View Full Version : Is this fair???
2003-11-02, 08:33 PM
AOL sucks, just to let you know, and I got a parent lock on my name so I gota use my mom's name but she has a password for it.
So I have to ask "can i play?" (i asked twice today)
"Your grandma asked for-..."
I remember she wanted me to get potatoes out of the garage, so i run out, bring potatoes in, she's sitting watching football like she was before.
She just came back ino the room again like 2 minutes ago.
"can I play?"
"yea but only for a bit. Oh um I forgot to tell you your friend called while you were at church."
I get into details.
"He said oh shoot, must wanted to invite you over or something. You should call him."
I saw it coming.
"I'll call when I'm watching the simpsons special tonight."
She says ok, and walks out of the room-not logging me on.
:mad: WTS? I mean wtf bitch, why are you so fucking racist against online gaming, its not like i'm somehow going to get a virus or something(its possible, but what are the chances its going to happen?). She also complains that all these updates make aol suddenly sign off. Ehem, 99.9 percent of the users have that happen to them because AOL SUCKS MAJOR LEAGE PENIS! Its the buggyest thing out there, even buggyer than Tribes2.
And if she doesn't want me to play online, I'm just going to go on my name and spam here or play something else, whats the difference if i play online?
Now my brther wants to play and i bet next time i ask, she'll say let him play. Once she says that, I swear I'm going to fucking yell at her and not pay the PS fee. ARGGG!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
2003-11-02, 08:44 PM
Life is not fair.
Take this as you will. If i had ever yelled at my parents I whould have A) Gotten the shit kicked out of me B) been kicked out of the house.
Not always do our parents do things that are worthy of our respect I'm not going to dipute that, but if you give your parents your respect and prove to them you can act as an adult they will be shamed into treating you like an adult. Also your younger siblings will always bee treated difrently then you, you might as well get used to this fact.
2003-11-02, 08:49 PM
i agree with doppler life can suck andnot be fair, and those in power can suck too, but i dont see you getting anything out of yelling at your mom except for more pain.
2003-11-02, 08:58 PM
Life is a bitch get used to it!
The fact that you are 13 or 14 whatever doesnt help either just shut your mouth and get used to it, you'll have much worse waiting for you in life then not having the computer.
2003-11-02, 09:01 PM
The whining in this thread is astronomical. Not one post has said anything but "Life isn't fair" or "Life sucks". Anyway, just telling you all to stop whining
2003-11-02, 09:57 PM
AOL sucks, just to let you know, and I got a parent lock on my name so I gota use my mom's name but she has a password for it.
So I have to ask "can i play?" (i asked twice today)
"Your grandma asked for-..."
I remember she wanted me to get potatoes out of the garage, so i run out, bring potatoes in, she's sitting watching football like she was before.
She just came back ino the room again like 2 minutes ago.
"can I play?"
"yea but only for a bit. Oh um I forgot to tell you your friend called while you were at church."
I get into details.
"He said oh shoot, must wanted to invite you over or something. You should call him."
I saw it coming.
"I'll call when I'm watching the simpsons special tonight."
She says ok, and walks out of the room-not logging me on.
:mad: WTS? I mean wtf bitch, why are you so fucking racist against online gaming, its not like i'm somehow going to get a virus or something(its possible, but what are the chances its going to happen?). She also complains that all these updates make aol suddenly sign off. Ehem, 99.9 percent of the users have that happen to them because AOL SUCKS MAJOR LEAGE PENIS! Its the buggyest thing out there, even buggyer than Tribes2.
And if she doesn't want me to play online, I'm just going to go on my name and spam here or play something else, whats the difference if i play online?
Now my brther wants to play and i bet next time i ask, she'll say let him play. Once she says that, I swear I'm going to fucking yell at her and not pay the PS fee. ARGGG!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
If your parents are anything like mine, having any kind of attitude even remotly resembling the one you just posted with would have gotten you a one way ticket to a several month long computer/internet grounding.
Second of all, to adress the philisophical issue presented, life is fair and life is just. Eventually, sooner or later, in this life or after, everyone, and I mean everyone, will get exactly what is comming to them, be it good or bad.
2003-11-02, 10:16 PM
My one thought on life, "Whatever Happens, Happens."
2003-11-02, 10:20 PM
my parents let me play because if i realy need to do somthing i normaly just do it. That and they don't no jack about computers.
2003-11-02, 11:06 PM
Back in my day if you didn't take out the trash in time you got belted...
Now in days kids yell at their parents because they won't let the kid play video games?
Times have changed...
2003-11-02, 11:13 PM
indeed, i obey my parents, and respect them, and if i have to stop playing to do something for them its fine by me. just calmly explain to her, to A) Get a new ISP, B) its impossible to get a virus from Planetside, well, extreamly unlikly C) AOL sucks.
telling your parents how computers work makes life easyer.
2003-11-03, 01:47 AM
The whining in this thread is astronomical. Not one post has said anything but "Life isn't fair" or "Life sucks". Anyway, just telling you all to stop whining
And here i thought i was contributing valuble nuggets of wisdom, also how redundant is it to whine abou whining.
2003-11-03, 01:55 AM
Teach her a lesson and make her get a virus Or thinkg she got one while she is using aim form something she does and make her wake and that she knows shit about them(feels stupid that she got one from what she does and wont be as quick to make stupid descicions about other people). I hate people who just learned how to use a mouse and think they know shit. Do it form an outside source. Something small that shell never find and cant get in trouble for. Maybe even from a guy that she would end up calling to fix it if know them. :brow:
I thought he said he did take out the trash?Sorry i have a tendency to take these the most pesamistic way i can from the parents side. lol
*And see you in jail* :D
This has been a joke. A joke and nothing but a joke! So lighten up.
Im not sure what to say, theres not enough there to tell exactly how that went down.
So why not go find one of those free AOL CDs and load it up? Not like there isn't a fuckin trillion of them floating around.
Seriously though... lay off the GayOL.
2003-11-03, 05:33 AM
Teach her a lesson and make her get a virus Or thinkg she got one while she is using aim form something she does and make her wake and that she knows shit about them(feels stupid that she got one from what she does and wont be as quick to make stupid descicions about other people). I hate people who just learned how to use a mouse and think they know shit. Do it form an outside source. Something small that shell never find and cant get in trouble for. Maybe even from a guy that she would end up calling to fix it if know them. :brow:
hey ghost download a little file called subseven.exe, and give me your IP and ill make your mom swear she's in the matrix ;)
I had the same problem a year ago. Just find/steal your moms password (it has to be around somewhere, parents are forgetful). Log on to HER account, and go to parental controls. You can change everything there. Set your log in info to master/admin what ever they f*cking call it, then you have all the access you want. Or just keep loggin in under her account, what ever floats your boat.
2003-11-03, 05:44 PM
Heheh, my parents are computer illiterate and don't pretend to be otherwise. They've gotta ask me when they want to go on. :rofl:
Just a different perspective for you, not burning the wound or anything.
2003-11-03, 07:17 PM
I had the same problem a year ago. Just find/steal your moms password (it has to be around somewhere, parents are forgetful). Log on to HER account, and go to parental controls. You can change everything there. Set your log in info to master/admin what ever they f*cking call it, then you have all the access you want. Or just keep loggin in under her account, what ever floats your boat.
I did that when I had my very crappy laptop....well actualy if you click the desktop one it would be passworded, but if you went through the start menu, one of her names was auto log (dunno, just didn't have to type password). But she took the modem away when i was grounded when I first got this computer and now she doesn't know where she put it.
Though i asked last night why i can't play online more often and I guess made a point she didn't think that much off, so she's thinking about it. If i get a good grade this Frday (get report cards), I will hope se will screw the child lock.....if she trusts me (I once d/led i gues some sort of a small virus that made window after window of porn pop up....fat lesbian porn.... :eek: ).
But then to reply to all the just get use to it posts, I bet you didn't think that when your mom didn't let you play with your NES and atari back then. I'm young too, its not like I'm going to be moving out of the house in a year or something and i need to learn self disapline, I already got self disapline. Wana know how many books I've read since the beginning of the school year....well i dont know how many, but the whole Ender Series, plus I read Ender's Game and Shadow at the same time after i read the whole series. I do my homework, I only missed 2 homework assignments because i wa sick (that does not includ when i was suspended, i had to make up that work for less credit). And I do my work around the house, I freaken cut trees since my grandpa cant do it anymore because of recent heart problems. Out of all this, all i get to do is play against the computer? A man deserves his free time, and his choice of freetime. I choose online entertainment, and do i deserve it? I know it would suck if a sudden power outage suddenly fall upon my house but i exept it, its nature.
If my parents say no computer i exept it, but heres my point: "she said ok, but...." I did thoughs things, and i find her sitting on the lazyboy watching football. I did that 3 times untill i asked at dinner, she couldn't stop me there. So no excuses. (this is when i asked why cant i pay online so much, but that has nothing to do with my little point.)
THAT just is rude and unfair.
2003-11-03, 08:14 PM
to first post by thread starter,
WOW!!! That sounds like my parents, but not as harsh, just dumber.
2003-11-03, 08:17 PM
My parents can barely turn on a computer :rofl:
2003-11-04, 01:59 AM
Respond to my post: Thems is what you call typos. lol
Even better, Have a short video of an old guy striping saying her name and address and and htat he can get here info 8). Like he got her address off the net and has to show how good he is for getting it.
And if she has a sense of humor about it tell her "me and my freind did it" and "see I know what were doing" and show her how much you really know about comps. :clap:
2003-11-04, 08:03 AM
Get your good grades, then when they unlock the 'child' lock, password it yourself. Though that's not the best solution, you'll just get into trouble.
2003-11-04, 08:50 AM
You should have unlimited access to the Internet, but it's not an ideal world.
Join a computer club, make friends with computer geeks, or save up your dough and buy a computer. Maybe if your parents realized that like prohibiting liquor until you're 21, you'll just glut yourself on it when you hit college and wreck your grades.
It's unfair, and a lot of people in this thread probably covet your youth, but life isn't fair, so make the best of it.
2003-11-04, 09:50 AM
Im downstairs playing Warhammer with my friends and my mom buzzes me on the inter comm (name removed) come show me how to turn off the compter
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