely long term content could be implemented without wrecking game balance. My proposed ideas give temporary objectives that generate a sense of accomplishment, a limited sense of persistance, and a definite goal.

2003-11-02, 06:30 PM
I can resume this thread in two words...

Planetside sucks!
Don't troll please. Thanks.

2003-11-02, 06:31 PM
Anyway I think this is a great topic, I too would like to have some large scale goal.. what BDMJ is interesting but like Lise said its not "persistant" more like a temporary goal.

This will be a great topic for our community night I think. And a great topic for our developer interview as well. It is an FPS, but it is an MMO, it should be a bit more persistant than it currently is.

2003-11-02, 06:44 PM
I think to add a different kind of thing is that every week they should switch around the home cont links to different ones

BTW nice thread

2003-11-02, 07:52 PM
I tend to agree with Black i'm not sure about the persistance side of it bt i think rotating the warpgates periodicly might give things a boost.

2003-11-02, 09:05 PM
If the world wasnt SOOOOOOOOO big with CC it wuold be so much fun. There simply arent enough people on Konried to have any significant battle above ground anymore. I think that would make the world seem a lot more dynamic, where defending something would actually matter.

2003-11-02, 09:23 PM
I think people look for far too much in this game. Games such as CS, Unreal, etc will have players play for years and these have NO long time goal (at least none remotely compared to PS).

I think things can be done to encourage sticking with the game and remove the tedium involved with it. Since this does vaguely combine a RPG element to the game with the exp system. Once you've maxed out a char, you find little else to focus on. Unless it is stat whoring.

2003-11-02, 09:31 PM
Ok sorry hamma. Let me change my response to:

Who would of expected that from an SOE game :rolleyes:.

2003-11-02, 10:24 PM
Stop trolling, bitch.

2003-11-02, 10:27 PM
II agree, I like this thread. I think they really might need to add some more depth if they want people to continue paying to play. This combined with the technical problems is probably the cause of the low populations. I'm not really sure how to make the game more persistant though. It'd be really difficult without having to reset the world every month or so. Although I suppose...in a game with no storyline or anything that might not really bother people that much.

2003-11-02, 11:09 PM
Ok sorry hamma. Let me change my response to:

Who would of expected that from an SOE game :rolleyes:.
If you dont play or like PS anymore stay in the lounge.

2003-11-03, 01:05 AM
"It's an FPS, you shoot people, you blow shit up, what more do you want?"


I've seen Hamma's comment before. There is a vast difference between me spending 12.99 a month on a game and me buying a game like half life and playing it's mods for over 5 years.

I expect something VERY different.

Essentially nothing has changed, look deep down into the core of what planetside is. You take over a base, you lose a base. It's a tug of war, back and forth.

2003-11-03, 01:13 AM
That's "shake-ups", though, BDMJ. Val's talking about a sense of "permanence," the feeling as though you're actually accomplishing something.

Again, I'm open to ideas on how such a thing would be accomplished, but I can't see any that wouldn't end up wrecking gameplay.

Lise, I don't pretend to have all of the answers. I and many others have given the suggestions for something long term. Some sort of long term benefit for an empire.

The thing is, it could be multiple long term benefits. Not just one thing out there.

For instance:

The TR could have captured Ancient Technology that Enchances their Flying vehicles

The NC could have captured a Sphere the increases their stamina regeneration.

The Vanu could have captured an Ancient Weapons enhancer that makes their shots stronger.

Put neutral continents in the game that are difficult to capture. Have dynamically changing bases in them. One big giant fortress that empires fight over to capture a very important piece of technology.

Extremely large scale warfare where it would REQUIRE you to be more organized than just piggy backing these little modules around. Something that could REALLY signficantly effect the way your empire performs.

This is off the top of my head. Add in more dynamic content, persistance. Feeling like I were a part of something bigger as being a New Congolmerate soldier.

Just, after 4+ months now of doing the same thing is stale. CC hasn't changed that, it just adds a little different twist to it.

2003-11-03, 01:16 AM
Anyway I think this is a great topic, I too would like to have some large scale goal.. what BDMJ is interesting but like Lise said its not "persistant" more like a temporary goal.

This will be a great topic for our community night I think. And a great topic for our developer interview as well. It is an FPS, but it is an MMO, it should be a bit more persistant than it currently is.


I would like to bring more stimulating thought to the boards now. I hope Dallas and Sporkfire read these threads.

I'm just getting a little burned out lately on the repetitivness and I hope they took this feedback seriously.

2003-11-03, 01:21 AM

2003-11-03, 01:23 AM
Ughh Sorry I keep hitting quotes by accident.

2003-11-03, 01:27 AM
Core Combat added a huge persistent element: Vortex Modules. The depth of strategy that they provide will keep any commander busy. A lot of people seem to think that they've 'beaten the game' by getting br20 or because they can Surge with their empire Heavy Assault weapon and kill a lot. I'll go out on a limb here and say you haven't even approached 'beating the game' if you haven't learned your way around the caverns, risked life and limb trying to find the perfect base to reinforce with a module or deployed a Router or Flail in an ingenious way.

I think a lot of people think they're King of the World, but I assure you Surge, Reaver, Heavy Assault and the AI MAXs are just small pieces in the Pie of Ultimate Ownership.

Don't proclaim yourself TEH WINNAR until you've really done it all.

(subliminal message) GO BUY CORE COMBAT (end subliminal message)

2003-11-03, 01:28 AM
Yes, my ideas are not as long term as what Valcron seems to want, but I don't think truely long term content could be implemented without wrecking game balance. My proposed ideas give temporary objectives that generate a sense of accomplishment, a limited sense of persistance, and a definite goal.

BDMJ. Maybe a truly persistant world change couldn't actually take effect. But, maybe I'm speaking more of something lasting weeks, not just days here.

There has to be something better out there that we fight over. Not just bases, but something different.

What if the world could actually reset after a certain number of things happened? What if we were to capture X amount of enemy continents that the world leaders of the Vanu and TR were to concede the war and have a reset? The end result would be home continents would change. Imagine NC's home continent being Oshur, and the Vanu's cyssor?

Just a thought.

2003-11-03, 03:31 AM
I like those ideas. There would have to be stronger benefits for population deficient empires though, because I see that sort of permenance as encouraging having one stacked empire versus two gimped ones. We already see it with the population swings that simple weapon changes bring. If one side begins to steadily win the server, it will pick up tons of "empire hopping n00blar bastards".

Perhaps give each continent lock a specific benefit (really powerful ones too), and make the warpgates lock when the continent locks, only allowing them to unlock if the continent connected to them is locked also, and only for that one gate. I.E. if the Terrans wanted to attack solsar when it was locked, either forseral or ceryshen would have to be locked. This would make defense a true priority and reward it well. Longer continent locks would really add a sense of permenance to the game as home continents would really feel like constant friendly territory. Benefits may be increased weapon power, faster vehicle timers, backup generators, faster hart times, or timed tower hacks. All these benefits would be global for the empire controling them. Maybe searhus could have a special value attached to it to encourgae fighting on it. Perhaps if searhus was locked, it would allow ancient modules to trigger as flbs. Some excuse like it gives access to the ancient vanu network to transmit those benefits. It would be stupidly powerful, encourage CC purchasing, searhus fighting, and give fighting a greater meaning than it currently has.

2003-11-03, 04:35 AM
I'll give you the reason that Planetside is better than many other games. It's larger. Compare it from Medal of Honor:Allied Assault.
Reason 1 - MOHAA - I can run around a MOHAA map in under a minute, killing up to 31 other guys. PS- I can run around a Continent in, OH, an hour, killing way way over 1000 other players.
Reason 2 - MOHAA - I have to deal with mass cheaters. Wall hacks, Neon Skins, Speed Hacks, Invisibilty hacks, Weapon hacks, Instant shot hacks, Instant Aim Hacks. Aim bots. Neeed I go on????? PS - I don't have to deal with many cheaters. Some people find and use exploits, yes, but SOE usually patchs those so they no longer work. I only can speculate about people cheating. Except for the odd person. Better than MOHAA where almost everyone cheats just to see who can get the highest score.
I could give you many many more reasons compared to other games, but I don't need to. Those two are enough as it is.

As for how to make PS better? I could give many ways. But I won't do that. I don't have enough time, and I don't bitch about the games I play much. Usually only bitch on the heat of the moment. My buddy could attest to that.

2003-11-03, 04:51 AM
I think people look for far too much in this game. Games such as CS, Unreal, etc will have players play for years and these have NO long time goal (at least none remotely compared to PS).

I think things can be done to encourage sticking with the game and remove the tedium involved with it. Since this does vaguely combine a RPG element to the game with the exp system. Once you've maxed out a char, you find little else to focus on. Unless it is stat whoring.

well these games also have no monthly subscription, unlike planetside. i think val's $13 (just like mine) are starting to feel like theyre buying less and less.

a thought just occured to me that one of my favorite places to fight was Seaharus. Mostly because of the fact that its not a home cont. What if the number of home conts fell to like 1. Say VS had Amerish. Meaning that 3 conts are home conts, and 7 are neutral. one of the few things that really pisses me off in this game is that when say the VS hossin invasion is going well, a l33t ninja hacks azeban. ok np. just a lone ninja.

<Global> "random cr5 name (90% of them are guilty of this)" OMFG FALL BACK! FALL BACK!! AMERISH IS UNDER SIEGE!! HOLY SHIT!!!

thus the zerg ("support") follows the global, and we get stomped.

cant take anything without the zerg. :(

with fewer home conts, the invasion would most likely be ongoing.

2003-11-03, 06:41 AM
well these games also have no monthly subscription, unlike planetside. i think val's $13 (just like mine) are starting to feel like theyre buying less and less.

a thought just occured to me that one of my favorite places to fight was Seaharus. Mostly because of the fact that its not a home cont. What if the number of home conts fell to like 1. Say VS had Amerish. Meaning that 3 conts are home conts, and 7 are neutral. one of the few things that really pisses me off in this game is that when say the VS hossin invasion is going well, a l33t ninja hacks azeban. ok np. just a lone ninja.

<Global> "random cr5 name (90% of them are guilty of this)" OMFG FALL BACK! FALL BACK!! AMERISH IS UNDER SIEGE!! HOLY SHIT!!!

thus the zerg ("support") follows the global, and we get stomped.

cant take anything without the zerg. :(

with fewer home conts, the invasion would most likely be ongoing.

At least when I was paying for Everquest there was some sort of persistance in the world.

2003-11-03, 07:34 AM
I don't know. I understand the feelings that desire a "victory condition", but I wonder if once we get that, or attain that, will we be satisfied then as well? Will we then require SOE to engineer an even larger or more dramatic "victory condition"?

The other night I found a victory. It wasn't earth shattering, but it provided for me the joy that I desire from a game playing with friends, and it made the 13 bucks I pay each month worth it. Myself and a small squad of Dragon Wolves (5 or 6) piled into a Deliverer (we affectionately call it our Escalade) and we trooped off to the local candy store (an enemy base with lots of modules) snuck in, grabbed a module, ran out and jumped in the Deliverer. Off we went! We did some fighting along the way and finally got back home and installed the module.

Was this a noticable victory on the planet Auraxis? Probably not, but myself and my little team had a blast doing it. I found victory in that. Yes, it could be argued that after a while this too will become boring. Well, maybe next time we will take two modules from two different bases using different tactics or vehicles. It is really up to us how we enjoy this game. We can rely on SOE to find ways to make it interesting, or we can make ways for ourselves. If we find ways for ourselves and SOE throws something in once in a while, that will satisfy me! :)

2003-11-03, 08:56 AM
Consistent or persistent? :p

2003-11-03, 09:05 AM
well these games also have no monthly subscription, unlike planetside. i think val's $13 (just like mine) are starting to feel like theyre buying less and less.

a thought just occured to me that one of my favorite places to fight was Seaharus. Mostly because of the fact that its not a home cont. What if the number of home conts fell to like 1. Say VS had Amerish. Meaning that 3 conts are home conts, and 7 are neutral. one of the few things that really pisses me off in this game is that when say the VS hossin invasion is going well, a l33t ninja hacks azeban. ok np. just a lone ninja.

<Global> "random cr5 name (90% of them are guilty of this)" OMFG FALL BACK! FALL BACK!! AMERISH IS UNDER SIEGE!! HOLY SHIT!!!

thus the zerg ("support") follows the global, and we get stomped.

cant take anything without the zerg. :(

with fewer home conts, the invasion would most likely be ongoing.


This is exactly how I feel. I'm paying 13 dollars a mont really for the fact that I can play larger maps with 100's of players around me.

This is starting to take it's toll.

2003-11-03, 09:11 AM
I don't know. I understand the feelings that desire a "victory condition", but I wonder if once we get that, or attain that, will we be satisfied then as well? Will we then require SOE to engineer an even larger or more dramatic "victory condition"?

The other night I found a victory. It wasn't earth shattering, but it provided for me the joy that I desire from a game playing with friends, and it made the 13 bucks I pay each month worth it. Myself and a small squad of Dragon Wolves (5 or 6) piled into a Deliverer (we affectionately call it our Escalade) and we trooped off to the local candy store (an enemy base with lots of modules) snuck in, grabbed a module, ran out and jumped in the Deliverer. Off we went! We did some fighting along the way and finally got back home and installed the module.

Was this a noticable victory on the planet Auraxis? Probably not, but myself and my little team had a blast doing it. I found victory in that. Yes, it could be argued that after a while this too will become boring. Well, maybe next time we will take two modules from two different bases using different tactics or vehicles. It is really up to us how we enjoy this game. We can rely on SOE to find ways to make it interesting, or we can make ways for ourselves. If we find ways for ourselves and SOE throws something in once in a while, that will satisfy me! :)


This used to be the case with me. I found it very satisfying that the NC used to be able to lock X amount of continents. But you know what? I just don't care anymore, I'm tired of repeating the same bases all of the time. Hack, rehack, Hack, Rehack. There is nothing persistant about doing the same thing over and over. There simple needs to be something bigger, something that everyone in the empire strives for. That one big goal.

But what is it?

2003-11-03, 09:37 AM
When i owned my outfit on konried named the Barney Slayers we use to do a attack on esamir and eventually they would come we only have a small number of ppl but they outnumbered us by 20 ppl we had to of held them off for at least 30 mins and it was fun jus invading a cont that is locked by a enemy it may get boring for a while but the will eventually come. So dont give up valcron they will do something soon.

2003-11-03, 09:57 AM

This used to be the case with me. I found it very satisfying that the NC used to be able to lock X amount of continents. But you know what? I just don't care anymore, I'm tired of repeating the same bases all of the time. Hack, rehack, Hack, Rehack. There is nothing persistant about doing the same thing over and over. There simple needs to be something bigger, something that everyone in the empire strives for. That one big goal.

But what is it?

I can understand the frustration. There is that tug sometimes of reaching some goal out there that satisfies this repeated processes of hacking, stealing modules, defending said hack or module, etc. You ask "What is it?" I am really hard put to answer that for you personally. I just know for me it extends beyond the game to my Outfit. Am I just paying 13 bucks a month to play online with the CDL? I don't know - maybe. I guess it will boil down to how you define that "...one big goal."

Val, I hope you find it man, because it would be sad to lose a solid player like yourself.

2003-11-03, 10:01 AM
Your playing because of us manitou :p

2003-11-03, 10:26 AM
I can understand the frustration. There is that tug sometimes of reaching some goal out there that satisfies this repeated processes of hacking, stealing modules, defending said hack or module, etc. You ask "What is it?" I am really hard put to answer that for you personally. I just know for me it extends beyond the game to my Outfit. Am I just paying 13 bucks a month to play online with the CDL? I don't know - maybe. I guess it will boil down to how you define that "...one big goal."

Val, I hope you find it man, because it would be sad to lose a solid player like yourself.

I thought CC would cure some of the problems I was having with the game, but it didn't. As much as I like CC in some regards, it's actually a mess in a lot. I realize they really just don't give us a lot for the 30 dollars. I rarely fight in the caves, and the weapons/vehicles are limited in use. Honestly, if I had known this I really would have to question the value/price of CC. It was in some ways a rushed product to playcate the current problems in game.

I need to see what Dallas says in next producer's letter, I need to see how comitted they are to the actual dynamic/persistant content that comes up. If not, I will have to really evaulate me paying for the game

2003-11-03, 12:01 PM
Like any MMO game, people go through phases of extreme satisfaction, apathy and utter boredom.

The commonality between players who reach these stages is that they've played the game far more than most of their other games.

As for a victory condition, you have to make your own. Whether it's mastering soldiery, engineering or piloting, you've got to be able to look inside yourself for it. If there were an 'endgame', people would exploit their way to it, share their foul knowledge, and move on to corrupt a new game, all in record time. If you must 'beat the game', a single-player game is for you. You don't 'beat' MMO games. Ever.

2003-11-03, 12:40 PM
but unlike other MMORPGs, Planetside HAS no change except balance pass this, or expansion pack that. Where is my "Quest for the ________"? I honestly dont care what it is, as long as its something. Make it some random AT artifact that nets my empire "X amount of Y" for a 24 hour period after bringing it all the way back to sanc. Unfortunately, how many players would be interested in such a goal? Few, I fear. I also grow tired of hack, rehack, hack, and certain bases have earned my hate. Gunuku for example seems to always be the place where Emerald VS lose our "umph". So, I skip it, do some scouting.

Honestly, PS is unlike any other game in that, seems as if it is simply Tribes2 w/o jetpacks in a world where lots of other Tribes2 servers are connected. I dont pay $13 a month for Tribes2. I still play, and love that game.

Play games like EQ, EnB, DaoC, etc whats the biggest, most compeling factor? Dev interaction. Special objectives. Clan (or whatever you call them) competitions. Give me those, not CC (i do own CC btw) and ill glady pay my $13 a month.

2003-11-03, 12:41 PM
I think what the thread starter is looking for is a more epic goal an empire can achive that cant be overturrned just a half hour later.

They have something similar in Dark Ages of Camelot (DAOC), they are called Relics. For those not familiar with DAOC here is the 10 cent tour, Relics are trophies that give a side bonuses (damage bonuses), they are held in a very very difficult Keep (DAOC keeps are like PS bases). Each Realm has 2 of it's own relics. About the only way to really take other team's Relic keeps is to take all of your enimies keeps, then throw most of your team's higher level players at the keep and hope to grab the relic before the other Realms can stop you.

Upside of this is that it's really hard to do and it takes a lot of coordination; so you really have a sinse of accomplishment when you pull it off.

Downside is that many of these "Relic Raids" end up being held at 3 am when the opposition is nearly non-existant. And often times, People will only play on an empire who has all the relics constantly.... creating awful population imbalances.

PS could have a similar system where each empire has a "Fortress" that other empires try to take to give them bonuses. But make these Fortresses nearly impossible to take without an epic struggle.

2003-11-03, 12:43 PM
PS could have a similar system where each empire has a "Fortress" that other empires try to take to give them bonuses. But make these Fortresses nearly impossible to take without an epic struggle.

ill take some of that plz

2003-11-03, 01:07 PM
The CDL has a DAoC division and I have visited that game some. I see the point there and it is actually a good one.

I had thought about something like that as well, but more aligned with gaining a foothold in an enemy Sanctuary. Let me give a broad overview of what I was thinking.

*Disclaimer* This is not well thought out, but simply something that I had juggled in my head once or twice.

Near one of the backyard continents' Sanctuary WG there would be towers, say three. Within these three towers are switches that must be taken and a new module installed in each one called the "Reverse Warp Gate Module" or something. They must all three be installed and held for say 15 minutes before the Sanctuary WG switches its "energy" and the enemy can then enter the Sanctuary of that Empire. If even one of the towers at the WG are resecured, the WG will revert to normal. Once the enemy actually is able to get into the Sanctuary of the Empire they are attacking, they have the chance to steal that Empire's "trophy" or something (maybe sitting in the HART terminal on the second floor observation deck) and then they must take it back to their Sanctuary and install it before it is reclaimed by killing the soldier carrying it and touching it, or some other resecure method. The Empire that does this and is able to get the "trophy" back to their Sanctuary will get to use one of the Empire specific weapons at any normal terminal for 24 hours (or until the "trophy is resecured by the same means it was taken). For example, the TR are able to secure the NC "trophy". The TR then get to use the Vanguard for 24 hours from the secure time of the NC "trophy". Also, the global map would show the "trophy as a symbol on the map sitting in the enemy Sanctuary.

Comments? It may not be feasible, but man I would love to have the Vanguard for 24 hours to romp around in!!! :lol:

2003-11-03, 01:12 PM
I think what the thread starter is looking for is a more epic goal an empire can achive that cant be overturrned just a half hour later.

They have something similar in Dark Ages of Camelot (DAOC), they are called Relics. For those not familiar with DAOC here is the 10 cent tour, Relics are trophies that give a side bonuses (damage bonuses), they are held in a very very difficult Keep (DAOC keeps are like PS bases). Each Realm has 2 of it's own relics. About the only way to really take other team's Relic keeps is to take all of your enimies keeps, then throw most of your team's higher level players at the keep and hope to grab the relic before the other Realms can stop you.

Upside of this is that it's really hard to do and it takes a lot of coordination; so you really have a sinse of accomplishment when you pull it off.

Downside is that many of these "Relic Raids" end up being held at 3 am when the opposition is nearly non-existant. And often times, People will only play on an empire who has all the relics constantly.... creating awful population imbalances.

PS could have a similar system where each empire has a "Fortress" that other empires try to take to give them bonuses. But make these Fortresses nearly impossible to take without an epic struggle.

Good suggestions, but is this even on the designers table? I would really be curious as to know what Smokejumper and his team have in store. They always talk about all of these wild/fantastic ideas. But you know what; it's all pointless if it's just new vehicles/weapons etc. This is why I am glad the Loadster has been delayed, gameplay is suffering entirely far worse than lack of vehicles/weapons.

2003-11-03, 04:48 PM

2003-11-03, 06:15 PM
How bout I persist my foot up your ass? Still dissapointed? What if I twist it, like so...

2003-11-03, 09:53 PM
Both shakeups and long term goals would be nice.
You could, however roll them into one by making that advanced prowler Tech plant two weeks to capture. Terrans have to hold it for at least 50% of the time to gain the advantage.

That would make the goals semi-persistant.

2003-11-03, 11:24 PM
Valcron when i feel like you and i do now i cut down on my PS time ALOT and play some other games/demos on the side. Then i come back and love the game again. Plus it helps alot to have people u like playing with ie Obfrog.

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-04, 12:26 AM
Valcron when i feel like you and i do now i cut down on my PS time ALOT and play some other games/demos on the side. Then i come back and love the game again. Plus it helps alot to have people u like playing with ie Obfrog.Sadly I have now beaten every game I own at least twice (after completeing MAX Payne 2 for the second time through tonight and probably for a third befoer too long) and the vast majority many more times than that. EQ used to keep me appeased but not that I've gotten bored with that I seem to unintentionally beat damn near every game I buy in less than 48 hours. Is it just me or are games getting shorter and shorter?

It just seems I've been saying "....that's it?!?" more an more often lately. The last non MMO game I can think of that actually took me awhile is GTA Vice City.

Vis Armata
2003-11-04, 02:12 AM
Persistance? I shoot at the same things every night, I think that's pretty persistant.

2003-11-04, 02:15 AM
Persistance? I shoot at the same things every night, I think that's pretty persistant.

lol, ur right. PS is the most persistant thing i can think of now that i consider it. wrong topic i guess, but good thread.

i guess we dislike it cause its TOO persistant then. :p

2003-11-04, 03:06 AM
Near one of the backyard continents' Sanctuary WG there would be towers, say three. Within these three towers are switches that must be taken and a new module installed in each one called the "Reverse Warp Gate Module" or something. They must all three be installed and held for say 15 minutes before the Sanctuary WG switches its "energy" and the enemy can then enter the Sanctuary of that Empire. If even one of the towers at the WG are resecured, the WG will revert to normal. Once the enemy actually is able to get into the Sanctuary of the Empire they are attacking, they have the chance to steal that Empire's "trophy" or something (maybe sitting in the HART terminal on the second floor observation deck) and then they must take it back to their Sanctuary and install it before it is reclaimed by killing the soldier carrying it and touching it, or some other resecure method. The Empire that does this and is able to get the "trophy" back to their Sanctuary will get to use one of the Empire specific weapons at any normal terminal for 24 hours (or until the "trophy is resecured by the same means it was taken). For example, the TR are able to secure the NC "trophy". The TR then get to use the Vanguard for 24 hours from the secure time of the NC "trophy". Also, the global map would show the "trophy as a symbol on the map sitting in the enemy Sanctuary.

Comments? It may not be feasible, but man I would love to have the Vanguard for 24 hours to romp around in!!! :lol:

I think something like that would be a great idea Manitou. I'm not too sure about the method of reaching the sanctuary, but the concept is sound. A few ideas of my own to add:
There are 3 villas in the sanc; there are 3 categories of empire specific equipment (Weapons, MAXes and Vehicles). So, assign each villa with a module that has one of the types of empire specific bonuses. Next, make it so only the villa who's WG you "unlocked" can be attacked, and make the other 2 villas invulnerable (some kind of big shield bubble over the whole villa, like a WG bubble, that appears when the sanc is invaded). Doing that does 2 things:

1: It allows you to choose which bonus you want to achieve by attacking the associated continent.

2: With the invulnerable villas, it preserves the sanctuary atmosphere, so you will never be completely and utterly crushed without hope and just log out of frustration (honestly, how would you feel if no matter where you spawned, even if it were the sanctuary, you had a locked down pounder/JH Monkey/etc. there to greet you?). Recalling/respawning to the sanc would automatically choose one of the 2 "safe" sanctuary villas, after that you can maybe choose to spawn at the hostile villa? Or perhaps teleport there via the villa teleporters? Just don't force the battle onto someone who just wants to spawn in safety (or a brand new player who just entered the game and spawned at sanc...boy that'd suck to enter the game for the first time directly into a fight without even knowing what the heck is going on).

I don't know about all the specifics, but you'd need to add some restrictions to where attacking empires can go (no VR, no HART perhaps? Maybe even no entering the spawn buildings?). The towers would be the only claimable spawn point for the attackers, but AMSes could still be deployed. The 'foreigners' could roam the whole sanctuary continent, but just not enter the safe villa's shield bubble (or let them in, but no weapons/collision, like a neutral WG).

As for the module, it would have the same restrictions as CC Mods. No air vehicles, no MAXes, no cloaking, no deconstructing, no router teleporting and vehicle speed reduction (perhaps even limit which ground vehicles?). They would have to travel across 2 whole continents to get back to their sanctuary. Give them...say...30 minutes to reach their sanc. If the carrier is killed and the module is touched by someone from it's pertaining empire, it is secured. Once back, they'd have to install it in the corresponding villa's HART building and then they'd get access to that set of empire specific equipment (so long as they have the cert). Once installed though, it would then make that villa vulnerable to counter-attack for a period of time (say...15-30 minutes? More perhaps?) while the module is being 'absorbed' into that villa's systems (and perhaps wait until it is absorbed before you get the benefit. Actually, that sounds better than giving it right away...). Once successfully absorbed, they get the benifit for 48 hours, minimum. Any less wouldn't be very 'persistant'.

That's about all I can think of for now. Thoughts?

2003-11-04, 03:08 AM
You could make World Events (dumb name, but its for example). Similar to BDMJ ideas, but they wouldn't happen repeatedly. Such as, if the VS were testing on humans and developed a new implant. Then you would have to have a way for the TR and NC to "steal" the data. Once that happens that empire then gains the new implant permanently. So it fits in with a story line, and yet allows for new and interesting things to be added to the game. It would have a since of "victory" seeing as how if you dont steal the info you dont get the reward. Sort of a mission type deal...

Now I see the problem with just giving away the "free stuff" to the empire first. This could be worked around by having that empire complete certain missions. Such as, this is for the VS implant idea, there would be an alert to all VS players at the time of login. It would say something like all BIO LABS must be controlled by your empire at one time. If so, you get the new implant technology. This would of course be worded differently, but you get the idea.

With this new twist, there could be endless ways to change the world, all the devs would have to do is keep updating the story line and think of new things to add, as they already are.

It would be awesome to say things like, "Yeah, I logged on just when the TR destroyed Hossin." And it would be gone forever after that. Thats a little over dramatic, but you get the point.

Just my lil idea I thought of just now. Damn its long.......

2003-11-04, 08:18 AM
what about having a weekly "in-game" interactive newsletter that could be viewed from sanc. Add missions to the game. Like so...

Mission A requires the patrol of Base "X" for "Y" time.

But the cool part is that another empire's mission would be scout Base "X".

You would never know if that mission was accepted or not (by the other empire), but you would get XP regaurdless.

The game sets up small battles for me, that if it goes on long enough, hotspots appear that bring more players.

It'd also be cool to check out the news letter and see, "Reinforcements required immediately at Base "X".

With this newsletter add an in-game forum for outfit openings, or looted gear trades.

Would that make your $13 worth it? It would mine.

/edit/ just thought of this. add a list of all LFSM to this "newsletter". Give the SL the option of being LFSM of course, but if he is, then his name is displayed in sanc and i can find a squad faster.

Bad Mojo
2003-11-04, 09:39 AM
Mission A requires the patrol of Base "X" for "Y" time.

Just what we all need, more standing around waiting.

2003-11-04, 09:51 AM
Just what we all need, more standing around waiting.

Not true, if there were missions in the game that were dynamic, and if the rewards were great, they would definitely be really good.

Say if those missions had equal rewards for both sides, the attacker and defender, people will absolutely do them.

2003-11-04, 09:53 AM
Does anybody else think persistant* is the wrong word to be used here......................?

*hint : consistent

2003-11-04, 10:10 AM
I think something like that would be a great idea Manitou. I'm not too sure about the method of reaching the sanctuary, but the concept is sound. A few ideas of my own to add:
There are 3 villas in the sanc; there are 3 categories of empire specific equipment (Weapons, MAXes and Vehicles). So, assign each villa with a module that has one of the types of empire specific bonuses. Next, make it so only the villa who's WG you "unlocked" can be attacked, and make the other 2 villas invulnerable (some kind of big shield bubble over the whole villa, like a WG bubble, that appears when the sanc is invaded). Doing that does 2 things:

1: It allows you to choose which bonus you want to achieve by attacking the associated continent.

2: With the invulnerable villas, it preserves the sanctuary atmosphere, so you will never be completely and utterly crushed without hope and just log out of frustration (honestly, how would you feel if no matter where you spawned, even if it were the sanctuary, you had a locked down pounder/JH Monkey/etc. there to greet you?). Recalling/respawning to the sanc would automatically choose one of the 2 "safe" sanctuary villas, after that you can maybe choose to spawn at the hostile villa? Or perhaps teleport there via the villa teleporters? Just don't force the battle onto someone who just wants to spawn in safety (or a brand new player who just entered the game and spawned at sanc...boy that'd suck to enter the game for the first time directly into a fight without even knowing what the heck is going on).

I don't know about all the specifics, but you'd need to add some restrictions to where attacking empires can go (no VR, no HART perhaps? Maybe even no entering the spawn buildings?). The towers would be the only claimable spawn point for the attackers, but AMSes could still be deployed. The 'foreigners' could roam the whole sanctuary continent, but just not enter the safe villa's shield bubble (or let them in, but no weapons/collision, like a neutral WG).

As for the module, it would have the same restrictions as CC Mods. No air vehicles, no MAXes, no cloaking, no deconstructing, no router teleporting and vehicle speed reduction (perhaps even limit which ground vehicles?). They would have to travel across 2 whole continents to get back to their sanctuary. Give them...say...30 minutes to reach their sanc. If the carrier is killed and the module is touched by someone from it's pertaining empire, it is secured. Once back, they'd have to install it in the corresponding villa's HART building and then they'd get access to that set of empire specific equipment (so long as they have the cert). Once installed though, it would then make that villa vulnerable to counter-attack for a period of time (say...15-30 minutes? More perhaps?) while the module is being 'absorbed' into that villa's systems (and perhaps wait until it is absorbed before you get the benefit. Actually, that sounds better than giving it right away...). Once successfully absorbed, they get the benifit for 48 hours, minimum. Any less wouldn't be very 'persistant'.

That's about all I can think of for now. Thoughts?

I really like the idea of Safe points in the sanctuary. Something like this would make sanctuary strikes a reality.

2003-11-04, 10:23 AM
Yes, great points all. You could have one of the little villages be open, while the other two remain locked. That would spare people who were just joining the nasty surprise of spawning in Sanctuary with an enemy MAX in your face.

I really think this idea would serve to give a reward or goal to those who are looking for that victory condition. At the end of the month they could have the Empire with the most trophies taken announced as the monthly winner, with a symbol or something emblazoned on myplanetside.com or whatever.

Wow, what is fun about dreaming is you never have limits. :D

Bad Mojo
2003-11-04, 10:49 AM
Not true, if there were missions in the game that were dynamic, and if the rewards were great, they would definitely be really good.

Say if those missions had equal rewards for both sides, the attacker and defender, people will absolutely do them.

I don't consider defending a base with no guarantee of an attack to be dynamic. No matter how well you are rewarded, there are going to be times you go out and sit around.

Better ideas are to let CR5s set "mission objective" like "destroy spawn tubes at Aton" and the squad that completes that gets lots of XP. You could also have missions like "repair turrets at Zal" or "deploy AMS inside SOI of Gunuku". These types of missions would 1) contribute to the overall battle 2) provide people rewards for completing objectives 3) give CR5's a more finite zerg control.

It depends a lot on the players to be effective, but so does everything else in this game.

2003-11-04, 10:54 AM
I don't consider defending a base with no guarantee of an attack to be dynamic. No matter how well you are rewarded, there are going to be times you go out and sit around.

Better ideas are to let CR5s set "mission objective" like "destroy spawn tubes at Aton" and the squad that completes that gets lots of XP. You could also have missions like "repair turrets at Zal" or "deploy AMS inside SOI of Gunuku". These types of missions would 1) contribute to the overall battle 2) provide people rewards for completing objectives 3) give CR5's a more finite zerg control.

It depends a lot on the players to be effective, but so does everything else in this game.

My comments had nothing to do with defending a base. It had everything to do with MISSIONS, and how MISSIONS could be dynamic.

Bad Mojo
2003-11-04, 11:29 AM
My comments had nothing to do with defending a base. It had everything to do with MISSIONS, and how MISSIONS could be dynamic.

Imagine that. My original comments had nothing to do with missions, but with defending a base in the hopes of someone attacking and being bored. Good job on the reading.

2003-11-04, 11:32 AM
Imagine that. My original comments had nothing to do with missions, but with defending a base in the hopes of someone attacking and being bored. Good job on the reading.

No good job on your reading.

Bad Mojo
2003-11-04, 11:42 AM
No good job on your reading.

I know you are but what am I?

2003-11-04, 12:20 PM
The only thing i want is to get exp for taking towers and also taking Empty bases (spec ops anyone).

2003-11-04, 02:37 PM
What if each of the home continents held the secrets to an empire specific weapon? This combines the "Villa" idea with the "acquire other empire weapons" idea. If for instance Ishundar held the secret to the Pounder, and the NC came and locked Ishundar, they could have access to the Pounder until it was unlocked? (Then they can see how badly nerfed it was, but that's for another thread :rolleyes: )

This is my first MMO, and it was fun in the beginning but now it has become a daily dose of "live or die by the zerg". I do feel the sense that there is nothing to fight for. I used to pilot Gal's, and that was fulfilling, but now with the 1 minute HART I don't want to be nothing but an ANT hauler...

2003-11-04, 11:28 PM
Just what we all need, more standing around waiting.

beats the current way of doing things. i dont want to give up PS to WoW, but thats the way its looking.