View Full Version : Boo! Hiss! Recerting!
I Hate Pants
2003-11-26, 07:59 PM
Am I the only one seeing the negatives about this whole recerting thing that'll be in PS soon? So let me get this straight. Vehicles are less certs now? Oh joy! Now I guess everyone is going to be walking super soldiers, with a complete arsenal of weaponry and vehicles at thier hands.
IMO the gameplay is going to suffer from this. Thanks to the unimax idea. Obviuosly people are going to choose this one over the single max selections.
Is your base going to get zerged?? Alright everyone whip out your ant infantry maxs! YEAH!
Tanks attacking you?? Alright evryone whip out your anti armour maxes! YEAH!
Reavers attacking your tower?? Well than get those anti air maxes out everyone.
Im pretty sure im the only going to be picking the driver cert. As I bet evryone else is going to pick air cavalry (as if we don't have enough mosq and reaver pilots as it is already :rolleyes: ) and for sure the unimax cert. Oh yes for the first week well see people picking the air support cert for the loadstar. Than they'll realize that they cant shoot and they'll be like "aww fuck this im not getting points! Im only helping my team! Im going back to the reaver!"
I forsee a world of problems.
2003-11-26, 08:25 PM
I don't think a lot of people are going to change their cert builds for the Uni-Max(unless they already are certed in all 3 maxes)
2003-11-26, 08:26 PM
yea i forsee a higher use of sunderer and deliverer :)
2003-11-26, 08:33 PM
There is already a thread about this, and if you were to head over to the In Testing part of the OF, you'll notice that a lot of people don't want their mosquito to cost 4 points because the only fly it and not the reaver.
2003-11-26, 08:37 PM
I really don't see it getting that bad. Though you made some points, I think everything will be about as it was. Most people who play MAX generally only play MAX. The infantry that tries them out often de-certs it after realizing they are not god-like. Not to mention 5 certs for Unimax..(it was 5 wasnt it) thats a lot. You may see some BR 3's and 4's fresh out of VR training with it, but that'll be the majority of you unimax folks. 5 certs.. thats a lot to tie up in it...especially if you dont play MAX that often.
As far as a boom in skeeter and reaver pilots, well that will be taken care of with the boom of AA MAX. If not me and my striker will do our part.
And lastly, Loadstar pilots.. well they'll be like Galaxy pilots and AMS drivers. Few and far between...
I'm gonna just wait and see, I have a good feeling about this one.
2003-11-26, 08:40 PM
Thats 5 cert points for 3 certs that would normally cost 8, and its still a better choice if you just want two MAXs.
Yeah, for example, the Quasar, Starfire and Comet are NOT worth five points. Seriously.
2003-11-26, 09:01 PM
I forse it being a bad idea as well. I don't like the idea of being able to go anywhere, do anything. People who reach BR20 will be one man army fully flexilbe chaos machines.Thankfuly, I believe the idea is still in the testing stages so things will get ironed out on the test server (i hope)
Liberator combined with lodestar and galaxy is a good idea though.
2003-11-26, 10:35 PM
quick whining, it'll just take you a couple extra minutes at the cert terminal.
2003-11-26, 11:04 PM
quick whining, it'll just take you a couple extra minutes at the cert terminal.
heh. guess who didn't read the thread content.
2003-11-26, 11:35 PM
I forse it being a bad idea as well. I don't like the idea of being able to go anywhere, do anything. People who reach BR20 will be one man army fully flexilbe chaos machines.Thankfuly, I believe the idea is still in the testing stages so things will get ironed out on the test server (i hope)
Liberator combined with lodestar and galaxy is a good idea though.
With some careful cert choices a BR20 can seem like a one man army already .. especially when squaded with other supportive certs. Like you though, I hope they work most of the kinks outta this one in testing.
As for reavers and such, you won't see me piloting anything I have to fly and shoot at the same time, unless I've completely lost me senses! I like the Gal/Lodestar combo and the Deliverer/Sunderer combo too .. goes along with my AMS/Router combo that should keep me nicely busy on the field. :D
As for the Uni-MAx .. well, won't change much 'cause I prefer the AA and AV max for TR anyway, Pounder gets me in way too much trouble.
2003-11-26, 11:36 PM
Hmmm, what did u guys think would happen when any of you asked for a higher BR cap limit? This is the same exact thing, except the cap remains the same...
2003-11-26, 11:39 PM
Hmmm, what did u guys think would happen when any of you asked for a higher BR cap limit? This is the same exact thing, except the cap remains the same...
edzachary .. good point!
2003-11-27, 12:09 AM
I just don't like that some certs are being bundled exclusively and removed from the a la carte selection. The perfect example being the Harasser and the mosquito. I may want a mosquito, I may want a harasser. I do not want them both at the same time.
2003-11-27, 12:11 AM
didnt someone say you can still get them individually?
2003-11-27, 12:31 AM
Only the MAX certs.
I think its gonna take away from the specific roles people play, seeing as how everyone will be able to do more. This making some people less important than they already are.
2003-11-27, 02:41 AM
See, this is the sort of bullshit that is ruining this game. Everyone is like "oh this is annoying" but then they change it and entire gameplay aspects are ruinined.
Take the HART for example. Remember beta? Gal drivers had the importance and the attraction of a healer in any RPG. But, lo and behold everyone bitchs about the hart timer, the timer goes down, and tons of gameplay strategies, not to mention countless gal drivers go straight down the shitter.
And this is why i canceled my PS account.
2003-11-27, 02:45 AM
id personnally prefere the hart timer to be 15 mins....
2003-11-27, 02:50 AM
The HART should only drop you on friendly, locked continents.
If you want to sabotage an enemy's rear bases, you should ABSOLUTELY, 100% REQUIRE a vehicle to do so, giving them a chance to intercept you before it's too late.
How can you have strategy with so many arbitrarily unbalanced factors? The HART sucks as much as Surge does.
edit: I'm so sick of watching modules get dumped in the drink and generators going down every five minutes. It's like owning territory means nothing, only troop distribution.
Why didn't we just HART into Berlin back in the 40s and kill their generator?!1
2003-11-27, 02:52 AM
The HART should only drop you on friendly, locked continents.
If you want to sabotage an enemy's rear bases, you should ABSOLUTELY, 100% REQUIRE a vehicle to do so.
How can you have strategy with so many arbitrarily unbalanced factors? The HART sucks as much as Surge does.
Yeah, for example, the Quasar, Starfire and Comet are NOT worth five points. Seriously.
I hope you're being sarcastic, Vanu MAXes pwn all. I actually carry both the Quasar and Starfire MAXes regularly, so this change is going to throw in the Comet at no extra charge! I'm sure there will be a lot of people jusy keeping their 1 MAX cert though, cause it's not a key part of their character setup.
And ohmygod I can't believe you people are complaining about these changes. So you might have to spend an extra cert point, but you get a bigger, more powerful vehicle thrown in! A 1-cert cost reaver? 1-cert lightning? Hot damn!
It is going to be so easy to have a vehicle for every situation, and that's awesome. I've always wanted to be able to pilot all the aircraft in the game, and now I'll be able to for only 7 certs. If you're worried about everyone having a vehicle, well give your head a shake because that's the whole point! Infantry will always be at the core of the game; without them there are no base hacks, gunners, or drivers.
2003-11-27, 02:56 AM
Omni-max is gonna suck hard core. Everyone and their mother's hooker is gonna have it.
2003-11-27, 02:57 AM
NOoOO! double post. Interweb crapped out on me for a second.
2003-11-27, 03:04 AM
I really can't believe so many people are upset by this. I really can't think of any downside to it other than it costs and extra point for the mosquito pilots who don't want to fly reaver.
2003-11-27, 03:13 AM
Even if one had every vehicle cert in the game, what use would they be if that player went on an hour-long tank expedition? For that hour (a big chunk of anyone's playtime), it's like they had only one vehicle cert. It's only fair to give them a choice of which vehicle to drive, which doesn't happen if you have a powerful template because you can't afford more than two or three vehicles tops without gimping yourself (at present).
While you're driving a vehicle, all your other vehicle certs (with the exception of Tactical Support) are idle.
Notice how in real-life lots of people have vehicles? Yet in the office, they must rely on a different set of skills. So it is in Planetside. When someone holds a CC in a Lightning, perhaps then it would be a problem.
I bought PlanetSide because it has vehicles. I wouldn't still be playing if it didn't have them. I can't see any situation in which they could be overused, except when the MagRider could still mow like it used to, which has been fixed pretty well.
As for a downside, there is none. People like to complain and nobody has called anyone else any names, so fortunately it's still in the realm of polite discourse.
2003-11-27, 03:21 AM
I hope you're being sarcastic, Vanu MAXes pwn all. I actually carry both the Quasar and Starfire MAXes regularly, so this change is going to throw in the Comet at no extra charge! I'm sure there will be a lot of people jusy keeping their 1 MAX cert though, cause it's not a key part of their character setup.
And ohmygod I can't believe you people are complaining about these changes. So you might have to spend an extra cert point, but you get a bigger, more powerful vehicle thrown in! A 1-cert cost reaver? 1-cert lightning? Hot damn!
It is going to be so easy to have a vehicle for every situation, and that's awesome. I've always wanted to be able to pilot all the aircraft in the game, and now I'll be able to for only 7 certs. If you're worried about everyone having a vehicle, well give your head a shake because that's the whole point! Infantry will always be at the core of the game; without them there are no base hacks, gunners, or drivers.
And what if you dont want that cert and it makes you remove something else you do want. It destroys entire character designs and stops you from being able to make characters anywhre near as much as before. thats why they had everything individually certed to start.
I really can't believe so many people are upset by this. I really can't think of any downside to it other than it costs and extra point for the mosquito pilots who don't want to fly reaver.
There affectively changing the numbers to get everything and it squeezes out stuff you could get before when it was based around individualizing your charcatre, like it should be. This removes the insentive for everyone who isnt just a mindless FPS player to play at all. And this game WAS NOT designed for FPS players!
The vast majority of players are getting free new vehicles out of the deal. If you think about it, the only people who are getting "screwed" in any way are those who have a mosquito and/or a harasser. According to Thottbot (, that's no more than 16.3% percent of the population. Everyone else is getting at least one free new vehicle, and some (those rare, blessed Transport drivers) are even getting an extra cert point to spend elsewhere.
2003-11-27, 06:45 AM
Now I guess everyone is going to be walking super soldiers, with a complete arsenal of weaponry and vehicles at thier hands.
Wooo-hooo! Can't wait :D
2003-11-27, 09:03 AM
The vast majority of players are getting free new vehicles out of the deal. If you think about it, the only people who are getting "screwed" in any way are those who have a mosquito and/or a harasser. According to Thottbot (, that's no more than 16.3% percent of the population. Everyone else is getting at least one free new vehicle, and some (those rare, blessed Transport drivers) are even getting an extra cert point to spend elsewhere.
For reference, I drive a Harasser. I do not consider getting a lightning bundled for 1 extra cert pt a rip off.
2003-11-27, 09:16 AM
Well, since I fly reaver, I get the sketter free. And since I drive the lighting, I get the harrser free. Im still not going to use the sketter much and the harrser only when someone neeeds a ride.
2003-11-27, 09:38 AM
Ill be getting the transport cert for sure it only costs 2 certs ! thats fucking awsome. although there might be more veh's out there u would still definitly need infintry like the other dudes said and i like the idea of HARTing onto empire owned cont only and would need to go through the WG to get onto the 'enemy' cont. Uni-max? dont really care about it but it wouldnt be much for the TR since there max's suck balls now.
2003-11-27, 10:25 AM
So wait- one can either get UNIMAX and get three MAX for the price of AA and another MAX...
they can get individual MAXes all alone anyway?
2003-11-27, 10:28 AM
TR MAXs suck so hard and TR fields the fewest MAXs of all the empires (guess why), so it's a double-whammy. I'd recommend to all TR to pick up Uni-MAX because there are plenty of times when even crappy MAXs are useful.
Decimator turns TR's 'special ability' into an 'especially painful liability'. Still, if you can make them switch to (cheesy piece of crap) Decimator (which I use all the time), it will take the heat off the friendly infantry in your vicinity. It's really important.
Uni-MAX for me, and the presence of mind to switch to infantry armor if I'm not absolutely forced to don the coffin-suit.
2003-11-27, 10:38 AM
No, they prolly screwed up, i bet you can still cert in them individualy, excluding things that cost the same, like the two for ones, like the ATV cert....or am i mistaken and they said, you can only get reaver and skeeter, and not just skeeter?
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 10:43 AM
It sounds to me that this whole recerting thing sounds as if the devs have given up trying to make everything equal. So they bunch things together in hopes people will use the less popular vehicles more.
Also I think players are gonig to lose thier individuality when they release this. Once everyone reaches BR 20. Everyone will be able to use everything. Do you really think thats fun??? Whats the point of depending on certain team members to do certain tasks when everyone can do it?
2003-11-27, 10:44 AM
Ok ppl, i dont usually rant but I will on this occasion because im not very happy with PS's fanbase right now...
OK, Everyone, quit your god damn complaining about everything the devs try to do! Every time there is a bug, the devs fix it! Sometimes it will bring on another bug, the devs will fix it in less than a week! DO THEY EVER GET ANY CREDIT? Did you ever stop to say..."Hey, the devs are doing a great job...nice work guys!". NO...instead, when you ask for new content and the ability for BR20's to get more things, and the devs give it to you...YOU COMPLAIN!!! JUST STFU!
Yes, i know the devs make mistakes! They usually fix them asap too! If you could do so much of a better job, why arent you working for Sony? This is just like the whole llu thing...before it even came out i heard NERF! NOONE WANTS TO RUN A BALL ANYWHERE!!! Then when it came out, i heard nothing of the sort. And i definately didnt hear, "Hey devs, this was a good idea after all, keep em comin' guys!".
All im trying to say is give shit a chance before you complain about it! If you guys hate what the devs do sooooo much, than QUIT! We could use less dev haters anyway...
Sorry guys, but this is the way i feel about this whole flying toaster recertification thing. Just give it a chance...
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 10:46 AM
I never liked this idea from the first time I heard it. So don't waste you fucking breath!
2003-11-27, 10:49 AM
Well if you hate it with such a passion, why are you still playing ps?
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 10:50 AM
They should of just group up the driver certs and the air support certs. Other than that all the other groupings were a mistake.
2003-11-27, 10:50 AM
Yes, their bank accounts are credited regualarly with the money people pay to play this game.
2003-11-27, 10:50 AM
If you understand PlanetSide at all, you know that this is a huge leap forward and has been suggested by seasoned players for months. Bundling vehicles rules, no two ways about it, period. So you're a Mosquito pilot and you have to pay another credit? Boo hoo! Mosquito owns Reaver anyhow, so just assume you've gotten a major deal all this time.
I can hardly keep track of the number of changes that PlanetSide has gone through that inspired bile-soaked criticism, but days later were forgotten as the complainers once again settled into PlanetSide addiction. This is just another such case.
2003-11-27, 10:51 AM
Indeed x2 veteran
Edit: Damnit wtf is wrong with my sig?
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 10:56 AM
First off I don't fly any reavers or mosqutios. Secondly this is the first thing i've ever compalined about in PS before.
The reason I hate this new addition is because gameplay and teamplay will decrease when this is release.
No more depending on team members to do certain tasks when everyone else can do it.
We won't see full transports because everyone else will be able to drive one.
Guareentee well see more maxes than infantry in the game from now on.
2003-11-27, 10:57 AM
In case you havent noticed, there are more maxes than infantry currently, its insane.
Why wont you see transports? For 2 certs, everyone and theyre grandmother should have a sund or deliv, and if ur in a squad pick one person to use it!
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 11:00 AM
Well what I mean't was that the nubmer of maxes will shoot up insanely. Than the devs will probably nerf them so to not make them over used and people will complain about that.
2003-11-27, 11:02 AM
The devs will not nerf maxes...and 5 certs is still a lot to waste on maxes...its basically a buy 2 get one free...Im only getting all 3 on my TR server because i have 2 already!
But i like the fact that ill be getting a gal and lodestar now, i got the lib. See? Ill be transporting my squad if necessary...
2003-11-27, 11:09 AM
Nerf MAXs? Go for it. It would be amusing to see TR MAXs nerfed any further. I imagine a quadriplegic on roller skates.
Seriously, a special ability that paralyzes you in an environment where so many people have Decimators? Who cares if you could hit harder if you're dead. On the plus side, the Vanu have been praising their MAXs, which is a sign of maturity of that empire. VS MAXs are nothing but praiseworthy. NC MAXs aren't half bad either.
2003-11-27, 11:30 AM
The NC sparrow got raped and the starfire got megabuffed, thats one thing that i didnt like...
I cant lock on to anything with my sparrow now, but starfires always nail me at max ceiling height with my lib...
2003-11-27, 11:54 AM
Think about it this way. NC MAX can take 4 decimator hits I believe if using a full shield. Thus, they are the best for leading an assault. The VS MAXs are the most manueverable thus allowing them to flank the enemy and get rid of enemy defenses quicker, making them excellent for 'inside' jobs. The TR MAXs are the best defenders, hands down, and, they have the best splash damage out of all the MAXs allowing them to max out on their capabilities.
2003-11-27, 12:06 PM
I just don't like that some certs are being bundled exclusively and removed from the a la carte selection. The perfect example being the Harasser and the mosquito. I may want a mosquito, I may want a harasser. I do not want them both at the same time.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them Sam I am!
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like anywhere.
Try them! Try them! And you will see,
Just once, how good they can be.
2003-11-27, 12:20 PM
Now that I've read the complaint on the Sparrow, I will reply; it is fine, I use it myself, it is a very good anti-air max. The Scattercannon is like a big block of steel wielding a Jackhammer. The anti-vehicle is fine as well, I see alot of people using it.
2003-11-27, 12:36 PM
It sounds to me that this whole recerting thing sounds as if the devs have given up trying to make everything equal. So they bunch things together in hopes people will use the less popular vehicles more.
Also I think players are gonig to lose thier individuality when they release this. Once everyone reaches BR 20. Everyone will be able to use everything. Do you really think thats fun??? Whats the point of depending on certain team members to do certain tasks when everyone can do it?
This is what i am feeling also.
Back in the day, Planetside was not a big game of tribes online. Now it is. There used to be straticgy and tactics in abundance. Now there is not. I used to feel as if I, with my single vehicle Galaxy cert, was worth a large amount to my empire, my outfit, my squad. Now it is just a target and an ant transport.
Way to many people have been sucked into the 100% FPS mindset. Planetside is supposed to be an RPG as well. It is not, execpt for the fact that you cannot change your characters face and voice after creation.
Now everyone, will have everything, and the game has been out long enough for everyone to get BR20 by now. You do the math.
These reasons, listed above, and a few other ones, are why I dont intend on playing planetside again unless someone pays the cost for me.
2003-11-27, 01:01 PM
Everyone will have everything? So use the less used stuff. Make them more desiarable so that people will use them, and then go back to the other stuff.
2003-11-27, 01:13 PM
Just cause you use the remaining stuff that dosent server their purposes, dosent mean everyone else will.
My avd med isnt gonna do much to 20 pounders lined up :ugh:
2003-11-27, 01:13 PM
Once again I ask the question... assuming there are still individual certification selections left, will they recieve a reduction in price?
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them Sam I am!
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like anywhere.
Try them! Try them! And you will see,
Just once, how good they can be.
Nothing to do with anything. Just because somebody likes green eggs, they should not be forced to have ham with it when they could get fries or a soda instead.
It's a blast from the past (!
2003-11-27, 05:40 PM
Meh, I don't play PS yet but I only see one problem with this patch.
The peeps who like to specialise are screwed. Like say you had the Deliverer cert because you knew it was less popular than the Sunderer (just an example, I have NFI how popular Deliverer is right now). Now everyone with Sunderer will also have Deliverer, and in the situations where the deliverer actually seemed like a slightly better choice, your cert that made you special/different is now irrelevant with this patch.
I spose it also means that people who really only wanted to use one vehicle have to spend more now. When I played, I was an Infantryman and had Harasser cert just to get around. Now without checking the cert list I'm guessing that to get the Harasser cert now, I'd have to spend more.
This patch specifically benefits people who want to be all-rounders, whereas people who prefer to specialise are screwed. I reckon this could be easily fixed by keeping all the individual certifications, and causing the group ones to save you 2 certs maximum.
That I reckon everyone would be happy. :P
2003-11-27, 06:03 PM
it doen't beifit me, i'm an all-rounder but it screws me becasue i can't get my skeeter any more. I think the only way htis would be good is if they forced you to chose a role or perhaps two of 3(like Wolfenstien EE)and you had to stick to cerian parameters within that role IE you can be a Special Ops, you could go for cloaking or sniping
Actually not really, because all of the vehicle groupings are for specialists in that particular type of vehicle. It simply gives them more options. With your deliverer example there, more people currently have the deliverer instead of the sunderer because the deliver is a guaranteed ride, and doesn't require a tech plant. Therefore they are giving you a guaranteed APC, and the possibility to have the uber APC when you have the tech link.
Air cavalry is the same thing, the only exceptions are the Scout, Assault Buggy, and Armored Assault certs. Personally I think they would be better off grouped as two certs:
Assault Buggy: Harasser, Empire Heavy Buggy and Skyguard.
Armored Assault: Lightning, Empire Tank, Flail
I am guessing they chose not to go this way as it would have probably unbalanced things unless they bumped the Armored Assault up to 4 certs, which in turn would have pissed more people off because lightning, prowler and flail drivers (some of the most popular vehicle choices) would have had to dish out an extra point. Ah well!
2003-11-27, 06:18 PM
Alright lets see
Nothing to do with anything. Just because somebody likes green eggs, they should not be forced to have ham with it when they could get fries or a soda instead.
The cost of the vehicles is only going up for harasser and mosquito. Before they could have green eggs and ham, fries or a soda, now they can have green eggs and ham AND fries or a soda.
There affectively changing the numbers to get everything and it squeezes out stuff you could get before when it was based around individualizing your charcatre, like it should be. This removes the insentive for everyone who isnt just a mindless FPS player to play at all. And this game WAS NOT designed for FPS players!
You CAN'T get everything. Where the hell are people getting this stupid idea. Lumping the vehicles together will give SOME people a few extra cert points. The ones who were using 2 or more of the vehicles in those groups in the first place. This lets them pick up another weapon or support cert they wouldn't have had before.
No more depending on team members to do certain tasks when everyone else can do it.
We won't see full transports because everyone else will be able to drive one.
Guareentee well see more maxes than infantry in the game from now on
Why not? Not everybody is going to have every vehicle cert. This lumping together of certs isn't going to save very many people ANY points at all.
Who the hell is going to pick up the transport cert if they didn't have it before? Nobody, thats who! I'm willing to bet that 99% of the people who actually save cert points on this are going to pick up a new weapon or support cert.
Why? The ONLY people who are going to pick up that cert are the ones who ALREADY have 2 or 3 max certs. Somebody who didn't like maxs before isn't suddenly going to pick up the uni-max cert now that its buy 2 get one free. Thats idiotic.
Exactly! Although I can see more people picking up Transport cause it will only be 2 certs, and taking Air Support because you'll at least have something to do when there is no Dropship center around.
2003-11-27, 07:44 PM
I really can't wait to see what the result for this system is. If they're making it so that all certs in the groups cannot be purchaced individually, there's gonna be a major shitstorm.
2003-11-27, 08:20 PM
In case you havent noticed, there are more maxes than infantry currently, its insane.
Why wont you see transports? For 2 certs, everyone and theyre grandmother should have a sund or deliv, and if ur in a squad pick one person to use it!
The devs will not nerf maxes...and 5 certs is still a lot to waste on maxes...its basically a buy 2 get one free...Im only getting all 3 on my TR server because i have 2 already!
But i like the fact that ill be getting a gal and lodestar now, i got the lib. See? Ill be transporting my squad if necessary...
The point is, no, you wont be driving your outfit aruond because theyll all have it too and will be driving there own. As in everyone will be driving empty transport vehicles around everywhere in mass numbers. No transport, just stupid people.
Think about it this way. NC MAX can take 4 decimator hits I believe if using a full shield. Thus, they are the best for leading an assault. The VS MAXs are the most manueverable thus allowing them to flank the enemy and get rid of enemy defenses quicker, making them excellent for 'inside' jobs. The TR MAXs are the best defenders, hands down, and, they have the best splash damage out of all the MAXs allowing them to max out on their capabilities.
Isnt the amount of damage per shot the same as the armors/infantry instead of the vehicles. If its not thats the whole max damage issue. If you treat them as armor when you hit them with anti armor/infantry weapons they take damage liek a rexo and take less damage when hit by anti veh. Its sounds like the problem is there sying cause there getting hit by anti vehicle damage full blast instead of getting there non vehicle dedection to damage. Fixing that makes them still die decently to anti vehicles and still makes them and inbetween to armor/infantry and vehicles because it would still take some time to die from anti armor/infantry weapons which is waht they are?!?!?! There supposed to be 650 armor in comparison to the rexos 150 not tanks. Does anyone get my point. If they take damage like vehicles there ratios of armor is affectively 5 times less because there taking the same damage as a tank form the same weapons. If you make them take damage the same as armor/infantry htey work like armor, like they should and can actually last against the high powered anti veh weapons damage that has to be to take out tanks. The only hting that has to be done to fix them is make them armors/infantry when it comes to damage instead of vehicles.
Does anyone know what the letters RPG stand for and what that meant to this game?
I really doubt that will happen. What is more likely to happen, is the thankless driver's seat will be rotated around among squad members. "I'll drive to Thoth if you let me gun on our way to Mont."
2003-11-27, 08:24 PM
Pretty much. Most of the Gal pilots I know have lib also anyway.
2003-11-27, 08:34 PM
This is almost unrelated to this thread. For you mosquito pilots, what if they added a new air attack vehicle? The "Mockingbird" it would have a set speed, and afterburners would be used to slow it down (i forget what RL plane uses this system now, but I do know someone else posted it and said all air vehicles [in PS] should use this instead of just a new one). We could put it with the Air Calvary and make the Mossy part of the harrasser/lightning group.
I Hate Pants
2003-11-27, 11:26 PM
I still don't like the idea, and players will lose their individuality. I wish they only grouped up the transports and air support vehicles and leave everytihng else by itself. Especially ditch the unimax idea. Oh yeah and keep the atv and support vehicles grouped.
But hell. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens on the test server. You guys should be ready for the devs to make corrections though. As we all know the first releases of new content don't always seem to turn out for the best.
2003-11-27, 11:43 PM
[Edited-reason-wasn't thinking properly when I wrote the damn thing.]
Engineering roles should be upped. Engineers just are not appreciated enough. Neither are Medics, for that matter. So maybe throw Engineering and Medic together for 4 certs, and and Make Advanced Med and CE 1 cert point each, or throw them together for 2 certs. People who use both now will get a cert or two back, and people who only use one type will now get both for only one cert more. Plus, if they are Adv meds, then they will get CE for only one cert point more, the cert point it costed extra for both Eng and Med.
2003-11-28, 12:09 AM
Im holding judgment on this whole thing until I actually SEE it in action.
2003-11-28, 01:12 AM
Flammey, thats what the Uni-MAX cert will do, just without the complications of what your talking about.
2003-11-28, 02:11 AM
Yeah, I realize that. I meant that it is what they should have done in the first place. I also should have said that one MAX suit could hold different weapon type. Essentially like a soldier, you could switch weapons in the field. You'd have to carry both ammo types, and would have less to use of one type, if you want to be able to use the other weapon type. That's what I meant. My brain got all muffled, and I wrote something different. Essentially, what I want MAX's to be like is regular armor. You can choose your weapons. Except your weapons can only be the three MAX types, as your weapon hand has no hand, and can't carry anything. You attach and detach your weapon from a socket, which takes a few seconds. It's essentially like reloading. That brings up a question, Excepting the TR MAX's, as they already carry two weapons, why can't NC and VS MAX's carry a regular weapon in their other hand? They have fingers. Actually TR MAX's have fingers too, despite the fact that they are carrying dual weapons. Or at least I remember the DC having hands and fingers. My character waved at people often. No matter. These are just retorical questions. Not really needing answers. MAX's are fine the way they are.
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