2003-11-24, 10:38 PM
Think about it... the player needing the invite to a squad is most likely just coming into the game, sitting in sanc, and out of harms way - thus has the most amount of time to type in safety.
The squad leader is most likely right in the middle of a battle, or commanding, and yet is expect to stop - type /invite whoeverisasking (and spell it right as well) - thus they are most likely to be in harms way and have little time to type.
I say this is backwards and impares the squad leader from the game and his job as leader. I propose this system be reversed. The player wanting the squad invite should be the one to type. A new command should be created ( /request squadleader or /rinvite squadleader ) and let the squad leader get the pop up [yes] [no] to the request for invite from player whoeverisasking. This allows him to do a quick click yes or no and is much better suited to the heat of battle conditions, freeing him from the dreaded /invite whoeverisasking typing while someone is shooting at them. Let the requesting player do the typing as they are much more likely to be out of harms way at the time.
As an addition to this idea to save even further typing - I proposed any player that is a member of an outfit be able to select a menu and display all currently playing squad leaders, the number of players currently in their squad. and the continent they are on. Each squad leader should have a [Request Invite] Button next them (unless their squad is full of course) and allow the incoming player to send that squad leader an Invite Request simply by clicking that button. Players not a member of an outfit or wishing to join a squad not in their outfit would have to use the conventional method described above.
I've always felt the squad leader was burdened and disadvantaged with the current invite system. Inverting the invite system would give them some relief. Implementing a menu system for incoming players to quickly and easily locate a squad leader with a simple click request invite could eliminate probably 90% of the typed invitations in the game as well. Lets change this devs and make it easier on everyone to get invited with the least hassle.
The squad leader is most likely right in the middle of a battle, or commanding, and yet is expect to stop - type /invite whoeverisasking (and spell it right as well) - thus they are most likely to be in harms way and have little time to type.
I say this is backwards and impares the squad leader from the game and his job as leader. I propose this system be reversed. The player wanting the squad invite should be the one to type. A new command should be created ( /request squadleader or /rinvite squadleader ) and let the squad leader get the pop up [yes] [no] to the request for invite from player whoeverisasking. This allows him to do a quick click yes or no and is much better suited to the heat of battle conditions, freeing him from the dreaded /invite whoeverisasking typing while someone is shooting at them. Let the requesting player do the typing as they are much more likely to be out of harms way at the time.
As an addition to this idea to save even further typing - I proposed any player that is a member of an outfit be able to select a menu and display all currently playing squad leaders, the number of players currently in their squad. and the continent they are on. Each squad leader should have a [Request Invite] Button next them (unless their squad is full of course) and allow the incoming player to send that squad leader an Invite Request simply by clicking that button. Players not a member of an outfit or wishing to join a squad not in their outfit would have to use the conventional method described above.
I've always felt the squad leader was burdened and disadvantaged with the current invite system. Inverting the invite system would give them some relief. Implementing a menu system for incoming players to quickly and easily locate a squad leader with a simple click request invite could eliminate probably 90% of the typed invitations in the game as well. Lets change this devs and make it easier on everyone to get invited with the least hassle.