View Full Version : The game really is different(better) now.
2003-11-30, 09:39 AM
I just came back and am pleasantly surprised. I originally played for a couple of months after it first came out.
Combat really feels different now. I think its part that changes made to the game, part that people learned how to play.
-Fights are real battles now. 2 armies meeting trying to flank each other often.
-Air support is being used in a better way. Its often working in conjunction with the ground, safer for both.
-Armor is being used as mobile artilery more.
Also the FPS is greatly improved.
On interesting thing I have observed is the genneral differnce in the way NC and TR fight due to the difference in thier weapons.
NC seems to attack with Bolt drivers and Phonix from a distance letting tanks do all the mid range work. Then they rush in using Jackhammer when they think they have bkoke the enemy.
TR tend to use their chain guns all around and push steadily in on a target, using tanks as steady support.
Vanu are still addicted to their poorly designed lawn mowers of death.
2003-11-30, 10:00 AM
Finally! A positive post! :clap: :clap:
2003-11-30, 10:14 AM
Vanu are still addicted to their poorly designed lawn mowers of death.
Only now, the drivers are the ones who die because they nerfed the magrider so badly...
2003-11-30, 10:17 AM
Hey some of those lawnmowers of death (Thresher) are useful. Nobody really sees a thresher on the battlefield and they don't know what that noise is until they are under its front bumper :) .
2003-11-30, 10:48 AM
I was out of PS for a couple months and I really don't notice any difference. Some of the vehicles operate differently, and the weapons are different in some respects (Striker sucks), but otherwise the tempo of the game is pretty much identical. Even the LLU hasn't changed things much.
2003-11-30, 11:09 AM
Oh the other thing.
Way more exp for quality kills is nice. Im not sure how its caculated but hunting down the loners and small teams flanking you pays a lot more than it used.
The the guys dying 1 minute after spawn over and over in base defense are not worth near as much.
2003-11-30, 12:12 PM
what do you mean striker sucks?! i shot down a reaver with it just using 3 shots!
2003-11-30, 12:25 PM
Vanu are still addicted to their poorly designed lawn mowers of death.
i couldnt phrase it better myself.
2003-11-30, 12:50 PM
what do you mean striker sucks?! i shot down a reaver with it just using 3 shots!
Are you sure it was at full health?
2003-11-30, 02:22 PM
Vanu are still addicted to their poorly designed lawn mowers of death.
Honestly I have been seeing ALOT of Vanu MAXs lately, about 8 out of 10 attacking VS are MAXs, but I write fear across their armor with the decimator. :D
And speaking of the Thresher, that is one of my favorite land vehicles in the game, it's fast and agile over almost any kind of terrain and has a nice powerful gun.
2003-11-30, 03:14 PM
Oddly enough, the Vanu have the best MAXs. Comet can kill another MAX with a full clip, Starfire is deadly to air, armor AND infantry, and the Quasar just bitch slaps infantry and is decent against armor and air.
2003-11-30, 03:25 PM
I agree with the original poster that the game is both much better ballanced than it used to be, as well as more fun and tighter (less bugs, FPS..etc).
As far as the Magrider is concerned, those tanks are as lethal as ever. The direct fire benifit of the main gun cannot be ignored. On my NC char, I play as a Liberator pilot in Gunship mode (no bomber or gunner, 600 35mm rounds) and the Magrider is the only vehicle that stands a snowballs chance in hell against me. Reavers are fodder, Mossys are even faster fodder, AA MAXs useless, turrets usless, lightnings usless, heavy tanks usless, empire buggies usless. No vehicle in the game except for the Skyguard and Magrider can stand toe to toe with a Liberator in Gunship mode. Even skyguards get owned if you get the jump on them. The liberator has so much armor, you can go one-on-one with anything and win....except a Magrider
The Magrider is the only tank that is effective AA and effective AV. Quite nice versatility if you ask me
2003-11-30, 03:45 PM
I was playing a a TR the other day and a lib was bombing us to hell, so i grabed a burster and layed wast to it in one clip of lockdown, then another in "gunship mode" got pwned by my leet burster skillz! (ok more luky then leet but, you know)
2003-11-30, 04:48 PM
You are right about the Vanu maxes.
I am seeing alot of players use them to nice effect. Their mobility has me running from them more than TR.
2003-11-30, 05:14 PM
Vanu MAXs are much better. They are my favorite. My vanu character on Konried just has all MAX certs and doesn't use anything else.
2003-11-30, 05:48 PM
what do you mean striker sucks?! i shot down a reaver with it just using 3 shots!
Even before the nerf you couldn't kill a Reaver at full health with 3 Striker rounds (took 5 if I remember correctly). So obviously the Reaver you killed was badly damaged.
2003-11-30, 09:44 PM
Oddly enough, the Vanu have the best MAXs. Comet can kill another MAX with a full clip, Starfire is deadly to air, armor AND infantry, and the Quasar just bitch slaps infantry and is decent against armor and air.
Also THAT DAMN BURSTER MAX kicks ass WAY too much its almost better then the pounder to infantry and I think it the MOST OVER POWERED MAX IN THE GAME!! It tears through just about anything at an alarming rate.
The should nerfe it back to what it originally was just good at shooting down aircraft.
2003-11-30, 10:03 PM
I concur, the game is much better than it was 2 months ago.
2003-11-30, 10:03 PM
people are also smarter now
2003-11-30, 10:06 PM
Keep in mind that when people use bursters to kill infantry the grief is insane The radius for Burster explosions at close range is about equal to the size of a tower spawn room. It doesnt do hardly any damage on the outside edges but it sure does accumulate grief wicked fast
2003-12-01, 12:26 AM
Vanu MAXs are mathematically and tactically superior. The devs have made it so for cryptic reasons, and change is always a possibility.
The Striker as an infantry AA weapon isn't worth the credits. Decimator is fine at killing aircraft too, and it utterly owns MAXs to boot. Striker is, in scientific terms, junk.
Don't even get me going on the MagRider. I have to watch my blood pressure.
Yes, PlanetSide is even better. I would say it's the best online combat game. It will be all the sweeter when the rebels are back under the lawful dominion of the mighty Terran Republic. Loyalty Until Death!
2003-12-01, 12:50 AM
agreed, PS is much better than back in the day, sony needs to reactivate everyones old accounts and let them play for 7 days, send out a email or something, i know E&B does it all the damned time, and so does EQ. PS should too.
and Vanu are my favorite max, as soon as thetyre under attack, alot of them like to fly into the air, making them hard as hell to hit, but easy prey for strikers and pheonixs
2003-12-01, 02:57 AM
No comment.
Which in itself is a comment.
No comment on the comment thing either.
2003-12-01, 03:27 AM
agreed, PS is much better than back in the day, sony needs to reactivate everyones old accounts and let them play for 7 days, send out a email or something, i know E&B does it all the damned time, and so does EQ. PS should too.
and Vanu are my favorite max, as soon as thetyre under attack, alot of them like to fly into the air, making them hard as hell to hit, but easy prey for strikers and pheonixs
If i remember right i think they did reactivate old accounts.
2003-12-01, 04:13 AM
PlanetSide falls into the 'dangerously fun' category. It's pretty easy to spend waaaay too much time playing it. Ever notice how you can look up from your screen and see that several hours passed in the blink of an eye? Time flies... Is it possible that PS is too much fun? Nah. One thing is for sure though, it generates emotion among its player base, for better or for worse. That's a sign of quality.
2003-12-01, 06:35 AM
Why do i keep hearing about people saying so much about how a weapon is to overpowering. Why dont people start acting like an army and just get more of a weapon to counter stuff. Thats half of hte game. Not everything should be able to go up against everything evenly. Many things should do very poorly against many things!
I swear this game is 2 inches form having everyweapons being equaly capable of kiling everything as everthing else. thats waht destroys game balance.
2003-12-01, 07:31 AM
Why do i keep hearing about people saying so much about how a weapon is to overpowering. Why dont people start acting like an army and just get more of a weapon to counter stuff. Thats half of hte game. Not everything should be able to go up against everything evenly. Many things should do very poorly against many things!
I swear this game is 2 inches form having everyweapons being equaly capable of kiling everything as everthing else. thats waht destroys game balance.
Using that logic, why do we have such a varieity of weapons? After all, you seem to be OK with having "many things which do very poorly against many things", so why not crop all the crappy weapons and vehicles and just stick with the few things that do well against many things? That sounds like a good game design strategy, doesn't it?
2003-12-01, 11:20 AM
Honestly I have been seeing ALOT of Vanu MAXs lately, about 8 out of 10 attacking VS are MAXs, but I write fear across their armor with the decimator. :D
lol i LOVE seeing MAXes when im gunning in my vanguard. when ever i see a VS MAX jump in the air i literally say to my driver over ventrilo "im just going to wait till he lands" and as soon as his feet hit the ground KABOOM!!!! 150mm tank round at his heels.
i esspecially love the ones who jump into trees thinking i cant hit them i just tell my buddy to drive up a little and smack them with a 150mm round right in the chest.
VS MAXes dont seem to run into to many vanguard gunners with good aim.
2003-12-01, 11:34 AM
PS = Better now than about 2 months ago. Meh see teh Vanu MAXes and meh runs. Quaser = Deadly
2003-12-01, 11:44 AM
I was feeling a bit down the last couple of weeks. With each patch the devs were killing my FPS more and more. I upgraded over the weekend and now I'm getting 75 - 100 FPS in even massive battles. I hate having to upgrade for a game which used to run just fine, but right now PS is the best thing going. With the thanksgiving day sales, I picked-up everything for under $100.
With the new video card, I played for 8 hours last night and enjoyed every minute of it. No longer am I dieing to things I don't even see. The only drawback is the number of hate tells is back up again.
Oh, btw.
ATI9600-256 + HeatPipe Cooler + Omega Drivers + OC'd to hell = teh win
2003-12-01, 12:04 PM
LOL magmowers of death.....try driving one of those bitchs.....NO BRAKES WHATSOEVER! even if we wanted to stop from running people over, WE CANT!
2003-12-01, 02:30 PM
LOL magmowers of death.....try driving one of those bitchs.....NO BRAKES WHATSOEVER! even if we wanted to stop from running people over, WE CANT!
This is true, and it doesn't have a ton of armor. I hate going against the TR for the sole reason they have strikers. Now you may think they suck but since half of the TR have them, all I hear is BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP when driving.
And I see no one driving a mag around anymore without a gunner like you used to see. The only time I drive without one is when I am going to pick someone up at a tower or something. I hardly ever mow and just wail away with the main cannon because they die quicker if you let your main gunner smack em around a bit with the main gun. Mowing is a lot harder now since you lose speed on every hill. You have to be going full speed to mow anything. I don't think mowing is as big of a problem as it was months ago. Of course, AMS mowing was also big back then.
2003-12-01, 04:38 PM
Heheh. The striker is a TR's best friend. Seriously, NC and Vanu especially are very vehicle heavy and the pounder doesn't work so great against vehicles anymore. Therefore, everybody and their monkey has a striker or a deci.
Vis Armata
2003-12-01, 04:43 PM
PS is much improved from release. Now to boost populations...
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