View Full Version : My ideas.....

2003-11-27, 10:54 AM
I was just paying ps and thought up some cool ideas.

Duel Pistols
I know people are going to say that would be over powered but I have some ways to balence them.
1) Since you are using one hand for each gun they would be very inacurte.
2) Since you have to reload 2 pistols it would have a long reload time.

AT Jet.
It would look like the rest of the AT stuff. It would shoot some sort of laser wepon. Also it would have some sort of cloaking device. It would have just about no amor and very little wepon ammo.

:groovy: ....I had more but forgot them..... :doh: ......

2003-11-27, 11:58 AM
uhhh nice ideas i guess.....

2003-11-27, 12:02 PM
i had similar thoughts on the dual pistols after i saw a picture of a TR solider carrying dual repeaters, but you would need two pistol slots to carry two pistols (cloakers do enough damage by the time i kill them)

2003-11-27, 12:09 PM
I posted the dual-pistols idea on the Official Forums "Wishlist" section. A lot of people liked it, and a few didn't.

As a stealther, I only fire my pistol when a) I am discovered and need to cover my withdrawal, or b) when I am assassinating someone and can get the drop on them.

In real life, if I went to war and all I had was a pistol, and I had to use it... that would mean that my cover has been compromised and I am about to die. Or alternatively it likely means that the enemy has penetrated the main line of defense and that the REMFs are all about to die. Firing a pistol in combat is a purely last-ditch and defensive maneuver. During such times, if you are firing in two-handed mode, you are making a defensive stand (meaning drawing fire to yourself and you're gonna die anyway). There is no other reason to fire a pistol two handed, and firing on the run with two hands means you don't have as much balance and thus your aim is going to be shittier than if you were running and firing one-handed. Either way, the sheer point is that firing a pistol is mainly to lay down suppressive (covering) fire designed to allow you to survive a bit longer. I only fire pistols with one hand - not two... unless I'm at the range and have to fire two-handed.

So why not allow stealthers to have two pistol slots (one for each hand), so they can either fire two pistols at the same time (for more cover fire and a better chance at actually hitting and killing something) or fire a weapon and have a quick-draw slot for a REK?

2003-11-27, 12:30 PM
It depends what the duel pistol would be, if it would be an amp, inaccuarcy wouldn't bet a drawback because infils like to stick the gun up your ass before they pull the trigger.

2003-11-27, 12:58 PM
This game needs silencers.

2003-11-27, 05:20 PM
Ding ding ding! It sure does, great idea!

2003-11-27, 08:56 PM
Dual spikers. Kiss your ass goodbye, thats almost HA weapon. I like.

2003-11-27, 09:51 PM
Dual pistol is a good and simple implementation IMO. You have the natural restriction of needing the Rexo which gives it more use and further refines hte role of the Agile. (only for people with enough weapons slots and enough with small enough weapons)

and yea you could just literally double or add hte weapons reload time literally. No change just a Program to auto do them one after the other. or jsut a command button to do htem on after the other incase you wnat to holster and use one quicker which is even better, adds more gameplay styles, and is easier. thats with the weapons you have would be damn fun.

Wait the agile has two basic slots though. hmm. oh wel that means you could had medium assault rifle sized weapons to the mix with Rexo users with grossly inaccurate cof changes or pistols with ones that arent quite as bad or something.
Or even make it a cert to boot.

Maybe not. i dont know.?????!!!!!! If the Cof change was enough it would be fine and fit in very well no matter what but if its not enough it can screw up the game. but thats hte easiest balance change in the game so thats a good idea. ^^

And to give CC weapons a boost. You could say htey can all do it because they have more things holding htem to your arms.(if you have hte weapons slots) :brow: but for non CC nothing over MA.

2003-11-27, 10:45 PM
I suppose you could just reverse the model/animation of the right arm, and just drop an arm when u reload.

2003-11-27, 11:21 PM
A Spiker is deadly enough in one hand. 2 Spikers would be WAYYYY over-balanced. Considering how fast they fire, and how much damage they do if you continuously fire them. They do way more damage if you do continuously fire them then if you hold for a second and charge to max damage. This is taking into account Rate-of-fire plus damage. Of course, it doesn't count if the target is moving. Dual wield would work something like the Dual-Cycler MAX, how the fire crosses about 20 feet in front. To get full effect of a DC MAX you have to be standing in front of your target, otherwise the slugs from one of your arms is simply missing and going past.

2003-11-28, 12:12 AM
I think we need a whole forum on new ideas for PlanetSide. Don't you?

Well, anyway, I like the idea of two pistols. Of coarse, what I think what we all want is an REK that deals out SMALL AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE! Or, a pistol that doubles as an REK...

2003-11-28, 12:45 AM
A Spiker is deadly enough in one hand. 2 Spikers would be WAYYYY over-balanced. Considering how fast they fire, and how much damage they do if you continuously fire them. They do way more damage if you do continuously fire them then if you hold for a second and charge to max damage. This is taking into account Rate-of-fire plus damage. Of course, it doesn't count if the target is moving. Dual wield would work something like the Dual-Cycler MAX, how the fire crosses about 20 feet in front. To get full effect of a DC MAX you have to be standing in front of your target, otherwise the slugs from one of your arms is simply missing and going past.

Doesnt the inability to reload CC take care of that as an issue if used for anything but base defense. I thought since this would make you wnat to fire more and the need to go all the way back to a base to reload(if thats not the case how do you?) would deal with any balance issues. And since making it not just blow yoru ammo would incure moderat increase in skill, especially since it would have worse COF and Bloom. Especially if its a much worse Cof. Possibly almost twice what it was already. if they dont learn to atleast moderatly aim better there not getting any benefit out of it because of ammo usage, even possibly if there was the same COF.

And if you make it a cert thing, with the natural poblem of having ot have an armor with two rifle slots? How bad could it be. How much harder would it be to dodge if there just aiming straight ahead with both guns at the same COF target.

Just had a thought. What if you cnat reload with a two weapons out. You have ot put one away, reload, and fire one, or switch to reload, to use htem both again.