View Full Version : Another idea for infs.
2003-11-09, 01:06 PM
Ok, if you COULD go on ceilings would you tihnk it would be nice to go up trees. As in they add ability to plant aces of all kinds on ceilings, not walls though, and the underside ofother stuff like large tree branches. IE boomers, turrets, hanging form trees or on ceilings to pop down on people and blow up or doing ceiling dooty. And add underside of cliffs and such to the list of places to put stuff, and underside of bridges and allow teh mines, boomers to detect stuff under them.
Kinda remeniscent of turrest and base defenses from like Transformers Beast Wars. Though that would mean explosives on walls.
2003-11-09, 02:01 PM
I would love to climb on the celing of an enmy cc packed with people with a full inventory of plasma nades, scare the shit out of them he he he.
2003-11-09, 02:39 PM
omg, the grammar, it hurts....
Anyway, what your saying is you want infils to be able to geko, crawl on roofs and walls? Kind of like the aliens in AvP 2 ?
That'd be kind of cool I suppose. By the way, you CAN climb some trees. I've often avoided being run over by jumping up on branches in my agile suit.
I dont see how this would unbalance anything, but at the same time, give the infils a boost. Good idea.
2003-11-09, 04:52 PM
the climbing was somebody elses from another conversation I started about allowing very limited ability to slide through certain Base walls using an Implant thats dependent on hte infaltrators suits energy. I was focusing mostly on the ability to put turrets on odd surfaces like the trees and ceiling 8)
I stil dont see why its a bad idea to go through walls. If, and only if, you can shoot them while there trying to go through and any part of the is sticking out, even if it only has to be there toe(only the side(s) thats it sticking out of though). And they cant walk around in the walls, just go straight threw, and it forces them through all the way maybe. I Thought it would just add mobility to them so they can avoid being shot in small base areas better, not give them godly powers.
People kept saying it was too overpowering. I thought it would just give them some protection and extra mobility. They still have to stay vulnerable while hacking, and the inventory is so small. And they stil have to worry about trying it on parts of walls(or entire walls) that are too wide or dont have an open space on hte other side, leaving htem vulnerable. I think it would fix it if you cant be carring anything but whats in there weapons slots while they do it.
So only two ACEs! And if they do no hack or weapon; Or one ace, hack, no weapon; weapon hack no ACEs. Also, allowing stuff on the other side of hte wall to stop them from going through, like a tureet that doesnt leave enough room for them to get through making them not able to even begin to got through like othe non passable wall.
If that is to powerful theres alway the option of letting them do it only when theyre decloaked. Or there could only be so much energy in it that doesnt self charg. It could use up energy based on thickness of walls, so you have to run back to base to recharge and worry about not having enough to get threw a wall when your low. IE if it didnt force them through it, it could take away energy every 100th of a second they went back and forth.
Or maybe a racharge time of a half an hour from completely empty to full is a better idea. If its too powerfull they could easily adjust how much energy is used per centimert of wall or whatever and tone it down.
2003-11-09, 05:46 PM
Ignore most of my last post. (If you didnt already)
Ok, try this.
-They cant go through a wall with anything in ther inventory space(Another use for your trunk space8)).
-They loose energy every 100th of a second in small increments.(that will make it drain really quick)
-They can walk around in walls but they loose energy as just stated.
-If even a dot of there avatar is sticking out of a wall they can take damage if in a 3 inch(game terms) space around that spot(which increases in your bodyies shape as more sticks out) if it would normally hit you.
-The recharge is a half an hour from empty to full. (can be adjusted slightly)
Maybe a 7500 to one ratio ot how quickly it drained.
-Its an implant.(infs only. Its has to use the energy of the infaltrations power source.)
-You can start to process cloaked or uncloaked but it cloaked it makes visible spots in your cloak making parts of you visible while your in any way going through a wall.( it would be a percentage thing so it will flucuate how much of you is showing at one time, if any) And a split second after youve gotten out of a wall will it stops.
-This gives a chance for your cloaking feild to be compramised considerably while
and for a moment after you come out of a wall.(There would be a spiratically rising chance of this happening the longer your in the wall. So much so sometimes its falling blow your original chance!)
-You have to active it so your cloak doesnt glitch then you get to close to a wall.
-Can keep it on but you dont drain untill you touch a wall. It would take away only in derect response to parts of you going through a surface.
-If you run out it does nasty damage to or throws you out of the wall. If youwant it can keep you stuck there where no medic can find you. 8)
-The exitement of knowing you may have the enemys dead corpse lodged on hte walls of your base. 8)
-Or partly sticking out of hte wall. :D who knows if you allowed to go through floors or whatnot(not a part of hte design!) the possibilities are endless.
I think thats all, but i may not have touched all the parameters.
remembered one
-Can use it with wraith but at 2 to 3 times the energy cost. And only while cloaked on the wraith or it wouldnt integrate with the wraiths systems. Adding that holes in your cloaking thing.(the idea is its straining your cloak feilds power.)
-If you just walking with it on and your not going through things it wont give your cloak feild any problems(or a 1% chance to make it more interesting). But after you go through things in a wraith it has a longer lasting affect, that last even if you get off the wraith and decloak. Though changing to another inf suit would fix it. And obviously reequiping after a respawn etc.
-And if your not cloaked, instead of the cloaking problem little blue lines of electrical energy form in the air around you for the same durations, with the same wild formula to determin how often and how much forms around you. Just like hte cloaking feild thing, but with different formula to determine wher thy pop up to make it look cooler. Or maybe give it a chance to last a bit longer than it does when you were cloaked.
-For fun maybe if you partly out of the wall you can suicide bomb by turning your cloak feild on off while your part in it and have it make you explode and do osme damage to stuff around you. ( Slightly larger one for when you do it with)
the wraith. Since your so easily killed in both situations it may not be taht big of a deal.
-And none of this would in any way change the normal increase thing while you move. It would mearly be added to it in every situations.
2003-11-09, 07:10 PM
I still think the ceiling idea is just as plausable if not more(Certainly simpler in some situations). Im not sure how well they would go together.
What do you think?
This is by far the coolest thing you've said. :D
Drop down from the ceiling behind some unsupecting rexo and knife them in the back? Bad-ass.
2003-11-09, 09:20 PM
It wasnt exactly my idea. Its a continuation of another conversation a few weeks ago. 8) The ceiling mounted stuff and the wall things are mine. lol
But how about htis as an addon.
The wall climbing is made into an implant and the going through wall becomes a two implant slot thing.8) that would make them work together. Then you can climb through ceilings and go to above floors if you sacrifice all yoru implants slots.
Tie the climbing to your stamina liek you were walking but at a crawling speed and a fast crawl at a slow run speed stamina drain. The going through walls thing ties into your energy that alows you to cloak for whatever time and adds 25% to make it more usable.(maybe 10% or 15%) Plus a very minimal drain going through walls on your stamina to make it fair. Same stamina drain as normal movement for the "climb" implant use if your climbing something when you go through the wall. Ive also dubed the other implant "phase" or "phase shift implant".
Itd be like that seen from that movie with all the giant spiders in the mall. But with blurs. 8)
Like i said before this could be a temperary over boost so that when they get more stuff for other players they dont have to worry about the infiltrators being behind in ability. Its not like there that hard to kill.
Post #6 is my official Phase shift implant idea. Along with the comments from this post.
The combo could give the infaltrator that freedom of movement it once had! 8)
(This has been an advertisement for Phase Infaltrator Technology Incorporated. PITI. Where weve been driven so mad we dont just walk up walls we walk through them!)
2003-11-09, 09:59 PM
*Drops down from cieling* NC Soldier: You like apples? *slashes off head* NC Soldier: How bout them apples?
2003-11-09, 11:05 PM
what about ceiling humpers for a nick name for climbers.
And the climb one should only be for inf suits too! 8)
You could name Outfit "we love ceiling fans" or "the ceiling fan joyriders!"
The hickuping spiders
What Marry saw!!
Two steps short of the hustle!
Sorry, bored.
The we love walls Club!
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