View Full Version : Who do you hate most?
2003-11-07, 02:07 PM
I'm VS, and I have to say I DESPISE the NC. Terran's I can live with. Even the rocket weilding, chaingun bearing, heavily armoured ones. I've used one of their chainguns and I'd say its pretty well balanced.
I hate NC and their damn shotguns.
I hate their tanks. And I hate their scat cannon maxs.
What race do you hate the most and why?
2003-11-07, 02:09 PM
NC because they always seem to outnumber TR when I play on Konried. Other than that, I'm sure they are good people. I just want to kill them is all.
2003-11-07, 02:14 PM
On the werner server I once disabled the interlink on a NC versus TR continent to help the TR out. I hate them that much :-p
That was a long scary drive in my ams.
NC! I hate NC becouse EVERY time we're fighting VS the NC seem to creep up and try to take the bases behind us!
2003-11-07, 02:50 PM
I dislike the MCG, its just sick. No charge-up time anymore, c'mon, its a chaingun it, it doesnt just start shooting at full speed and have the same cof for about 1 second. The ROF I know got increased, and the damage is the same I think.
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-07, 02:55 PM
Umm no one. I enjoy killing both VS and TR but I don't hate either of them. Generally I reserve hate for individuals, not large groups of animated polygons :lol:
2003-11-07, 03:03 PM
Well, I'm NC, and I hate TR because they have the best color sheme ;)
More seriously, the only ones I don't like are snipers...
2003-11-07, 04:28 PM
Um...I hate the VS...damn laser thingys...
2003-11-07, 04:46 PM
I enjoy playing my VS or TR characters, but I feel dirty when I play as NC. They're just too easy to play as a faction and I feel cheap using a jackhammer. I purposely certed out of heavy assault because of it. I'll stick to sweepers if I want a shotgun.
My NC characters deffinantly get the least amount of play because of it.
2003-11-07, 05:03 PM
The devs. They could have made this game 60000000% better.
2003-11-07, 05:07 PM
i dislike how many VS there are. Whenever i fight VS theres 10 VS to one NC and every VS has and uses vehicles.
2003-11-07, 05:13 PM
Umm no one. I enjoy killing both VS and TR but I don't hate either of them. Generally I reserve hate for individuals, not large groups of animated polygons :lol:
me too.
if it has a "GOD" prefix I hunt it down like a f'in animal. Butcher it by any mean possible. My first and only "magmow" was on GODJAKE. I hate those idiots.
2003-11-07, 09:26 PM
i dont really hate anyone but people who use the HA catagory weapons, or computer guided weapons (Starfires, Strikers, Sparrows) really give me the shits
2003-11-07, 09:37 PM
I hate cloakers that creep up on me and kill me. Why can't they have big neon signs stapled to their heads so I can see them? Nerf the cloakers..
2003-11-07, 10:27 PM
I hate cloakers that creep up on me and kill me. Why can't they have big neon signs stapled to their heads so I can see them? Nerf the cloakers..
read audio amp
read darklight
or stay in a base that has a interlink bonus.
nerf cloakers? wtf? buff us like there aint no tommorrow!
2003-11-07, 10:35 PM
I dislike the Vanu's MagRider and StarFire Max.
2003-11-07, 10:39 PM
I know, I know, I have audio and DL, I was just jesting.
Best kill = Sauntering up to cloaker. Acting like you don't know he's there. Watching him do the 'creepy creepy catchy monkey' thing. Turn round, VSpeak "Hail". Twat him with your MCG. VSpeak "Anytime". Walk away.
Wosrt death = Acting like God. Run run run, kill kill kill. Ok OK, I'm in the back door. Gently. Gently. Right. Reload. Press 2. Press R. Whats thats noise? Bam bam bam bam bam. Ouchies. Bugger. Fumble. Noooo that my REK. Arrrrge. Dead. Watch cloaker do the 'creepy creepy catchy monkey' thing.
2003-11-07, 10:55 PM
I'm an equal-opportunity hater.
2003-11-07, 10:57 PM
nerf cloakers? wtf? buff us like there aint no tommorrow!
Okay. *Buff buff buff buff* *Puts on sunglasses to keep out the glare* There. You shine now, my young Infiltrator.
2003-11-08, 12:07 AM
I know the TR are supposed to be the "Nazi oppressers" of PlanetSide, but the NC seem dominate so much that i have come to view them as the oppresive nazis
2003-11-08, 12:16 AM
Actually, the TR doctrine seems more Communist than Fascist
2003-11-08, 12:18 AM
I hate the Vanu because their damn disco ball weapons make it impossible to see through them to KILL them.
I Hate Pants
2003-11-08, 01:16 AM
I just hate people who spend all thier certs on HA weapons. Wow I have no skillz and I like to mow people down with my jackhammer, MCG, and lasher.
Sorry loser but while pummel your frail agile armour with my cycler I recommend you recall and get some reinforced armour and work for your kills by using the standard empire rifle. *GASP* Thats right! Use skills!
2003-11-08, 01:42 AM
I'd have gotten another vehcile cert rather than my Heavy Assault, but those jackhammers were just SO damn annoying.
[edit] btw, there is a post from me ages ago stating I wanted a sniper rifle, this is still my aim. What I want is:
Sniper Rifle
Vanu Pistol (whatever its called - dont knock it, its better than the standard rifle in my opion)
Armour repair gun
Glue Gun
Hack tool
I dunno if I will be able to carry all that but I guess I can do without one of them.
2003-11-08, 01:45 AM
TR is the evil power trying to reclaim the traitors.
VS is the evil power trying to keep the tech to themselves.
NC is the good freedom fighters!!!1
Do you see just a wee bias here? Also, notice how often NC is in the top, middle position on cover art, etc? DEV'S PETS!
Anyhow. I think NC has more numbers in general. No matter, their ashes will not clog our disposal units.
2003-11-08, 01:55 AM
TR is the evil power trying to reclaim the traitors.
VS is the evil power trying to keep the tech to themselves.
NC is the good freedom fighters!!!1
Do you see just a wee bias here? Also, notice how often NC is in the top, middle position on cover art, etc? DEV'S PETS!
Anyhow. I think NC has more numbers in general. No matter, their ashes will not clog our disposal units.
Blatent lies, we VS don't want to keep the technology for ourselves. We want you all to have it. I often share my energy bolts with the NC, but they don't seem to like them, they always fall over and make gurgling noises. Thats liberals for you...
2003-11-08, 01:58 AM
You raise an ironic point. Since VS MAXs can't be attained by the other empires, VS could be called the only empire that is actually 'winning'. TR sure isn't reclaiming any traitors and NC sure isn't free of our oppression, er, I mean liberal social policy.
2003-11-08, 04:25 PM
I'd have gotten another vehcile cert rather than my Heavy Assault, but those jackhammers were just SO damn annoying.
[edit] btw, there is a post from me ages ago stating I wanted a sniper rifle, this is still my aim. What I want is:
Sniper Rifle
Vanu Pistol (whatever its called - dont knock it, its better than the standard rifle in my opion)
Armour repair gun
Glue Gun
Hack tool
I dunno if I will be able to carry all that but I guess I can do without one of them.
In Reinforced, yes .. might be a little crowded with the Deci in your pack, but imagine the surprise of that Mosquito who thinks he found an easy prey. :eek: :rofl:
Been a while since I certed in SA, don't remember if there is enough room in Agile .. you wouldn't be able to carry much ammo though. Remember .. windage and elevation. :D
/on topic/ The only ones I hate are the ones shooting back. :D Perch myself where I can effectively suppress the attacking force and take out their snipers when they choose to show themselves.
Have made aquaintances on the opposing side and found myself in a battle saying "oh no, not YOU again!" :rofl:
I only hate snipers, and HA users, regardless of empire.
They always seem to figure out that my knife has thier name on it. :mad:
However, tank gunners I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING.
Driver: *Gets out, starts repairing, gets knifed to death*
Gunner: *starts freaking out and shelling everywhere, and, thinking that I've left, gets out and runs for cover*
Me: *Moves from right beside tank, stabs gunner to death. hacks vehicle. Shoots TR with thier own 100MM's.*
2003-11-08, 11:02 PM
ihatepants you gotta be pretty stupid to think that HA weapons take no skill to use. I'll concede maybe they dont take as much skill to use, but they are not point, click insta kill weapons. MCG you still have to factor in the cof bloom, lasher you need to be able to lead effectively, and even the JH you have to follow the target while he tries to strafe and kill you. I have been killed by very skilled guass users while wielding an MCG. Obviously they arent indomitable.
2003-11-09, 02:33 AM
I wonder why they chose to give Jackhammer that alt-fire mode. It's an increased ROF, a clear violation of the so-called 'empire flavor' that they keep talking about. I'm pretty sure Jackhammer would still be the most popular infantry weapon even if it didn't have that alt-fire mode. Odd.
i don't like the TR because they have a spray and pray strategy, whcih is bad for me, a cloaker.
2003-11-09, 03:46 AM
What a ridiculous generalization.
2003-11-09, 06:07 AM
i don't like the TR because they have a spray and pray strategy, whcih is bad for me, a cloaker.
Clearly you rarely if ever use Terran weaponry.
2003-11-09, 06:33 AM
I hate people who have no patience. Those people who keep complaining about the devs not doing this and, "If I were a DEV, I'd be doing things a whole lot different!" Quit yer bitchin'! Sack up! Apply to Sony! Get accepted and THEN proceed with your takeover! Until then keep your traps shut. We've read it before. Don't keep shoving it down our collective throats.
2003-11-09, 09:14 AM
I hate NC cloakers and vangaurds. The NC have the Magscatter, which does nothing at far range, but when they get up close(which cloakers usually do) You have no chance! And vangaurds. Grrrr.... I just dont like how strong vangaurds are. But, I also dont like the mini-chaingun. Its to fast and at close range its instant death. And I dont like reavers and prowlers and sparrows!
I hate everything except the VS!!!
2003-11-09, 10:14 AM
NC, it seems like every other one of them is a surge monkey...
I don't like the people that tk me for no reason. Yes there is one! But I'm not going to post the name and the person also tked 2 other people. One right in front of me. And a outfit member (without me asking him too) lazed the person's flail said ENEMY AMS! And the person tried to kill him.
And I don't hate a empire. :groovy:
2003-11-09, 02:12 PM
I had this one guy come and TK me and said "Stole my name Fucker." I replied "Welcome to the ignore list!:D" -The End.
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-10, 12:24 PM
Actually if you read the description of the JH if I remember right it says it fires all three barrels at once but then must reload all three before you're able to fire again. That would be perfectly in line with NC, one really big punch. Why they chose to make it fire three shots in rapid succession instead of all three at one time I don't know. Chalk it up to balance or laziness I guess :p
2003-11-10, 01:26 PM
I hate the VS.
Damn pansies run around in purple spandex shooting light.
Real men use lead damnit.
Not that the NC are much better, damn no good anarchists and traitors.
Kill'm all TR!
I hate vanu because of the damn Starfire.
nothing can instill such fear into a pilot like a starfire.
those things IMAGINE a airplane in the vincinity and your already shot down by blue plasma of death. not to mention they hide in trees so you cant see them till its too late.
2003-11-10, 04:06 PM
I have to say something about HA users. Those weapons are not as godly as everyone thinks. They are good in close proximity to the target. If I have my lasher outside against a gauss, I try to get as close as possible to actually hit them. I don't fire a shot until then. MA weapons are better at range and I like to use my pulsar when outside and fighting enemies at greater than 20 meters. I have to say though, when lasher bullets are flying, good luck seeing anything. Even the VS can't see where they are firing, but it rarely matters. As slow as the orbs travel, someone is bound to stick their head out by the time the orbs get there.
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