View Full Version : Camo Net

2003-11-09, 09:25 PM
This is just an idea that keeps churning in my brain and I like it but it only has a very limited use and I dont know (yet) how it would be deployed. Basically it is a support item that would require the Eng Cert. it works like the invisiblility bubble that the AMS has. But, you can deploy over any vehicle. The stipulation being that the vehicle must not be occupied by anyone gunner/driver/passenger. Anyone who does enter the vehicle will imidiately undeploy the net.

Like I said I like this idea for some reason but I can only think of a very few instances where it would be useful. What do you think?

Nazsteph - Dude where's my Reaver?

2003-11-09, 11:34 PM
As in, like it has the colour of camo? It would be good if, if you enter a new continent, whatever terrain colour that is, the camo sheet would instantly change to that colour.

2003-11-09, 11:39 PM
should be combat engineer instead of engineer. itd work for those people who don't like their vehicles being stolen by adv. hackers

2003-11-10, 12:00 AM
This has been brought up before but yea i like it a lot good way to in theiry keep gals safe and sound, until someones jogging along and does one of those.


"Ow wtf was that?"

2003-11-10, 11:11 AM
yay a place for that extra point