View Full Version : Second AGN Recording available

2003-01-19, 01:38 AM
The second of the AGN storyline recordings ("Trial and Error") is now available for download. Click either on the Live Newswire (http://www.planetside-universe.com/newswire.php) or the Downloads Section (http://www.planetside-universe.com/files) to obtain the file for download or stream live.

2003-01-19, 01:44 AM
I was the first one to download:)

2003-01-19, 01:52 AM
Loved it, cant wait to see if you will be recruiting other reporters after the game is released.

Nice voice altering for the scientist guy.

2003-01-19, 03:38 AM
Wow. This was posted as I was writing up the Drake's Wraiths recruitment thread. :p Good job again, guys. (BTW, I liked the Rolling Stones song in the first one. Nice touch about the techno. :D )

2003-01-19, 06:02 PM
Thank you Marsy.


2003-01-20, 01:02 AM
rofl at the TR recruiting navy spoof :rofl:

2003-01-21, 12:31 PM
Entertaining stuff. Cant wait til you recruit reporters, Maybe i can be a fashion consultant.

*cue promo music*

"Good evening auraxis, This is your host Squeeky "The Fascion Man".

I'd like to comment on general jiggalwalahoobang's MAX armor. he was way over dressed for the occasion. I mean, Wtf was he thinking wearing a MAX suit to raid an un-manned facility. This is my weeks pick for fashion loser!!

On the other hand. Lt. Jessica WillaWallaBingBang looked terrific sunday while raiding a Vanu bio lab. Wearing her stealth armor, she looked sekseh as hell crouched over the hacking terminal.

Thats all for now, See ya next week

*cue silly promo music*

2003-01-21, 01:08 PM
Heh - these are great, but I find I'm becoming more and more uncomfortable about the TR.

Excellent stuff!

2003-01-21, 04:24 PM
after hearing mars & hamma...

I noticed marsman has that 'deep' voice, like a big prison inmate, yet hamma has that "please dont hurt me" 1st night in jail high pitched voice, and was just thrown in with marsman =p


2003-01-21, 04:50 PM
I don't even understand the first one, will the second confuse?

2003-01-21, 05:57 PM
AGN storyline recordings are fictional works based on the timeline of events Sony has put forth in the Vanu Sovereignty timeline. (http://www.vanusovereignty.com/genesis.jsp) The first AGN recording was done at 20 Years AW (After Wormhole) and will have aprox one recording done each year for a total of ten recordings. We having some fun with plot and events to help set up the back story as to how things got to be the way they are at the start of the game. These plot ideas are the product of PSU, and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or postion of Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) in any way. ;)

2003-01-21, 06:56 PM
Though I imagine they now want to have your babies, right?

2003-01-21, 08:09 PM
Thanks Mars..