View Full Version : team-killing question

2003-01-17, 06:13 PM
Ok i'm abit worried about this greif system i mean,what if i crash my reaver or something into loads of friendlys by mistake?.What i'm trying to ask is will it be REALLY easy to get your account banned?,i mean i don't wanna be banned for say...running over infantry with my tank by mistake 8( hehe

2003-01-17, 06:17 PM
If you do have a VERY unlucky mistake killing many of your teammates the worse that will happen is you get level 1 grief, you're not banned. It will most likely take purposly TKing to get banned.

2003-01-17, 06:22 PM
Go check the "Worst case TK scenario" thread. SmokeJumper posted a reply of his own.

The worst case the devs came up with was where two fully loaded galaxies plowed into each other, loosing all hands.

Under the old system, both pilots would be auto-banned for a month each. They've made changes, though SJ didn't say what kind.

2003-01-18, 02:16 PM
I hope so as accidents happen and we don't wanna all gt banned for our first go with the galaxy and make a real mess of everyone on the ground :D

2003-01-18, 02:24 PM
Yeah, like Dio said, it should be VERY difficult to get banned for an accidental mass slaying of friendlys, so don,t worry about it. Be careful anyway, though. Better not to get any grief points than to get some accidental ones, eh?

2003-01-18, 02:33 PM
Yeah i'm sure the devs thought about the possible big accident with galaxy stuff and adjust it so if it does happen you might get the first level of grief but surely not banned. :)

2003-01-18, 03:09 PM
I'm sure if you had a demo (assuming they include the function) and / or a a few witness's to your accidental crashing a full galaxy into a whole unit of your own team mates, you would be able to get unbanned.

i hope :(