View Full Version : Wishlist: Vechicle Addons (Vehicle Modules)

2003-11-14, 08:38 PM
When playing C&C:Generals i thought up a good idea for makeing vehicle addons for planetside. Im still thinking about how this will be possible and how the addons would be generated. My preliminary idea would have to be like the FLB (Facility Link Benefits) every base would have its own unique addon (Vehicle Modules). But the trick is that you cant get a module from the base you got the vehicle at. Similar to getting a module in the underground caves in CC:

1) Pickup Un-Constructed Vehicle Module at a Vehicle Equipment terminal
2) Build the Vehicle Module in Generator Room
3) The Un-Constructed Module turns into a Constructed one; Their are many diffrent types of vehicle modules, with every diffrent type of base having a diffrent module. (Note: Once you pick up an Un-Constructed Vehicle Module you cannot use any implants/use weapons/use health packs.)
4) Once Constructed Vehicle Module is installed in Vehicle you can resume normal operations.

This is still a work in progress and ill be adding more details

Types of Vehicle Modules:
Dropship Center- (Only applicable for tanks) Added two passenger slots in a small bunker above the gun turret.

Tech Plant- Shield Bot (not applicable for aircraft) a little bot that hovers around a vehicle and slowly can recharge sheild outside of SOI. (The bot has its own seperate armor and will become disabled after 15 minutes, it has 45 armor, so its vulnerable)

Bio Lab- An auto recharge for AT Vehicles inside friendly SOI ;and AMSes get an implant terminal (lasts until AMS is destroyed).

AMP Station - AMSs will get a de-cloaking field within their cloak bubble. Any cloaked infiltrators will be illuminated. (Lasts for 45 Minutes)

Interlink Facility- Afterburner increse for Aircraft (speed)

These are all temporary(just to give you an idea how it will work) ill be working on a complete vehicle list, Something like this:

Wraith- Shield Bot (Tech Plant) which means the Wraith can get the shield bot module.

Or im also thinking about the idea of certain types of bases being a certain speciality.

Dropship Center-Increased Cargo Space
Tech Plant- Weapons
those are just some examples ill be weighing in on the pros and cons of each.

2003-11-14, 09:06 PM

2003-11-14, 09:40 PM
How about like a module that gave all vechs. some sort of secondary fire? (I mean for like some of the one-mode veichles)

2003-11-14, 09:41 PM
Yeah, this is kind of an interesting idea.

2003-11-14, 09:44 PM
Meh, I like the vehicle module the way it is. The only addition I could think of for the better would to make it so it can provide any vehicle, including AT vehcs. Like, even if you're not linked to a Techplant, if you're linked or have a Vehicle Module, you can spawn a tank or a Reaver or something. Make gal an acception.

2003-11-14, 10:30 PM
NOTE: This is still a work in progess , look at the first post for further details.

2003-11-15, 11:45 AM
The Final List has been posted at: