View Full Version : Re-Certification
2003-11-26, 03:14 PM
Check it.
[15:06] <SporkfirePS> I'll give you a hint as a Christmas present, okay?
[15:07] <Peacemaker> Cool
[15:07] <Exano> K
[15:07] <Peacemaker> lol
[15:07] <Doop> Like, right now?
[15:07] <Doop> :X
[15:07] <Doop> 'Cause I = not patient
[15:07] <SporkfirePS> You know today's announcement has to do with certs, right?
[15:07] <Peacemaker> yes
[15:07] <Doop> Indeed I do
[15:07] <Exano> Yup
[15:07] <Exano> Cert bundles?
[15:07] * Exano crosses fingers~
[15:07] <SporkfirePS> Okay. So, we have a lot going on with them and I will tell you one part.
[15:07] <Doop> Massive Transport cert?
[15:07] * Doop crosses fingers
[15:07] <SporkfirePS> We made up a new word.
[15:07] <Doop> onoes!1
[15:07] <PSU-Gryphon> :o
[15:07] <SporkfirePS> Uni-MAX
:brow: Uni- Max! I wonder what that could mean!? Sounds like a combo of all the MAXes now, no more certing in AV or AA!!!!
2003-11-26, 03:17 PM
OMFG! that would be the shiznit! would free a few of my certs up, seeing that i am certed in all 3 MAXes. did this conversation reall occour? ;)
2003-11-26, 03:17 PM
2003-11-26, 03:19 PM
did this conversation reall occour?
It did.
2003-11-26, 03:20 PM
Lol spork, hope ur not mad I blabbed it.
2003-11-26, 03:23 PM
wow, i feel privilaged. i've had Absor quote me once, and now Spork quoted me :D
but seriously though, that is great news. can't wait to hear the details. :groovy:
2003-11-26, 03:27 PM
this is in the IN TESTING section of the PS website.
In Testing
Player Recertification
Some certifications are being modified to become inclusive groupings of vehicles and equipment. When this change goes live, all players will have their certifications wiped: and will have the points available to spend at the Certification Terminal again.
The new certification categories will be:
Air Cavalry (4 points)
Air Support (3 Points)
ATV (2 Points)
Light Scout (3 Points)
Assault Buggy (3 Points)
Empire-specific Buggy
Armored Assault (3 Points)
Empire-specific Tank
Transport (2 Points)
Support (2 Points)
Uni-MAX (5 Points)
Makes all empire-specific MAX configs available.
Note: The individual MAX certifications will still be available. However, purchasing all three under the Uni-MAX will allow you to save a few cert points.
This can be viewed at...
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 03:30 PM
Holy Fucksticks Batman!
2003-11-26, 03:31 PM
Ya I think that describes it nicely!
2003-11-26, 03:34 PM
I creamed myslef when i saw this lol. Thats so great!! I like this idea...individual cert points put a hurting on the use of vehicles, this should open it up...and the uni-max will be GREAT for my TR char, i got the burster and pounder, why not throw in a cycler for free right? lol.
2003-11-26, 03:34 PM
Damnit, the mosq should be under the scout cert. Now wtf am I going to do? 4 certs...bah.
2003-11-26, 03:35 PM
They just didn't make it clear that you'll be able to acquire everything individually, which is kind of alarming, but I digress. Looks good.
Would like some more "task specific" groupings in addition to the presented ones...
Mosquito, Wraith, Infil suit: 5 points
Field Support:
Gal, AMS/Router, Lodestar: 4 points
Frontline Support:
Adv Medical, Engineering, Lodestar, AMS (Maybe): 7 points (8 with AMS)
Artillary Technician:
Flail, Infil Suit, Skyguard: 6 points
Eill edit with more later if I think of some noteworthy ones.
2003-11-26, 03:37 PM
Hmm, thinking about it.
The armor on the lightning needs to be increased (doubled?). Then move it under a Calvary cert with the Reaver.
Bunch the harasser and the mosq together under the scout cert.
2003-11-26, 03:37 PM
Check the Recertification thread :)
2003-11-26, 03:37 PM
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 03:38 PM
The just didn't make it clear that you'll be able to acquire everything individually, which is kind of alarming, but I digress. Looks good.
Eh oh no I didn't think about that. Man if I have to pay 4 certs for my skeeter I'm gonna be screwed!
2003-11-26, 03:38 PM
yeah, TheRagingGerbil, you can get ur mosq without getting the reaver combination cert
2003-11-26, 03:39 PM
:jawdrop: WOOOT! or would a HOOOAH! be more appropriate :)
2003-11-26, 03:45 PM
Now we need more favorites slots :o
I Hate Pants
2003-11-26, 03:47 PM
*sigh* everyone is going to get the air cert :(
I Hate Pants
2003-11-26, 03:48 PM
Like I said on the other thread "*sigh* everyone is going to get the air cert" :(
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 03:51 PM
Like I said on the other thread "*sigh* everyone is going to get the air cert" :(
And that's bad...why?
2003-11-26, 03:51 PM
Another thought... will this be accompanied by changes to a la carte' certs? Because if not you're just giving everyone who has the reaver a free mosquito.
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 03:53 PM
Another thought... will this be accompanied by changes to a la carte' certs? Because if not you're just giving everyone who has the reaver a free mosquito.
No matter how they do it, you're essentially giving everyone with a reaver a free skeeter. There won't be a need for a reaver cert anymore. I just hope they are going to leave a la carte certs for other ones, especially the skeeter.
2003-11-26, 03:54 PM
I will definately be getting the Uni-MAX cert.
2003-11-26, 03:58 PM
Not *necessarily* true. If they drop the reaver cost, then that reaver pilot who always wanted AMS + router will probably shell out for one because he's flat-out uninterested in the skeeter. That's why I'd rather see this system remain open ended. Leave the vehicles seperate, but give sets that offer a specific niche of players a discount.
Promotes "class" archetypes (Good for noobs to ease into the game while still clinging to their TF2, AA, and RtcW) but dosen't penalize someone for playing it their way.
More sets: Combat Medic:
Medical, Medium assault: Three points
Vehicle Corps:
Harasser, Lodestar, Engineering: Four points
AV MAX, Anti-Vehicular (Requires Medium assault): Three points (Reduce Anti vehicular to 1 because you have to have Medium, and the game is more vehicle-centric lately)
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 04:01 PM
Not *necessarily* true. If they drop the reaver cost, then that reaver pilot who always wanted AMS + router will probably shell out for one because he's flat-out uninterested in the skeeter. That's why I'd rather see this system remain open ended. Leave the vehicles seperate, but give sets that offer a specific niche of players a discount. Promotes "class" archetype but dosen't penalize someone for playing it their way.
Ok, I am extremely confused as to what you are saying then. Why would someone who already spends 4 cert points on a reaver not want to keep that cert because they can now also have a skeeter? Also, the Tactical Support cert already gives you the AMS and Router, so it's not being changed. But I agree, if they don't leave the current certs available a la carte, then that will suck bad.
2003-11-26, 04:05 PM
I'm saying to *not keep * the standard reaver cert at four points. Make it two or three because of the abundance of AA and the AA MAX buffs lately. That way, someone who wished to maintain their Reaver could take it and not necessarily get a skeeter, but invest it in Support or add it with a free point and get Air support or something.
2003-11-26, 04:11 PM
Hmmm could be good news or news for my reaver. If alot of people get the Uni-Max cert then there will be more maxs runnin around which means more 300+ xp kills for my reaver, but it will also mean more AA maxs which is not good.
2003-11-26, 04:12 PM
Woot! No seperate cert for flail! Goes with the tanks.
2003-11-26, 04:20 PM
Trading in the reaver cert? I think you guys might have missed the first part of the message....
Some certifications are being modified to become inclusive groupings of vehicles and equipment. When this change goes live, all players will have their certifications wiped: and will have the points available to spend at the Certification Terminal again.
We are all starting from scratch with allour pts. Kick ass!
2003-11-26, 04:20 PM
this is sweet, but as said before i would liek some "class" cert bundels. Like a Groundpounder class, being AV HA and re-inforced for 9 certs, and scout trooper, being Sniping, hacking, and choise of ATV or skeeter for 6 or 7. Stuff like that would be realy great, and the certs can be under more than one bundel, like a covert ops package, Sniping, Adv hacking, inf suit, and ATV, so you could go multiple ways to get things.
I a realy hope the have the ale' carte certs still becasue i couln't give up 4 certs for a skeeter, it ruins my character and gives me one cert left over at br20. Other than that concers its a great thing
2003-11-26, 04:23 PM
this is in the IN TESTING section of the PS website.
In Testing
Player Recertification
Some certifications are being modified to become inclusive groupings of vehicles and equipment. When this change goes live, all players will have their certifications wiped: and will have the points available to spend at the Certification Terminal again.
It says equipment too. Does that mean the weapons and/or the medical and engineer will also get grouped? Actually I kind of hope not....
But this rocks, I was going to switch to a skeeter after I get another cert today, but I think that can wait. ;)
2003-11-26, 04:24 PM
It's still not completely clear as to wether individual certs will remain seperate or not.
2003-11-26, 04:37 PM
i would assume that they would. it makes no sense for Sony to FORCE their players to spend MORE cert points for something they dont' want just to get something they do want. what SoE highly encourages is teamwork and player cooperation-and buying their products ;). for example, to want a mosq, but be required 4 certs just to do so. i don't think Sony would screw over their players like that. i think it is safe to say you will have the option of taking a package or just singally certifying.
But, you know what they say about assuming things... ;)
2003-11-26, 04:48 PM
Very interesting
infinite loop
2003-11-26, 05:15 PM
Bad news guys. Spork just replied with this on the OF thread:
As far as the mosquito and Harasser go, at this time, we are not looking to continue offering the individual certs. The changes will affect each person differently, and it may hurt some for players who use those certs. But we have made sure to keep some comparably priced certs both on air and land available (Air Support and Ground Transport).
This is now the worst idea ever. Us skeeter pilots just got royally fucked. Thanks!
2003-11-26, 05:19 PM
well, like i said: you know what they say about assuming things...i shouldn't have assumed. gave sony a little too much credit :doh:
2003-11-26, 05:24 PM
Ghey. Hmm, going to have to rethink things....
2003-11-26, 05:28 PM
Personally I think this is a great idea! I have both the sunderer and deliverer right now and this is going to save me 4 cert points to spend elsewhere.
Those of you who are upset about the skeeters being 4 points now, wait for a bit, the notice did mention changes to equipment, maybe there will be other bundles coming that will save you a few points. Who knows what they will come up with, maybe a support cert that combines medic and engi, or a 1 point cert for agile and med assualt. anything can happen with these guys.
2003-11-26, 05:29 PM
I don't see how mosquito pilots are fucked, they get a reaver now as well.
2003-11-26, 05:35 PM
It better just be maxes! those are horrible cert combos strat.
It takes all individuallity out of your character and makes this a giant strategy game on wheels.
that would take all othe fun out of taking Weaker cert combos for the challenge, not to mention the pride. Thats pure Evil!
that takes all the integrity out of hte game design and is one step away from making them all under one cert and making htis a pure FPS where you just go get what you want and just kill shit. You might as well just dumped the whole damn XP system. and go shoot each other.
I think its bad enough they put together what they already did into cert combos!
The maxes are the only thing in the game that should ge comboed! and its good there doing it.
2003-11-26, 05:38 PM
Air Cavalry (4 points)
Light Scout (3 Points)
Those are the only ones that affect me. At least i get the sketter and harsser for free. :D :D :D :D
and hamma, the only reason they would be fucked is they have to sport out another cert point for there sketter
2003-11-26, 05:42 PM
I don't see how mosquito pilots are fucked, they get a reaver now as well.
My certs are maxed. I was perfectly happy before. Now I have to drop something in order to acquire my mosquito once again.
2003-11-26, 05:48 PM
Is what strat put actually part of the game or is it something he just made up!?
Ther completely screwing the original design of all hte vehicles becaseu they can tget people to use hte all how htey were meant to and are screwing the game design. And right when they are expecting the game to be developing how it was meant to. this is just turning this into an FPS.
2003-11-26, 06:03 PM
This new devopment saddens me greatly. The Uni-MAX idea as a solid idea; the nuking of individuality IS NOT :mad: . One of the great joys of Planetside is that it effectively combines the concepts of RPGs and FPSes. The Devs are beginning to take back all that was good and turn this into another Quake. I for one am not happy :evil: .
2003-11-26, 06:07 PM
:evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop: :evildrop:
2003-11-26, 06:10 PM
Excuse me? I'm afraid that :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: does not convey much meaning to my simplistic nature.
2003-11-26, 06:25 PM
Inful. and med. assult, that would be an ok match for maybe 3 points.
2003-11-26, 06:28 PM
I dunno, most Medics I see are in Reinforced armor, not the Infiltration Suit. Medics, in my opinion anyway, are only useful as a supplemental trait for characters, and carrying around a Medical Applicator and Health Packs doesn't leave much room in an Infiltration Suit.
2003-11-26, 06:31 PM
medium assult I mean. sry.
2003-11-26, 06:40 PM
PSU: Everything you read here is a lie.
the forum has spoken! :lol:
2003-11-26, 06:54 PM
Is what strat put actually part of the game or is it something he just made up!?
Ther completely screwing the original design of all hte vehicles becaseu they can tget people to use hte all how htey were meant to and are screwing the game design. And right when they are expecting the game to be developing how it was meant to. this is just turning this into an FPS.
A) It's Strak, are you unable to type or just to lazy to look up my correct name?
B) I included a link to the actual post and pasted it so people wouldn't complain they couldn't get to the post. It is not made up.
C) Here is what I see and Ait'al is a perfect example. People just bitch to bitch, they are never happy. They couldn't make PS perfect, guys like this would still find something to bitch about.
So to this I say the following. You expect PS to be exactly as you want it. You expect it to be bug free. You expect it to be on time 100% of the time. You can't even spell, you can't even take the time to look up a name. I am glad you are not the dev. I'd get 1fps at the most.
2003-11-26, 06:56 PM
Air Cavalry (4 points)
2003-11-26, 07:01 PM
:jawdrop: :evildrop: Does anyone know when this is coming out?? :confused: :eek:
2003-11-26, 07:07 PM
How does it hamper individuality? unless they are taking out the single certs its just give people that want 2 related things an easier time of doing so. Just becasue i have the ATV cert doesn't meen i have to use the Wraith and Switchy. The only thing i will get out of the deal is nothing, unless they do take out the single certs, then i'm out of a skeeter
2003-11-26, 07:07 PM
I'll wait to reserve judgement until this is released.
2003-11-26, 07:08 PM
Indeed, that's waht I'll do as well :p
2003-11-26, 07:11 PM
Strat your a complete moron.
2003-11-26, 07:20 PM
Hmm... i like the idea of grouping the certs, but unfortunately I am one of those players to whom this grouping will have an adverse effect.
Currently my cert points are maxed out and i use 6 points for vehicles: mosq and lightning. Now i will have to give up my lightning to keep my mosq (which i love very much).
It's unfortunate, but i guess that's the way it goes sometimes.
2003-11-26, 07:28 PM
Yes well, it will make gameplay a bit more hectic. With the Flail and Medium Assault Tanks grouped, Tech Plants + bases with the Vehicle mods will be targeted more often thus causing for more defense and more teamwork to keep your empire supplied. I'm personally going to get the Air Transport (3 useful vehicles for 3 points! weehoo!). Of course, the Assault Buggy thing is a little whack, one of these better lose the Tech Plant req.
2003-11-26, 08:08 PM
I like the idea (since I will benefit) and I can see the point for those who will be adversely affected. I just wish SOE had gone just one step more and gave a little cert love to the support classes.
Example: Drop the basic requirement and just have a single 4 point cert for Medic, Hacker, and CE. As it stands now, many players choose just the basic 3 point cert because they don't want to spend 2 certs on and 'advanced' ability. By grouping these support classes, it would in effect increase the number of CE, Hackers and Medics on the field. Since it would be distributed equally for all 3 empires, you don't have balance issues to worry about.
Maybe for a future 'present' from SOE (you gotta love the fact that we pay for our own presents in this game).
I also love the cert wipe. They should offor this feature on a 1 per month basis for everyone. Would make changing your character much easier (instead of the weeks it takes now).
2003-11-26, 08:30 PM
Does anyone understand the design of this game???
Seriously! This is about to become a completely different game?!!??!!?
2003-11-26, 08:43 PM
I don't understand why people are complaining about the Armored Assault group. We get a Medium Assault Tank and a Flail for 3 certs. Both require a specific item, Tech Plant for one and Vehicle Mod for the other. The more people using this cert, the more Tech Plants and Vehicle Moded bases will be targeted, creating a need for more defense thus causing more teamwork. Yes, 3 certs seems like a little but you really won't get to use the Flail to much unless you go after it. The thing I'm wondering about is the fact that they named the tanks "Medium" instead of heavy....
2003-11-26, 10:18 PM
I am not making a yay or nay call until I play it. However I wish they had've reviewed the cert costs for support rolls and perhaps did a grouping of them, like any 2 adv support certs from adv hack, CE, adv med for 5 certs. Or something similar.
I like the Light Scout cert the best, Two great vehicles for the price of, eh, about 1.3. :X
2003-11-26, 10:43 PM
yeah i love my MOS but ill have 2 forget it because of that... it should be under scout and lighting shouldn't... i now have to depart with my mossie..... :doh: :evil: :huh: :mad: :eek:
2003-11-26, 11:16 PM
Strat your a complete moron.Quit while you're behind.
2003-11-27, 01:32 AM
People will complain about anything.
It's amazing.
2003-11-27, 01:36 AM
im definatly not pleased about this, going to be so many bloody vehicles flying/rolling around when this comes out its stupid.
IF this has been posted further up sorry, 2 tired to read all the pages :P
2003-11-27, 01:40 AM
Vehicles are massively underused.
Or would you guys rather they were just removed from the game entirely? And maybe each soldier could spawn without his legs and one arm to be sure he needs a whole community of people full of loving support skills.
Sheesh. No wonder the devs take our opinions with a grain of salt.
2003-11-27, 01:59 AM
i guess again im playing a totally diffrent game of planetside to the majority, I see nothing but Reavers and Tanks and other Assorted Vehicles thrown at the enemy, they just clear out the cortyards, kill the wall Turrets (no N in turrets), then sit outside the doors and spamm away.
I dunno, i think when you say "Vehicles are massivly underused" that you are comparing the number of vehicles to the number of troops, which is correct the number of infrantry should always be VASTLY higher than the number of Vehicles.
just bleh.
2003-11-27, 02:08 AM
Vehicles with strong one-man applications don't count, like Reaver, Lightning and MagRider. It's crew vehicles I want to see more of. Trust me, fewer MagRiders on the field wouldn't jerk a tear out of this old skull.
2003-11-27, 02:12 AM
I do so hope they're planning to buff AV at least a little bit, what with the increase of delivs/sunds and galaxies, and flails and tanks. But what I really want to know is if the fact that they're calling the tanks now "Medium Assault Tanks" was a typo and never fixed, or if they're making a Heavy Assault Tank, and defensive/support tanks.
They've been referring to them like that for ages, and the general consensus is that they're foreshadowing heavy tanks in a future expansion.
2003-11-27, 03:12 AM
This is completely the wrong way to encourage vehicle use. its to simple. And the certs were designed to uphold the RPG element of hte game. This is tweeaking them too much and even if you add more vehicles later you have just taken away to much realism. they didnt think this out well enough. There almost giving up with the original game design and trying to just add a fix cause they couldnt think of something good enough. thats not good! they have ot make certain game designs more complex on the programming side to allow more room for stuff. but very carefully. Like some more details that make stuff more defined or an aspect of vehicles more powerfull. Like adding a new thing to htem in general. Something logical though. that way theres more room for something to fit in the balance. I can think what but it has to be something damn good but simple at the same time.
that or combo the certs more logically. too somehting logical and realistic. But it can still have detrimental affects.
2003-11-27, 03:24 AM
Or maybe they are implementing it casue people on the forums said....
They should bundle the Gal with the sunderer and Deliverer and LodeStar! ya that would be great!
And such things as
OH COOL! I can get my ATVs with one certification now THAT kicks ass.
I mean get a clue, people have been asking for something like this, even if it wasn't a major overhaul like we are getting. It won't change my driving activities. I will still be out and about with some sort of vehicle, lightning, harasser, skyguard, thresher, who knows. I have more options now. kick ass.
Why do people always have to complain about improvements or changes?
Change is a good thing and I applaud the devs for keeping things relatively fresh and changing things so the game dosen't stagnate as much as it could.
2003-11-27, 03:40 AM
So odd to find such logic among the Vanu.
I agree, Strak.
2003-11-27, 05:18 AM
Someone said it on these forums a couple months ago in one of their topics.
Welcome to Vehicleside.
I guess its a good idea overall, but I fear the battlefield is changing to where infantry is needed less and less, except for inside bases and towers.
Like I said, I don't think its a bad idea, but I think it will be uncomfortable for a little bit for people to have to adjust. :)
It wouldn't be so bad if assault certs were changed and packaged around, too.
God, it takes 5 points to get advanced hacking. Sure its nice to have but very few people spend that much.
Advanced medic is another 5 points that few are willing to spend.
Maybe the more support certs you have, the less they are?
Your first cert, lets say engineering, costs you 3 points as normal. If you decide to pick up hacking as well, it costs you 2 points instead of 3, since you already have another support cert. Finally, picking a 3rd support certification will only cost 1 point thereafter(in this example, Medical, Advanced Hacking, and Combat Engineering are available as 3rd options).
I'm not really sure about that either...I like having a limited role. It is supposed to be a team game...I think bundling certs is a little silly...
2003-11-27, 06:02 AM
f***ing yeaaas. Deliverer for 2 certs?! W0000t!
My favourite vehicle for a cut price, and a free reaver magnet to boot. :-D
I don't think they should make support certs that cheap, but making the basic skills cost 2 would be a nice change. I don't think they should touch the weapons though, because as long as they're tweaking vehicles and other stuff to free up cert points, you can afford to pick up a couple weapon skills, if you haven't already.
2003-11-27, 05:38 PM
This change will only effect me ever so slightly. I've got 1 cert left over because I prefer mosq over reaver, so now I'll end up getting both of them :) Alternately, if some of the vehicles that would be avaliable individually get their cost reduced (and I consider this likely) then perhaps the magrider will be reduced to two certs by itself and the mosquito to two certs as well. Then I could finally do what I have always wish my build could do, and have both of those certs, rather than having to switch every now and then.
2003-11-27, 07:52 PM
the problem is htis is cutting into the smaller less used cert designes and possibly making many of htem impossible. You now cant do about half the character designs you could before. Having all those extra things could go against someones design and they always could have gone with just adding more certs max in some way and not causing htat problem.
There simplifying when they need to be diversifying.
2003-11-27, 08:39 PM
What they should have done would be to keep the individual certs, that would kill all this mess.
2003-11-27, 08:58 PM
And also remember this. When you can make a powerfull so called one man army character in hte game when its hard to get all the certs or you have to use the ones you have to there extent to do it, it gives you RESPECT! when they simplify it and your a one man army your abusing hte game and htat makes you a DICKHEAD! There removing all respect any of you would get for managing to be good. Everything is now attainable by the biggest idiot.
RESPECT, DICKHEAD, RESPECT, DICKHEAD..... Which do you prefer!
Uni-max is osund as has been stated but... 3 cert 3cert 2 cert for 5 is not right it should be 7. then it would be right. and there arent any combos that need to be made/or wont affect gameplay that havent been already implemented. Assuming they were good ideas in the first place. I still like the idea of everything being seperate. Though the maxes would still be good since your really just changing hte guns on hter arms(at 7 certs). If they reverted the system back and made hte unimax and gave it a 30-45 second wait timer while its "changing hte guns" that would be cool(if there isnt one already). YOu dont need to combo cert vehicles cause weapons already are and the vehicles were meant to be the thing that wasnt so that the vehicles would have to be designed better to fit in the game. the only problems to vehicles are things like hte hart timer or other changes to non vehicles related thing, so the answer is not to change the vehicles but just fix those other htings and let us renew the vehicles popularity.
2003-11-27, 10:08 PM
Very interesting
However, I wouldn't be making all this speculation just yet. You really don't know what it means until you experiance it. Why not wait and see what happens, BEFORE you start bitching and whining?
Just a thought.
2003-11-27, 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Hamma
Very interesting
However, I wouldn't be making all this speculation just yet. You really don't know what it means until you experiance it. Why not wait and see what happens, BEFORE you start bitching and whining?
Just a thought.
Then whats the point of a discussion thread. 8)
2003-11-27, 10:38 PM
YOu dont need to combo cert vehicles cause weapons already are and the vehicles were meant to be the thing that wasnt so that the vehicles would have to be designed better to fit in the game. the only problems to vehicles are things like hte hart timer or other changes to non vehicles related thing, so the answer is not to change the vehicles but just fix those other htings and let us renew the vehicles popularity
Ok Ait? You need to learn how to word your statements better. I get the first part, but "the vehicles were meant to be the thing that wasnt so that the vehicles would have to be designed better to fit in the game." ?
7 certs for the 3 MAXs is one less than it is now. That is bs, 5 is a good number, because as was stated earlier, if you don't use the MAXs now, your most likely not going to use the Uni-MAX feature, your probably just going to get one.
2003-11-27, 10:48 PM
I'm just saying, don't go overboard about things. You don't even know what this might mean towards your characters and certs. It might be exactly what you think it is. It might however mean something completely different, and you might end up looking the fool.
LOL. You want to bitch and whine, go right ahead. Me, I don't see the point. YET. Perhaps when I see these changes in effect and I find something to bitch about, then I will. Right now I just don't see the point in wasting our words for something that might end up being nothing important at all.
Throwing out ideas on how things should be done, or how something can be made different, doesn't factor into what I said in my previous post or points. Just don't let your panties crawl up your ass over what this Recertification might do to your character. I doubt any of you really know how things will work. Oh, and as for who would use the Mosquito for 4 points when they have the Reaver cert? Ask yourself, how are you going to get a Reaver at this base, when you don't own it, or when you don't own Technology plants? I'm sure you'd hop in that Mosquito if it meant you had too, to stop that Liberator overhead. Just think about it for a while.
2003-11-27, 10:52 PM
People that use the Reaver over Mosq aren't complaining, they get an extra vehicle. People that use the Mosq over the Reaver however, they're pissed off like hell because they don't seem to be able to relocate one cert point (which can be understandable if they are br20).
2003-11-27, 11:15 PM
I guess we should just wait to see if they change anything on the Grunt side of things. Like weapon certs, and support certs. Me, I hope they reduce Hacking by 1 point, or throw advanced with the other two, for 2 points. Then I'd get CE for free. And then I'd use it. I don't much like wasting 2 certs for CE when I really don't find too much use for it. Just a thought
2003-11-28, 02:08 AM
The only change that is going to affect me is combineing the liberator with the gal/lodestar. However, this will still be uber, and the amount of aircraft around will be countered by the increased # of AA maxes and Skygaurds.
2003-11-28, 03:25 AM
"the vehicles were meant to be the thing that wasnt so that the vehicles would have to be designed better to fit in the game." ?
"the vehicles were meant to be the thing that wasnt, so that the vehicles would have to be designed better to fit in the game." ?
2003-11-28, 11:44 AM
That still doesnt make any sense except for the vehicles have to be designed better. What is the "thing that wasnt"?
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