View Full Version : HA = 9 certs?
Will it? If Re eXo becomes required to get HA.
Re eXo--= 3
MA------= 2
HA------= 4
too much! 9
I think Re eXo should be 2, I think almost everybody uses it. I don't know if HA should go down to 3 though. :(
2003-12-02, 01:53 AM
Just kidding dude. Yeah, if they were to make the Reinforced Exosuit a prerequisite of Heavy Assault, you would have to spend 9 certification points in total to use Heavy Assault weapons.
2003-12-02, 01:55 AM
why is this bad? for vets, i can understand. but it keeps little newbie hands outfit dangerous weapons. they would have to actually get SOME field experiance before going for the big guns.
Wow, I never thought about it that way. YES! Great idea SOE!
Yes, bow down to me. I will solve all math problems, no matter how irrelavent!
2003-12-02, 02:05 AM
Yes, bow down to me. I will solve all math problems, no matter how irrelavent!
2003-12-02, 02:52 AM
why is this bad? for vets, i can understand. but it keeps little newbie hands outfit dangerous weapons. they would have to actually get SOME field experiance before going for the big guns.
Well, if they do that then HA will be the ONLY thing players straight out of VR training can't get their "newbie hands" on. I think reavers, heavy tanks, MAX Units, ect. are "big guns" too... so why pick on HA?
Anyway, I have no problem with someone brand new getting anything he/she wants to specialize in. The way the game currently works is that experience and BR give you more options... not more raw power.
This way new players can hang and are encouraged to continue playing. 7-day trial players who show up and get owned contunually because they don't have access the better gear might just leave. I want more new players not less...
2003-12-02, 03:46 AM
Haha thats a great idea i hate HA anyway and think it should be abolished but i know thats not gonna happen, so this could be the next best thing for all us HA haters
2003-12-02, 03:48 AM
Haha thats a great idea i hate HA anyway and think it should be abolished but i know thats not gonna happen, so this could be the next best thing for all us HA haters
thats a lot coming from an NC (no offence intended) a lot of NC LOVE HA because of the Jackhammer
That would suck I would hate that so much.
2003-12-02, 10:56 AM
Bad idea. I don't think I would continue playing if they make Rexo a requirement for HA. The game is already too slow let alone confining me to Rexo armor. Just not worth it when UT2K4 is around the corner. I hope SOE realizes they are catering to a lot of different types of gamers and not every one has a problem with surge and HA.
2003-12-02, 11:37 AM
I agree that changing the certs for HA could make a lot of people unhappy. If SOE is really convinced the surge/ja combo is overpowered (I'm not saying it is or isn't), then they should look at it separately.
I think 4 certs for HA is enough of a cost.
2003-12-02, 12:14 PM
nope dont like that idea at all. I just ditched reinforced because i realized that especially in a tower fight, surging in agile is much more effective. You'd be suprrised I got 10 max kills in one tower fight by surging with a decimator. My loadout now is an MCG three ammo boxes and 2 decis, also i ahve one with a sniper rifle and an MCG, thumper/deci, rocklet/deci and a few others that are just variations. I love my MCG so if they make rexo a prerequisite i will not be happy.
2003-12-02, 12:22 PM
Considering all they need to do is just tweak the system already in place for Surging (Stamina), there is no reason whatsoever to take away Heavy assault from Agile and Standard vests. It just needs to drain your stamina much faster in those vests to attempt surging with Heavy assault equipped
2003-12-02, 12:41 PM
doesnt surging stamina drain faster when weilding a weapon?
I Hate Pants
2003-12-02, 12:54 PM
AWWWW! Poor babies.Whats the matter? Can't stand the thought of not being able mow down other players without your HA weapons? Try using MA weapons like all us skilled players. I prefer to work for my kills thank you very much.
Nothing more staisfying then killing 3 JH n00bs with a cycler! :twisted:
2003-12-02, 01:15 PM
nope dont like that idea at all. I just ditched reinforced because i realized that especially in a tower fight, surging in agile is much more effective. You'd be suprrised I got 10 max kills in one tower fight by surging with a decimator. My loadout now is an MCG three ammo boxes and 2 decis, also i ahve one with a sniper rifle and an MCG, thumper/deci, rocklet/deci and a few others that are just variations. I love my MCG so if they make rexo a prerequisite i will not be happy.
thats becaues your the warpy bitch that everyone is complaining about ;). Probably not as bad as the people that do warp on purpose. I am not disclosing here how to do it but that is the reason why surge is being fixed. You got rid of Reinf Exo because it was easier, ie: takes a lot less skill to own people that barely know your there. C'mon why use skill to kill when it takes less to be cheesy?
I believe both options that sony has need to happen. Surge was intended as a quick escape used mainly by infiltrators...not as a means of a quick attack. No weapons out while surging(even though surge will still help you JH people to get close) will cause people like Kik to actually go back to the intended way to own people(requiring some sort of skill).
Reinf + HA needs to happen as well. It will severely lower the number of players that use it and if not at least force the n00bs that were to get it right off the bat to get some field experience before they can get it.
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 01:20 PM
AWWWW! Poor babies.Whats the matter? Can't stand the thought of not being able mow down other players without your HA weapons? Try using MA weapons like all us skilled players. I prefer to work for my kills thank you very much.
Nothing more staisfying then killing 3 JH n00bs with a cycler! :twisted:
Wow. This is one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read. I'm not going to bother with much of a flame, other than to say, your opinion means little, based on your br and total kills.
On to the topic. Requiring rexo for HA would be another nail in the coffin for this game. Yes, many, many people hate surging-agile-HA users. But this would be a very dramatic change that is not necessary to fix the issue. Too many people don't like rexo, and may or may not even use surge with their HA. It would piss off alot of people, and that's the last thing this game needs. I think SOE and the community needs to reserve judgement on this until after the warping fix goes live. Let's see if it helps out enough, then talk about further steps necessary. If it comes to it, I hope the only surge nerf is minimal, as any nerf of any kind is inherently evil, and only promotes frustration and hurts the game.
2003-12-02, 02:11 PM
Damn i hope they implement a rexo req for HA, would be so nice.
2003-12-03, 03:51 AM
Doesn't bother me. I already have this combo paid for
Happy lil Elf
2003-12-03, 02:28 PM
AWWWW! Poor babies.Whats the matter? Can't stand the thought of not being able mow down other players without your HA weapons? Try using MA weapons like all us skilled players. I prefer to work for my kills thank you very much.How appropriate that this:
Hmmmm... whats this burning sensation im getting? Ah yes! The flames are coming!is in your sig.
Gee, I wonder why you'd ever get flamed. Jackass.
2003-12-03, 02:53 PM
It just cracks me up that people feel that HA should cost more then a tank. I am a surge user (i dont have HA never liked it much) and personaly dont want to see it going away, it's too handy just for getting around. In other news I whould like to see Reinforced go down in price as it's also pretty much a requirement for antivehicle.
2003-12-03, 04:40 PM
you now what i don't care becaue i already have Reinforced, but i droped the JH i need those 4 certs badly
Come off it Sony, HA isn't even worth the 4 certs it costs now! Sure it has the highest time-to-kill of all weapons, but to counter-balance that it is severely gimped so that it is only usable at short range. Making Re-Exo a prerequisite would not only be unfair, it would make absolutely no sense. What other weapon has a suit of armor as a pre-req? What a lame idea that was.
If they can't fix the cheats, then I suppose making you put your weapon away before surging is about the only sane thing they can do. Making a ridiculous set of prerequisites for one lousy shotgun/chaingun/whatever would alienate too many people, and wtf are they thinking shutting down servers and thinking they can nerf everyone's favourite weapons?
HA is lame, get rid of it.
Do you say that because you think are so skilled with Medium Assault, that anyone with Heavy is a n00b? If you are so skilled, keep killing HA users and gloat amongst yourselves. :p
2003-12-03, 06:50 PM
It's really not fair to lable all Heavy Assault users n00bs, even if some of them are. While triple-barreled shotguns, energy rifles, and chainguns may be atrractive to a lot of n00bs, so are flying gunships, massive tanks, and invisibility suits. A good deal of players, be they VS, NC, or TR, use HA: not because they are n00bs, but because HA weapons have a purpose that they fulfill well: high-cost, close range weapons that are among the most destructive in the game. Generalizing like some of you are is just as ridiculous as labelling all infiltrators as cowardly, unskilled players.
HA weapons are to easy to use, anyone can pick it up and kill people, which sucks.
When you give it to a good player it is overpowered...
Bullshit! HA is not *easy* to use. Jackhammer requires consistent aim and timing to do any damage. MCG requires good aim, limited mobility and CoF control. Lasher requires skill to lead your target appropriately, it takes CoF control, and is still slower to kill than the other HA weapons.
Let us look at the Medium Assault weapons. Sweeper reauires good aim and timing to do any damage, takes 1 or 2 more shells to kill than a Jackhammer. Punisher requires CoF control, and a miracle from God to kill a full health enemy. Cycler, Pulsar and Gauss all require CoF control (which often means limited mobility), and only take a few extra bullets to get the take down.
Meh. People will complain about anything if it kills them enough times.
PS: Having new players log on and start getting kills is a good thing, last time I checked. Or are you dreaming of the day when all 3 servers are merged together and the largest outfit left in the game has 20 guys in it?
No, those are things that you do to be good.
A 7day trial guy can hold fire down and kill some guys, have you not seen those spam whores?
2003-12-03, 10:57 PM
I'll say it again, How about we give everyone Bows and arrows, the TR can be the Indians, the NC can be the Americans, and the VS can be the British. We'll run around shooting each other with arrows.
2003-12-03, 11:14 PM
This would be horrible, I doubt Sony is stupid enough to do this. Heavy Assault is already requires the most cert points out of every certification in this game.
I personally think HA is overused. Think about it, HA. You would think that not every other fucking guy out there would have it
2003-12-04, 01:18 AM
i dont use HA because of the all hate tells i get saying to use a weapon that uses "skill"... so i kill them with my knife in agile no surge, and i STILL get the hate tells saying i cheat and shit, so i think nerfing HA outta the game is good
2003-12-04, 09:12 AM
I think this is a great idea. Especially for NC. Think about it. You wouldn't be able to get HA until your, BR 6 I think. That basically means no more noobhammer. I love the idea. This combined with surge + weapon = no is very good.
infinite loop
2003-12-04, 11:53 AM
No, those are things that you do to be good.
A 7day trial guy can hold fire down and kill some guys, have you not seen those spam whores?
I fail to see why this is a bad thing. The devs even changed the xp system to reward more for kills. At it's core, this game is about racking up kills. The HA weapons are more effective at killing at close range than other weapons. Add those two reasons with the fact that getting kills in the game is alot of fun, and you see why there are alot of HA users, even 7-day trial players. If it's fun to use, wouldn't you want those n00bs to have access to it right away? I want them to get hooked and sign up, not get pissed that they can't kill shit with their br5 char. This game is about having fun, and requiring 9 cert points for HA is anti-fun. If you guys can't see that this would be horrible for the game, then your logic is fubar.
2003-12-04, 11:57 AM
I'm actually in the ditch all HA camp.
MA is more effective in the open field, but to be honest, that is where vehicles rule, indoors it's all HA and MAX love... I haven't used HA in a very long time, I'm actually certed out of MA ATM but with the tank hunters reforming I gotta get it back to get spec assault.
The thing is a giant battle where most everyone is using MA is a sight to behold. People in cover laying fire advacning slowly. It's the kinda thing that warms the heart. Throw 1/2 HA users in there and you get a whole bunch of guys rushing in to get to effective range, blowing a few rounds of ammo and dying. It was ok when everyone was low BR and HA was not that common but now most everone is at least BR 12 and if your infantry you got HA. It philisophicaly kills the tactics of the game.
That's just my opinion. If there is no ditching of HA then make it that you can't fire and move (or move at a dramatically reduced rate, like in Team Fortress) or even make the HA slightly longer ranged and deployable. But making REXO a prereq is not a solution... get inovative SOE. I believe in you!
2003-12-04, 12:07 PM
I personally think HA is overused. Think about it, HA. You would think that not every other fucking guy out there would have it
it is overused....and maybe if they make it worth 9 certs then it will be a little more scarce. It proves it here that a lot of people would not(could not) use it if this happened. There is suppose to be a variation of weapons used in this game but the majority of people use HA.
Actually, Heavy Assault is not all that common. According to Thottbot only about 33% of all players have it. The 3 certs that are more popular than HA are: Medium Assault (duh!) with 87% uptake, Reinforced Exosuit with 48%, and Engineering (suprised?) with 46%. In fact, almost as many people have the basic Hacking cert as have Heavy Assault, with 32%.
So once again please, all you HA haters. But without the absurd exaggeration this time. :D
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