View Full Version : Annoying situation!

2003-11-09, 09:50 PM
Okay here is the deal, I was sick last Friday and apparently my mom forgot to call the school and confirm I was sick. All my teachers even my Advisory (Homeroom) marked me in school for some reason except my science teacher. Naturally the school thinks I skipped that class. So I come in on Monday hear nothing about it and then on Tuesday the assistant principle tells me that the records show I skipped Science on Friday which she thought was odd since I'm a high honor roll student with only one detention for being late to school 3 times in one month. She says bring a note tommorow but I forget so I drop it off on thursday. On Friday I get a note saying I have detention on Monday for skipping class and the assistant principle wasn't there. So tommorow being Monday I think I'm just not gonna go to the detention and if I get in trouble and get a saturday detention I'm not gonna go to that and if I get suspended then I just frankly don't give rats ass because its the schools retarded system and my moms fault for not calling me in while I blew chunks into the toilet!

2003-11-09, 09:55 PM
so have her call now...

2003-11-09, 09:58 PM
lol good idea! I did give them a note but left it with the secretary though but I'll make her do that tommorow hehe.

2003-11-09, 09:59 PM
Life goes on.

2003-11-09, 10:00 PM
and on.

2003-11-09, 10:02 PM
And if she doesnt beleive you then go to her office and blow chunks. 8)

2003-11-09, 10:10 PM
And if she doesnt beleive you then go to her office and blow chunks. 8)

Thats the worst idea I've ever heard. Ever.

2003-11-09, 10:12 PM
but at the same time, smart.

2003-11-09, 10:23 PM
on the assistant principles shoes

2003-11-09, 10:40 PM
:crapper: :sick:

I need to find that site with all the puking smilies