View Full Version : Frag this game
2003-11-13, 06:16 PM
It becomes harder and harder to stomach playing planetside, I'm getting to the point where I just cant even defend them anymore.
Why are there so many reoccuring bugs why dont we even get the hint that your working on them.
Why dont you work on the weapons balance a bit. Why for example do the nC get a medium assault weapon with the smallest clip and the worst bloom. No body other then NC stands still on the battle field for us to use our puny ass clips on them. Every tr user in the world knows they got ammo to burn so they just keep circle strafing till we die.
WHY IS AV STILL THE MOST GIMPED CLASS IN THE GAMe. Riddle me this batman, how the fuck do you get more tank shells into the same size box then you get phoenix rockets.
Why the fuck did CC suck so badly. All these new play areas that no one ever uses because A) the modules are too easy to steal B) 90% of the new stuff is crap. Seriously are you telling me a race that perfected ressurection couldnt get down a little thing like waterproofing? I know what wiped out the vanu they were having a cook out and they got rained on, poof dead ancients.
Why the hell do you get made aware of a hart bug, then decide "hey were just gonna go the oposite way of what the community thinks and keep it dinked up".
Ask yourself this, whould you really as it stands right now recommend this game to a friend?
Planetside: Great concept, shitty implementation.
2003-11-13, 06:25 PM
Oh great another OMG PS SUCKS AND THE DEVS ARE SLACKERS thread, they are migrating from the OF :p If you understood the burden and timelines they are probably under you would answer every single one of your own questions.
2003-11-13, 06:28 PM
simple solution: dont play
2003-11-13, 06:37 PM
I just want the game to work
*punts the install disk*
2003-11-13, 06:43 PM
Hamma i hardly migrated from the OF and I resent the implication, but seriously can you honestly say as of right now you'd recommend planetside to someone?
infinite loop
2003-11-13, 06:47 PM
Ask yourself this, whould you really as it stands right now recommend this game to a friend?
I sure fucking would! It's still the best goddamned game ever made, regardless of it's shortcomings. I don't understand why people can't have some patience and let things get worked out. If it bothers you so much, cancel for a month or two, then come back and see if what frustrates you so bad is better. But what can you play instead that offers what PS offers? I can't think of anything else, and that's why I keep on playing!
Run away! The fanboys are coming to kill you!
And Hamma, I don't think feeling sorry for the devs is a constructive way of looking at it. We pay a premium every month to play the game, and it has more bugs than any number of FPS games out there. Simply put, if it costs more the quality needs to be higher. I don't care that they have all this damn server overhead, they still need to put money into Quality Assurance because they seem completely incapable of keeping their platform stable from patch to patch.
I'm sorry, but if a game like Half-Life or Battlefield 1942 can release patch after patch and only introduce problems 1 out of 10 times, surely the money pit that is SOE ought to be able to do the same. The sad thing is, when Valve launched a buggy Half-Life patch they would have a fix for it in days, not weeks.
We are paying these people to keep the game running smoothly and to add content. I hate to say it, but EA's track record with BF1942 makes SOE look like a bunch of lazy incompetent saps, and EA has always been one of the lamest/greediest game publishers out there.
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 07:15 PM
Pay for a buggy game one month, shame on the devs. Pay for a buggy game two months (or more), shame on you.
2003-11-13, 07:17 PM
You cannot compare an MMO to HL or BF
I always hear all this jibba-jabba about bugs. I only get art bugs.
C'mon guys. Considering this is the FIRST game of it's type, there is going to be some bugs, with thousands of people playing, meaning thousands of different configurations.
EVERYONE plays this game - 56kers, High-end gamers, mid-range gamers, eMachines Lamers(me, but I dont get bugs, so HAHA, beatch). Meaning that SOE has to devise a way to better EVERYONE, which is a number in the Tens of THOUSANDS, and you whine because of a few bugs on your end?
And the gauss rifle pwnz. I used it exclusively over the n00bhammer, while playing NC.
AV is 'gimped' due to the fact it's for the outdoors. Deci's pwnz indoors, and a really damn good deci user can get a few good hits in outdoors, but when it comes to outdoors, AV > all other weaponry.
Module Detonating on Contact = tactical implication/Reason for stealing modules. Helps to disadvantage the other side. They're easy to steal because you're supposed to. You didn't think they were supposed to just sit nice n' pretty and complete invulnerable while you reaped the rewards.
PS fvcking pwnz. Look past the haze of dumb clouding your perceptions, and think of balance and tactical implications.
2003-11-13, 07:39 PM
I agree with Hamma on this one, you are comparing very different games. They are FPS, but that's about the only similarity.
BF 1942 is a simple frag fest with a capture point goal. You play king of the hill for 30 min, then rotate to a new map, repeat, etc.
And EA Games offering support? That game is hacked to hell and back. I left 1942 to come to PS to AVOID all the hacks and cheats. It's a long story, but I ended up doing research on working 1942 hacks and found 72 that work! Wall hacks, aim bots, map hacks, accuracy (no recoil) hacks, add +1% to +1000% to your health or the armor of any vehicle you enter, unlimited ammo, ammo swapping (your pistol fires tank rounds, etc.) and the list goes on...
I loaded a map hack and bounced around on a few public servers and noticed that about 40% of the players on public servers are using map hack! Welcome to HackField 1942!
In the EA support forums a rep was quoted as saying "any measure we put in to counter cheating can just be countered" and so they will do nothing to prevent the hacking/cheating.
Further with 1942 and all other FPS games that require public donated servers... you have to deal with a whole slew of custom game settings and things that can dramatically effect game play depending on the server you join... and if the admin is a jerk... it's just a whole other list of headaches...
With PS at least there are attempts at keeping cheating down and making reasonable upgrades and patches AND you have a server with professional admins so you don�t have to worry about that player you just killed 6 times in a row having "admin rights" and banning you.
With PS I can just play a fun ass game and not deal with the hastle other games have.... well worth my $13 bucks...
Why can't I compare HL or BF to Planetside? If I did, PS would fail miserably.
Pro: PS has thousands of players.
Con: PS costs a monthly fee. One year of playing costs roughly 3 times what the unlimited replay of HL or BF would cost, without factoring in expansions.
Pro: You don't have to get your own server or use Gamespy for PS.
Con: The majority of patches released for PS have introduced as many bugs as they claim to have fixed.
Pro: You don't need to keep a CD in the drive to play PS.
Con: You need to download up to several hours worth of patches to connect to the game after installing.
Pro: PS has had a few new "free" gameplay twists (LLU captures and CC modules) and 2 free vehicles added to it.
Con: HL and BF have had far more new maps, vehicles and weapons included in free patches from the developers than PS has.
Con: HL and BF have had so much amazing free content added to them by way of the mod community as to make purchasing the game more akin to an investment than an expense.
Con: When a PS patch destroys the framerates of a large segment of the playerbase, SOE claims it is not their code that has brought about the problem.
Pro: PS developers occasionally grace us with their presence on the forums to tell us what is up and coming.
Con: PS developers have grossly exaggerated their own willingness and ability to include free new content in patches, and seriously over-rate themselves on the attention they pay to the community.
Pro: Hopefully some of the money we pay them is being shuffled into paying R&D costs for the Playstation 3.
Con: More than likely it is being shuffled into a massive glut of new staff to work on patching StarWars Galaxies.
EDIT: All I am trying to say is that I am a paying customer. In the industry I work in, I do not have the option to make up a bunch of excuses and claim that I am offering a type of service that has never been offered before and so they should bear with me while I wander off and work on something else. If a customer has a problem, I am responsible for resolving it ASAP, and not waffling around and playing a childish blame game to try and buy myself some time. This is called customer service and business ethics, something which all the bean bag chair sitting, pony-tailed, chubby nerds at SOE should learn about. Common sense says that if you screw something up and it hurts a customer's experience you take responsibility for it, and move quickly to resolve it. I don't care how complicated you think the PS engine is (and I agree it must be millions of lines of code) there are some best practices out there for QA that could alleviate 95% of the problems and complaints they are generating. Why aren't they figuring it out after all these months?
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 08:02 PM
In the industry I work in, I do not have the option to make up a bunch of excuses and claim that I am offering a type of service that has never been offered before and so they should bear with me while I wander off and work on something else. If a customer has a problem, I am responsible for resolving it ASAP, and not waffling around and playing a childish blame game to try and buy myself some time.
If you did to your customers what you see SOE doing to you, what would your customers do? Seriously. I'm not trying to be a smart alek.
They would find out my manager's name and call him. I might get written up. If it happened a few times, I'd probably get fired.
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 08:09 PM
They would find out my manager's name and call him. I might get written up. If it happened a few times, I'd probably get fired.
In my past lines of work, if I had customers who paid for my services like I pay for PS, they would LEAVE me if I treated them poorly.
It would be great if you could call up the SOE's managers and say, "FIX IT BUTTMUNCHES!" But, barring that, when a bunch of paying customers leave, that shows up to management as, "People are not happy enough to keep playing."
I think that's how MMOG's work. People leave, management says change things (like AC2). People stay and keep subscribing and management say, "Things are ok."
Don't you think that's an incredibly stupid way of doing business? Wait until you are losing revenue hand over fist before making some changes?
Maybe it's because they have the ability to sit safely at a computer terminal in San Diego and all their customers are to them is a login name and some text in an appeal window or on a forum page. That doesn't make it an acceptable way to treat their customers.
I really enjoy Planetside a lot. I love being in massive firefights, and logging on to see what the outfit is up to. Right now, I am trying to figure out where the line is that they have to cross by screwing up so many crucial parts of the game and being so completely rude and incompetent at dealing with known issues that I do cancel my subscription.
I can't think of another industry out there (well, maybe the postal service) where they could take that kind of assinine position. "Oh well, just cancel then. That should shut you up." I mean, come on. How can you seriously justify that kind of attitude?
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 08:27 PM
Don't you think that's an incredibly stupid way of doing business? Wait until you are losing revenue hand over fist before making some changes?
Some places work like that, especially when the customer being happy isn't always based on quantifiable service or product. It's just based on being happy.
I really enjoy Planetside a lot. I love being in massive firefights, and logging on to see what the outfit is up to. Right now, I am trying to figure out where the line is that they have to cross by screwing up so many crucial parts of the game and being so completely rude and incompetent at dealing with known issues that I do cancel my subscription.
With MMOG's, that line is the "vote" you get towards the input of the game. If the majority of the people playing love the game, they keep paying and their votes encourage the devs to continue. And frankly, despite the forums, only the PS devs really know if people are buying PS, playing it, and how many are bitching compared to how many are playing and enjoying it.
I can't think of another industry out there (well, maybe the postal service) where they could take that kind of assinine position. "Oh well, just cancel then. That should shut you up." I mean, come on. How can you seriously justify that kind of attitude?
No one is talking about a business model where the company cancels it's customers and tells them to take a hike. SOE doesn't do that. That's 100% different than delivering something that isn't what someone wants. If PS isn't what you want, why pay for it? This comes back to the question of where the line is from "like PS enough to pay" to "don't like PS enough to pay".
That's my take. I don't feel like I'm being swindled. I'm not sure the majority of those with the game do either. But, I could be wrong. I don't know the numbers.
2003-11-13, 08:29 PM
I personally love PS. I rarely (almost never) get bugs nemore. ANd yes I played bf 1942. It was nervewracking as heck trying to find a decent omaha beach server. Theres usually around two that are between 20 and 35 that arent private and that dont hack. That's annoying for me. PS is stable and its fun so I intend to continue playing for at leats another 3-6 months.
Well Mojo, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I'd just love to see one of their QA team show up for work at a real customer service job. I'd start a pool on how long they'd last...
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 08:40 PM
Well Mojo, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I'd just love to see one of their QA team show up for work at a real customer service job. I'd start a pool on how long they'd last...
I think not all jobs work like that. Cause I've worked both. I also don't really know what kind of management and processes the devs have. Who knows. All we can really judge, I think, is the end result. It sucks.
And that's the thing with being a customer, all you see is the end result and if you don't like it you have every right to complain. Why do you think most companies only chose one area to focus on? So they can get it right.
Bad Mojo
2003-11-13, 08:53 PM
And that's the thing with being a customer, all you see is the end result and if you don't like it you have every right to complain. Why do you think most companies only chose one area to focus on? So they can get it right.
I know this is just going back around to what we talked about before, but if the complaining doesn't do anything, what option do you have?
2003-11-13, 09:09 PM
A) Actualy lets me blow some steam
B) Has a snowballs chance in hell of actualy getting seen
Maybe i titled this thread up wrong, maybe I was more angry then usual when i wrote it (seeing a guy walk off and dump in the water a pain module i'd just installed does that to me) maybe if i compare this game to Savage i get way more minuses then i'd like. I dont know. Fact is the Dev's could eliminate a lot of issues if they were more proactive, let us know what their working on how many are on their staff etc. Just the peiece of mind i'm not tossing my money down the flusher whould be great. Given CC as an example I tend to think their doing something wrong.
2003-11-13, 09:22 PM
simple solution: dont play
if you dont like the game dont play it
2003-11-13, 09:48 PM
It becomes harder and harder to stomach playing planetside, I'm getting to the point where I just cant even defend them anymore.
Why are there so many reoccuring bugs why dont we even get the hint that your working on them.
Why dont you work on the weapons balance a bit. Why for example do the nC get a medium assault weapon with the smallest clip and the worst bloom. No body other then NC stands still on the battle field for us to use our puny ass clips on them. Every tr user in the world knows they got ammo to burn so they just keep circle strafing till we die.
WHY IS AV STILL THE MOST GIMPED CLASS IN THE GAMe. Riddle me this batman, how the fuck do you get more tank shells into the same size box then you get phoenix rockets.
Why the fuck did CC suck so badly. All these new play areas that no one ever uses because A) the modules are too easy to steal B) 90% of the new stuff is crap. Seriously are you telling me a race that perfected ressurection couldnt get down a little thing like waterproofing? I know what wiped out the vanu they were having a cook out and they got rained on, poof dead ancients.
Why the hell do you get made aware of a hart bug, then decide "hey were just gonna go the oposite way of what the community thinks and keep it dinked up".
Ask yourself this, whould you really as it stands right now recommend this game to a friend?
Planetside: Great concept, shitty implementation.
^^^^^^Most likely one of those n00bs who sucks and scream "BUG BUG BUG!!!!" WHen they get killed. :brow:
2003-11-13, 09:57 PM
Yea, I'd like to see you encode a Lodestar for us, if the devs aren't doing it fast enough for you.
2003-11-14, 12:06 AM
Sip some tea, kick your feet up and look over at that big block of plastic, ceramic and metal that you call your computer. It's a very complex device. People that make it light up in ways that make you happy are blazing trails through a new world, so don't expect them to also pave those trails just as quickly. I'm almost sure I've never heard such vehement criticism of games that receive absolutely no new content after launch, so why show such ingratitude when the devs have to fight a battle on many fronts against an army of millions of lines of code, all written by different people of different skill levels, for a community that is alternately adoring and rancorous.
Frustration is natural, but don't forget that it's a capital privilege to have a team of skilled programmers improving your game on a daily basis. Relax and think for a moment that you might not even own a computer, or the electricity to make it run, or the freedom to use it far too many hours a day.
If your computer is too sucky to play the game right, buy a new one. If your internet connection sucks, upgrade. If you can do neither, plan for a day when you can. Let me assure you that with a good computer and fast internet connection, PlanetSide is amazingly stable. If the Star Wars: Galaxies boards hadn't started blocking negative comments, you might see what a really buggy game looks like, and look upon PlanetSide as the marvel that it is.
Basically, chill out. PSU isn't likely to play host to fanboy vs. troll wars, because that environment is for games that are buggy enough to justify it. PlanetSide is just fine, but like any complex machine, requires maintenance.
2003-11-14, 01:42 AM
^^^^^^Most likely one of those n00bs who sucks and scream "BUG BUG BUG!!!!" WHen they get killed. :brow:
OMG says the guy with less then 500 kills under his belt.
2003-11-14, 01:52 AM
Frustration is natural, but don't forget that it's a capital privilege to have a team of skilled programmers improving your game on a daily basis. Relax and think for a moment that you might not even own a computer, or the electricity to make it run, or the freedom to use it far too many hours a day.
If your computer is too sucky to play the game right, buy a new one. If your internet connection sucks, upgrade. If you can do neither, plan for a day when you can. Let me assure you that with a good computer and fast internet connection, PlanetSide is amazingly stable. If the Star Wars: Galaxies boards hadn't started blocking negative comments, you might see what a really buggy game looks like, and look upon PlanetSide as the marvel that it is.
Basically, chill out. PSU isn't likely to play host to fanboy vs. troll wars, because that environment is for games that are buggy enough to justify it. PlanetSide is just fine, but like any complex machine, requires maintenance.
For starters i'm not refffering to game crashign bugs or bugs on my end i'm talking about the door bugs the spawn tube bugs, the fall through the world at random bug (thankfully that one they got a handle on it seems finnaly)
Veteran, if your going to deflect the topic i suggest you try the political debate forum. The electricity that runs to my computer or the leisure to use it are both quantities i work for, so I come home and expect planetside, a game I pay for, albeit not a lot in the scheme of things, to have some sort of desirably process. If we got feedback from the devs to reflect "yes right now were working on ________ we hope to have it out on the test server on _______" that whould go a long way towards balming these irritations. But what do we get? We get developers notes that are running behind, we get an expansion that was really luke warm at best and in general a product thats just treading water.
Obviously planetside is not Just Fine at least not to some of us, but then again theire were no Americans in baghdad either.
2003-11-14, 03:03 AM
I'm sorry, but if a game like Half-Life or Battlefield 1942 can release patch after patch and only introduce problems 1 out of 10 times, surely the money pit that is SOE ought to be able to do the same. The sad thing is, when Valve launched a buggy Half-Life patch they would have a fix for it in days, not weeks.
We are paying these people to keep the game running smoothly and to add content. I hate to say it, but EA's track record with BF1942 makes SOE look like a bunch of lazy incompetent saps, and EA has always been one of the lamest/greediest game publishers out there.
This game is alot more complicated programming wise than an FPS. This is not souly an FPS thats jsut what stupid people who dont know anything about anything but FPS's think.
I know how to make games like this. Hell ive designed them out in full. (and i mean full!)
Part of the problem with the doors etc seem likethe programming for individual stuf is too chppy. They seem like they underdesigned thme on the programming side and just slapped together lots ot things for each opperation of objects instead of finding one way of writing htem that would deal with all there designed operations and leave enough ways for htem ot add on stuff later.
Not to mention htey dont seem to broudly or thouroghly enough test programming there upgrades against other ingame stuff off server. Like they need to make there simulator for testing stuff able to add more variables, more complicated scenarios.
2003-11-14, 05:27 AM
/me gets his book of "The Management and Control of Quality, 5th Edition by James Evans and William Lindsay" out and proceeds to use it the way it was meant to be. By beating the publishers over the head with it till they stop grabbing so much money and start allocating more to the dev team for more/better staff.
2003-11-14, 05:38 AM
2003-11-14, 07:11 AM
we get an expansion that was really luke warm at best and in general a product thats just treading water
No need to be diplomatic, CC rather sucks as it is, but I think the situation will improve with time and a few masterstrokes on the part of the devs. Don't think they can't reach into their sleeves and shock the shit out of the community, because they can. Just seeing that they're willing to listen to players' ideas on the modules is pretty cool if you ask me. Not many devs are willing or able to cut through the corporate bull and ask the most important people (us) what's on their mind. In my whole MMO experience, devs have been those who decide on rollbacks, pwipes, nerfing, banning, vapes, excuses and in some cases apologies. Having seen PlanetSide on its good and bad days, I have to say there have been a hell of a lot more good ones than bad ones, and in turn I've always had faith in the devs to do the right thing.
If I were SOE, I would send a free copy of CC to everyone who was in the original PS beta. It's enough justification to keep post-launch players from feeling unfairly excluded (myself included) and would bring hundreds of new players into the caverns, which would in turn improve the experience of everyone who bought CC. Of course it's easy for me to be so benificient, because it's only a half-assed idea and the money isn't coming out of my pocket. Still, I think getting more players into CC with incentives is a good idea.
The drama level indicates that the game can invoke emotion, which means it's got to have some good qualities.
2003-11-14, 07:18 AM
100s of players into the caverns? The werner server needs to get those 100s of players into the game first, the numbers have dropped and dropped ever since I started. It's gotten so bad that I really can't be bothered playing today. I could go to another server I suppose but the difference in timezones would probably make that pointless, + a 40ms greater ping kind of puts me off wanting to try.
2003-11-14, 07:28 AM
A lot of people are going to get new computers this Christmas, like they do every year. Computers able to play PlanetSide are becoming more common, but until recently, a lot of people naively thought that 512mb was enough for any game. It's cool that we're seeing games with such resource requirements, but naturally the average computer-owner is going to take some time to either buy a new computer or get the gumption to install sticks of RAM.
More players are bound to get in on PlanetSide. It has a decent marketting campaign and offers something that no other game can: battles with hundreds of players at once. Don't forget that school is in full-swing for a lot of people, and that PS' population is likely to fluctuate pretty widely because of that.
2003-11-14, 09:10 AM
The Devs recently stated that they intend to improve the game rather than add new content right away. This is what the whole OF have been bitching about, fix the game before adding things. And now, when they want to fix things, they are put down for not adding new content. :confused:
2003-11-14, 09:25 AM
Is the glass half empty, or is it half full?
A friend of mine, who is currently playing Everquest, had not seen PlanetSide before, and as far as I know didn't know much at all about it. He sat down and watched me play last night. There were only 4 or 5 of us Dragon Wolves ("only" being used in a relative sense ;) ) in the squad. We were busy doing what we could to make the Congs miserable in a locked continent, tower jumping, gen busting, spawn tube busting, etc. You know, spec ops stuff. :)
Anyway, to tie this in with the thread, my friend was watching us and asking me questions about the game, such as bugs, hacks, playability, etc. I was objective and filled him in on it. After watching me for about an hour and hearing us work on TS2 and seeing the action, he summed it all up nicely from an objective viewers angle:
"This game looks pretty cool! I think I might try it out. I have never seen anything like this before."
Three sentences - three statements that speak volumes. This first-of-its-kind game is how old? Six months?
Is the glass half empty, or is it half full?
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-14, 10:52 AM
Here we go again >_<
You're paying a subscription so you can log on and shoot things. Can please show me where you were promised a quantifiable amount of content in a given period of time? No? Damn I was hoping someone finally could. The best you'll find is a statment making a rather lame attempt to justify the fee through, partially, new content. Not a new thing every month. Not a new thing every other month. Not even a new thing every 6 months. You were promised new content, which you've gotten, and that is allyou were promised.
If the new content is not coming out fast enough for you, that's perfectly all right, you as the customer have every right to choose to spend you money elsewhere. But let me make this clear. You have one vote, one voice and most importantly one fee. The loss of you will not matter. Not even a little bit. Hanging out on PSU and bitching will also do nothing to assist your cause. So if you do go, actually go. Don't end up being one of the little shit-sticks who hang around and bitch about how bad a game they haven't even played in 6 months is. Also realize that walking away accomplished absolutely nothing other than saving you the cost of a movie every month.
Now if you were to oganize some sort of mass cancellation? Sure, you could make a difference. Are you going to be able to do that? Nope, because there are a lot of people who like the game the way it is.
infinite loop
2003-11-14, 10:57 AM
I guess I did come across as a fanboy, but I'm just frustrated that my favorite game has people complaining and leaving left and right. But the reason being based on lack of content? What do you expect? It took them like 3 years to code Planetside, you think they can just keep throwing new stuff out, while fixing bugs and doing other maintenance too? Yeah, CC sucks ass, and is a major disappointment. So don't buy it. The main game still kicks ass, and nothing else gives me the same thrill. Every game has bugs, and yes, every game introduces new bugs with every patch. I think this game is just more visible because of the community.
That said, being a developer myself, I do see some troubling things about the development cycle from SOE. It's obvious that their QA is extremely lacking. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in the software industry. Shortsighted management only wants to spend time and money on the development effort, and hope that QA just kinda works itself out. That's a horrible way to do things, because maintenance (i.e. bugfixing) is 75% of a software product's life. 75%! Would you say they are spending 75% of their resources on maintenance? I highly doubt it. This is a major problem, and seriously needs to be addressed. But the core game itself, and what has been developed, bugs aside, is an amazing piece of software. I choose to bear with the shitty QA, because I love the game, and I know how fucked up management can push bad software development methodologies on you, or not even follow one at all. From what I've seen in games, there's not alot of truly good examples of good software development. Blizzard and Valve are pretty good at what they do, but after that it gets pretty bad.
To sum up - bugs suck, but they happen. Give em a chance to fix them, and they will. New content? Who cares, the game kicks ass. New content will come eventually. If you're tired of the current content, then stop playing until more stuff comes out. Fair nuff?
2003-11-14, 12:19 PM
Alt' : When you get english to a proficent level I'll begin to think you might be able to cut code.
Elf, yes i am aware what the promises are made, adn yes if you see thats one of my biggest complaints are the devs are too vague on what their working on, which tells me something is very fishy. I'm not asking for a short term fix just a roadmap to improvement.
Nowhere at any point did i say that i was quitting, however since were talking about futility of one person gosh i'm glad i dont live in east germany where i cant get food or a newspaper. Whats that you say? the berlin wall came down Damn how could all those individuals have done that.
Finnaly if your so put out on the efforts of one person in any sosicety etc, to the point of putting down those who are not I sincerely recommend suicide.
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-14, 12:38 PM
Nowhere at any point did i say that i was quitting, however since were talking about futility of one person gosh i'm glad i dont live in east germany where i cant get food or a newspaper. Whats that you say? the berlin wall came down Damn how could all those individuals have done that.
You realize you comparing you displeasure with SoE to East Germany, right? Try learning a little more about it. The people of East Germany didn't have a lot to do with the wall coming down. Had Russia decided to not let the wall come down, you would have had a lot of dead East Germans and not much else.
Jesus what a bad comparison.
Hey, it sounds like pretty much everyone is pissed off about Core Combat, so why are you beating on the guy for voicing his displeasure? And why are you defending an uber-rich development company that can't get its act together and is alienating what is left of a steadily shrinking playerbase?
2003-11-14, 11:37 PM
Alt' : When you get english to a proficent level I'll begin to think you might be able to cut code.
His name is Ait' , not Alt'. Also, proficient is spelled with an "i" after the c, and before the e.
How ironic.
Anyway, I think this game rocks. It is uncomparable to any other FPS because there is no other quite like it. If you wish to leave, then leave. But, if as you stated, you never said you wanted to, then just live with it. I have my discontent with the game just as much as the rest of us, but I keep it to myself.
2003-11-15, 02:01 AM
It becomes harder and harder to stomach playing planetside, I'm getting to the point where I just cant even defend them anymore.
Why are there so many reoccuring bugs why dont we even get the hint that your working on them.
Why dont you work on the weapons balance a bit. Why for example do the nC get a medium assault weapon with the smallest clip and the worst bloom. No body other then NC stands still on the battle field for us to use our puny ass clips on them. Every tr user in the world knows they got ammo to burn so they just keep circle strafing till we die.
WHY IS AV STILL THE MOST GIMPED CLASS IN THE GAMe. Riddle me this batman, how the fuck do you get more tank shells into the same size box then you get phoenix rockets.
Why the fuck did CC suck so badly. All these new play areas that no one ever uses because A) the modules are too easy to steal B) 90% of the new stuff is crap. Seriously are you telling me a race that perfected ressurection couldnt get down a little thing like waterproofing? I know what wiped out the vanu they were having a cook out and they got rained on, poof dead ancients.
Why the hell do you get made aware of a hart bug, then decide "hey were just gonna go the oposite way of what the community thinks and keep it dinked up".
Ask yourself this, whould you really as it stands right now recommend this game to a friend?
Planetside: Great concept, shitty implementation.
And your still playing?
2003-11-15, 02:57 AM
I know how to program Doppler. My Memory is messed up and i cant concentrate anymore. If it wasnt id be one of hte best programmers in hte world right now. I was born with a supra Genius IQ and have understood how to program since i was a little kid. Unfortuanately i have an ashole family who likes to massacre my life and throw me in jail or make me afraid for my life when i try to get them to stop fucking causing me pain.
2003-11-15, 04:35 AM
Like many others I am also unhappy with Planetside. Let me preface this by stating that when I saw the preview I couldn't contain my joy. This game seemed like it had everything I ever wanted. I played beta, and I played this game religiously for months. But then something happened - I logged on and did the same things I did for months - go to continents and kill people. Now, that does seem like the point of the game but...
All the continents are practically the same. What are the differences? Oooh, one has mountains while the other is a swamp. What about towns, what about random buildings? So much more could have been done. Sony did spend a lot of time developing this game and it is the first of its kind, but they could have done so much more.
Every review has said the same thing about Planetside - it is revolutionary in what it is doing and appears to be very solid, but there is untapped potential that needs to be found.
CC was a prime example of Planetside's problem. It seems like it is going to be great, but it was not well thought out enough.
I loved this game, and am really hoping that it is going to get back to the glory that it once had, but people are leaving in droves. They are not satisfied paying money each month for the same old shit. I have paid 13 a month for over a year now. That is a lot of money and damnit give me something new to do in this game Sony.
Saying you are not happy with a game can be done constructively without being told, "stop paying and leave". I want this game to be as great as it can be and I am hoping that it becomes what everyone envisioned. Unfortunately I don't think it will take that next step - but it definitely paved the way for the next game that does !!!
On another note - keep up the great posts everyone. I don't post often, but have read every single post ever made. Hamma, you are usually right on the money with what you usually have to say - great job and keep up the good work.
I know how to program Doppler. My Memory is messed up and i cant concentrate anymore. If it wasnt id be one of hte best programmers in hte world right now. I was born with a supra Genius IQ and have understood how to program since i was a little kid. Unfortuanately i have an ashole family who likes to massacre my life and throw me in jail or make me afraid for my life when i try to get them to stop fucking causing me pain.
2003-11-16, 04:56 AM
I know how to program Doppler. My Memory is messed up and i cant concentrate anymore. If it wasnt id be one of hte best programmers in hte world right now. I was born with a supra Genius IQ and have understood how to program since i was a little kid. Unfortuanately i have an ashole family who likes to massacre my life and throw me in jail or make me afraid for my life when i try to get them to stop fucking causing me pain.
Or you could be a 12 year old with a persecution complex. Honestly I dont know how better to respond to that.
Ah you can keep your displesure to yourself but cant keep your displeasure of the displeasure to yourself, I can ride the elitist horse too, it just looks like an ass at the end of the day. I will once again point out that this is a planetside forum, if you dont like it, dont browse the posts.
i'm sick of these "this game sucks" threads. If you don't like it, don't play it. its just a game.
2003-11-16, 07:23 AM
I have paid 13 a month for over a year now. That is a lot of money and damnit give me something new to do in this game Sony.
The game came out (retail) in March. So, how could you have spent $13/month for a whole year for this game?
2003-11-16, 02:14 PM
i'm sick of these "this game sucks" threads. If you don't like it, don't play it. its just a game.
Yes and stop ruining it for the people who do like it :lol:
Meh, if a couple people complaining about known issues is enough to ruin it for you, it couldn't possibly be that big of a loss. :P~
2003-11-16, 02:22 PM
OMG says the guy with less then 500 kills under his belt.Congradulations, you're a troll.
2003-11-16, 02:43 PM
Congradulations, you're a troll.
Now their really looking for reasons to attack me! He insults me, I come up with a response that is both civil and ironic. Oh i'm sorry If voicing my displeasure in a game that overall I like but feel that there are some teeth grinding level issues. Gets me attacked, and then my RETORT gets me branded a troll, I guess I can live with that slander.
2003-11-16, 04:14 PM
now now boys, calm down :p
Common Sense :
Posting "I hate Planetside" thread at PlanetSide fan site = Wearing KKK outfit to Black panthers meeting.
2003-11-16, 07:03 PM
Jus dont play if u dont like the game and i also dont like these "i hate Planetside" threads if u dont like it then post on the OF they will give u some advice on what to do :p
2003-11-16, 07:12 PM
Someone find his IP, we'll steal into his ISP's database, find out where he lives and go steal his dog or something.
2003-11-16, 07:17 PM
Someone find his IP, we'll steal into his ISP's database, find out where he lives and go steal his dog or something.
And while you do that I'll hack your...fusebox...and steal your house. buhahahah.
2003-11-16, 07:32 PM
said many times before....if you leave good for you , just dont bitch to us cause you left
2003-11-17, 04:22 AM
I know how to program Doppler. My Memory is messed up and i cant concentrate anymore. If it wasnt id be one of hte best programmers in hte world right now. I was born with a supra Genius IQ and have understood how to program since i was a little kid. Unfortuanately i have an ashole family who likes to massacre my life and throw me in jail or make me afraid for my life when i try to get them to stop fucking causing me pain.
That's going in my sig
2003-11-17, 05:10 AM
Doppler im 20 not 12.
and do you know what its like to be seriously abused your whole life and hten be forced to act like none of it ever happened and have to worry about htem doing shit to you because thye want to act like there life is normal.
Its a real bitch when you hit the age of 14 and they start lying to people as you start wanting to socialize with people because they sense you want to be less closed in and get paranoid about someone bothereing there sense of peace.
2003-11-17, 10:13 AM
Doppler im 20 not 12.
and do you know what its like to be seriously abused your whole life and hten be forced to act like none of it ever happened and have to worry about htem doing shit to you because thye want to act like there life is normal.
Its a real bitch when you hit the age of 14 and they start lying to people as you start wanting to socialize with people because they sense you want to be less closed in and get paranoid about someone bothereing there sense of peace.
hm, personaly i'd see to it that my parents had a little "accident" if they were that bad.
You could always leave the country, that'd be a good move. New country new life? From the sound of it your parents are the kind of fuckwits that couldn't scrape a living if they tried, so how would they afford to find you.
2003-11-17, 11:14 AM
I have yet to play this game and I have followed it for about two months. And after two months of listening to the bugs and exploits and the rate at which they are fixed they only thing different that SOE needs to be doing is: Release small bug fixes the instant that you fix them. Its a small patch and would only need the servers down for 30 min at most. Furthermore if they only brought emerald down, then after it was done bring the other two USA servers down, then when those 3 were done the Europe server you would only interupt a persons main server, they could still play the game on a secondary guy.
Please OH please dont compare PS to HL. Lets just look at DOD and CS. CS 1.6 was released about 1.5 years ago (course they branded that one as a "beta" which is Bullshit) and in that beta the Hitboxes on the shield were buged : if you shot where the guys head was you got a HeadShot even though the shield was up. This one was fixed. OH WAIT now if you shot RIGHT ABOVE his head you get a HS. Ok so your prolly thinking "so thats just one bug". Well what about this one: If you had a shield and a HE grenade prime the grenade and press a key that is bound to throwgrenade and quick switch, bam you just crashed an ENTIRE server. That one took 2 weeks to fix. Also it goes without mentioning that those bugs existed in the so called "beta" and were only fixed within the last 2 months.
I mentioned DOD. The infamus Nade bug was if you threw a nade at a specific point it would drop below the map and blowup instakilling everyone within its range. Thats not so bad with the execetpion that It kept going until it was below the enemy spawn. Ok so onto bug #2 prim the nade. Press and hold attack. Jump and go prone and release your attack button. The grenade goes flying at unimaginable speed forward. Not bad until they implemented grenade clipping. If you ddi that and it hit a person it would kill them instantly along with the nade going off shortly after that killing his teammates. Bug #3 you could deploy your MachienGun and then getup with it still deployed and walk around. This means you have a really acurate fast firing 3 hit kill weapon.
OH lets not forget that HL was supposed to become cheat free with steam. HA within 2 days there were more than 5 working cheats. And now theres over 50. Also anti-recoil scripts CANT be detected so people only have to aim and shoot.
Besides HL has a very large company behind it, no not sierra kiddie. Venvedi Universal. Dont know if they are the largest gaming company but they are in the top 5.
Those are bugs in user created mods you're referring to, not half-life issues. The kind of half-life bugs that they did fix immediately were CTD issues and graphical glitches, etc. Showstoppers, basically.
And BTW, Sony is a pretty big player. Ever heard of their newfangled gaming console, the PlayStation? It's kind of like a Telstar but you can put these shiny discs in it and change the game it plays!
2003-11-17, 12:47 PM
Sorry bub but Sierra owns DOD and CS now. Furthermore they release the newerpatches AND you dont even NEED half-life installed after full patching steam. So yes they created and thus own those bugs.
If your gonna hold PS up to HL compare thier bugs evenly. Cmon did PS ever experience "showstoppers" w/o a fix for an extended period of time?
In total gamesales Vinvedi beates them (They own sierra AND blizzard). The only reason Vinvedi might gross more is because they have an assload of MMO games thus grossing quite a large sum of money each month.
2003-11-17, 01:19 PM
I didnt think i'd be posting anymore on this thread but I guess i've got to. PS still crashes to desktop for me, quite frequently I might add. Secondly company size has very little to do with it, Vivendi is a holding coroporation, not a game developer, the difrence is there is not crosspolonation of team sizes. If anything you whould think sony to have more experience with customer support and patching for bugs because of their experience with this little game called everquest. However having looked at everquest I gotta wonder about that.
2003-11-17, 03:38 PM
Doppler im 20 not 12.
and do you know what its like to be seriously abused your whole life and hten be forced to act like none of it ever happened and have to worry about htem doing shit to you because thye want to act like there life is normal.
Its a real bitch when you hit the age of 14 and they start lying to people as you start wanting to socialize with people because they sense you want to be less closed in and get paranoid about someone bothereing there sense of peace.
Y'know Altatalatltl, the H comes AFTER the T in them, the , their, those, they, and thing
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