View Full Version : God a woman?

2003-11-08, 10:10 PM
This is Rob's rant from the web comic Butternut Squash funny one too! :p

Are you there, God? It�s me� Robert.

It was bound to happen. You can�t spend inordinate amounts of time sloshing around seething conjectures without skirting the edges of theology.

I�m not about to make any bold statements about the possible ipso facto existence of an all-powerful creator. I certainly am not about to point a finger towards which religion I feel holds more validated claims. I try to stay away from people�s primal lifelines when I debate a subject. Telling someone that their �ber being was chosen because it�s story looked better on the stone carvings, is not only blasphemous, but highly inconsiderate as well.

As a matter of fact, the focus of my rant is derived from a few untraditional Christian viewpoints.

So to continue my rant� Those who think God is a woman please stand up.

Now sit down because you�re crazy.

Hold on, simmer down ladies, I don�t mean to discredit the fairer sex in anyway but it just doesn�t fit.

Point number one, the human form. In following the belief of Adam and Eve both were born naked, not one stitch of clothing. All the important things to the human anatomy in a well packaged bundle. If God were a woman, there definitely would have been some creative designs and accessorizing. Perhaps dangling the tonsils on the outside to elongate the face.

Point number two is perhaps the most poignant. What female God would make it so hard for some women to have orgasms and find �G-spots� while guys can finish by accidentally rubbing up against the living room recliner. Well maybe not the recliner, but you do get my point.

Now let�s move forward from creation a few centuries through the biblical timeline, to our good friend Noah.

Now the kind of anger in that tale is definitely not of a woman. When guys blow up, they do it big and damn the consequences. Forty days of storms is definitely masculine rage. A woman would never warn Noah she was about to get angry. She�d just do it, Bam lots of water. And forget those forty days and forty nights without any contact. You piss off a woman and you�re going to know about it everyday until you�ve apologized in every method conceivable.

If you scan through the Bible, they never really touch upon this Noah tale again, but if god were a woman she�d bring this up in every argument afterwards.

Now let�s move ahead on to point number three, Jesus.

Now the idea of the Son of God could go either way on the gender debate, but here�s the big picture. The Bible has the sweet baby Jesus stories then nothing. Suddenly Jesus is all grown up and can take care of all his own mortal needs. No stories in the middle, nada.

Hello! Can anyone say classic deadbeat dad scenario? No woman would leave her only son out of the �good book� ever. In fact there would be tons of pictures and hundreds of cute stories about what Jesus said or did that was �absolutely adorable!� Now I know deadbeat dad is a bit of a heavy title, I�m sure God was very busy, I mean look at the job title, God. You put that label on your desk and you know you�re going to have one hell of a caseload.

And Jesus dying on the cross and coming back to life? That�s the ultimate example of a dad telling his son to �take it like a man� and �walk it off�.

I�m not saying that the fairer sex isn�t right fit for such a position. I just think the facts are stacked against a matriarchal being of omnipotence.

God as structured by the Christian faith is most certainly leaning towards the trappings of a bloke. Look at the state the world is in now. We�re constantly aware of an abundance of hunger, war, disease, and death. The horsemen are out there and they�re taking practice runs.

And what is God doing? He�s leaving the mess for somebody else to clean up.

What a typical male.

just so you know�


2003-11-08, 10:17 PM
People think God is a woman?! I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think He has a gender. However He created man in His image....like I said, not sure.

2003-11-08, 10:21 PM
The facts he stated prove it, if he does exist he's not a woman! Or else Noah would of drowned :p!

2003-11-08, 10:38 PM
god is defiently a man! he told moses how to find Israel when they were wandering around the desert! no women could ever do that :P

2003-11-08, 10:57 PM
I could go horribley deep into how wrong this is, and give a 30 min lecture on the opposing, yet absolute same traits of the 1 entity that is the father son and holy spirit, but im not going to.

2003-11-08, 11:04 PM
Oh god. Not a religious thread.


2003-11-08, 11:05 PM
Pretty sure He has no definite gender either. But heck what am I trying to contemplate the creator of the universe. :p

2003-11-08, 11:14 PM
Pretty sure he's a cracka.

[EDIT] In case some of you don't have a clue what sarcasm is, this was a text book case. I was pointing out that no one knows who or what, exactly, god is. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. not.

2003-11-08, 11:17 PM
No good can come of threads like this one.

2003-11-08, 11:18 PM
Pretty sure he's a cracka.
People like you make these threads suck threads.

2003-11-08, 11:23 PM
People like you make these threads suck threads.

Really? Yet your the one to throw the first punch.

Hmmm! A clue, sherlock!

2003-11-08, 11:24 PM
Pretty sure he's a cracka.

Thats very offensive, please stop.

2003-11-08, 11:28 PM
Tek easy on the flaming big guy.

2003-11-08, 11:29 PM
sqeeky wishes god were a woman :brow: :p ;)

2003-11-08, 11:29 PM
Read the edit.

*passes around a box of kleenex*

2003-11-08, 11:29 PM
I'm pretty offended by any religion thread no matter what is in it, because I believe in no religion.

Short part of this story is: Don't bother creating these threads they only breed useless debate that NOBODY will win.

2003-11-08, 11:29 PM
Teki dont even post there both idiots, so far u havnt done anything wrong so dont do anything wrong. Oni and Aztec stop trolling for Teki

2003-11-08, 11:30 PM
Okay, ill stop trolling...?? <insert wtfmustard pic> /shrug

2003-11-08, 11:42 PM
It would kick ass if god was like walking around and had a big cane and would smack people with no common sense!

2003-11-08, 11:46 PM
Ban Stick! :domotwak:

2003-11-09, 12:01 AM
I thought that was pretty funny. It wasn't meant to be serious. It sounded like it couuld have been turned into grade 'A' stand up material.

At the same time it wasn't in anyway belittling, or vilifying any religion, nor was it trying to impose a religion on anyone.

2003-11-09, 12:14 AM
How did there even get to be an argument about God being a women When its Father son and holy ghost? Unless your talking about another religion when you say god.

2003-11-09, 12:51 AM
ill be happy if god gives me a cookie.

2003-11-09, 06:51 AM
i got a counter if god was a man the angels would have less clothes on, but if god was a woman then they would have clothes, but would god make angels prettier then her?, no then its a man right? no god likes to play both sides of the fence rofl

BTW im with hamma, about not having a religion,
But hey its fun to poke fun at another religion just as long as every one remembers one important thing....

Dont play with fingers you might poke some ones eye out!(silly face)

Btw thx For this thread i for one enjoyed that argument and would like to have the link to the author

2003-11-09, 07:19 AM
I find the notion that an all powerfull being capable of creation and destruction at will without rhyme or reason whould be confined to one gender at all entertaining. But here's a clue, most holy books were written by men, so therefore god became a male.

Tek, the reason your post is offensive is because slurs like that are not used in a kidding fashion. If i said "all ***** should burn" and then put a -Just kidding after it doesnt make it funny or cute it proves that i'm the type of person that thinks that way even if i try and make it more PC by putting a -Just kidding after it.

2003-11-09, 10:39 AM

It's not meant for any kind of debate or anything the rant itself is only to make reader's chuckle! Damn most people here have sticks up there asses and it aint all pretty!

I think only Lex got the damned thing.

2003-11-09, 11:41 AM
Hehe, pretty funny read that thing. As lex said, would be grade a stand up material.

2003-11-09, 11:48 AM
I'm dissapointed with the amount of people who are not able to recognize humor, even when it bitch slaps them in the face.

2003-11-09, 11:59 AM
well y do u think women live longer than us?

2003-11-09, 12:21 PM
oh $hit thats a good point!
Not, it's because it takes men so long to find some one that can stand them, and when they do they don't want them dieing out first.

Look at it this way: If your 75, your wife is 75 and some how or another she still is kinda hot and your glad you still have her, would you want to go threw the heart break of having to watch her die?


2003-11-09, 01:39 PM
I'm dissapointed with the amount of people who are not able to recognize humor, even when it bitch slaps them in the face.
I was wondering what that red mark was on my face

2003-11-09, 01:47 PM
That wasnt exactly hillarious?

2003-11-09, 01:55 PM
I was wondering what that red mark was on my face


Ok, at least ONE person knows what humor is.

2003-11-09, 01:57 PM

2003-11-09, 02:18 PM
Oh god. Not a religious thread.


2003-11-09, 03:47 PM
No good can come of threads like this one.

2003-11-09, 03:50 PM
Then why doesnt hamma lock it? This forum "ain't no democracy"

2003-11-09, 03:51 PM
I forgot my funny response.

Yes, Chelle is a woman. ;)

2003-11-09, 03:56 PM
Sechsi! :D

2003-11-09, 05:35 PM
Then why doesnt hamma lock it? This forum "ain't no democracy"
Why would he lock it?

It is a humor thread that is in no way offensive.

It has absolutely nothing to do with a religious debate or discussion.

We could have avoided all these "abandon ship" posts if people took the time to read the original post.

2003-11-09, 05:36 PM
Yeah, but it kinda ran off course.

2003-11-09, 05:51 PM
Yeah, but it kinda ran off course.
The only thing that ran it off course was the complaints about religious threads.

2003-11-09, 06:11 PM
But it wasnt funny! :D