View Full Version : RAM! questions!
2003-11-27, 06:20 PM
I got 512Mb pc2700 RAM how big a diffrence (FPS) does it make if i get 512more?
I'm thinking 'bout upgrading bits and pieces of my pc, something like a P4 2.8GHz. is it worth spending money on faster ram, like pc3200??? even if i got a Gb pc2700!?
2003-11-27, 06:32 PM
if you get a p4 800mhz FSB yes it is worth it because a P4 makes much better useage of memory bandwith. And if you were to use that memory with the P4 it would be out of sink with the FSB so it would lead to preformance losses. rember you will ne a new Mobo to if you get a p4.
2003-11-27, 06:49 PM
ehh.... could u say that in noob'ish!?
i got some of that....
P4FSB800 + pc2700Ram = lower FPS than now?
P4FSB800 + pcfasterRam = empty wallet!?
2003-11-27, 06:50 PM
sure. new CPU i cant use the old Mobo, hehe...
2003-11-28, 06:08 PM
personally id just get a better AMD cpu like a 2500 + if your mobo can support it.
2003-11-28, 08:34 PM
id go for the 3000+ heh, i guess im a bit biased though :)
Edit: You will notice a fairly big boost in performance with another 512mb stick
2003-11-29, 12:29 AM
well if you mostly game worry about the gfx card first. the rest dont mean shit compared to that.
2003-11-29, 12:38 AM
NO the graphis card is nothing if you have a crappy system, i should know, this card runs very well in 3dmark and other mostly Card based test but in CPU, Memory bandwith, and HDD benches it can't hold its own. But it aslo works the other way, if you have the ultimate sytem and a ATI Rage Fury Maxx you will get screwed too. The best hing to do is choose a price range and pick products that fit in, then take whatever is left over and upgrade the things that you can.
oh and i'm fixing my comps problems, having learned my lesson, geting memory, an Audigy card, 2 Raptor Hd's and a new processor within a year, thankyou gods of good fortune.
2003-11-29, 03:18 PM
which dont play as big a factor in gaming. look if your cpu is meeting the minimum requirments then the gfx card is where its at. now depending on how much ram you have your load times in games will vary but all in all your FPS and determined mostly by the gfx card.
2003-11-29, 03:23 PM
I would bet that if you used a p3 1 ghz like the min requirements say with a rady 9800xt you would get max of 20 fps in PS.
2003-11-29, 08:11 PM
rbstr OMA knows what hes talking about.
BTW oma r u coming back to PS? Agent might come back and pytagoras and sp00t r back!
2003-11-29, 10:35 PM
man your right in UT 2003 I'd only get 98 fps and only 132 in QIII definatly not playable... :rolleyes:
now I dont know what they would be in PS I'd imagine much lower because PS is a friggen hog. even the top machines dont make it fly.
I got my info from
and yes the numbers go up dramaticlly but im sure he's not running an old PIII 1ghz.... so invest in that gfx card. (unless you only play PS, then you need to jsut buy a whole new computer :p)
2003-11-29, 11:19 PM
The p3 1ghz get 1/3 of what the p4 3.06 gets, i don't see how that proves a point
2003-12-01, 03:13 AM
yea and were not talking about maknig that kind of jump here. he wants to go from a 2100 to a 2.8 intel or somthing... not that big of a difference. (excluding the QIII chart because that game has no bearing anymore)
ofcourse all tihs is really a moot point because he already has a kick ass gfx card.
but I still stand that spending 300 bucks on a 9800 pro is better than spending 300+ bucks on a 2.8 intel set up.
2003-12-01, 07:35 AM
which dont play as big a factor in gaming. look if your cpu is meeting the minimum requirments then the gfx card is where its at. now depending on how much ram you have your load times in games will vary but all in all your FPS and determined mostly by the gfx card.
The most important factor period in a computer is RAM. YOu have to take some consideration for other things but the most influential is bassically RAM! 8) as a basic guideline for looking at a computer. ;) Once you know that well enough then you look at Proccesor speed etc!
And OMA, if his card has as much memory as his comp ITS NOT A GOOD THING!
2003-12-01, 10:56 AM
I wouldn't say the most important part of a computer is the memory. Over the years dealing with hundreds of mbs and all kinds of issues, a quality mb makes all the difference. As far as performance importance goes though, I'd put the HD "quality" above Ram "quality." Quantity is a different story though.
Also PS wasn't all that CPU dependant back around beta... now the game actually runs about 10x worse than then either from graphic updates/cc, and server lag and over population that you truly need every single ouce of PC horsepower you can get. The game was easily playable on a 1ghz cpu with a decent video card then... now it would crawl.
As for original poster - Get the 2nd 512 stick of pc2700, and get a new AMD cpu. As high as your mb will support. This is prolly a $150 or less upgrade and should show a very very nice improvement.
Now spending about $500-550 or more on a new P4 mb/cpu and memory... you'll see a little more speed... but not huge, not even really big. Just b/c there is no such thing as a HUGE improvement when it comes to PS. Truly you can have a 4-8k setup and this game still bogs the .... down. So why bother.
2003-12-01, 02:37 PM
i dunno, if you have enough memory as to where page swapping (or whatever its called when it starts using your HD) never occours then your good to go. i still say if you have a decent cpu/ memory setup then spend the moeny on the gfx card.
2003-12-01, 04:04 PM
Yea, but if you have a crappy mb, with crappy memory controllers and disk controllers and bus's, then no matter how much you spend on cpu, ram, or video card will mean jack crap.
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