View Full Version : Continental Connections

2003-01-18, 08:07 AM
I was looking over the map for planetside and I have a question about going from one continent to another.

If a squad from the VS Sanctuary wanted to go to Cyssor (just for example), do they have to make 3 hops through the warp gates or can they get into a galaxy and fly the short distance over the water?

Basically is the map really just a collection of continents only connected by warp gates, or are they positioned realisticly so you can go between them without the warp gates.

EDIT: Oh yeah, if anyone doesnt know what im talking about, heres the map: http://www.genovamusic.com/map2.jpg

2003-01-18, 08:31 AM
This is in a lot of threads and other info. No they can't. They need to use warpgates.

2003-01-18, 09:09 AM
It seems to me, that will happen in a patch. They will probably have some background as to why a few of the warpgates don't workany more. They have mentioned implementing naval units in a patch so I think it's coming.

2003-01-18, 09:11 AM
It may be coastal only though. They haven't mentioned anything about going across continents.

2003-01-18, 10:20 AM
A coastal only navy though would be pretty useless except for on Cyssor and Hossin. Unless they had extremely long range bombardment capabilities, or acted as completely mobile bases with aircraft spawn.

It would make more sense (although be more difficult to implement), if they could transport units across the ocean. If it is definate that galaxies will never be able to cross the open ocean, then a navy that could do that would be extremely usefull for suprise attacks, especially against a base far away from the front lines/warp gates.

If they do implement a navy as a patch it will be interesting to see what kind of ships they make and if there will be any purely naval combat.

Maybe Planetside will become Battlefield 1942 on a truly massive scale :)

2003-01-18, 11:05 AM
"Maybe Planetside will become Battlefield 1942 on a truly massive scale "

Honestly, I have to say, that's kinda what I'm hoping for. Just with much cooler weapons and stuf. I like the way you HAVE to have teamwork here. This concept could be the next major thing.

2003-01-18, 11:06 AM
And that TKers will be punished. The biggest problem with online playing is the people. So the grief system will hlep keep the TKers out although paying a monthly fee will help also.

2003-01-18, 11:49 AM
Possible something they would add in a really big patch of maybe expansion.:cheers:

2003-01-18, 12:51 PM
Yeah but the thing about "PS becoming BF1942 but bigger" is in BF1942 you have a very small island to defend, but in PS the "islands"(continents) are huge, imagine trying to defend the entire continent of Cyssor from all directions, there's quite a difference. :)

If they can manage to have a lot of peeps on one server than i think it would be great but otherwise the warp system is best, would be way too hard to defend a whole continent if you only have a "few" peeps per empire per continent.

2003-01-18, 12:53 PM
It'd get pretty difficult and massive with the servers to hold all the people if they went for that system. It'd probably be too difficult to do unless they did that from the start.

2003-01-18, 04:25 PM
it would be sweeeeeet if you had aircraft carriers launched from a huge naval base at each sanctuary, which are basically huge respawn thingos with a vpad and a few static turrets...

drive your carrier around to a continent and launch a strikeforce ^_^

2003-01-18, 04:27 PM
A carrier woyuld need to be about the size of a house. :lol: Depending on how many planes it carries. Everything's VTOL.