View Full Version : Wood-Chipped Chickens Fuel Outrage
2003-11-24, 01:22 PM
Wood-Chipped Chickens Fuel Outrage
A San Diego area vet who allegedly allowed the disposal of 30,000 live birds feels the heat.
By Jia-Rui Chong, Times Staff Writer
San Diego County's Animal Services Department has filed a complaint against a veterinarian who allegedly authorized a Valley Center egg ranch to kill 30,000 hens by dumping them alive into a wood chipper.
Reports by the county, recently obtained by The Times, recount workers at the ranch feeding squirming birds by the bucket into the pounding machine, then turning the mashed remains with dirt and heaping the mixture into piles.
The complaint centers on Gregg Cutler, a veterinarian who is also on the animal welfare committee of the American Veterinary Medical Assn.
Last winter, Cutler attended a meeting of poultry ranchers, veterinarians and state and federal officials to discuss how farmers should deal with chickens and other fowl during the outbreak of exotic Newcastle disease. During the meeting, the group discussed using a wood chipper to destroy birds that could not be moved because of a quarantine.
A few weeks later, in February, Ward Egg Ranch rented a wood chipper to destroy hens which, though not infected with the Newcastle disease, had stopped laying eggs. San Diego County authorities received a complaint about the killing, and operators of the ranch said they got the idea from Cutler and others at the meeting.
Cutler denies he came up with the idea, but said he doesn't have a problem with using the machine for that purpose.
"No idea was too crazy to throw out at these meetings," said Cutler. "We were in desperation trying to deal with this disease."
Feeding chickens into a wood chipper, he said, "seemed like it was instantaneous and there was no suffering�. I personally believe if it's done properly with correct equipment, it's a humane way of disposing of birds in an emergency."
Cutler said he's being unfairly targeted by animal welfare activists. In the last three weeks, four national animal advocate groups have called for his removal from the animal welfare committee.
In the county's report into the incident, Arie Wilgenburg, one of the ranch owners, is quoted as saying that several veterinarians, including Cutler, said wood-chipping was an "approved method" to kill hens that were no longer producing eggs.
An egg ranch manager, Ken Iriye, told officials that the ranch preferred using the wood chipper to the usual methods of gassing by carbon-dioxide or snapping chickens' necks because it was "less traumatizing." He said it was easier for the staff to "cram the chickens in a chute than to chase them around and break their necks."
The report says that Cutler acknowledged supervising the mass euthanasia over the phone. County Animal Services Lt. Mary Kay Gagliardo said Cutler also told her that he believed using a wood chipper was humane.
Gagliardo wrote: "I then asked him if he felt it was still humane if they were going in there bunches at a time, being plugged up in the chute, not knowing if they were going into the shredder feet first, breast first, if he still considered that a humane death, and he said to me, 'Yes, of course. However they go in, it's quick, it's painless, and it's over in seconds.' "
Cutler denies saying this and claims there are numerous inaccuracies in the report.
Wilgenburg, one of the ranch's owners, said that since February he has received about 100 pieces of hate mail and several threatening phone calls in the middle of the night. The sale of part of the ranch to Cebe Farms, which raises poultry for eating, was held up for several months because of the public outcry, Wilgenburg said.
If he had to do it again, he said, he would have gassed the chickens instead of sending them through a chipper. "Still, gassing is worse than the wood chipper�. It takes slightly longer for the chicken to die."
In filing the complaint against Cutler, the county asked the state Department of Consumer Affairs to investigate the incident further and determine if punishment was warranted.
A state veterinary board spokeswoman said the agency does not comment on filed complaints. Generally, if the veterinary board believes a violation has occurred, the case is taken to the state attorney general's office, said Gina Bayliss, the board's enforcement director. The attorney general may present it to an administrative law judge, who can put a veterinarian on probation or suspend or revoke his license.
In April, the San Diego district attorney's office investigated whether the egg ranch had committed animal cruelty. Elisabeth Silva, the deputy district attorney assigned to the case, said that she could not find criminal intent on the part of the owners, concluding that the Wilgenburgs were just following professional advice.
Silva's office declined to file a case. Animal welfare groups protested. Silva investigated further, but again declined to file a case against the Wilgenburgs.
Animal interest groups continue to protest Cutler's fitness to practice avian medicine. Karen Davis, president of the Machipongo, Va.-based United Poultry Concerns, has been circulating the San Diego County documents and vowed that animal groups would continue to nettle the American Veterinary Medical Assn. until it removed Cutler from the animal welfare committee.
In response to the outcry, the veterinary association has publicly condemned throwing live chickens into a wood chipper. Spokeswoman Gail Golab said they are pursuing "standard procedures to investigate allegations against members," but would not divulge details.
Other poultry experts may have also authorized the wood-chipping, the animal welfare groups acknowledged, but they said they focused on Cutler because of his committee membership.
"This is not just anybody," said Wayne Pacelle, spokesman for the Humane Society of the United States. "This is a guy on the animal welfare committee of the most prominent animal veterinary group in the country. That does not inspire confidence in any declaration from such a committee."
Seems kinda messy. Discuss.....
For the record i see no problem with this. They are being disposed of, humanely (instantaneous death) and turned into well fertilized dirt.
as opposed to letting them starve, cutting their heads off, electrocution, gassing or burning them alive?
a chipper would at least be humane in as far as its over quickly and leaves a eco-friendly byproduct.
I dont see the problem myself.
2003-11-24, 01:50 PM
at least they have a cool death story to tell thier friends up in chicken heaven. :lol:
2003-11-24, 01:59 PM
When I read the thread title I'm like, Wha? So I start to read it, and guess what, 30k chickens were chopped up in a wood chipper. This is hilarious to me. I would love to see all the feathers coming out and whatnot. But I digress, chickens are stupid. I really don't see why we have to kill an animal in a humane way. If I shot a chicken, it would die, if I snapped its neck, it would die. If we send 30,000 chickens to death by wood chipper, they still die. The end result is the same. It's DEAD.
2003-11-24, 01:59 PM
"Hey wow, look at that! a bucket! is there food in that bucket? Neat! There are friends in that bucket! I am going for a ride! Look, a worm on the ground. Hey! What's the deal with that big thing? All my friends are going in, looks kinda neat, like a big ride! Whee! I'm going in to it for a ----"
2003-11-24, 02:01 PM
Now use your imaginations and think up the sounds.
I could have sworn I heard that months ago. They should have taken them to a shotgun range. People would pay big bucks to blast chickens.
2003-11-24, 02:06 PM
let em run loose, good target practice
2003-11-24, 03:48 PM
They are only chickens, but they could have done it another way.
2003-11-24, 04:04 PM
They COULD have, but they didn't.
2003-11-24, 04:10 PM
Oh c'mon!
How many chances in life are you going to have to shove chickens into a woodchipper?
I woulda been like " Hey you know this wasn't my idea but as long as they are giving us the go head....Lets do this thing before somebody changes their mind."
2003-11-24, 04:29 PM
Shoving chickens into a wood chipper may sound funny to you, but let's say I decide to shove you in a wood chipper. Is that humane now? No? What about kittens, or dogs? No? Why chickens then? Is it because they're not as cute and cuddly?
Come on, get real. That isn't humane, and I doubt it's ethical either. I can see euthanizing animals because they are carriers of disease, but by a fucking wood chipper? Bullshit.
What makes this the ultimate hypocracy is that this idea supposedly came from a freaking committee on animal rights.
2003-11-24, 04:33 PM
I side with firefly, sorta. A human life has more value, but still, that's a pretty sick idea, using living creatures for fuel. Matrix, here we come.
2003-11-24, 04:46 PM
Shoving chickens into a wood chipper may sound funny to you, but let's say I decide to shove you in a wood chipper. Is that humane now? No? What about kittens, or dogs? No? Why chickens then? Is it because they're not as cute and cuddly?
Come on, get real. That isn't humane, and I doubt it's ethical either. I can see euthanizing animals because they are carriers of disease, but by a fucking wood chipper? Bullshit.
What makes this the ultimate hypocracy is that this idea supposedly came from a freaking committee on animal rights.
I concur whole-heartedly.
2003-11-24, 04:50 PM
Shoving chickens into a wood chipper may sound funny to you, but let's say I decide to shove you in a wood chipper. Is that humane now? No? What about kittens, or dogs? No? Why chickens then? Is it because they're not as cute and cuddly?
Come on, get real. That isn't humane, and I doubt it's ethical either. I can see euthanizing animals because they are carriers of disease, but by a fucking wood chipper? Bullshit.
What makes this the ultimate hypocracy is that this idea supposedly came from a freaking committee on animal rights.Yeah, I agree. Anyone involved should be fed into a woodchipper... slowly. Imagine your household pet, or for that matter, you, being fed into a woodchipper. I dare you to tell me that's humane.
For shame, PSU.
2003-11-24, 04:50 PM
2003-11-24, 04:55 PM
not that much different process for making chicken nuggets really... they just cut out a step. :D
2003-11-24, 05:49 PM
Shoving chickens into a wood chipper may sound funny to you, but let's say I decide to shove you in a wood chipper. Is that humane now? No? What about kittens, or dogs? No? Why chickens then? Is it because they're not as cute and cuddly?
Come on, get real. That isn't humane, and I doubt it's ethical either. I can see euthanizing animals because they are carriers of disease, but by a fucking wood chipper? Bullshit.
What makes this the ultimate hypocracy is that this idea supposedly came from a freaking committee on animal rights.
Yeah, actually it is humane. It's not ethical, but it's humane. The chickens fed into the woodchipper died instantly so it's just as humane as breaking their necks, shooting them, gassing them or injecting them. The animals HAD to be killed, they merely chose the cheapest and easiest way to do it. Is it terrible? Yes, however it is legal and American businesses are not known for their ethics.
By the way Here are the CA statutes for animal cruelty. ( There are some pretty hefty penalties for malicous animal mutilations.
2003-11-24, 05:57 PM
You realize chickens run around for 5 minutes with their heads cut off right? They don't know what's going on, and it's a hell of a lot better than when they're killed for consumption. I have a buddy who's mom has a farm, and when she goes to kill a chicken for dinner, she grabs it by the neck, and just whips it like a bull whip, sending the body flying and the head remaining in her hand. She comes back out in a bit to get the body. You guys are seriously over reacting. Either that or you've never seen what a wood chipper does to wood, I imagine chickens would be even quicker.
Fact is, a chicken isn't a cat or dog, it's a lower life form. It's certainly not a human, and it's some quality dumb shit to imply it to be even comparable.
2003-11-24, 06:01 PM
Who cares is what I say. There are some sick MFers out there, as long as they stay away from me.
2003-11-24, 06:10 PM
You realize chickens run around for 5 minutes with their heads cut off right? They don't know what's going on, and it's a hell of a lot better than when they're killed for consumption. I have a buddy who's mom has a farm, and when she goes to kill a chicken for dinner, she grabs it by the neck, and just whips it like a bull whip, sending the body flying and the head remaining in her hand. She comes back out in a bit to get the body. You guys are seriously over reacting. Either that or you've never seen what a wood chipper does to wood, I imagine chickens would be even quicker.
Fact is, a chicken isn't a cat or dog, it's a lower life form. It's certainly not a human, and it's some quality dumb shit to imply it to be even comparable.It's alive nonetheless. We have no evidence to suggest that they do not feel pain.
2003-11-24, 06:13 PM
It's alive nonetheless. We have no evidence to suggest that they do not feel pain.
sucks for them. I like my bojangles :D
edit: yea I realize this news isnt about chickens that would be used as food, but im making a point about how I feel about the treatment of the lower animals. In the world of chickens I would say the chickens turned chipper fodder were the lucky ones.
edit2 (ok more like edit12) ^ my post sucked ass, dont bother trying to make sense of it. :doh:
2003-11-24, 06:16 PM
this reminds me of that bruce lee movie where the guy's head gets fed into the wood shredder and-
2003-11-24, 06:43 PM
Oh really? I didn't realize there were sub-classes of animal life forms.
So then are you in line of thinking that certain "ethnicities" of humans are sub-standard? Or just animals? And you determine an animal's intelligence how? Did you learn to speak Chicken and then decide, "This bird is fuckin stupid!"? I'm really curious as to how you break down an animal's intelligence and value in the animal kingdom. I mean, I'd really like to know where "the fact is", and what authority made it fact that a chicken was a lower life form. Cats and dogs are cuter, and have fur instead of skanky feathers, therefore they must be of more worth. Otters- they're cute and furry and do cute little tricks, but a chicken- he just sits there and makes noise and pecks at the ground- must be fed to the chipper!
I don't argue with the fact that the chickens were diseased and needed to be destroyed. What I find sick is the fact that A) they used a fucking woodchipper, B) some of you find that intensely funny, C) you don't see that as somehow disturbing, and D) the idea came from an animal rights committee.
And for the record, I don't eat chicken nuggets, unless I buy chicken and make it myself. Do you know what's actually in that shit?
2003-11-24, 06:45 PM
Amazing points.
2003-11-24, 07:28 PM
Amazing points.
Points that had already made with less detail a page back and that were well refuted in Navarone's post. Fact is the two of you are over-reacting, it isnt funny, but it isnt something worth making an ethical argument over. Remember, they are our food, not friends or companions such as a dog or cat.
I dont even consiter this as being news-worthy, most people just dont care, and are much less willing to shed a tear over some chipper chopped chickens.
2003-11-24, 07:37 PM
Oh really? I didn't realize there were sub-classes of animal life forms.
So then are you in line of thinking that certain "ethnicities" of humans are sub-standard? Or just animals? And you determine an animal's intelligence how? Did you learn to speak Chicken and then decide, "This bird is fuckin stupid!"? I'm really curious as to how you break down an animal's intelligence and value in the animal kingdom. I mean, I'd really like to know where "the fact is", and what authority made it fact that a chicken was a lower life form. Cats and dogs are cuter, and have fur instead of skanky feathers, therefore they must be of more worth. Otters- they're cute and furry and do cute little tricks, but a chicken- he just sits there and makes noise and pecks at the ground- must be fed to the chipper!
Wow, you're insane.
2003-11-24, 07:40 PM
Remember, they are our food, not friends or companions such as a dog or cat.
I'm guessing you missed the Seinfeld episode where Kramer had a chicken for a pet.
Wow, you're insane.
I know.
Those were serious questions that I had, but okay... I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion but me. Thanks for the great debate.
2003-11-24, 07:43 PM
I'm guessing you missed the Seinfeld episode where Kramer had a chicken for a pet.
HFS! Someone notify PETA, Seinfeld can now be used as viable support for animal rights arguments!
2003-11-24, 07:58 PM
HFS! Someone notify PETA, Seinfeld can now be used as viable support for animal rights arguments!
He used the rooster in cock fights... so... yeah....
Anyhow I don't care... I've done worse to animals then shredding them and killing them quickly... Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...
Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
2003-11-24, 08:10 PM
Fact is, a chicken isn't a cat or dog, it's a lower life form. It's certainly not a human, and it's some quality dumb shit to imply it to be even comparable.
But chickens should be considered up there. They give food, theyre fun to squeeze, and they dance. hmmm, a bountiful bird indeed. Anyway, you're right. It is a lot better death than being killed by KFC or any other company
Still, it is a little gruesome(although, sort of funny when you think about how that must have looked if you just saw the chipper over a fence or something)
Anyway, the guy should be reprimanded someway, but not removed.
2003-11-24, 08:11 PM
gg spider, this thread was already worthless and now you come and try to fuck it up even more with your depraved stories in an attempt to troll.
trolling dosnt work well when the person you are trying to get a rise out of realizes your hook is bullshit.
2003-11-24, 08:16 PM
He used the rooster in cock fights... so... yeah....
Anyhow I don't care... I've done worse to animals then shredding them and killing them quickly... Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...
Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
Either your full of Bullshit
Or next time cut deeper
2003-11-24, 08:24 PM
He used the rooster in cock fights... so... yeah....
Anyhow I don't care... I've done worse to animals then shredding them and killing them quickly... Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...
Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
Thats not fucking funny. I hate it when anyone abuses animals fucking piece of shit. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
2003-11-24, 08:48 PM
Oh noes! They are pissed at me because I hurt a rabid dog! GEE! What will I ever do!?!? :rolleyes:
2003-11-24, 08:48 PM
you know, when i was in the first grade, i got a pet chicken, and i loved my lil chicken, whom i named blacky. howd you like for your dog to be shoved into a grinder?
2003-11-24, 08:50 PM
you know, when i was in the first grade, i got a pet chicken, and i loved my lil chicken, whom i named blacky. howd you like for your dog to be shoved into a grinder?
I'd love it! The stupid piece of shit bichon fris� won't die! It's like 15 years old ffs!
Give more room for the new puppy!
2003-11-24, 08:52 PM
Stop trolling you idiot.
2003-11-24, 09:02 PM
I think I can see the sequel to the Onizuka / Tek Ban; Spider / Zodiac...
2003-11-24, 09:03 PM
I've got a question. Your all talking about how these chickens would feel, and how we would feel if they shoved my cat into a wood chipper. Well, it wouldn't be humane if the chickens didn't feel pain, because thats what humane fucking means.
Humane - 1. kind, tender, merciful, etc.
I love my cat, but I'm not gonna get so upset because it died. I lost a cat that I had for all my life, sure, I looked for it, but I was never so upset that I had to scream and cry and tell how the world is so unfair. I hate human rights people for thinking all animals are equal. The main goal in this world is to survive, and by surviving you mate and kill those that would kill you. It said that they didn't know if the chickens were diseased or not, but they weren't laying eggs so they killed them, a smart move. They killed them using a wood chipper, which I think is much more humane than gassing, or snapping their necks, because they would feel no or extremely little pain. You may think I'm sick and perverted because I laugh at the thought of a bunch of chickens being shoved into a wood chipper and coming out as fuel. Hey! Wait a minute! They have another use when they're dead? Oh my! They're used as fuel! What about those other dead chickens that they shot or gassed? What did they do with those? C'mon, tell me.
2003-11-24, 09:08 PM
if there an animal we eat. FUCK HUMANE TREATMENT. We pop them in our Salivating mouths and shit them out our plump asses. Waste of our judicial system.
I think spiders statement should have been:
Oh noes! They are pissed at me because I hurt a rabid dog! GEE! What will I ever do!?!? :lol:
2003-11-24, 09:08 PM
Ok, I'm sorry, but being stuffed into the wood chipper, kicking and screaming (being raked by claws from other chickens, mind you) is NOT humane. There's no way you can actually tell me that, I refuse to believe it. What about the chickens who lose a leg and then get blocked by another one? Is that humane for them? I think not.
Once again Zodiac, The rebutes were poor at best. If it can feel pain, it deserves the same end that your household pet does. The fact that their neurological systems are not as advanced as a cat or dog has nothing to do with it, it does not change the fact that they can feel and react to pain. If you're trying to make a different point, please point it out.
2003-11-24, 09:14 PM
Actually, I don't think they shoved the chickens in all at one time... and a wood chipper is pretty damn good at what it does, destroy things, so really, you can't say they had to suffer intense pain by being trapped inside.
I say it again, I hate people that think, just because these animals feel pain, makse them equal to the human race. They're stupid little birds who's only use to our life is to provide food (and other chickens, which provide food). If you can give me a chicken that can talk to me in the English language, and discuss the philisophical views of slaughtering chicken by wood chipper, then maybe I'll reconsider my view.
2003-11-24, 09:15 PM
But there not HUMAN they dont need humane treatment. 8)
Go kill an animal yourself eat it and contemplate the reality of our situation to animal. You will have a completely different veiw. Hell even a fish will work. Thats nature and reality. We are more humane than a lions strangulation, which isnt really the point. Theres a bigger picture to all this.
We hunt to eat this is our world. Everything in this world eats something and in this reality everything including our flesh is food. An argument about an animals welfare in our reality is pointless no matter how you look at it.
2003-11-24, 09:20 PM
I kind of agree with Ait'al... if it's too dumb to raise me and then eat me or use me! Then I'm doing it!
2003-11-24, 09:25 PM
I think I can see the sequel to the Onizuka / Tek Ban; Spider / Zodiac...
yea...right :rofl: :rofl:
edit: btw, I cant belive alot of you took spiders bait even after mine and sputtys posts.
2003-11-24, 09:36 PM
Bottom line is that this argument has really come down to a difference of opinions, no one is going to change anyones mind with any further pointless debate.
Drop it and go to the pol forum if you want to debate something. :thumbsup:
2003-11-24, 09:37 PM
Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...
Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
Bohica guys, put spider on ignore. I don't want to see any more replies to him.
2003-11-24, 09:41 PM
Does that order go out to more than just BOHICA guys? ;)
But anyway this debate is over...most people say the same thing, it's quick and painless let em do it, so like Zodiac said just go to the pol forums for a debate :thumbsup:
2003-11-24, 09:47 PM
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
PROOF: I broke my friends nose after he put a fish in a cup of tap water with a few icecubes of dry ice. The fish was okay in the end, however he was not. He also threw an alive frog hard onto a rock and i watched it dye. I promptly threw him in the pool we were standing next to. Those were small animals, get the picture. I dont like innocent things getting hurt, and i dont care if they have emotions or not.
2003-11-24, 10:00 PM
Onizuka is my hero. (Just thought I'd throw that meanless little reply in to piss off Zodiac. :rofl: )
2003-11-24, 10:03 PM
Onizuka is my hero. (Just thought I'd throw that meanless little reply in to piss off Zodiac. :rofl: )
I'm not pissed off at all, its his friends nose, not mine. :p
I havent been pissed during the entire thread, just aggrivated by a certain poster.
2003-11-24, 10:35 PM
Spider or myself? Oh wait. I don't care. :p
2003-11-24, 11:02 PM
Bohica guys, put spider on ignore. I don't want to see any more replies to him.
Navaron, i love you.
2003-11-24, 11:06 PM
Just read some firefly posts. Sorry dude. It is humane. What would you recommend? Gas? Neck snapping? Or killing chickens almost INSTANTLY, we're talking tenths of a second it gets killed in. It takes longer than that for the chicken to realize it's getting shoved into a wood chipper. Another huge plus side is they produce very fertile material. I am so for this, whoever is against it has got to be nuts.
2003-11-24, 11:38 PM
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
PROOF: I broke my friends nose after he put a fish in a cup of tap water with a few icecubes of dry ice. The fish was okay in the end, however he was not. He also threw an alive frog hard onto a rock and i watched it dye. I promptly threw him in the pool we were standing next to. Those were small animals, get the picture. I dont like innocent things getting hurt, and i dont care if they have emotions or not.
Best post by Oni ever, I totally agree.
2003-11-25, 12:06 AM
Animal Rights Activists. Gotta slap em with a noodle.
2003-11-25, 01:07 AM
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
so, if i kill a fly in your presence, you'll beat me up with a steel beam?
2003-11-25, 01:33 AM
Some people like hurting animals.
These people like hurting animals because in life they find that their own intelligence and social skills are sub par compared to the rest of us humans.
Now these people find things like cats or dogs or chickens, animals which, a good deal of the time, display more intellegence and are better company then the people themselves. However unlike the rest of the population, these animals are genrally smaller and weaker then these people, so they become the focus of their attacks, because these sorry exscuses for humans have nothing better to do, having become the anal warts of the world.
Moral of the story: Just because you have no friends and a small member does give you the right take harm animals just because everyone likes them better then you. If you find you can not help but to harm animals who have done nothing to you just because it gives you some self gratification then you should go drink bleach and die. K thnx.
PS:Onizuka is now the cool person of the week for standing up for animals, kudos for you.
2003-11-25, 02:36 AM
Some people like hurting animals.
These people like hurting animals because in life they find that their own intelligence and social skills are sub par compared to the rest of us humans.
Now these people find things like cats or dogs or chickens, animals which, a good deal of the time, display more intellegence and are better company then the people themselves. However unlike the rest of the population, these animals are genrally smaller and weaker then these people, so they become the focus of their attacks, because these sorry exscuses for humans have nothing better to do, having become the anal warts of the world.
Moral of the story: Just because you have no friends and a small member does give you the right take harm animals just because everyone likes them better then you. If you find you can not help but to harm animals who have done nothing to you just because it gives you some self gratification then you should go drink bleach and die. K thnx.
PS:Onizuka is now the cool person of the week for standing up for animals, kudos for you.
Its ugly! Its green (sometimes brown or possibly a light blue)! It smells bad! Its a troll!
2003-11-25, 03:46 AM
well all this talk about dogs and cats... do you only care about animals when they're cute? aslo I've seen the video where the korean family cuts up teh live puppy to eat it. so it does happen.
and well bhuddasts believe you sohuld be at peace/harmony with all living things in the world down to the smallest fly. but whatever, I'm not a chicken so the thought of them going through a wood chipper is amusing. and yes i do find killing animals just for the hell of it is sick. unless its an insect of course, you can kill all them creepy fuckers...
2003-11-25, 04:38 AM
Just a bunch of chickens, couldn't care less how they kill them.
2003-11-25, 06:30 AM
Its ugly! Its green (sometimes brown or possibly a light blue)! It smells bad! Its a troll!
Rayder shut up... I'm the resident troll, Tobias is fine in my book!
2003-11-25, 06:36 AM
Its ugly! Its green (sometimes brown or possibly a light blue)! It smells bad! Its a troll!
You're ugly, you're a funny color, you smell bad and I think you're a little troll. I know I am bigger than you and also capable of inflicting great harm and violence upon you.
Therefore it is okay for me to stick a powder-explosive up your ass and blow it apart and it is also okay for me to beat you and kill you by crushing you.
Okay, glad we got that settled. Because I'm bigger and a dominant predator, of the ONLY species on earth that kills for enjoyment and pleasure, it's okay for me to kill and maim and hurt things that are smaller and weaker than me, especially if they're ugly and smell funny. What was that about a strong sense of reality you mentioned?
(ps this is not about the chickens or else I'd have quoted it)
2003-11-25, 09:11 AM
I think that is the first time ever I have been called a troll....
I was saying stuff bout people who do cruel things to animals, and while I think the chicken chipper thing was cruel, the people who found it funny are not evil and stupid, most of them anyway, though if they put 30k chickens (or even a bakers dozen) in a one they would be....
It was the people who actually do such things that I was speaking of. If you yourself do such things Rayder then yes, by all means, take it badly, but other wise, to quote that TW guy so long ago, go drink a bucket of AIDS water.....and die.
2003-11-25, 04:11 PM
Best post by Oni ever, I totally agree.
2003-11-25, 05:11 PM
Its ugly! Its green (sometimes brown or possibly a light blue)! It smells bad! Its a troll!Don't think so poorly of yourself.
2003-11-25, 05:18 PM
I don't, I'm a rich purple.
2003-11-25, 05:23 PM
...How's that working out for you?
2003-11-25, 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Onizuka
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
PROOF: I broke my friends nose after he put a fish in a cup of tap water with a few icecubes of dry ice. The fish was okay in the end, however he was not. He also threw an alive frog hard onto a rock and i watched it dye. I promptly threw him in the pool we were standing next to. Those were small animals, get the picture. I dont like innocent things getting hurt, and i dont care if they have emotions or not.
Best post by Oni ever, I totally agree.
I have one thing to say to this. ;p
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
If i eat its brother for dinner dont insult its intelegence buy saying you love it. :dance:
Originally Posted by Rayder
Its ugly! Its green (sometimes brown or possibly a light blue)! It smells bad! Its a troll!
Rayder shut up... I'm the resident troll, Tobias is fine in my book!
Im a better troll that you are! *melodic taunt*^^
2003-11-25, 08:02 PM
2003-11-25, 08:06 PM
Yeah I concur wholeheartedly, wtf was that. Coherancy please.
2003-11-26, 12:25 AM
This thread is going to the moon!
2003-11-26, 12:54 AM
2003-11-26, 12:54 AM
^Homestar reference?
"Stand back the Cheat, cuz this shack is going TO THE MOON!!!"
2003-11-26, 12:57 AM
Its form the honey mooners. thats where they got it from. :flamemad:
Going to the Moon Alice!!!! Er, somthing like that. Get it right!! ;)
and who the hell is agreeing with who. Im confused?!
It was an ironic joke. People(Him) who hurt Animals(his freind) are fucktards.
Blah blah blah! They have serious mental issues Edit: hurt. blah things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU blah. 8)
2003-11-26, 01:06 AM
You mean, "One of these days Alice, Zip! Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!" or something along those lines?
2003-11-26, 01:15 AM
To the majority of posters in this thread:
BTW, for calling Tobias a troll, you are now labeled as retarded.
GJ with that
2003-11-26, 01:15 AM
As long as I get to stare at that cat.
2003-11-26, 01:24 AM
As long as I get to stare at that cat.
2003-11-26, 01:30 AM
The cuteness is blinding.
2003-11-26, 01:34 AM
the only thing cuter than girls.
2003-11-26, 06:31 AM
They have serious mental issues
I thought it was already understood I was scyzho... *cough*
Happy lil Elf
2003-11-26, 02:51 PM
Remember the "Things you Hate" thread when I said I hate California? Things like this are exactly why.
Look, people who hurt animals are fucktards. They have serious mental issues at taking pleasure at watching innocent creatures, things that have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO YOU, and hurting them for NO reason. That pisses me off to no end.
I agree with this entirely. People who are cruel to animals for the sake of amusement should be shot. Not because it's animals, but rather simply because someone is being cruel for amusement. Of course none of that has anything to do with the situation Squeeky posted. At all. Yes, I think we can all agree that Spider, sadly, is nothing more than a pathetically worthless troll. And I think we can also all agree that beating animals to death with a bat for fun is pretty fucking wrong. Yay us. The topic at hand is whether killing chickens by the use of a woodchipper for reasons that have nothing to do with amusement is wrong.
Since it apparently kills them as quickly if not quicker than other methods generally used I'm going to have to say that it's a perfectly acceptable method, at least in my opinion.
There is no evidence of it being painless? Funny, according to the article there are verternarians who say it's a painless and instantaneous death. I'd say the burden of proof lies with the opponents of the method to find evidence that the chickens do, in fact, feel pain. Oh, and no I'm sorry but I won't take the word of a Vet who's a card carrying member of PETA or who sepnds his weekends in the picketlines. Find me a neutral veterarian who says it's a painful way to destroy the chickens and that it's cruel to them and we'll talk. Until then there isn't really all much to argue.
I'll admit at first I thought that sounded pretty wrong. Then I actually considered it. Chickens would die extremely fast in a woodchipper. Not only that, but it would actually kill them almost instantly whereas snapping the neck or cutting the head off does not necessarily end life immediately, because the brain does not cease functioning immediately after being cut off of it's supply of blood. However having your entire body ground up and crushed in less than a quater of a second a second, while definately a greusome thought to consider, would indeed end all life nearly instantaneously.
Now then, if I don't have a problem with grinding chickens into meat sauce, would I still have a problem with us doing it to humans? Of course. But then I think most people, myself included, place a bit more sanctity on human life and death than on that of a chicken, as well we should.
2003-11-26, 04:18 PM
wow. :clap:
2003-11-26, 05:00 PM
Now then, if I don't have a problem with grinding chickens into meat sauce, would I still have a problem with us doing it to humans? Of course. But then I think most people, myself included, place a bit more sanctity on human life and death than on that of a chicken, as well we should.
And if you do have a problem with grinding chickens to meat sauce. REMEMBER THIS:
My bolognai has a first name. Its C H I C K E N B Y P R O D U C T S A N D A S A S A U G E G R I N D E R!
2003-11-26, 05:19 PM
Your weird.
2003-11-26, 05:25 PM
Your weird.
You win the understatment of the year award.
Sputty, where is that boy scout tard award pic? ;)
2003-11-26, 05:57 PM
You win the understatment of the year award.
Sputty, where is that boy scout tard award pic? ;)
2003-11-26, 05:59 PM
2003-11-26, 06:40 PM
Don't mean to sound insensitive or anything of that sort, but, thats freakin' hilarious.
2003-11-26, 06:44 PM
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: HOly shit i cant stop laughing!!!
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