View Full Version : Fast typer?
2003-11-06, 11:27 PM
Pretty neat game here if you think you are a fast (and accurate) typer...
I figured it would be pretty tough so I went with the "Hard 50 WPM" and it was tough, expecially the ghost red sharks, but the worst were the number fish and the sharks that changed letters as you were typing, thats what tore my score down so far...
I got up to level 19:
And this was on a later level that I did pretty well on:
2003-11-06, 11:33 PM
Not bad. I didn't play that much though
2003-11-06, 11:34 PM
-edit- nm... Google is my friend mmmkay?
2003-11-07, 12:15 AM
on the hard diff, I got 84 WPM 98 % accuracy, on level 13
2003-11-07, 03:32 AM
omg on the harder levels its not freaking about typing fast enough ... ITs about being freaking able to spell that dam word
btw extreme is insane i cant use a )(:"{}>?<,./ fast enough
*edit i need my baby! i used to have a sweet ass keyboard for the PC but it got old and i couldnt clean it so it got all messed up i could of pwn'd this game with that but im not used to dam mac keyboards
i have no way of taking screen shots of you have one for mac plz tell me but heres how far i got
__________________________________________________ _
|Level 2........68350 PTS............................................... .O|
|................................................. .................................|
|................................................. .................................|
|...........................Level Complete!.................................|
|.......................Words Per Minute: 60..............................|
|.......................Acuuracy:............93%.. ..........................|
|.................get acuuracy of 95% or higher for bonus...........|
|........................RANK: Flotsam.......................................|
|........................Next rank at 130000 pts...........................|
|................................................. ..................................|
|................Click here or press space bar to continue............|
|_________________________________________________ ___|
|_[_ll_]__[\/()))]_[Charging][x=|||||.............]_[NEW GAME]_|
Okay just got farther:
__________________________________________________ _
|Level 3........110379 PTS............................................... .|
|................................................. .................................|
|................................................. .................................|
|...........................Level Complete!.................................|
|.......................Words Per Minute: 57..............................|
|.......................Acuuracy:............91%.. ..........................|
|.................get acuuracy of 95% or higher for bonus...........|
|........................RANK: Flotsam.......................................|
|........................Next rank at 130000 pts...........................|
|................................................. ..................................|
|................Click here or press space bar to continue............|
|_________________________________________________ ___|
|_[_ll_]_[\/()))]_[Charging][x=||||||||||||||||..]_[NEW GAME]_|
Gameover killed by hymens :-(
score: 112758 level:4 Time:23:57
words per minute:51 accuracy:92%
okay did another one 69 wpm 92% level 4 full shock bar 2 lives
2003-11-07, 03:38 AM
I am such a slow typer now. It's quite sad.
2003-11-07, 04:10 AM
69 wpm 94% level 5 2 lives full bar
2003-11-07, 04:29 AM
great game... shoulda been a porn theme with halved typing rate expectation tho
2003-11-07, 08:24 AM
I thought the same thing ZeusCali! I was like "What in the world does THAT word mean, I can not even pronounce it!"
2003-11-07, 02:10 PM
i asked my father and he says its something a part of the virgin ... they i total him not to continue because to much details would haunt my mind for a whilte cause im REALLLLLY tired busy day
so look it up in a dictionary it should be in there
post the definition as hamma shouldn't ban some one for something you can find in websters
O would you hamma?
thats what freaky deky banstick you got there mr.hammer
"It's Hamma Time!!!"
LOL just thought of a good sig text copy and distribute at your own risk :-D
2003-11-08, 12:34 AM
some of my online typing test results:
It's squeekys sig in the background!
2003-11-08, 02:10 AM
Does that mean there the same person?
2003-11-08, 08:49 AM
Strygun thats like physically immpossible you would destroy your hands going that freaking fast 100 words per minute is like trying to type this whole freaking page in html and getting bored
I for one say,under threat of Banage, that Strygun Forged records
Btw this isnt about your program its about squick's :-P
Use that take a pict lets see u kick some extreme lvl but or get qwn't in seconds by the SUper 7331 sharks there on freaking speed and each have 2 lives so enjoy mr i can type the whole constitution in under 45 minutes
Sorry i got pissed off i just cant believe that speed
2003-11-08, 10:11 AM
well, there really is no way to prove it to you all, but I promise those speeds aren't falsified. I know many people who can type over 100WPM and it is definatly, easily, possible. It doesn't destroy my hands...
those pics are real.
2003-11-08, 10:21 AM
Does that mean there the same person?
Me and strygun are like oil and water. Except the oil and the water hate eachother with a passion ;)
2003-11-08, 10:25 AM
I took those pics after squeeky said I was lying about my speed scores, that's why his sig is in the background... I had left the thread open.
2003-11-08, 10:35 AM
I took those pics after squeeky said I was lying about my speed scores, that's why his sig is in the background... I had left the thread open.
Stryguns typing tutor. (
2003-11-08, 10:51 AM
i can type around 104 WPM on good days. (I'm terrible with numerical keys, though.)
2003-11-08, 11:40 AM
don't be jealous squeek...
2003-11-08, 12:13 PM
I'm at level 17 in the diving game. I finished all the wrecks off Mexico and I got lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Wait, wasn't I in the Pacific?
I haven't died yet. Not once. I used the charger gun once.
Guide to fish:
Blue shark: Simple. Type the word and it dies.
Blue Piranha: Simple. Type the letter once and it dies.
White Piranha. Harder letters, such as numbers and punctuation marks.
Black Shark: Type the word once, it gets shocked, and another appears in its place. 2 words to kill.
Red Shark: As above but with three words.
Purple Shark: Letters appear backwards. One word.
Green toxic Shark: Letters may change to others while typing. It may even change to symbols.
Ghost Blue: Semi-transparent, letters don't appear until halfway across screen.
Ghost Black: Same as above but black shark.
Ghost Red: Same as above but red shark.
Ghost Piranha: Same as above but blue piranha.
Ghost white piranha: Same as above but white piranha.
Fast shark: Can be blue or black, moves about 2x faster. Very hard, especially the black one.
That's what I've far.
2003-11-08, 01:28 PM
strygun you can prove it by playing hyper shark and then post a pict when you get qwn't like i said before.
if it says 100wpm then ill believe you
and aztecwarrior what skill are you playing on and what was your last wpm round score?
2003-11-08, 01:30 PM
2003-11-08, 01:33 PM
........ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :stupid:
this game is kinda fun :groovy:
2003-11-08, 01:40 PM
yes squeeky you can make a thread for talking about your self later
2003-11-08, 01:55 PM
Hey Blood Knight, you realize i can read the {BOHICA} Forums. So in reality, i am there. You too Corrosion :boohoo:
2003-11-08, 02:02 PM
sqeeky do you relize it was just a qustion and i didnt say anything about it? i really dont care either if your there or not
2003-11-08, 02:03 PM
I think I speak for most people when I say who the F cares how fast you can type.
2003-11-08, 02:03 PM
reapplyed to squeeky
2003-11-08, 02:07 PM
Give it a fucking rest Zeus. That pic was directed at the thread not you, not everyone is out to get you.
2003-11-08, 02:20 PM
i never said it was aimed at me. If you so believe it Quote me as saying it.
I was just Trying to Get him to prove his speed because his skill amazed me, and in this game it can be a little harder to type
If we all take the same test the results are judged equally
2003-11-08, 04:48 PM
ZeusCali, I believe his scores are legit... Even after typing solid for 47 min (as you can see in the first screenshot) I still scored 103 on the identical test that he took. I will try it again tomorrow when I am not as fatigued.
2003-11-08, 09:11 PM
64 wpm, 94% accuracy. For my age, that's pretty good. When I hit about 15, it became impossible. I hate tiger sharks and mutant sharks. White cloaked pirahnas are tough too, when they get fast.
2003-11-09, 05:20 AM
ah okay squick thanks
2003-11-09, 05:15 PM
For those of you who dl'ed TyperShark (its much better dl'ed) here is a serial number:
EDIT: here's what I got:
2003-11-09, 08:58 PM
Dont post serial numbers to programs fool.
2003-11-09, 09:19 PM
i smell like poop on a log
2003-11-09, 10:18 PM
Dont post serial numbers to programs fool.
sorry didnt know that
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