View Full Version : Stay the **** back.
2003-11-12, 05:54 PM
Picture the scene. Our base is under heavy assault. The continent is population locked. Every man woman and child is fighting heavily to stop the TR to the north and the cowardly NC to the south of the continent.
Somone shouts "enemy vehicles comming through south gate"
I quickly rush my lightning tank over to the south door and am met by enemy prowlers surrounded by VS infantry (who are getting mown down.) I open fire and kill one of the tanks, and it blows up. BEEP 21 min gun lock.
The tank explosion killed some of the infantry around the tank. These infantry would have died anyway if I hadn't killed the tank and I'm penalised. Thanks Pside...
2003-11-12, 06:00 PM
For some reason you seem to neglect what level your grief was at before the incident. As with most cases I'd guess that your previous carelessness is responsible for the current lock and not one unfortunate situation.
2003-11-12, 06:08 PM
One time, I got 25 grief for knifing a galaxy. What's with that??
2003-11-12, 06:18 PM
I seriously dont see how you can get that high grief. Especially, by the looks of your sig terahertz, if you only have 383 kills.
Highest grief i got to was 747 back in the days of me using a rocklet habitually. I also got to 500 or so when i had pounder. That's it tho.
seriously people always complain about weps lock i dont get how u can get it...
2003-11-12, 06:21 PM
Dumbasses getting in your way while your shooting, this bullshit about blowing up a vehicle and it killing friendlies this acting like you killed them and getting grief. Idiots running in front of your vehicle as your speeding by. Oh yeah, it's not hard to get 1000 grief.
2003-11-12, 06:26 PM
meh i duno dude. most ive gotten in the past 2 months is about 200
2003-11-12, 06:44 PM
There are lots of grief issues ATM. I wonder why I get grief when someone runs me over(I caused damage to his bumper??).... Vehicle explosions are a problem as well. Alls it takes is for you to kill 2 people (stealthers running through radiation fields, etc) and then if you even shoot someone with one bullet that runs in front of you you get 25-50 grief.(ah...stealthers...the friendly grief machines) So if you were to kill an enemy ams where 5 or 6 friendlys are around after this(or a surrounding prowler)....insta-weapons lock ;). It can take you from about 300-400 to over 1000. And if you get lucky enough to have the cloaker from earlier you could be in the 1200's.
I personally have never been in weapons lock but have had other members of my squad with these issue. Problem is that the rising amount of grief if you keep tking the same guy or killing more than one moron that jumps in front of your if the same cloaker keep running out in the middle of the firing range and you happen to either hit him or shoot him again....boom double grief...
System still needs work but it is ok...prevents mass TKing but still doesn't prevent the morons from tking the ants so a squad member gets to fill...*shrugs* oh well.
I've never broken 100 grief unless I'm hunting "friendly" CR5s, or have just had enough of idiots running in front of my Pounder and decide to unleash hell down the stairs at anything that moves.
2003-11-12, 07:20 PM
Most I got was I think above 400 when I used the burster max in a very large battle and the idiots kept jumping in front of my fire...
But what I really don't like is that when I shoot frag grenades, if I skim a guy I get 50 grief and when I skim a guy with a plasma, for every burn that they get you get (from my experience yesterday) 20-30 grief, not including the initial hit.
2003-11-12, 08:56 PM
Never broken 100 grief and used to use the Pounder all the time when people called it a grief machine. It's not easy to get weapons lock, you have to be an incredibly careless player (or experience one heck of a bug) to get there. There is no such thing as insta weapons lock, it only happens when your previous carelessness/cluelessness puts you within striking range of 1000.
2003-11-12, 08:58 PM
If you shoot a player it should come up on the player in question's text box "VS TeraHertz delt you 60 [lancer] damage." Unless the player who was hit by the FF presses a "punish" button you receive no greif.
All too often has some prat in a baselisk rammed into me by mistake, giving ME greif. Usualy they say sorry, but it's a bit late for my grief rating.
Yeah, the grief multiplies exponentially and the only way you can get 50 for one shot is once you are up past the 500 total mark. To get 100 per shot you have to have killed the same guy several times, and be over 500 as well.
EDIT: Beat me to post there TeraHertz. The only thing wrong with your idea about a forgive option like in Half-life's Adminmod is how incredibly annoying it would be to have to deal with extra pop-ups. Not only has your teammate stripped a chunk (or all) of your life away, now you get distracted and have to deal with a damn pop-up that keeps you from shooting at the enemy!
2003-11-12, 09:34 PM
And with that idea (which was brought up hundreds of times in beta) you have to be cocerned about tards flaming you for clicking the "yes, give grief" button.
I would hit the "yes" button in almost all circumstances... Some people think it is OK to spam grenades down stairs without looking, so those people would be very mad if you hit "yes" when they hit you with a grenade for example.
2003-11-13, 04:20 AM
You should have a check box somewhere that you can toggle. When it's off, you don't generate grief if a friendly kills you. When it's on, you do. That way you could leave it off until some ********* decides to try to grief you, and then turn it on. Or maybe something like the friends list that you add people to who you want to get grief for shooting you. Just ideas.
2003-11-13, 09:01 AM
no, you misunderstand. The notice that you've been FF'ed will appear in the comms text box, and flash up a small indicator next to your crosshair as it does just now when YOU tk someone. If you're busy, chances are you've stepped in the line of fire anyway and you ignore it. But if your taken a hit you quickly hit the DELETE button or something.
2003-11-13, 09:22 AM
I would like to be able to at least turn it off while I am "stealthing". Sometimes I need to run across the battlefield to circle around an enemy. I totally understand when I get hit because it is friggin hard to see me and I am running through a sh*t storm. I would like to at least have the option to turn Grief off when I am stealthing.
Oh and Hello, My name is Hunter and I am a Planetside Addict.
2003-11-13, 10:08 AM
The grief system is fine as it is. Yes, it sucks to get run over by somebody while you're in stealth gear. Yes, it sucks to know they got grief and you got grief (and got killed) most likely on accident. What are we talking? 5 grief points?
The people complaining are the people who are so careless they've had to sit battles out with weapons lock. Stop being careless, stop thinking you're the most important soldier around, watch the grief stop accumulating. This is the easiest fix in Planetside, because the devs don't need to do a thing. You do.
2003-11-13, 10:37 AM
There are people who do nothing but TK. When one server is locked for them, they move on to the next. The grief system has to account for radically different types of people, and frankly I think it does a pretty good job. I was a Pounder operator before it got gimped and I rarely went above 50 grief.
2003-11-13, 11:28 AM
I concur. For BR11 and 375 kills to be grief locked, you are shooting at absolutly anything and everything that moves. You just cant play the game like that, and that is one reason the grief system is in place.
As an infiltrator, I get killed by my own team more than the enemy kills me. I dont get upset about this because its just the way it is. I will be sneaking up to a hack or seting up a boomer attack and some grunt rushes in and spam thumper plasmas the whole room. Sooner or later people that do that will grief lock so I feel satisfied even tho it can be very annoying.
Very often, you will get grief that you dont deserve. I was playing my grunt the other day and was on a hill. Found an AMS and was sniping it with decimators from very far. Well, someone hacked it right before my missle that was in the air slammed into it killing like 5 ppl. So on the HUD you see me killing one of our own AMSs and taking out several people. I got a couple of rude tells but it wasnt my fault. Shit happens sometimes.
Some jackass in a lightning killed me 3 times last night spamming a tower wildly while I was trying to get in to hack it. There was basically just a MAX floating around but the lightning driver just didnt give a shit. Fine, kill me several times trying to get in the door for your MAX kill while the tower doesnt get hacked as a result. Infiltrators can easily slip past MAXs and vehicles should ALWAYS yield to troops that need to enter a doorway.
2003-11-13, 01:26 PM
(or experience one heck of a bug)
This actually happened to an outfit member of mine. He went LD and had about 150-200 grief when it happened. As soon as they logged back on they said "wtf, all of a sudden I get a message saying if I take anymore grief my account will be deleted and my grief is at 2400" So he logged off to see if it would go away, and when they relogged, it was at 2460. Somewhere in the realm between the PS world and our own, he was getting grief. He reported it and I haven't heard back from him since.
2003-11-13, 04:56 PM
I think if you get grief when you are LD (i.e. driving along, go LD, and plow through a bunch of friendlies), you can appeal it and the CSRs will sometimes take the grief off.
I'm a spec assault/thresher driver and I've never had above 400 grief. The only time I got close was when I fired a single rocklet at an enemy ams that was getting pounded and I got the kill. +124 grief in a single shot. Now whenever I see an enemy AMS getting pounded, I back away and let the others get the kills and the grief. If you are constantly getting grief in a base, don't use the arrow keys to control your speed. Hit the 1 key to drive at 10% and you shouldn't get grief if you bump someone since you are going so slow. Once you are outside the base, accelerate to full speed. Since magriders have no brakes, start braking way ahead of time when you are pulling into a friendly base.
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