View Full Version : Yaw control out of control

2003-11-11, 02:55 PM
My yaw control (aircraft nose right and left directional) is whacky when flying. When flying my aircraft spins in the last direction I moved the mouse, rather than moving until I stop the mouse like it works for infantry or ground vehicles. I adjust to the right and now I�m perpetually turning in this direction until I tug the mouse to the left. Now I�m spinning in to the left. So a straight flight is a pain in the ass series of constant yaw directional flight adjustments. This can�t be right.

Notably pitch control (aircraft nose up and down) works as expected. I can nose the aircraft up or down without this perpetual movement problem. I stop the mouse my pitch movement stops. Also of note, when I�m on foot as infantry or in a ground vehicle �yaw� movement works as expected.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a �perpetual motion yaw� feature hidden somewhere that I need to toggle off?

Does anyone else have this problem?


2003-11-11, 03:08 PM
I believe thats how its supposed to work. Basically you turn your little plane thing to the left, it's gona keep it's 'body' turned in that direction. I myself like this 'cuz I don't have to actually pay attention sometimes....

2003-11-11, 03:11 PM
I see what your saying, and im wondering if your mouse sensevity is up max. Mine does the same, but from what your saying it seems a problem to control. I have that and have no problem controling things.

2003-11-11, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. At least AI know it�s not me, it�s the flight controls and configuration limitations. Personally I think the perpetual yaw motion is the most asinine thing I�ve ever heard of. It�s even more asinine as not being able to configure a custom mouse sensitivity for your 3 modes of movement control (on foot, in a ground vehicle, and in an aircraft). Currently one mouse sensitivity setting affects everything.

I�ll just stay OUT of perpetual yaw motion spinning vehicles like aircraft and ancient hover vehicles! Unless something less asinine gets implemented.


Bad Mojo
2003-11-11, 03:47 PM
Hit Alt-R to center the YAW and pitch.

2003-11-11, 04:19 PM
This drove me nuts and I noticed it about the time I got a new mouse.

I hate it and it still bugs me.

PS/CC implements all kinds of stupid details, but they have serious problems with their basic control scheme.

Don't worry, it will be fixed after we get tower NTU silos :P

2003-11-11, 08:11 PM
Which will never happen so don't expect it to get fixed.

2003-11-11, 10:16 PM
I think that's what Pendragon was implying.

2003-11-12, 12:03 AM
Tower's will never get NTU's.

2003-11-12, 01:33 AM
Well if you listen to thursdays AGN event, im SURE it will come up then as it was brought up ALOT at the round table for tower NTU.

But you realize how much ant running there will have to be. And then think of the tower fight, when you are stuck inside mostly, theres no way an ant is gonna get there at all. If this happens and it has the 5 min hack, then i want some XP and bring back muchn more CP for that.