View Full Version : Lodestar = teh up!

2003-11-24, 07:57 PM


2003-11-24, 08:02 PM
Can't really tell if it's bay or clamp based...

2003-11-24, 08:02 PM
Screenshots plz

Ment in game, not the ones on the site LOL

2003-11-24, 08:06 PM
Didn't they say it'd have some other function as well, other than vehicle transporting? Not to say that vehicle transporting is not needed, of course, just that I recall reading in an interview, perhaps, that they had a secondary role for it.

2003-11-24, 08:07 PM
Yes i believe in the Ask the Devs, they did mention something about another purpose...

Edit: It does have a second purpose, repairing nearby vehicles when grounded

2003-11-24, 08:09 PM
And rearming them.

2003-11-24, 08:15 PM
i was hoping that the loadstar would hold more then one veh .......... :(

2003-11-24, 08:17 PM
it looks kinda................................odd.....

2003-11-24, 08:17 PM
There is no AA weapons on it?

2003-11-24, 08:18 PM
maybe the loadstar can hold 1 large vehicle and multiples of small vehicles: maybe 4 atvs :D

2003-11-24, 08:19 PM
Damn thats huge! well ill just wait till it goes live tell me how it is and how it flies

2003-11-24, 08:20 PM
Have u clicked on the Screenshots? ITS HUGE!! it looks like it can carry 2 AMS.

2003-11-24, 08:23 PM
Here is a quote from The lodestar article.

The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a force shield when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit.

See where it sais MAIN bay does that mean more then 1 BAY? I think it does unless the devs/writers need to go back to grammer school. :)

2003-11-24, 08:24 PM
"OMG!!! its a new conglomerate!!! the devs favor the NC cause they own the first lodestar!!! not fair!!!"

here comes terra to bitch about how NC are favored by the devs again

2003-11-24, 08:25 PM
It probably flys like a galaxy and i hope they combine it with the Gal cert

2003-11-24, 08:25 PM
ummm arnt u NC? WHO SIDE ARE U ON?!

2003-11-24, 08:27 PM
It probably flys like a galaxy and i hope they combine it with the Gal cert

U wont have to worry about that its 99% likely they will cuzz its not that good of a "buy" if they didnt.

2003-11-24, 08:27 PM
i quoted terra

2003-11-24, 08:29 PM
oops :doh:

2003-11-24, 08:31 PM
in honor of this event...

2003-11-24, 08:34 PM
I wonder what the mowing capabilities are of this lumbering behemoth

2003-11-24, 08:38 PM
Look at it. It's huge. There's no way you're gonna be able to scrape somebody without getting caught on the geometry and spinning to death.

2003-11-24, 08:49 PM

2003-11-24, 08:56 PM

Wow.....its bigger than my....stiffy....


Me need more ss, lemme see the rear, lemme see the loading space, lemme see the underside, lemme see the back side, lemme see ss!!!

I'm screwing my lightning cert for this thing!

2003-11-24, 08:59 PM
Yeah, a rear shot (ahem) would be nice.

2003-11-24, 09:00 PM
Its hard to tell wether or not the thing is clamp or bay. Theres a note that says that the router must strafe into the bay to get in to keep AA profile down, that would indicate an external carrying device. But it keeps refering to bays, are those blue things landing legs or the clamps/ tractor beam things to hold things?

2003-11-24, 09:04 PM
Thinks those are landing devices.

2003-11-24, 09:10 PM
Holy shit! Flying air condictionar unit!

2003-11-24, 09:12 PM
There's evidence to support either clamp or bay docking systems. Keep in mind the terminology...

To load a vehicle into the Lodestar, simply drive the vehicle near the Lodestar, atop the mounting circle provided for vehicles, and then hit "G to enter". The Lodestar will grab your vehicle automatically and the pilot will take over from there. The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a force shield when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit.

2003-11-24, 09:12 PM
That thing is one ugly ass SOB isn't it... cool though.

2003-11-24, 09:13 PM
Here is an interesting concept i came up with. what do u think?

Please click screenshot: http://www.planetsideimages.com/uploads/lodestar1.jpg

If the top goes up and the bottom swings out it can fit basicly any vehicle and to the right of that is another which means it could fit 2.

2003-11-24, 09:19 PM
Here's what would be cool:
the two red circled things go out, and a clamp comes out from the top of the opening that made which pics up the vehicle and places it inside the chamber. Then the 2 things circled in red close back in around it, secure the vehicle.

2003-11-24, 09:20 PM
Here is an interesting concept i came up with. what do u think?

Please click screenshot: http://www.planetsideimages.com/uploads/lodestar1.jpg

If the(blue)top goes up and the bottom(Gray square with NC sign)swings out it can fit basicly any vehicle and to the right of that is another which means it could fit 2.

2003-11-24, 09:21 PM
A forcefield keeps the vehicles in, not a hardtop.

....though i see how it could work, loading one big vehicle and several small ones....if its big enough.

And that thing should be able to hold a tailgunner atleast, i mean look at that cokpit! Its bigger than the ship itself.

2003-11-24, 09:21 PM
Here's what would be cool:
the two red circled things go out, and a clamp comes out from the top of the opening that made which pics up the vehicle and places it inside the chamber. Then the 2 things circled in red close back in around it, secure the vehicle.

BLAH! mines better :p
AND more logical. but it is a cool idea :)

2003-11-24, 09:25 PM
A forcefield keeps the vehicles in, not a hardtop.

....though i see how it could work, loading one big vehicle and several small ones....if its big enough.

And that thing should be able to hold a tailgunner atleast, i mean look at that cokpit! Its bigger than the ship itself.

SORRY! that is WHERE u are wrong my friend.
HERE IS QUOTE:"The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a FORCE SHIELD when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit."

And if im not mistaken SHIELDS where used it combat to protect.

2003-11-24, 09:25 PM
I don't know what you guys are talking about, thats a sexy beast. I mean, you see that thing coming at you, your ass is gone!

2003-11-24, 09:26 PM
I don't see your point. If you have an open top covered by a forcefield, it is protecting the vehicle.

2003-11-24, 09:29 PM
Look at my screen shot i am saying this may be the way it loads vehicle.


2003-11-24, 09:30 PM
SORRY! that is WHERE u are wrong my friend.
HERE IS QUOTE:"The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a FORCE SHIELD when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit."

And if im not mistaken SHIELDS where used it combat to protect.
I'm just as right as you could be. Force field, force shield, both about the same thing.

2003-11-24, 09:30 PM

looks alot like


2003-11-24, 09:30 PM
mabe so... good idea bryan

Diddy Mao
2003-11-24, 09:34 PM
I laughed the First time I saw this Thing Look's so Fricken Ugly!!!!

2003-11-24, 09:45 PM
The Lodestar is a single-crew vehicle that can lift and carry any ground vehicle quickly and smoothly to a desired location.
To load a vehicle into the Lodestar, simply drive the vehicle near the Lodestar, atop the mounting circle provided for vehicles, and then hit "G to enter". The Lodestar will grab your vehicle automatically and the pilot will take over from there. The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a force shield when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit.

To release your vehicle from the Lodestar, you can either hit ALT+G to dismount (which will bail your vehicle out of the Lodestar's grip if the Lodestar is flying at the time), or the pilot can release you by clicking the appropriate button on the Vehicles Permission screen.

When the Lodestar is landed on the ground, it acts as a repair/rearm pad for all vehicles. The Lodestar can do this as long as it is intact and landed. Lodestars in motion do not provide repair/rearm functionality.

NOTE: The Lodestar can carry the Router, but the Router must drive sideways (strafe) into the Lodestar vehicle bay. This was done to keep the Lodestar's AA profile as skinny as possible.

Here. 8)

2003-11-24, 09:46 PM
I disagree.(*now wheres my dictionary?*)........hmmm cant find Forcefield or Forceshield only shield and field doesnt say anything about defence or none of that mess. :p

2003-11-24, 09:47 PM
The Lodestar is a single-crew vehicle that can lift and carry any ground vehicle quickly and smoothly to a desired location.
To load a vehicle into the Lodestar, simply drive the vehicle near the Lodestar, atop the mounting circle provided for vehicles, and then hit "G to enter". The Lodestar will grab your vehicle automatically and the pilot will take over from there. The main bay of the Lodestar seals shut with a force shield when moving to protect its cargo from damage while it is in transit.

To release your vehicle from the Lodestar, you can either hit ALT+G to dismount (which will bail your vehicle out of the Lodestar's grip if the Lodestar is flying at the time), or the pilot can release you by clicking the appropriate button on the Vehicles Permission screen.

When the Lodestar is landed on the ground, it acts as a repair/rearm pad for all vehicles. The Lodestar can do this as long as it is intact and landed. Lodestars in motion do not provide repair/rearm functionality.

NOTE: The Lodestar can carry the Router, but the Router must drive sideways (strafe) into the Lodestar vehicle bay. This was done to keep the Lodestar's AA profile as skinny as possible.

Here. 8)

umm we all know that wy did u quote it?

2003-11-24, 10:12 PM
My god is it ugly! it better be able to fit a couple of AMS's if not Prowlers

2003-11-24, 10:15 PM
Holy shit! Flying air condictionar unit!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I Hate Pants
2003-11-24, 10:19 PM
I think its very sexy looking. Although I guess this means the death of the galaxy.

I wondering how the animation is going to look like for the pilot getting in and the vehicles.

2003-11-24, 10:20 PM

looks alot like


Only if he was redder, the vanu wouldn't be the only one with a retarded mascot.

2003-11-24, 10:54 PM
I wanna crash it into a base.

2003-11-24, 11:16 PM
See the compartments on the side with the three things under it. Each of those is a compartement (small one that is.) and theres a main one in the middle. That make 3on each side and the main one in hte middle. making atleast 7 unelss the main is seperated into like two lvs then who knows.

I know all. ^^

You drive up to the sides of the small compartements they open upward and you drive in. If ther is a second compartment it will have something on hte ground indicating its open. It will take you in the bottom layer and the floor wil shift up to the top. There will be a yellow indicator next to each on.8)

For hte main one you go to the back(hence no pictures to keep you guessing. 8P) And there is either room for one big sized vehicle or the same as the small compartments You get in, it shifts you ot the top and leaves room for the next and when its finnished theres a force feild instead of a wall like the smaller ones.

Hence the description of having to go in sideways with the Router. So possibly room in back too. Making 4 chambers in "the main bay" and two spaces in each of the smaller chambers. I may be off on the main bay but...

That should make 14-16 vehicles. 12 on the sides and 2or 4 in the center. 8)

Its definitely double layered.

This would then go great with about 4 galaxies. 2-4 big vehicles 12 small ones(like ATV or skyguards) 8 maxes 4 more vehicles from the galaxies and 24 infantry men. Plus the guns of the galaxies combined. 8) nice package. If it repairs air galaxies are invincible and you can set a base right outside a real one with that thing. :doh:

2003-11-24, 11:31 PM
nah, all wrong. THe lodestar will probably only carry 1 vehicle.

THe blue things on the side are just landing struts.

2003-11-24, 11:35 PM
Oh look a flying brick

2003-11-24, 11:36 PM
Thats what I think....but how come those stay out while the others retract while in flight?

2003-11-24, 11:37 PM
i mean the seperated spaces above them. Theres a yellow thing on each of them and they all look identicle. those are the small compartments. Above the landing struts.

besides this caption???The Lodestar. A picture from the early phases of creation. 11/24/03.

Ther are only two small bays on each side. Post the picture more form the side.

The grey squares (one with an NC insignia) are the doors to the small compartements the yellow are the walls

that makes 8 small vehicles and 2-4 big ones. 8P

2003-11-24, 11:43 PM
Lets be reasonable here. If it could carry several vehicles on both sides plus one big in the middle then you got yourself a zerg in 4 Lodestars. It is pretty big, atleast as fat as the Galaxy's wingspan. I think its a drive through. Like a backpack, you could store as much shit as you want filling up backpack space till there is no room.

Or just one/two vehicles could enter.....or 4-6 bikes....

2003-11-24, 11:44 PM
Spork says it will carry all vehs, no clue how many at once. As for its looks - Dave said on the dev interview it wasnt a sexy vehicle :D

2003-11-24, 11:44 PM
Hmm, I want to see the animation on how the hell he gets up and down from that thing...

2003-11-24, 11:45 PM
I know i had somehting wrong. the side ones are on a level of ther own in the middle of the vehicle thats 4 side compartment vehicles and a double layered middle compartment for 2 big ones. :D

That and the possibility of there being smaller vehicles in place of the big one.

Then my last idea is room for 4 big vehicles in the middle(maybe 6 with the not so perfect square shape) Plus the above possibility and the side things (the 4 of them) are the repair/rearm chambers and you have to enter them to get the service.

that has ot be it! See 2/3 spaces in the main bays upper lv and 2/3 on the bottom. thats why you ahve to put the router in sideways because theres more room going form the left and the right of the lodestar for vehicles because there chambers are rectangles with there short sides facing the sides of the plane. 8)

ill shut up now.;)

2003-11-25, 12:00 AM
wow HE ACTUALLY SHUT UP :D . Anyways all i know is that its gonna be the official -IoS- diddymobile (deliverer which we love the hell out of!) repairer. ;)

2003-11-25, 12:58 AM
i know its been said... but GOD DAMN THAT IS ON UGLY ASS MOTHERFUCKER..
Looks like a big ass bug...

would be nice if it can hold mulitple tanks.

2003-11-25, 01:16 AM
The first time I saw it I thought..... OS BABY! Could you imagine this think blowing up? What if it was full of full ANTs? Wow, I can only imagine.

2003-11-25, 01:30 AM
It will revolutionize the game, so get ready.

Time to drop some siege tanks on a ledge and kill their baes!11

2003-11-25, 01:31 AM
You know everyone will have one for about a week

2003-11-25, 01:43 AM
This is a cool idea too. You get sucked in the back through an open area. from the inside it puts you in the side compartments(4). Thats then the max capacity(sure!!!) and the side things open up underneath so that the "landing struts" "landing surface" is then touching teh bottom of the plane leaving an opening under your vehicles for drops. 8) and maybe theres room for a few more vehicles to stay in the main compartment that cant be dropped but have to wait for landing. Or lets say these (lets say four)(the ones that stay in the main Bay) other vehicles are then sucked into the drop compartments after the first drop for a two stage drop system with a total of 8 vehicles. But maybe the inside vehicles have to be ATV sized or only two large vehicles that sit sidways one next to the other. Meaning hte second drop can only do 2 large vehicles :brow:

thats an auto 4 nomater what the size vehicles plus 2or4 others depending on size.

I dont think i shut up very well. :p

IM guessing SPORK wouldnt be nice enough to pop in and give us another hint. Would he?8)

And maybe when its landed and deployed instead of coming out the bottom you drive in hte back sucked in a chamber, Get rearmed/repaired, the grey side doors open, and a ramp slides out for ground vehicles or an arm drops them, and if it does air vehicles(making it a Carrier vessel as well.:D ) the grey doors open and they just fly out. Besides the fact it says Ground vehicles.:lol: But hwo knows maybe it does part of it to repair Air vehicles.

2003-11-25, 02:58 AM
The strategic possibilities of this are mindboggling.

Base has a shield mod in it? Drop an ams in there with some vanguards and dominate.


2003-11-25, 05:50 AM
Will be a fun toy for a week or 2 i bet but depending on the availability of it in the field i doubt it will be commonly fielded.

2003-11-25, 06:29 AM
Hmmm..... wil the lodestar drop vehicles on a base with the shield module?

Just a thought..... would be cool if the vehicle would bounce off of it like 500 meters into the air.

A flying vangaurd.

Oh yeah.

2003-11-25, 07:49 AM
Spork says it will carry all vehs, no clue how many at once. As for its looks - Dave said on the dev interview it wasnt a sexy vehicle :D

It's damn sexy! :hitit:

2003-11-25, 08:32 AM
Looks like a vehicle with 2 extremely powerful engines to me. I'm a little disappointed in that it has no defensive systems though. A little forcefield isn't exactly enough.

2003-11-25, 09:10 AM
Well ok here we go.

Judging by the two HUGE intakes on the front of it, The majority of this vehicle is ENGINES, 2 giant ones. These are not vehicle compartments. I do not believe the wings rotate up to hold the vehicles, infact I think that concept is dumb, but who knows.

I think I'll throw my hat into the open air compartment right behind the driver, and that it will carry 1 vehicle.

Question: If it is open air and I am in my vehicle can I shoot? :)

2003-11-25, 09:25 AM
pfft..definatly what you want is to have 2 lodestars, both carrying a flail each...then you line the lodestars vertically so they're beneath each other. Then the lodestar at top, drops the flail down on the lodestar below, so its on top of that lodestar...then the lodestar which is now empty, positions itself below the lodestar which has a flail on top of it. Then the second lodestar drops the flail he's got in the cargobay down on the first lodestar, and suddenly you have 2 flails at 400 feet :)

then you can start shootin'!


2003-11-25, 10:39 AM
That would be pretty hard to do..........

2003-11-25, 10:42 AM
EDIT- just thought id stick that in here ;)

2003-11-25, 11:04 AM
OOOOH pretty background......

2003-11-25, 11:34 AM
Its Pug Fugky.

2003-11-25, 11:46 AM
After examining the Screenis and all of the data for about an hour I have come to a few conclusions about the loadstar that I am 100% sure are correct.


Ok we cant see behind the loadstar so im assuming that its just a big open space between the sides of it that we can see (look in screenis u cant see anything there). Now the router must strafe into this opening. Im guessing that it can only carry one large vehical and maybe 2 or 3 smaller ones. Thats the only thing im not 100% on. The whole thing lands and the pilot deploys and it becomes a rearm/ repair site. I dont know if it has a floor or the vehicals just float there, I think a floor would look better. Tell me what u think.

Edit: Reminds me of the drop ships in Halo used by the Covenant, jsut no infantry slots.

2003-11-25, 12:33 PM
They could have at least copied the cockpit-part of the Galaxy. Looks like a god damn butt-dog.

2003-11-25, 01:05 PM
pfft..definatly what you want is to have 2 lodestars, both carrying a flail each...then you line the lodestars vertically so they're beneath each other. Then the lodestar at top, drops the flail down on the lodestar below, so its on top of that lodestar...then the lodestar which is now empty, positions itself below the lodestar which has a flail on top of it. Then the second lodestar drops the flail he's got in the cargobay down on the first lodestar, and suddenly you have 2 flails at 400 feet :)

then you can start shootin'!


And then, after all that hard work and co-ordination, and enemy reaver sweeps by... :p .

2003-11-25, 01:45 PM
I hope it has more armor then galaxy.

2003-11-25, 01:54 PM
Unless things have changed since beta - vehicles dropped from aircraft which land on invalid points are deconstructed after a sec or 2 (just like parking too close to vehical pad or doors). Invalid points included any wall, catwalk, roof, etc.. (In Beta. I dropped an ant perfectly on the wall and thought to myself "cool I can drive around the wall" and before I could move, I suddenly dismounted the vehicle and watched it deconstruct). So I don't hold much hope that you can drop vehicles in odd places - would create too many problems to deal with. Easier to deconstruct them and drive the point home that this is a no-no, so don't bother trying. Dropping vehicles on the courtyards of bases with shields is entirely possible however. :brow:

I Hate Pants
2003-11-25, 02:35 PM
So I guess the shield moduel is uselss now!? Damn that really sucks!

2003-11-25, 02:59 PM
The shield module will still be useful. The lodestar with likely be hard to obtain, and dropping one tank in the yard at a time is not overwhelming at all.

2003-11-25, 03:24 PM
Flying BoomBox!

2003-11-25, 03:26 PM
Remember this thing has no guns - it's a big slow flying target - going to be hard to bring these things into a heavy firefight intact.

2003-11-25, 03:30 PM
Remember this thing has no guns - it's a big slow flying target - going to be hard to bring these things into a heavy firefight intact.

I think it's going to have massive amounts of armor keeping with the FPS formula that the uglier something is the more armor is has. :)

2003-11-25, 03:40 PM
:lol: agreed this beast is going to contain a fair amount of armor. Anything short of the old old beta days like when the galaxy had a gazillion units of armor would still make it go boom with any amount of concentrated fire.

2003-11-25, 04:06 PM
Hmm, I want to see the animation on how the hell he gets up and down from that thing...

Im gonna say something like a mini elevator platform.