View Full Version : RANT: FTAA protesters keep on saying that too much force is being used

2003-11-20, 07:02 PM
As a Miami resident, I am concerned for the safety of my city. Peaceful protests are OK and all, but I just saw some guy on TV complaining because he got hit by a rubber bullet. He complains of excessive force being used.

A: Police are yelling three warning to people before firing. He had it coming.
B: Protesters were shooting marbles and rocks with slingshots, and someone launched a smoke bomb.
C: If the police are firing, don't go investigate, RUN DAMNIT!

Like I said, you can protest all you want, but don't break the frikken rules. We don't want a riot.

We don't want Miami to look like this:

BTW it's a damn fucking rubber bullet, he's not even bleeding. Get over it.

2003-11-20, 07:03 PM

amen. Down with the poster board and yelling lifestyle!

2003-11-20, 07:06 PM
Fucking hippies.

2003-11-20, 07:08 PM
Fucking hippies.
There are no hippies. They are just 19-year-old agitators who are in 'rebellion' phase. Hippies don't shoot back. Sons of bitches.

2003-11-20, 07:09 PM
Fucking rebellious 19 year old aligators

2003-11-20, 07:09 PM
in that case...

I guess they're anarchists with misplaced aggression.

2003-11-20, 07:11 PM
in that case...

I guess they're anarchists with misplaced aggression.
Earlier this morning they arrested several anarchists with firearms and anarchist literature. They were planning an attack.

2003-11-20, 07:13 PM
Call that australlian dude, he will wrangle the rascals!

2003-11-20, 07:15 PM

Required reading