View Full Version : The insult that is Revolutions (No spoilers included)

2003-11-07, 08:39 AM
There are ZERO spoilers in the following text.

No one can be told how bad Revolutions is. You have to see it for yourself�

But that is exactly what Warner Bro�s is counting on, you could tell a matrix fan that the 3rd instalment of the matrix trilogy is complete and utter drivel, until you are blue in the face.. But they would go see it regardless of your warnings.
This is what Warner Bro�s KNOW will happen.

The 3rd movie is a complete cop-out, it barely even resembles the matrix, at best it is an action movie, but that is not what you want to see� is it?.... No.
People went to see Revolutions on Wednesday evening expecting something original, something that had the matrix mindset plastered all over it. All they wanted was to walk out of those double doors at the end of the night and think �That was undoubtedly a matrix film� instead, most, if not all left thinking �That was a below grade action movie� I feel sad and empty�
Where did all the thought provoking plot lines go? The unanswerable questions? The world that seemed so real, yet so unreal? The moments that left you simply baffled until days later, when it finally clicked into place?

Together the Matrix and Reloaded have an intricately woven plot that can easily rival any best selling mystery novel. Time was taken to go back and forth, leaving clues, hints and questions that could only be understood and fully appreciated in the 2nd movie. The 3rd film was meant to cap it all off with an unforeseen ending, something that not necessarily wrapped everything up so you didn�t have to think about what you had seen, But and ending that kept the feeling of the matrix alive.

But instead of finishing what they started with the same mystic and style, they created a monstrosity that left you empty inside, no questions niggled at me as I left the theatre, no inspiring dialog fuelled imagination to pick at the treads of the movie for hidden meaning.

I ask you now to help me punish Warner brothers and to send a stern message to the rest of the film industry!
Their plan was to release revolutions on Wednesday giving 2 work days for people to spread the word about how good it was and how you should go see it, before the weekend. Well it will backfire on them!

If you must see Revolutions, see it next weekend, I know me posting here wont cause box office figures to crash, but every little helps!

Don�t see Matrix Revolutions for TWO reasons

1) It will ruin what you thought you new about the world of the matrix, you will �never- look at any of the characters with the same respect ever again, you will grow to hate the films because of what revolutions is. You don�t want that!

2) WB have thrown this film into screening as an INSULT! They knew people would flock to it on the first night of screening, and they did� I did. They knew it didn�t matter how disgracefully bad it was, people would be forced to see it.

With this closing statement, give you this advice.

Don�t see revolutions if you value your image of the first 2 films *shakes head* you will regret it.

2003-11-07, 09:32 AM
omghi2u Timber. Where you been biatch?

2003-11-07, 09:42 AM
Posts like that only make me want to see it more hehe. mindless action goodness... sweetness.

Happy lil Elf
2003-11-07, 12:41 PM
I will counter your extremely long "Movie bad!" post with three words:

No, movie good!

2003-11-07, 01:49 PM
From what I've seen of Hollywood in the past several years, I'm more than willing not to go see it based on an intelligent criticism.

Where did all the big Hollywood talent go, anyway?

2003-11-07, 06:59 PM
Revelutions could have easily been the second best matrix flick (as the first one will always be just that) except for the ending.

All I can say in a thread with a no spoiler tag is say that there better be a matrix: the explanation or Matrix: The apology comming out pretty soon...

2003-11-07, 07:02 PM
Meh, I enjoyed it. The main difference I saw was that it's less one-on-one fighting and more building up with the one army on one army.

...brain still not functioning...