View Full Version : Bye bye, Special Assault

2003-11-04, 01:48 PM
I don't know why but I have to ditch it. The Decimator is cheap. Maybe I want more challenge. Could be fun or it could suck. Guess I'll find out.

2003-11-04, 01:51 PM
You'll be back, I did the same thing once upon a time. SA is just to damn versatile.

2003-11-04, 01:54 PM
I don't know why but I have to ditch it. The Decimator is cheap. Maybe I want more challenge. Could be fun or it could suck. Guess I'll find out.
:indeed: the new Radiator sux they should up the dmg in the radiation bubble since it doesnt do aggrivated dmg
The Deci was nerfed to hell and back then back down again, and it looks like they arnt going to fix it again
The Rocklet sux now, i unloaded an entire clip on to one guy and he didnt die! :mad:
The Thumper is the only weapon worth in spec asslt, but its a major grief machine for me :doh:

2003-11-04, 01:57 PM
Special assault sucks.

2003-11-04, 01:59 PM
Special assault sucks.
:D :indeed: :D

2003-11-04, 02:00 PM
im ditchin mine tonight, getting an AI MAX, damn infantry bug me with there MCGs and JHs...

2003-11-04, 02:04 PM
Wait, i'm confused, did they stealth nerf spec assualt or something? I know i don't hear people railing on the best cert in the game if they haven't touched it.

2003-11-04, 02:43 PM
Special Assault is great for MAXs , but you will get tired of it. I myself traded in Special Assault and got a Scatter MAX its awesome :)

2003-11-04, 02:48 PM
Um, i've had spec assault since i hit BR5 on launch day, i'm not getting tired of it. You can own MAXes, you can own vehicles, you can own grunts, basically as long as it can't fly you can kill it. Nothing compares to the versatility offered with that cert, you just need to make sure you bring a friend or you'll be overwhelmed, but then again that applies to any weapon or tactic other then HA/Agile/Surge.

2003-11-04, 02:51 PM
You can own aircraft with deci , i killed several mosquitos and reavers during the week i had that cert.

2003-11-04, 02:56 PM
It's not worth the ammo unless they are bothering you though, you can hunt anything else, the aircraft have to come to you.

2003-11-04, 02:56 PM
Decis own MAXs like Reinforced HA pwnz uncovered infiltrators. I dont want to see the Deci nerfed, but SA totally eclipses empire specific AV to the point that there isnt much reason to pick AV over SA, especially considering the portability of Decis and the Utility and stacking damage of the Thumper with plasma

2003-11-04, 02:58 PM
/agreed ,depends on your empire but for the most part all empire specific AV weapons suck. I would choose deci over Anti Vehicular (im NC btw)

2003-11-04, 03:00 PM
...which is exactly why I believe the Decimator should be moved from SA to AV!

2003-11-04, 03:09 PM
I own skeeters all the time with my rocklet rifle or deci.

Take a couple of pot shots with the Guass and hide behind a tree. The skeet thinks it has an easy kill and moves in close. Whip out the rocklet/deci and try not to get hit by the flamming bits of aircraft.

2003-11-04, 03:09 PM
i was thinking about that , but i HIGHLY doubt it ever will cause:
A) Deci adds a generic weapon to a weapon set that is highly diverse in the combat applications of the other grenade launchers (no more confuseing words thought i could explain it with something that makes me sound smart)

B)Two AV weapons would just be mean in the same cert

Its just highly unbalanced overall.

2003-11-04, 03:10 PM
I own skeeters all the time with my rocklet rifle or deci.

Take a couple of pot shots with the Guass and hide behind a tree. The skeet thinks it has an easy kill and moves in close. Whip out the rocklet/deci and try not to get hit by the flamming bits of aircraft.
thats what the Pheniox is for ;)

2003-11-04, 03:16 PM
I loved the Pheonix. That was my first cert after medium assault back when I first started playing. I gave it up for SA about 2 months ago. The whole versatility thing that SA brought to the table couldn't be beat.

I did add AV to my arsenal again on one of my alts, and damn that thing is still just as fun. The added dumbfire mode brought from the BP was much needed. For killing Maxes and light vehicles at distance, the Pheonix is second to none. AV and sniping make for a great weapon combo for when you wanna sit back and just pick the enemy off.

I do miss the very first iteration of the Pheonix. The version where I could fire it level to the ground in a base courtyard, circle the entire thing, and slam the missle into my ass. Man that thing was a weapon of the gods back then.

2003-11-04, 03:19 PM
Didn't it OHK infantry back then too?
Edit: thats another plus for spec assault, keeps away the nixes, damn things are annoying no matter what your wearing.

2003-11-04, 03:25 PM
im ditchin mine tonight, getting an AI MAX, damn infantry bug me with there MCGs and JHs...

oh i've touched spec assault. i couldn't hate it anymore. i'd take an AMP over that. all i need is my MCG and stryker. that makes me happy.

2003-11-04, 03:34 PM
I too whould be all for them duplicating decimator in Special assault, that way I could switch to it indoors when my phoenix is more or less gimped.

2003-11-04, 03:45 PM
Gerbil, as per the game's best anti-MAX weapon: steal a Striker and a few reloads sometime, then talk to me about the game's best anti-MAX weapon.

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-04, 03:50 PM
im ditchin mine tonight, getting an AI MAX, damn infantry bug me with there MCGs and JHs...People who think SA sucks. Wow. There is nothing that can match the versatility of a cert that lets you maul MAXs and any base equipment such as gens and spawn tubes, gives you a weapon that can be extremely effective against both armored and soft targets, and a decent indirect fire AOE weapon.

That's right, get your MAX. Just another target for me to kill in two shots /shrug.

2003-11-04, 03:52 PM
That's right, get your MAX. Just another target for me to kill in two shots /shrug.

I pwn with the MAX/Pulsar/Shotty :p

2003-11-04, 03:57 PM
I made the mistake of dropping spec assault a few weeks ago. I was pretty much helpless against the hordes of VS maxs, so I picked it up again after a few days. I'm sure I won't be dropping it again. ;)

2003-11-04, 03:57 PM
doesnt stryker take 3 shots to take down a MAX?

2003-11-04, 04:02 PM
striker is over 5 shots now IIRC

If you've never tried it, it's kinda fun to sniper VS maxes (esp AA ones) off towers with a Deci. Set it to secondary, then zoom in on him from a long ways off, fire off a shot, and if it misses detonate it right over there head. They spin/jump arounds like crazy when you hit em, very amusing to watch, then, once they've calmed down, hit them again. With a bit of luck you can get them in two shots, but sometimes it takes three. Thankfully most are to stupid to run to an engy, they just assume its a fluke.

2003-11-04, 04:07 PM
Gerbil, as per the game's best anti-MAX weapon: steal a Striker and a few reloads sometime, then talk to me about the game's best anti-MAX weapon.

Don't get me wrong, the striker rocks, and if it wasn't for that annoying beeping I would probably pick more of them up. I think the Striker is the best deterant weapon the game has. Almost all vehicles and maxes will beat feet once you get a tone.

It been my experience that I have gotten more Max kills per base assault using the Pheonix over the striker for the simple fact that you don't need line of sight. The first one or two missles will hit, and the max will run. Usually I can get him with the third just as he gets inside or around the corner.

Now with alot of open space between me and the Max...the striker is the easiest and quickest way to a kill.

2003-11-04, 04:23 PM
I used to think SA sucked. but I tried everything, but tnothing in that same category lives up to the 3 cert points like special assault. o come on, bolt driver? pheonix? yea right, pass me a thumper.

2003-11-04, 04:56 PM
Don't get your panties in a twist, folks. It's just Veteran stirring up the pot on his random subject du jour. Once again, I salute Veteran for being completely out in left field with his view on Special Assault.

2003-11-04, 06:58 PM
You'll be back, I did the same thing once upon a time. SA is just to damn versatile.


2003-11-04, 11:17 PM
Love the SA Cert, but dont have it on my main character any more b/c I just find infil more fun. Phoenix is a great defenceive weapon. You can fire over the wall and then find a target.

I don't know, maybe its just the concept of manualy guideing a rocket into someone that gets me all giddy inside.

2003-11-04, 11:25 PM
Yeah, I wasn't in beta, but I heard that it could navigate hallways back then.

2003-11-05, 05:06 PM
Just ignore the folks diss'in spec Assault. my guess is they arent skilled enough to appreciate it. or they are just trolling...
We cant ALL like the same weapons anyway.

2003-11-05, 05:42 PM
He who lives under glass bridges...

2003-11-05, 05:45 PM
gets to look up the skirts of the ladies as they walk over!
Ahhhhh Vet i didnt know you were the sensitive poetic type:)

2003-11-05, 05:47 PM
Sorry it's Thumper withdrawal makin' me cranky.

2003-11-06, 04:13 AM
It's simple, per ammo, the Decimator is the strongest hand held weapon in the game. THEE strongest. MAX's, 2 shots. Lightings, 2 shots. Mosquito's, if you can hit them, 2 shots. ATV's, 2 shots, maybe even one. Never tested that. Harassers, 2 shots.

I just think it's too easy of a weapon to use. Most MAX's can't defend against it, let alone survive long enough to kill its user before that user can get the second shot off. The decimator makes MAX's worthless to any new player who is lucky enough to hit with both shots, and can hide long enough to let that second shot reload.

2003-11-06, 04:28 AM
You're absolutely right, Flammey, and btw ATVs are a one-shot kill with Decimator, at least in VR.

A simple damage reduction to 350 would mean 3 shots to kill a MAX, which is way more balanced than 2 shots, not to mention you don't even have to hit with those 2 shots, since the Decimator's splash can easily do the job on near-misses. Killing 2 MAXs at once is not unheard of for the seasoned Decimator user. It's so much better than empire AV it's no wonder most people keep quiet about it... It's like an ace in the hole every hand.

2003-11-06, 04:46 AM
Drop SA?

Yeah, right...

It'll be a cold day in hell before they pry the Decimator from my kill greedy lil' hands. I've tried to go back to AV - which means Lancer for me - but ... No! Nuh-uh! No way!

IMO SA is well worth 3 BR points. You get three weapons:

Rocklet: Don't use it (way o ammo intensive and inconsistent when it comes to getting decisive/predictable kills).

Thumper: Oh yes! Good for tower assaults (plasma - if You can handle the grief) and clearing mines (jammer).

Decimator: The big hitter. Slow missile, but if You can hit with a Lancer, You can hit with the Deci. In short: Don't leave home without it.

2003-11-06, 04:53 AM
Actually, you get 4. The Iradiator is a sweet weapon for clearing a spawn room.

2003-11-06, 05:01 AM
Well, Flammey...

I use HA so getting the radiator is a kinda moot point for me. I'd rather get the Maelstrom and switch it to second mode... I think that spawn room would be a very unhospitable place, once those lightning thingies start bouncing in. :D

2003-11-06, 07:16 AM
I don't use the new weapons above ground. Too unpractical.

2003-11-06, 07:34 AM
It's simple, per ammo, the Decimator is the strongest hand held weapon in the game. THEE strongest. MAX's, 2 shots. Lightings, 2 shots. Mosquito's, if you can hit them, 2 shots. ATV's, 2 shots, maybe even one. Never tested that. Harassers, 2 shots.

Maybe you forgot about the huge vehicles buffs. Lightning now takes 4 shots (5 with shield). Mosquito takes 3. Harraser also now takes at least 3.

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-06, 10:18 AM
Saved me the trouble, Vernam. Thanks :p

2003-11-06, 10:43 AM
Mosquito is a 2 shot kill for Decimator, 3 with shield.

2003-11-06, 11:02 AM

Give me my Stiker and I can hold my own. I'll take anyone on in a MAX..especially outdoors. Most MAX's will drop with 5 hits, thats just 1 clip. I know its a few more hits required than a Deci but its much easier to swat them jumping VS MAX's with it. Not to mention when I kill a max with a striker, I dont have to go back to an eq term and reload.

Sometimes I use a double striker load, 30 striker shots.

TR AV rocks. Getting 500+ exp for blowing a MAX off the planet rocks more!

2003-11-06, 01:03 PM
I just dropped HA for SA the other night, wasn't having much luck at range with the JH. The Gauss is a little too sproadic, so I usually like to carry the thumper along. Especially inside bases on secondary mode skipping those puppies around the corners is great. Oh and Decimators are cool too :)

I Hate Pants
2003-11-06, 04:38 PM
I've always loved using my cycler and nothing else. I don't care if everyone else uses the MCG. Im still gonna hold my ground using the cycler.

2003-11-07, 07:33 AM
Yes, my Decimator information was pre-balance patch. I've not toyed with it since before it came out. So I'm not up to date, but I was close.

2003-11-07, 10:26 AM
I guess to some it's old news, but I just found out that it only takes 12 Thumper plasma grenades to kill a generator. I couldn't believe it at first, so I did it and then timed it and it takes almost exactly 20 seconds to fire 6 plasma grenades, reload, and fire 6 more (less if you use rexo and just switch to a second, loaded Thumper).

I'm certain that since you only need one extra box of plasma grenades in addition to the six in the Thumper, you could devote the rest of your inventory to health kits and it would make an easy, consistent kill on a generator even if protected by a pain module. Twenty seconds isn't much time to react (heh).

Not bad for 3 certs!

2003-11-07, 01:42 PM
I just tried hand-held plasma nades and it only takes 11 to blow a gen. I guess you don't need an assault cert to take down gens. I wonder if this will be nerfed soon. It seems too cheesy to last.

2003-11-07, 10:02 PM
Yes, any good player with Thumper/Plasma load out is too damn hard to kill. From a distance he can still hit you, and you'll have alot of trouble getting close enough to him. He'll kill you in like 2-3 shots, that's if he doesn't miss you.

2003-11-08, 02:22 AM
I really thought it would be bigger news that a guy with no assault certs can kill a whole generator in less than half a minute. I'm dropping my assault certs because of it, although I wouldn't be surprised if they fixed it.

2003-11-09, 02:32 AM
I loved AV and i was great with it. Then it just fell out of use and i lost my skill with it. so i lvled and got HA. i love HA :) its great when u blow up Hustlahs and endos skygaurd in agile and then kill them both when theyre in reinforced :p